All posts by Mark Lester

Threelac and Fivelac live bacteria number

Threelac vs. Fivelac

Threelac and FivelacPlease note these figures below are based on the amount of live bacteria at the end of the products shelf life (i.e. the expiry date). The manufacturers state that the amount of live bacteria at the point of manufacture is double that of the expiry date. Therefore the figures quoted below are minimum estimates of the number of live bacteria.

Ingredient Threelac Fivelac
Bacillus coagulans 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Bacillus subtillis 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Enterococcus Faecalis 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Bifidobacterium longum None 500 million CFU
Lactobcillus acidophilus None 500 million CFU

*  CFU = Colony Forming Units.


Why don’t they contain more zillion, billion live bacteria?

Those who think that the “critical” factor is the number of live bacteria, may notice that although not terrible, the number of live bacteria in both Threelac and Fivelac is not especially high compared with some products around the same price. Based on the great feedback we get for these products, I have come to the conclusion that the number of live bacteria is not the most critical factor in determining which product to go for. What is critical where it comes to probiotics to contain candida yeast overgrowth, is whether the strains therein are reasonably strongly anti-candidal. As probiotics re-produce with incredibly rapidity, this seems to be more important than the number of live bacteria per capsule or sachet. And in Threelac and Fivelac we have two of the more reliable products on the market.

The importance of Oxygen for Candida control.

Candida like a sluggish, oxygen deficient environment. We always recommend candida sufferers to use a liquid oxygen product as well as taking probiotics such as Threelac. In an ideal world there are usually additional products that we would suggest, but probiotics along with a liquid oxygen product are usually a bare minimum for a reasonably comprehensive approach. Unfortunately it is not possible to tell you which of the four liquid oxygen products we provide will work best for any single individual, because individual results vary.

A number of people report back to us that Threelac or Fivelac “didn’t work”. In some cases they genuinely need to try one of the other ones which we provide, as there is a degree of trial and error required with some people (the same may be said of probiotic and herbal supplements for candida). However in many, many cases upon further investigation, we find that the customer did not take it as per the instructions, took it when they could be bothered or did not take it at all. Clearly customers are underestimating the value of using probiotics and FLOODING the body with oxygen to control candida overgrowth. Tinkering with oxygen basically doesn’t do anything.

Other Probiotics for Candida Control

Of course different probiotic products work for different people. Apart from Threelac and Fivelac, other probiotics which we really like for candida sufferers include Bio-Kult Candea  – containing 7 different probiotic strains, plus garlic and grapefruit seed extract which are scientifically proven natural antifungals. These are also proven to be compatible with the probiotic bacteria in Bio-Kult Candea.

We also like Optibac Probiotics for Bowel Calm (the latter especially for those with a tendency to diarrhea, but those who tend to get constipated should proceed with caution). For Bowel Calm contains the unique strain, Saccharomyces boulardii – an internationally acclaimed probiotic that naturally helps to control candida overgrowth and support bowel control and function during episodes of diarrhea.

Finally…want to get a discount on your next order?

If you haven’t already done this, all you have to do is visit our Facebook page and click on the image at the top that says “Click Like to Reveal Exclusive Discount Code” (you will need a Facebook Account do do this). You can then use this discount code straight away, or whenever you place your next order. The discount code is limited to one use per customer. It has no time limit or expiry date, but we may not keep the discount opportunity open indefinitely. It can be used on any sized order, and it will work cumulatively with any volume discounts which are already available on the web site.

Wishing Good Health To All Our Valued Customers.

Mark G. Lester


– The Finchley Clinic Ltd – Visit our Facebook page here.


Oxy-Powder / Colosan / Mag 07 with food?

 Oxy-Powder / Colosan / Mag 07 to be taken on an empty stomach. Is it actually important?

Oxy-Powder Colosan and Mag 07
Oxy-Powder Colosan and Mag 07

The instructions for Colosan Oxy-Powder and Mag 07 all recommend taking these products on an empty stomach – either last thing at night, as far away from your evening meal as possible, or first thing in the morning. (Personally, I prefer to take it first thing in the morning, as soon as I get up).

Does Oxy-Powder etc really need to be taken on empty stomach?

The truth is that because we always recommend people to simply follow the instructions, and we assume the overwhelming majoity of customers do, we have never had any feedback from anyone who has ignored this.

This is something we would like to rectify. Surely, there must be some people who have ignored the instructions, willfully, accidentally, because they didn’t have time to wait before eating, because they forgot and so on.

If you are one of those people, I would like to hear from you, as I genuinely want to know what experiences you have using these products and following the empty stomach instructions compared with not following them. These are the specific questions I want to know the answers to.

Did it work anyway?

Did it work but less effectively?

Did it stop it from working altogether?

Were there any unpleasant effects experienced as a result of ignoring the empty stomach instructions?

As Oxy-Powder, Colosan and to a lesser extent Mag 07 are amongst our top selling products, I would really like to get to the bottom of this, both for my own benefit but also so I can advise customers in the future. Please use the comments box below if you are able to share any experiences you have in that regard.

Marny thanks

Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Lucuma & Xylitol: Natural sweeteners

How Xylitol and Lucuma can bring the sweetness back into your life.

It’s about 25 years since I was first familiarised with the notion of candida overgrowth syndrome. Sufferers had no choice but to avidly avoid sugar in all its forms, as sugar fed the candida. The only alternative to sugar was artificial sweeteners. They did not aggravate candida directly, but they did contribute indirectly because most naturopaths and natural health practitioners regarded them as extremely damaging to the immune and neurological system. So most people in the natural health field were implacably opposed to them, leaving candida sufferers who happened to like sweet food with no get out of jail card.

Enter Xylitol and Lucuma: Natural Alternatives to Sugar

Xylitol (Xylobrit brand)
Xylitol (Xylobrit brand)

First we’ll talk about Xylitol. The cheaper brands are derived from corn, and the very slightly dearer one we provide is derived from birch trees, which causes less problems for food allergy sufferers.

Technically Xylitol is a ‘sugar’, specifically a ‘sugar alcohol’. However the term ‘sugar alcohol’ is a little misleading in the sense that Xylitol is nothing like sugar.

First of all it will NOT feed candida. Candida cannot metabolise Xylitol. Some commentators have claimed it it not only doesn’t feed candida, it actually has anti fungal / anti-candidal properties. For many people Xylitol is a “miracle” food which makes the misery of candida a lot less miserable.

Secondly, it will not rot your teeth. In fact it protects them because of its anti-microbial action in the mouth, which means it helps prevent plaque. it also turned out that candida could not metabolise it.

Thirdly it does not unbalance blood sugar like regular sugar (actually Xylitol does have some degree of blood sugar raising activity, but has a much lower glycaemic index than sugar). 

Fourthly it contains around 40% less carlories. 

Xylitol looks like sugar, tastes like sugar, has about the same level of sweetness as sugar per teaspoon, and has no unpleasant aftertaste, and can be used in exactly the same way as sugar in baking, and in your tea, coffee and hot chocolates.

So if its natural, where does Xylitol come from?

Xylitol is actually present in small amounts in a lot of fruits, especially stoned fruit such as cherries, plums etc.

What is commercially available Xylitol derived from?

Usually birch or corn. The corn derived xylitol is slightly cheaper, and is usually the one you will find in supermarkets. But it is more likely to cause problems in those cannot tolerate corn easily (65% of the population, according to one of my teachers).

Are there any drawbacks to using Xylitol?

Yes. Firstly, excessive amounts can cause diarrhoea – though not in everyone. Also, in many cases this effect subsides as the body gets used to Xylitol. Secondly a small percentage of people find it bloating, and cannot tolerate it. This is NOT because it feeds candida (it doesn’t). And ironically some people have stated that is has reduced their bloating. Thirdly, and very importantly, Xylitol must NEVER be given to dogs. Like chocolate, Xylitol is toxic to dogs.

In some cases people can tolerate our birch derived Xylitol but cannot tolerate the cheaper corn derived variety. So if you’ve tried another brand before which you couldn’t tolerate it is conceivable that you will be able to tolerate our Xylobrit.

Click here to buy Corn-free, Birch derived Xylitol from The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Price: Was £4.35 Now Only £2.99 for 250g

Lucuma: Another healthy choice for sweetening food.

Lucuma Powder 300g
Lucuma Powder 300g

Lucuma is a fibrous fruit has been cultivated and harvested for thousands of years. It is also known as egg fruit, as the outer layer resembles the color and consistency of cooked egg yolks-a little dry and chalky. The texture and flavor of the fruit inside has been said to resemble a cross between the sweet potato and maple, and is high in beta carotene and other B vitamins. Often referred to as Incan Gold, the dried powder of the lucuma is a perfect way to add a unique sweet flavor to your favorite foods and beverages while maintaining a low glycemic index. Like Xylitol, is is lower in calories than traditional sweeteners, and it will not cause major spikes and crashes of blood sugar to those who consume it.

Price £9.99 for 300g, available by clicking here.

Wishing good health to all our customers.

Mark G. Lester

Director, The Finchley Clinic Ltd


Oxy-Powder – Glass or Plastic bottles

Oxy-Powder-Glass-and-Plastic bottles.
Oxy-Powder-Glass-and-Plastic bottles.

Many of you would have seen by now that our top selling oxygen based colon cleanser, Oxy-Powder is now being provided in glass bottles. For some people this has led to puzzlement, even to the degree of people questioning whether it was still the same product. We have been asked whether we had changed suppliers. Others have questioned whether we might even be selling a counterfeit product.

Well, we can assure you that it is exactly the same Oxy-Powder product as before, except that it’s in a glass bottle. The change to the glass bottle was a decision made by the manufacturer, and we were to say the least not happy about it.

Why did we disagree with putting Oxy-Powder in glass containers?

The suppliers said they were doing it primarily for environmental reasons (glass being more environmentally friendly than plastic). I believe their intentions were good. However this had not been thought through properly, at least when shipping from the USA to the UK.

This is because it required a large amount of ADDITIONAL plastic bubble wrap for packaging. Add to that ADDITIONAL cardboard boxes (with plastic we could use jiffy bags), ADDITIONAL fossil fuel usage due to needless extra weight (the glass bottles were around 3 x heavier than the plastic bottles), ADDITIONAL shipping costs to send to the UK, ADDITIONAL shipping cost to send the Oxy-Powder out of the UK to our non UK customers, and ADDITIONAL time for my staff, which they were constantly complaining to me about.

Smashed Oxy-Powder bottles
Smashed Oxy-Powder bottles

The final straw came when we placed an order for around 1000 bottles, and over 70 of them arrived smashed as in the adjacent image.

The good news is that after going pretty ballistic with the suppliers, Dr Edward Group who runs Global Healing Center has relented and when our current stocks have been sold, we will be going back to plastic bottles again. Yippee!

This is still going to cause confusion, partly because the US product will still be in glass bottles.  The second reason is because we will be going backwards and forwards from plastic to glass and then back to plastic again. This is bound to puzzle some customers – especially those who havent read this article!

Anyway, our main point is that whether you get it in plastic or glass bottles, if you are buying it from us, it’s the same product that it’s always been.

The Finchley Clinic Blog Is Born

I am Mark G. Lester, Director of The Finchley Clinic Ltd, and I would like to thank you for reading this first posting on our new blog. We have been talking about having a blog on the web site for literally about 5 years. Yep, it really has taken that long. We knew it was important in terms of publicising our work. Yet when it came to installing and formatting the relevant software plugins, making the time to write something interesting and relevant, linking it to our main web site, there always seemed to be something more important that needed our attention. It was always next on the list,  for The Finchley Clinic, yet something else kept getting in the way. Anyway, it’s here, and thank you for honouring us by reading it.

Today The Finchley Clinic Focus will be on Naturya Superfoods

The Finchley Clinic's range of Naturya Superfoods.
The Finchley Clinic’s range of Naturya Superfoods.

It’s so hard to know what to write about as there are countless things for me to share, but I thought I’d start today by introducing customers to our new range of Superfoods from Naturya. They are all organic, very reasonably priced, and of top quality. Our favourites would have to include Wheatgrass, Barleygrass, Spirulina and Maca. The first three are all great alkalizers of the body, rich in minerals and chlorophyll, and great for detoxification. Maca is particularly noted for hormonal balancing in both men and women, maintaining a healthy sex drive, and for maintaning endurance and stamina. Try them, and let us know what you think.