Keep young and beautiful: top anti-ageing tips

Like or not, science has yet to reach the stage where it can prevent us all from ageing. And yet, leveraging the best and most appropriate of what science has to offer, we can at least do our best at slowing down the ageing process of our bodies.

Now, of course, there’s been a lot of misinformation, mythology and, frankly, outright lying over the years here, but research studies have proved that, by consuming and using the right combination of nutrients, we can do much to help our bodies remain as healthy, fit and young-looking as possible. And, in this article, we’re going to take a look at a few of them…

Adopt a nutritious diet

Like it or not, as we start to age it becomes increasingly important that what we put in our bodies is genuinely good for them. That means adopting and maintaining a richly nutritious diet; one that’s packed full of the alphabet of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E and K). And protein too – especially organic protein, if possible – because protein is necessary for maintaining good energy levels, strong muscles and healthy skin that looks as youthful as it might.

It should go without saying that seeking out foods that contain these many nutrients ought to replace bad eating habits in a diet. That is, processed foods packed full of refined sugars and unnatural chemicals; the sorts of foods whose inorganic toxins become harder and harder for your body to remove and excrete.

Treat your body right

Away from a sensible, healthy diet, though, what else can you do to try to hold back the ageing process for as long as possible? Well, there’s much to be said for what’s often referred to nowadays as ‘wellness’. As a phrase and when it’s sold, it can sound airy-fairy and gimmicky, but dial down into what it is and it suddenly becomes far more practical. It’s all about a healthy, seize-life state-of-mind translated into behaviour – positive, optimistic, ‘youthful’ thinking; yet being sensible along with it, so you treat your mind and body right.

That means engaging in appropriate amounts of regular exercise to help keep your heart and your body, in general, in good trim; as well as keeping your brain sharp. Such exercise boosts the body’s oxygen levels too, which can aid in reducing stress. Sleep hygiene’s also important; getting enough good sleep – and even the occasional nap. Research suggests that those of a certain age, having indulged in naps, do better in memory tests and enjoy improved motor skills.

What works for wrinkle-free skin?

You might not be surprised to learn there’s no silver bullet for keeping your skin healthy- and young-looking. What it may work, as with everything concerning anti-ageing, is a combination of things. Age is demonstrated obviously by our skin, especially on the face (e.g. wrinkles and crow’s feet); tell-tale signs that one’s skin simply isn’t as naturally moisturised as it once was.

But you can give it a helping hand via good diet and lots of rest and sleep – and, yes, as stress-free living as possible. Yet don’t rule out lotions and creams either; at least, those that can genuinely aid skin rejuvenation via their organic, naturally-occurring ingredients.

For instance, of all skincare products, topical Vitamin C comes highly recommended in successfully nourishing and protecting skin. The evidence? A three-month-long trial of topical Vitamin C showed an 84 percent improvement in skin smoothness and brightness in subjects who used it over those who didn’t. That said, there are other, entirely naturally-derived alternatives you may also want to try too (see below).

Give anti-ageing supplements a go

Improved diet and lifestyle and nutrient-rich skincare products will definitely set your body (and mind) on the road to healthy living and hopefully improved longevity, but frankly, why stop there? Why not pack the anti-ageing deck in your favour by also trying one or two totally naturally-sourced, organic supplements; supplements that have been developed to aid the body in eliminating age-stealing, disease-contributing toxins and boosting nutrition in its organs, cells and skin?

Here are just three such supplements from our ‘Anti-Ageing’ section that we strongly recommend you try…

Liposomal Carnosine – a powerful antioxidant that may support those wishing to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, as well as aid those of a certain age suffering from memory concerns.

Green Magma (Barley Grass Powder) – an alkalising powder that, rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and chlorophyll, may aid digestion and detoxification.

Aeterna Gold Collagen Crème Serum – containing a highly concentrated pure marine (non-shark) collagen, this cream seeks to help maintain plump and firm facial tissue; also comprises MSM and other plant extracts for supporting young- and healthy-looking skin.