All posts by Mark Lester

MSM + Colloidal Silver Water Drops (for ears and eyes) – back in stock today

MSM + Silver Water Drops, Commonly Used for Healthy Eyes and Ears.

Just a quick note to let everyone know that MSM + Silver Water Drops, which we previously sold as MSM Water is now back in stock. We’ve changed supplier, and the new one is both less expensive and a better product, as it contains the additional ingredients N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine (which you could write an entire book on for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties), and Colloidal Zinc (10ppm).

More information on MSM + Silver Water Drops For Eye Health

The optical tissue normally allows fluids to flow through the membrane wall, which acts like a filter, supplying nutrition and cleaning out particles, keeping your eye clear so your vision is good. When the membranes become tough like leather, fluids are trapped, and particles start to build up. If the build up continues, it will seem as if you are looking through frosted glass. Our eyes should also be flexible, so the muscles can change the eye´s contour and focus. When the eye membranes and muscles become tough, the eye cannot focus properly and vision becomes blurry.

When treating irritated eyes, most eye drops and medications deaden the nerves and cover the pain, but the problem is not solved and the discomfort returns. We in turn buy more eye drops to relieve the discomfort. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is natural sulphur that resides in the body. MSM eye drops can help to soften the membranes, allowing fluids to pass through the optical tissues. When our optical membranes become permeable, nutrients are able to penetrate through the optical tissues and provide nutrients needed for the body to heal itself.

The second main ingredient is Colloidal Silver which is a natural non toxic antimicrobial. Biomedical research has shown that Colloidal Silver can help combat bacteria, virus or fungal infections. Also resistant strains fail to develop when using silver as a treatment.

MSM+Silver Water Drops placed in the eye may help to soften tough, leathery tissue, equalize pressure, repair damaged membranes, clear up red spots and broken blood vessels and help remove floaters and other eye particles. For legal reasons, we urgent all customers to discuss its usage with their doctor prior to applying this product to their eyes.

MSM + Silver Water Drops For Ear Health

MSM + Silver Water Drops may also be used in the ear to help break down wax for easy removal. It may also be helpful for ear infections, but for legal reasons, we urge all customers to discuss its usage with their doctor prior to using it in the ears.

Suggested Usage

1 drop applied to the area of concern every 2-4 hours until relief is obtained, following discussion with your doctor.

MSM For skin health

MSM + Silver Water Drops was developed for external usage mostly for the ears and eyes. For skin problems we can also recommend MSM Lotion which is very sootthing, and can be helpful for things like ezcema, as well as beautifying the skin generally.

MSM For Pain and Inflammation

For MSM products designed to be used internally for arthritis, inflammation, pain and so on please view the MSM category of the web site. There is also a book which you can purchase (not from from us though), which is highly recommended entitled “MSM, The Natural Solution for Pain”.


Do your liver a favour over Christmas

The location and purpose of the liver

The liver is the largest gland in the body and it’s located at the beginning of the small intestine. It has many purposes but one of the main ones is to produce bile, which is an essential secretion for breaking down digested lipids into smaller particles so fats and fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed by the small intestine. Adults produce between 400 and 800 ml of bile each day and it’s stored in the gallbladder until needed. Besides manufacturing bile, the liver works as a filter to detoxify and purge harmful chemicals (such as alcohol) from the body. Along with the kidneys, the liver is the most important organ of elimination in the body.

Christmas, alcohol, and a healthy liver.

Unfortunately they don’t go together terribly well. Latest studies reveal that although the more alcohol you consume the greater the burden you place on your liver, in actual fact any amount of alcohol is harmful. Whilst abstention is probably the ideal, let’s be realistic, many of you will drink.

Other things that don’t exactly help the liver

Drinking is not the only thing that does in your liver. The liver can also be weakened by a rubbish diet, in particular too much sugar, fried foods, refined foods (white rice, white bread, white pasta for example), excessive meat intake, and regretably countless orthodox medicines. Our old “friend” candida overgrowth also harms the liver through free radical damage. As my own mentor put it in the article Conquering Candida  “The liver takes the full brunt of candida toxins emanating from the bowel (at least one of which – acetaldehyde – is a known hepatotoxin) and also, candida itself is likely to disseminate to the liver readily.  Liver function might therefore be expected to be disturbed in candidiasis, and this could encourage the development of food allergies since the liver is responsible for removing foreign proteins from the circulation”. 

Fortunately help is at hand.


Livatrex is a blend of powerful, carefully-selected herbs that contain antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. The compounds in GHC’s enhanced Raw Herbal Extract™ naturally detoxify, flush, and purge the liver of fatty deposits, built-up toxins, and other impurities. This 30-day supply (at the maintenance dosage) can help to : –

  • Clean and strengthen the liver
  • Improve Energy
  • Purify the Blood
  • Protect from free radicals

Livatrex is our most popular liver support product. Here is some additional information on its 9 active constituents that goes beyond what we publish on the web site

1. Borotutu Bark
Borotutu bark is by far one of the most powerful substances when it comes to liver cleansing and digestive system support. It has even shown promise for biliary colic and jaundice. This herb contains powerful antioxidants which are known to help protect your liver cells from serious damage.

2. Milk Thistle Seed
Milk thistle has been used for over two thousand years due to its remarkable effects on the liver and gallbladder. Galen and Pliny, the ancient philosophers, recognized and used the power of milk thistle for liver cleansing and support. Milk thistle helps with the detoxification of poisons such as alcohol, regeneration of damaged liver tissue, stimulation of bile production, and digestion.

3. Chanca Piedra
The indigenous people of the Amazon have used chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) for centuries to promote the body’s natural elimination of liver, gallbladder, and kidney stones. It also stimulates the liver to purge itself of harmful toxins and foreign particles. Chanca piedra soothes the liver, boosts bile production, and may inhibit the formation of calcified stones in the body.

4. Greater Celandine
The ancient Greeks and Romans considered celandine one of the most powerful liver cleansing herbs. Maurice Mességué, the famous French herbalist, used greater celandine for all liver concerns. Celandine stimulates enzyme production from the pancreas, helps the liver eliminate foreign particles, stimulates the production of bile, helps relieve gallbladder spasms and improves a sluggish liver.

5. Chicory Root
Known for its vibrant blue flowers, chicory is also a medicinal herb celebrated for its ability to help cleanse the liver. Ancient Roman, Persian, Arabian, and Indian physicians used chicory leaves and root to aid against a slew of liver ailments including jaundice, gallbladder and liver stones, urinary stones, constipation, indigestion, depression, and headaches

6. Dandelion Root
This humble weed, often disliked by suburban lawn lovers, is a liver cleanser that has been celebrated throughout the ages. Dandelion root stimulates bile flow from the liver and is often used by herbalists to help resist undesirable liver conditions, including fatty liver, cirrhosis, estrogen dominance, and even acne.

7. Organic Turmeric
This yellow root, a cousin of ginger, is a powerful liver protector and even liver cell regenerator. It not only helps stimulate enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins from the body, but turmeric is also capable of combating the effects of certain carcinogenic substances.

8. Peppermint
Peppermint isn’t just for fresh breath. This herb stimulates bile flow and relaxes bile ducts, helping to break down fats. It also helps reduce bad cholesterol, which makes the liver’s job of filtering toxins easier. Peppermint also inhibits blockages in the kidney and gallbladder and calms the stomach for optimal digestion.

9. Organic Yellow Dock Root
This herb is known as a blood purifier and commonly used to cleanse toxins from the body. Yellow dock helps break down fatty foods by stimulating bile production, enhancing normal liver detoxification, improving the flow of digestive juices, helping the liver eliminate toxins, and has mild diuretic effects to help flush out harmful substances. It also helps reduce irritation of the liver and digestive system.

Dandelion Formula

A polyherbal supplement containing 8 ingredients synergistically blended to support optimal liver function developed by the author of “Conquering Candida” mentioned above. It consists of 60 capsules compared to the 2 oz liquid contained in Livatrex. The developer describes it’s development thus “For each formula we screen hundreds of herbs and then having made the initial choice we test for antagonism, synergism, allergenicity and tolerability before we decide on the final selection. In all we conduct around three thousand separate tests for each formula.”  The same approach belies all the herbal products found here. Consisting of Dandelion root, Dandelion leaf, Red clover, Yellow dock, Fennel, Burdock, Turmeric, Ginger (typically 400 mg blend per capsule), you’ll notice that it contains some of the same ingredients as Livatrex.  Totally additive-free

Which one is better?

Can’t really answer this one I’m afraid. Inevitably most suppliers say something to the effect of “our product is the best one, and all the rest are rubbish”. But in reality, individual results vary with virtually everything. Whichever one you try, if you’re serious about supporting and rejuveanting your liver you’ll be wanting to regard this as a three month programme, not a 3 day programme! To some extent that’s why we offer volume discounts on these products – to encourage you to buy enough to give it a fair crack of the whip. Try not to be excessively influenced by the fact that Livatrex has a prettier label. That’s because livatrex is manufactured by a relatively big company, whereas Dandelion Formula is more of an “artisan” product developed by someone who remains deliberately “low profile”. At the end of the day, I believe they are both great products. Follow your intuition, and also consider whether you prefer a liquid extract (Livatrex) or capsules (Dandelion Formula).

Depending on what you celebrate in December, I’d like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas, Chanukah, Winter Solstice, Bodhi day, Yule, Kwanzaa, Zarathosht Diso or Knees-Up! And if I missed anyone’s religion out, let me know, and I’ll add your celebration in next year!

Mark G. Lester
Director and overall Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd




Is it better to take herbal liquids or herbal capsules to kill parasites

I’ve written newsletters in the past about the scourge of parasites infecting our intestinal tracts, organs and blood, and if you know me, you will know that I tend to regard parasites as “guilty unless proven innocent beyond doubt, even if tests have been carried out which came back ‘negative'”. I am not going to go into the symptoms and types of parasites here, as I like to keep my messages original and different rather than just re-hash what I have written before. Read the article Could Parasites Be Troubling You? if you want to venture into that topic.

Prior to the question of whether it’s better to take capsules or liquids, first here is some information on our top options.

Enula (this one is a liquid)

Enula is a combination of three herbs – Elecampane root, Jalapa root and West Indian Grape that are known to possess powerful anti parasitical properties. Practitioners have reported that Enula is very effective against Round WormsGuinea Worm, Ascaris and certain species of Babesia, a parasite commonly associated with Borreliosis (Lyme disease). Elecampane contains inulin (44%), a phytochemical that coats and soothes the lining of the bronchial passages and acts as an expectorant in the body. Inulin helps promote beneficial intestinal bacteria, very important since 80% of the immune system is located in the digestive system. The antitussive (cough prevention and treatment) and carminative (soothing effect on the intestinal tract) effects of elecampane may possibly also be due to the inulin and mucilage content. Studies have also shown two other active ingredients in elecampane, alantolactone and isoalantolactone, to be useful in treating parasites, including Roundworm, HookwormWhipworm, and Threadworm; this research supports the traditional use of elecampane to treat digestive disorders and parasitic infections. Elecampane root and rhizome contain approximately 1–4% volatile oils. Most of these volatile oils are composed of sesquiterpene lactones, including alantolactone.

Paratrex (this one comes in capsules)

Firstly paratrex contains Black walnut hull which is one of the most potent herbs for removing harmful organisms from the intestinal tract. The high tannin content of the green hull is primarily responsible for this effect. Other constituents such as juglandin, juglone, and juglandic acid are also involved in the purging process. Research suggests black walnut can oxygenate the blood to create a hostile environment to harmful organisms. The green husk also contains organic iodine, which assists the cleansing of harmful organisms. The next ingredient is Wildcrafted Epazote (leaves, seed) which is a herb of choice for attacking and expelling various harmful organisms that take up residence in the intestinal tract. Diatomaceous earth Recently is an interesting ingredient, as there has been an increasing area of interest for its use lie in human and animal applications, particularly for its exciting benefit as a safe and effective anti-parasitic. (Being is rich in silica, it has also been suggested that it may have positive effects on skeletal health and metabolism).Organic Neem used to expel anything that’s unwanted in the body in Ayurvedic medicine more or less as far back as records go. Clove Bud is considered one of the best herbs for killing eggs from harmful organisms and it also discourages fungus. And finally Wormwood, which has been used as an intestinal cleansing herb as far back as 1600 BC. Wormwood creates an extremely hostile environment for harmful organisms in your intestinal tract and promotes healthy digestion by increasing liver and gallbladder secretions. It also contains Fulvic Acid which enhances absorption of everything else.

Aniseed Formula (this one also comes in capsules)

This is our own product and is the most cost effective option of the polyherbal products where money is an object. No, it doesn’t have a sexy label like the above products,it doesn’t have expensive marketing behind it, and its not it’s mass produced. It contains culinary herbs but don’t let that kid you. Lot’s of herbs used in the house (though its often the roots that are used medicinally) are seriously powerful for therapeutic purposes. Its claim to fame is the unique way this, and of The Finchley Clinic herbal range were formulated. As the developer put it “These formulae have been developed because we were dissatisfied with currently available products. Using our test system (Vega Biokinesiology), we find that single herbs “power score” (a measure of efficacy) 5-20, currently available herbal formulae power typically score 15-30, and our formulae power usually score 35-50. We therefore believe that our formulae are up to three times more effective than existing herbal formulae”. This maybe an exaggeration as the industry in general has raised its game in the two decades since he wrote this, but make not mistake, it’s a good product. Formulated for those who want something which combines a mixture of anti-worm, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal ingredients. Obviously very useful for those who don’t know what kind of parasites they have (in other words 95% of us). The ingredients are Aniseed, Licorice, Cranberry, Turmeric, Celery Seed, Thyme, Pomegranite, Fennel, Peppermint. People often find this surprising as they are “culinary” and often take the view of “well that obviously can’t do anything” And they are wrong. Take pomegranite for example. It’s rich in the unique tannins punicalin, pedunculagin, punicalagin, which are all antifungal and antiparasitic. The issue here isn’t that the ingredients are ineffective. The issue is that people tend to treat the familiar with contempt.

Stop press: If you are on of the less than 5% of people who SPECIFICALLY know (or at least believe) that your parasite problem is protozoa as opposed to parasites in general, for example B. Hominis please use Pimpinella Formula instead of Aniseed Formula. Our formulator tweaked this one to focus on this particular class of parasite and it would work quicker than Aniseed Formula.

Biocidin (grapefruit seed oil) or Citricidal (grapefruit seed extract)

These are available in both liquid and capsules. This is very useful as an additional product to enhance any of the above for its general anti parasite activity, though my understanding is that its especially good for its ovicidal activity (ovicidal meaning “egg killing”). Also helps candida sufferers as it’s anti-fungal.

These products aren’t the be all and end all. We do have other products you can use. But they are usually my top choices when I am put on the spot.

What should you combine with anti parasite products (apart from a low sugar diet)

Everyone working to eradicate parasites should take one of our colon cleanse products before going to bed or first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.If you’re in London or Hertfordshire (within reasonable distance of my sister clinic, in High Barnet on the London / Herts border) you can also enhance the work with colon hydrotherapy or find a practitioner in your area. We can also recommend people in a few parts of the country, and you can contact us about this if you want to, but via the Contact Us form on the web site NOT by replying to this email. Colonic irrigation is not essential, but it will make everything else you do work quicker.

Secondly, you should take a good probiotic an hour or more away from the herbal products once or twice a day.

Die-Off problems

If you start taking these products and feel rubbish, which happens in a few cases, as the body rids itself of parasitic toxins, please take Burdock Formula (if you prefer capsules) or Burbur-Pinella (if you prefer a liquid). Personally if it were me, I would take double the label dosage no matter which one I used. These are both wonderful general detox products for the blood, lymph, and brain. But I am suggesting them here specifically to help with the ‘die-off’. For those who have strong reactions, they will normally make the entire experience more comfortable. If even if this doesn’t work. then the only option is to use a much slower and gentler approach, in which case you should contact me, and book a consultation (which I’m afraid would be chargeable).

“Is is better to use capsules or liquid products?”

In all honesty, I really don’t think it matters. They both work. What IS important is that you take them persistently for at least 6 weeks. Personally I’d rather you took them for at least 12 weeks, but hey what do I know, I’ve only been doing this stuff my entire adult life. A lot of people ask me how long does it take to get rid of these damn creatures. Well, individual results vary, and if you carry on eating sugar, which tends to feed them, it will take vastly longer than if you don’t (though you will get there in the end either way). It also depends on what sort of thing you’re dealing with. As a general rule worms you can get rid of pretty quickly (under a month, and often much quicker even than that), but protozoa (singled celled bacterial parasites) and candida (a parasitic fungus) take a few months rather than a few weeks.  At least that’s what the man who developed Aniseed Formula maintains, who in my opinion has exceptional knowledge (which even makes me look like a beginner), and in my experience he usually turns out to be right about virtually everything.

That’s it for now. Wishing everyone a healthy parasite free summer

Mark G. Lester
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Are we more constipated than we think?

According to Guts UK – an organisation committed to helping digestive orders, albeit from a different and more orthodox perspective than us, yes.  And it’s time was spoke about it. We like to talk about colon cleanse rather than constipation, but either way, to use their rather amusing catch-phrase “the poo taboo is over”.

We agree, so let’s talk. First of all the facts. In naturopathic medicine, the predominant view is that we should poop once for every meals we eat, and we cannot emphasise this too much without straining. Food in, waste out, food in, waste out, food in, waste out. Got the idea? It’s not exactly rocket science is it?

But the fact is that countless people, including quite frequently people who are on good, healthy, high fibre diets do not do this. The reasons for this are varied and beyond what we would discuss in a newsletter.

We also think that good health depends on proper bowel movement, and that the well-known naturopathic adage of “death begins in the colon” has a lot of truth to it.

But what’s our solution?

Well, we don’t actually sell products for constipation – products designed to treat constipation would be classed as medicines which we don’t sell. We provide food supplements, not medicines. But we do sell a unique range of oxygen based colon cleansers which work by increasing the oxidative cycle in the gut, not by irritating the gut, which in essence is how most natural and herbal medicines designed to relieve constipation actually work. Some of these products work by attracting water into the gut. But if people are constipated because they are not drinking enough water (this is one, but not the only cause of constipation), in the longer run this is going to make the dehydration worse! Some of the others contain acesulfame potassium (E950) which is an artificial sweetener. It’s also a neuro-toxin, considered by some to be carcinogenic and a cause of multiple scleroris.

Instead we use oxygen to help restore peristalsis. Our three core products for this are Mag 07, Oxy-Powder and Colosan. They are all similar but different. Meaning that based on looking at the ingredients are they all virtually the same. However in reality individual results do vary, and some people find that one of them works better for them than another one of them. In the majority of cases, any of them work for most people. But for the small percentage who do not come into this category, we find that at least one of them will work for more or less everyone. For those who have an ongoing tendency to constipation (and by the way, I am one of them myself) they are all safe to be used long-term. In fact the more you oxygenate your colon and your body, the better your general health will be. This is why I take three capsules of oxy-powder every morning, alternating every so often by replacing it with three capsules of colosan instead. (The label dosage by the way, says to take one capsule with both products. However I ignore this, and I take the amount I know from experience that my body needs. I suggest you also adjust the dosage according to your needs, and as the label dosage is no more than a guideline, and a very cautious one at that). I find both products work splendidly for me, though I alternate between them to prevent my body from becoming habituated to any one product.

One only needs to read the customer reviews on our web site to know how amazing they are, and how many problems people report have improved that do not come up the categorisation of “constipation” – particularly those who suffer from low energy states.

You can purchase these products here (as well as read the reviews when you select the individual product pages) and your colon will thank you.

Another option for a colon cleanse which goes a step further is colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation. This gentle and effective detoxification treatment is now available at our sister organisation, Health Fusion Clinic, in Barnet on the London and Hertfordshire border.

Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd


Kidslac Probiotic – on Sale At Cost Price

OK, this is a bit embarrassing. Yesterday I put out a newsletter saying we had 30 boxes of Kidslac available at cost price (best before end of 07/2019). Turns out we had another 50 in an an unopened box. We’ve already given a refund to a couple people who bought it at full price, when we had another 50 boxes available with the short expiry date. The rest have been put on sale at cost price. That means we are selling them for just £11.99 each.

Contents of Kidslac

Bifidobacterium DDS-1 strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus – Initiates the colonization of good bacteria and helps control PH levels primarily in the colon.

Bifidobacterium bifidum Bifidobacterium bifidum – Helps maintain intestinal flora.

Bifidobacterium infantis Bifidobacterium infantis – The main bacteria found in breastfed infants.

Bifidobacterium lactis Bifidobacterium lactis – Supports the immune system.

Bifidobacterium longum Bifidobacterium longum – Helps metabolize a wider range of carbohydrates.

Customer comments on Kidslac

I bought this for my son. He is adopted and had a very poor nutritional start with no or inappropriate solid food until 15 months. He has always suffered from reflux we think although it has only been in the last 12 months we/doctor have recognized it as such after he was referred by the school to a speech therapist who put us on a fresh line of enquiry. (He complained of sore throat, choking, not being able to breath and “feeling full” and long frequent belching.) The kidslac definitely helped provided it was taken regularly and I would recommend this. (The real breakthrough for us came from Active Digestive Enzymes as after taking this there was a marked improvement even sometimes missed.) He is not keen on food and doesn’t eat a lot but since these products has had a very impressive growth spurt!

This is an excellent probiotic for children. I have tried many different ones for my 8 yearr old daughter and this is the best so far, helping with her allergies, digestion and energy.

I have four children and use this probiotic to supplement their diet, at times when they are under the weather or need a bit more support. I notice improvements in their general health. Also they don’t mind the taste, apple, which is good!

Write your own review of Kidslac on the our the web page and get 500 reward points!

Order Kidslac now while it’s hot! We’ll be putting the price back to normal when these boxes have sold. Please note, if you click on the link and it takes you to “page not found” it means the sale item stock has sold through, and you would need to buy regular stock instead.

Wishing Good Health to All

Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd – Our products web site
Health Fusion Clinic  – Our new associate company’s web site offering colon hydrotherapy, Vitamin IV infusions and injections, and various detox treatments in Barnet, Hertfordshire. You can also pick up all our most popular products at this location.

After The Christmas Overindulgence, The Oxygen Colon Cleanser

A Happy New Year To All.

I noticed that one similar(ish) company to us have already sent out five newsletters this year, and the year is only 10 days old. They weren’t even proper newsletters, they were just the typical flogletters with no meaningful content that many companies put out, either because they can’t be bothered to write a scholarly informative newsletter, or because they are not capable of doing so. I regard this as disrespectful, money grabbing, and above all stupid. Irritating customers by pestering them five times in ten days is not the way to go, an you can rest assured we will never send newsletters more than a couple of times per month. With my rant over, here are 5 suggestions to cleanse your body and improve your health after the Christmas pudding and wine.

1. Clean Your Colon With An Oxygen Colon Cleanser

If you have over indulged on food and drink over Christmas, this is the time to use an Oxygen Colon cleanser for detoxing, and to get rid of that bloating around your tummy. You might also want to think about supporting your liver if your health is off-track.

These products are all very similar. We get asked every day which one is the “best” one, but its a meaningless question. It’s a bit like asking whether an orange is “better” than a tangerine. True some people do get on better with one than another, but that comes down to individual experience.

Why cleanse your colon?

The average person is walking around with anywhere from six to twelve pounds of undigested material fermenting in their intestines and colon. Digestion is a process of oxidation. That is why we give off heat, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Just like a car engine when there is improper oxidation some of the fuel gets left behind as a residue. In the digestive tract, there is a similar build up of partially digested gunk. In an automobile when you add oxygen to the fuel mixture, the built up materials are burned off or oxidised. You can do the same for your body. As these materials accumulate and subsequently begin to rot, your body wraps them in mucous to keep them from poisoning you. Colosan turns the accumulation and the mucous into carbon dioxide and water that are gently eliminated. It is unimaginable to think of going one week without the use of a toothbrush or toilette tissue. Yet, when was the last time you thought about cleaning the twenty feet in between? Do you think it’s any cleaner? It’s a simple fact, people rarely clean where they cannot see and that is where problems begin.

What is the significance of this?

Your impacted material is home base to four of the most dangerous threats to your health. Number one, it is where toxins accumulate. Secondly, it is where viruses and bacteria can hide .Thirdly, the impacted material is a feacal fortress for parasites to reside in and an ideal garden for the overgrowth of undesirable flora such as candida. By using one of these colon cleansers to oxidise and eliminate this impacted material, you are eradicating the home base to some the largest assailants to your health and giving them nowhere to hide.

2. Deter candida, and prevent colds and flus at the same time with liquid Oxygen

This is the time of year when every other person seems to be getting colds and flu’s. However I almost never get colds, and when i do, they are incredibly mild these days. I am not naturally super healthy – it’s because I follow the following steps to support inhibit pathogens and support my immune system. You can do the same, and say goodbye for winter colds.

First, you should supplement with any of our liquid oxygen productsVirus’s hate our Liquid Oxygen products! So if you just did one thing through the winter to prevent colds and flu’s, this would be your starting point. But remember to take it persistently – as opposed to when you be bothered, or if you happen to remember, which not surprisingly leads to very poor results. By the way, the liquid oxygen is also extremely valuable in the fight against candida overgrowth, being anti viral as well as anti fungal.

Secondly, please note that these products are also detoxifiers. When Oxygen Elements Max is taken and the energy potential in the body is increased, the natural mechanism in most people’s bodies is to increase metabolism of waste material out of the body. This can result in detoxification symptoms — such as headaches, achiness, skin eruptions, recurrence of past symptoms — if it is done too rapidly, and especially if the eliminative channels of the body are congested. So although the label suggests taking 7 drops 3 x per day, if you are full of toxins and the product makes you feel lousy please take the amount you take right down. In exceptional cases, some people have to begin on only 1 drop twice per day. But even if you do need to do this, you’ll soon be able to go up to the full label dosage. We have one customer, who literally takes one bottle a day, and it’s the only product that has saved has restored his health. (He has written a review on the web site, which you can all view when you visit the web page).

3. Super charge your immune system with Vitamin C

Any Vitamin C product will do but Tapioca Vitamin C is our best selling one, it’s inexpensive, and has consistently good reviews from customers who use it, often exceeding other Vitamin C products. You can see that for yourselves if you read the reviews. Take 1-2 capsules every day, preferably a couple of hours away from when you take the Oxygen. If you do go down with a cold, you can take one capsule every 1-2 hours to get rid of it fast! I’ve gone on about the benefits of Vitamin C in so many previous newsletters, that I am not going to repeat myself here. All I will say is that I think supplementing with Vitamin C is good for everyone.

4. Extra charge your immunity with Zinc

Zinc has also been shown to be useful in many studies both for preventing colds and supporting the immune system generally. We provide a number of zinc products, but the one I personally use is Zinc Gluconate with Vitamin B6 (the B6 assists the absorption of zinc). Whole books are available on the benefits of zinc supplementation for a whole raft of health challenges, more than can be ventured into in a short newsletter, and some customers may remember that this has been the subject of entire newsletters in the past.

Zinc is arguably the most important trace element that our body’s need, and most of us who subsist on modem diets are appreciably Zinc-deficient. Zinc is essential for the working of every single cell in the body. Its main action is co-enzymatic, i.e.. it assists in the correct functioning of enzymes within the cell. It is now known that there are as many as 200 enzymes that require Zinc for their activity. One of these, RNA polymerase, is cardinally important because it is involved in the synthesis of all proteins in the body, of which there are known to be more than 50,000! This means that the body’s supply of structural proteins, antibodies, most hormones and enzymes is very much dependent on Zinc status. Other important Zinc-dependent enzymes govern energy production.

5. Vitamin D the “sunshine” nutrient associated with summertime immunity, which you can now get all year.

Thirdly, take Vitamin D, which is incredibly important for the entire immune system. Unfortunately, almost everyone living in Norther Europe is Vitamin D deficient at this time of year, and dark skinned people who who absorb vitamin D much more slowly than white Europeans (from the reaction between ultra violet light from the sun on the skin and cholesterol), are nearly always Vitamin D deficient the entire year! The Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin D is a pitiful 200iu per day, but my opinion is that this is utter nonsense. In the summertime, 30 minutes exposure to the sun enables the body to produce 10,000-20,000iu’s per day – in other words up to 50 times more than the EU Recommended Daily Allowance. So why is the Daily Allowance so low? There are proposals incidentally, coming from the unelected wastes of taxpayers money know as the EU, ever influenced by the vested interests of big pharma to limit your the legal availability of Vitamin D supplements to the pathetic 200iu I just spoke about. Anyway, whilst this has not occurred, I recommend 1-2 tablets per day of Vitamin D3 5,000iu with Vitamin K2. The Vitamin K2 is added as Vitamin D works synergistically with K2. Oh by the way, you may have read that Vitamin D is ‘toxic’ in high dosages somewhere or other. Well, It is true that 40,000iu given daily to rats has been shown to be toxic and can kill them. Extrapolated to humans, that’s around 10,000,000 (10 million) iu’s per day required to kill a human. According to one leading researcher, Vitamin D is not toxic on any dosage if it is taken together with Vitamin K2. Anyway, since I am recommending 5,000-10,000 and not 10,000,000 units per day (and this is what I take for around 8 months of the year), I don’t think I am likely to be pushing up daisies any time soon as a result of my Vitamin D intake, and somehow I suspect you won’t either.

As always I have only scratched the surface of what I would like to say, but anyone who follows these steps, will get vastly fewer colds and flu’s during the winter

Best wishes for a wonderful New Year
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd


The EU and Natural Health Supplements (Slightly Updated 2016 article)

The following is a copy of a newsletter I sent out to our customers in June 2016 a few days before the EU referendum on how this organisation has hugely damaged consumer choice where it comes to natural health products, basically in order to protect corporate interests.

I have uploaded this article at the request of a Facebook contact unabridged. I would write it a little differently now, but my core views have not changed a great deal in the two years that have followed, and neither have the facts.

Mark Lester – Company Director

By now, doubtless many of you are sick of hearing about the various arguments concerning immigration, the economy, preservation of democracy, and the eye wateringly high cost of membership put forth by the campaigns to stay in the EU or leave. As a health supplement company director, it’s not appropriate for me to comment on these aspects of the debate (except arguably in a personal capacity). But I feel it IS necessary for us to make you aware of how the EU has affected and will continue to affect your rights as a consumer to take health supplements of your choice, to gather information on the same, and to source genuinely natural non pharmaceuticalised products. I think it is my job to make you aware of the threat to your right to take them in worthwhile dosages, as opposed to the mickey mouse dosages that big pharma would prefer you to take, in my opinion in order to ensure your continued poor health, and consequent dependence upon them. Even though I do not generally resonate with the conventional approach to health, I also feel it is my job to also make you aware of the way in which the EU affects the treatment you will get from our beloved NHS. So if your health is important to you (which I assume is the case for everyone, since being ill or dead is not by most people’s standards fun), you need to read this.

What follows is a quick summary of some (but not all) of the EU directives that affect your right to choose, and your access to information. I could write an entire book on the subject, so please note this is only a quick summary. The UK government opposed some of the following, but where they did, they were simply outvoted by the qualified majority voting system. There is NO VETO where it comes to health issues. However although the UK government made a feeble attempt to block some of the rules, the majority of these regulations were simply passed into UK law without so much as a whimper of protest by any of the major political parties that have been in power during the last decade. In my opinion, they have let us all down horrendously by not protecting our freedoms.

  • The Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC). 

    This directive requires all legally available nutrients to be on a rather arbitrary positive list in order to be allowed to be sold and consumed. As far as we could see, it seemed to depend primarily on whether that form of nutrient happened to be available in Germany at the time. In 2009 it was estimated that around 300 nutrients were banned by this irksome directive, though the real figure would be much higher given the fact that it completely blocked new forms of vitamins and minerals from coming onto the market. Examples include many perfectly safe and effective forms of magnesium, selenium and chromium. Although the situation is bad, this is set to become far worse if the Maximum Permitted Dosage levels for vitamins and minerals get set at useless Mickey mouse levels, which is a serious possibility at the next stage of implementation. Several organisations, including an entity called “Health Europe”, which is in reality just a bunch of lobbyists who are paid by the self-interested pharmaceutical companies, who fund this “organisation”,  are lobbying for maximum levels to be set at EU RDA levels. These levels will be useless for any kind of therapeutic usage – as well as a direct assault on your freedom of choice. It has been claimed that this market was completely unregulated before this directive (and the next one I am going to talk about) came in. But this is nonsense. Vitamins, minerals and herbs were regulated by the Drugs Act 1968, and personally I don’t remember noticing too many dead bodies lying about in the streets because someone or other took a high dosage Vitamin C tablet prior to 2009. Yes, it was light touch regulation, reflecting how safe most vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural products usually were – but it was never unregulated. This is a total myth.

  • The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (2004/24/EC) 

    In essence this was a spiteful and vindictive directive designed to protect the vested interests that successfully campaigned for it, which has created a huge black market where none previously existed. This directive has led to a tripling of the cost of many herbs, and their pharmaceuticalisation. Many have been banned outright. Many more have been chemicalised and pharmaceuticalised until they bare almost no resemblance to the 2000 year old traditions of herbal medicines, and contain all sorts of artificial chemicals which are at best questionable, and in some cases dangerous. We tried very hard to object to this horrible directive, but without success. You can read more about it here including the latest news. Before this directive came in, clearly dangerous herbs were banned under the Drugs Act 1968 along with psychoactive drugs like marijuana. Although even there, I do not agree with all the herbs that were banned from sale, on the whole consumers were relatively free to buy what they wanted, and sellers relatively free to provide products. But with the new directive, the EU was determined to stop you from actually making decisions for yourself, about your body.

  • The EU Labeling Directives (2003 and updated in 2014) 

    This if strictly enforced could make more or less all non EU imports illegal to sell, for reasons as petty as the font size on the label not complying the required size, the ingredients not being listed in the required order, or wording such as “expiry date” instead of “best before” on the label. Can the rules really get any more petty and frivolous than this? Presumably this rule is there because they think you are too thick to know what the words “expiry date” rather than “best before” mean. Mercifully, the UK authorities don’t seen to be enforcing this with an iron fist, and have avoided harassing companies over trivial nonsense so far, but who knows what’s around the corner? Certainly these regulations enable the powers that be to put companies out of business overnight – through the harsh enforcement of EU directives. And regardless of who it is claimed to help, who benefits from this in reality? The consumer? Or big pharma? I could easily write a shed load more on this directive, but I won’t.

  • The Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (No 1924/2006) 

    This is the nastiest and cruelest of the lot. This is the directive which has made it illegal to say anything meaningful about virtually everything – leading to the total ban on the claims that water hydrates the body, or that prunes help with constipation – and tens of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money spent on arriving at these preposterous conclusions. With some of the products we provide, this has led to an up to 90% drop in sales.This is the directive which caused products such as Optibac Probiotics For Bowel Calm (a nice and clear product name) to have to be renamed “Saccromyces Boulardii” (which is completely meaningless or ordinary people). Similarly Optibac Probiotics For A Flat Stomach to had to be renamed “One week flat”. That’s because even the name of the product was deemed an illegal health claim. If you are finding it hard to find useful information on the supplements you are interested in, or which supplements might help you, or why you end up with no choice but to view third party, non EU based web sites to obtain information, blame this directive. Blame the EU. The idea, perhaps noble of protecting the consumer, has ended with a Draconian directive which makes publishing legitimate opinion into a crime, and bans companies even telling you what scientific research has found – unless the European Food Standards agency gives you permission to do so, and of course only after they have spent up to a million Euros submitting a single health claim. This is impossible for small to medium sized companies like the Finchley Clinic – the businesses all the mainstream political parties agree are the life-blood of the economy, yet where it comes to protecting them from petty EU regulations when they are in power, at best do nothing, and at worse encourage it! Result: the industry is becoming more and more disincentivised to even try to provide worthwhile, helpful information. So when you find that the information available on a nutrient is that it “contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism”, instead of something that is actually useful for you to know i.e… what it may help with…it’s not the industry who are to blame – it’s the unelected EU commissioners, on their rather comfortable over £300,000 per year (plus expenses) salaries.

  • The Human Medicinal Products Directive (Directive 2001/83/EC). 

    This directive can make any food, food supplement or cosmetic a drug at a regulator’s discretion – anything which has “a physiological effect”, or is claimed to have. This of course makes anything, theoretically even water into a medicine! After all, if you tried to avoid water for more than two or three days, you’d soon learn whether or not it has a physiological effect, even if as according to the EU geniuses, it does not hydrate the body!

Words would be inadequate to describe how heartbreaking it is for us to be banned from providing many safe, effective natural health products and to tell you what they actually do even when we can sell them. And even more heart breaking for your health to be compromised as a result. Even more so in view of the estimated 40,000 deaths per year conservatively estimated by University College, London to occur in the UK as a result of CORRECTLY prescribed medical drugs (the numbers are even higher when the death rate for badly prescribed drugs is added to this).

(Source: Daily Telegraph December 19 1999. Similar article Daily Telegraph 30 Nov 2008, numerous newspaper and medical journal articles have come out since these older citations, all saying the same thing. However I haven’t bothered to save them all, because they all say the same thing, so it just gets repetitive after a while).

Now it gets worse: TTIP, Big Pharma, and the EU

The transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. is something almost nobody – even in the health industry has heard of (yet) – and most people will only do so when it is too late. Interestingly, the highly unlikely combination of Friends of the Earth and the UK Independence Party are strongly opposing this deal although the three mainstream parties support it – or at the very least have not opposed it in any way. TTIP is supposed to be a free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States (USA), which all sounds rather nice in theory. But the reality is less nice.

Firstly it will be a disaster for our NHS as it will allow back door privatisation, and favour the interests of the pharmaceutical companies over and above the public good and public health. Secondly, and even more ominously it will restrict, and possibly end entirely the controls we have over genetically modifed (GM) food in our fields and shops.
Regarding the first point, as stated on one web site “The analysis of the 5 most worrying proposals of the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the EU-US trade agreement reveals a real threat to European public health systems and democracy. A report by the Commons Network and civil society partners shows that the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the TTIP is detrimental for public health, will increase the cost of medicines and undermines democratic processes”.
According to Professor Angus Dalgelish – an oncologist in a leading London teaching hospital “20 years ahead the NHS will not be viable in any shape or form unless we address these (EU directives) issues….The current NHS structure cannot cope….All improvements to improve patient care are thwarted by regulatory burdens. They want us to improve everything at the coalface and then shackle us and straightjacket us with this.The main problem is the blind acceptance of European Union Directives without thinking through the consequences – the law of unintended consequences.

The EU Clinical Trials Directive

In the words of Professor Dalgleish this “was meant to be brought in to harmonise research, but it has ended up destroying academic medicine in this country –  a field in which we were world leaders. This has resulted in several reports from the professional bodies [opposing this directive]. One of them, from the Academy of Medical Sciences (of which I am a fellow), have done a lovely document to the government pointing out the problems, leaving no stone unturned and we still haven’t had any kind of response to it. Before this came in I could do all sorts of trials with simple cheap drugs vaccines etc that might improve outcomes and we could do it in academic centres. It was easy getting this done. When the EU Clinical Trials Directive was pointed out to me, I said to the government, the MHRA, the Presidents of the College of Physicisans and pathologists etc that this could be a disaster. They patted me on my head, virtually, and said “don’t worry, it won’t happen, it’s just sort of a tidying up exercise”. Then what happened when it came in? I get told I can’t do this, I can’t do that. I went to see these guys and tell them you agreed, you promised, but they’ve all gone. They’ve all retired. They’ve brought in new people who say “well, these are the rules”. So that’s what happens.

So do do a trial now, and this is no word of exaggeration, because I just tried to cost one up, it’s coming in at £2m to do a study, that previously cost about £50,000! How can you possibly justify that if you’re not a big pharmaceutical company? The label on the tin was to harmonise clinical research and protect the patient. But in reality it increasingly looks like a cartel to protect big pharma and to keep competition from generics and academics out. The result is that much clinical research previously being done in this country is now being done elsewhere, and the patients lose out. This was the thing that really got to me.

I had to go to All Party Parliamentary Committee on Cancer care, and I said It’s absolutely pointless addressing any of these things [which he had gone to talk about] unless you get rid of The EU Clinical Trials Directive, because it’s the patients who are losing out from this. We used to have a world-class lead on this, but now unless it’s the drugs companies behind it, we can’t do anything.”

EU Working Time Directive and the NHS

More from Professor Dalgliesh : – “If you think that’s bad enough, there are other European Directives that are just destroying the NHS. Until we get rid of them, we just cannot get the NHS the way we want it. Take the Working Time Directive. It limits the amount of hours that people are allowed to work in a week, and that’s it. But it’s impossible to do that with a health care system. But our government have said “this is how it is”. But to do this, you need to plan for about 20 years, and employ three times the number of doctors overnight, and this we cannot do. Because of this directive, people aren’t being trained. I don’t know any surgeon now who would want to be operated on by one of their young colleagues. Someone phoned me when they heard I was giving this speech, and said “It’s even worse than you think. We’ve just appointed a consultant colo-rectal surgeon who has only done four colectomy (removal of the colon) operations in his life”. We did this before we (even) became registrars when I was training!  It has inflicted utter chaos on the health care system, and nobody is doing anything about it.”

The EU freedom of movement directive, and your health.

And once again, Professor Dalgliesh: – “The freedom to move from one country to another is a great ideal. But if you’ve got a set amount of doctors, nurses etc how can you then deliver the service for a demand which goes up exponentially? The freedom to move is a great idea in theory. But in reality when one country provides everything free at the point of service, including treatments which are unavailable altogether in about a third of EU countries, how can you blame people from coming here from abroad to get treatment?. Of course people from outside will want to access this if they’re desperate. Merion Thomas, an NHS surgeon recently wrote about the flagrant abuse of the NHS by those who are not entitled to it and the massive savings that would be made if this was stopped. The obvious solution is that the NHS should only be free at the point of service to those that have paid into it. Others would have to take out insurance”. 

A solution?

There is an alternative to having to comply with EU regulations which pose a threat to your health, your freedom of choice, and access to health information. The alternative is to leave the EU, and be done with it. In the good old days, was there anything that bad about having our laws made by people who we actually elected, and can throw out if they do a lousy job? Call me old fashioned, but I rather like our laws to be made by democratically elected British politicians rather than unelected bureaucrats, who for all we know, have never even stepped on British soil, and have no reason to be especially concerned with what is best for the UK.

I personally believe that the EU is an insult to the democratic values it took hundreds of years for the UK to arrive at. But leaving that aside, I urge customers to vote to leave the EU if their health is important to them. The EU has already done enormous damage to the health and well-being of our customers, and this is set to get much, much worse with our continued membership of this organisation. I know of more than one health supplement company who have been put out of business by the EU (whereupon the customers oftentimes buy the same products, at greater expense from outside the EU or poorer nearest alternatives). On the current trajectory, like the decimated UK fishing industry, more are likely to follow in the future. And that potentially includes us, and the unique range of products we provide. This is why regardless of of your overall political views, we encourage you to vote to leave the EU on June 23rd, and take back control of the most fundamental things in your possession: your body and your health.

For those anyone who is interested to know more about the way in which EU regulations actually affect every aspect of our lives, whether or not we are aware of it on a day to day basis, and how our democractic rights are being eroded, I urge you to give an hour of your time to view the superbly produced Brexit available to watch free on YouTube. If time permits, I also recommend the somewhat disturbing Brexit: Facts Not Fear.

Mark G. Lester – Director, The Finchley Clinic Ltd

10% Off Threelac Capsules Special Offer

Threelac: One solution to healthy digestion and a bloat free gut

Did you know that Threelac – which has consistently been our most popular anti-candida probiotic for over 10 years – with countless repeat orders from satisfied customers –  is available in capsules as well as sachets? Many of our customer’s are not aware of this, so in order to raise awareness we are offering 10% off on the capsules only  (not on the sachets) for the next 7 days. Offer ends end of Friday, 2nd November. To get this discount please use the code TC-15-October when checking out your order. Please note if you buy in volume, this will give you 10% off in addition to the volume discounts which are available on the web site. Threelac is also a part of our new comprehensive anti candida programme. This programme is designed for difficult cases – people with mild candida, will normally be able to get better with Threelac by itself, or possibly Threelac with Oxygen Elements Max or Oxylift, and Active Digestive Enzymes. These are available as the following discount kits.  The provide 10% off automativcally whereas, the voucher code above is for threelac capsules as a single product.

GHT Threelac & Oxygen Elements Max Anti-Candida Kit – £57.58

GHT Threelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit – £57.58

GHT Threelac, OxyLift & Active Digestive Enzymes – Anti Candida & Digestive Health Kit – £86.37

GHT Threelac, Oxygen Elements Max & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida and Digestive Health Kit – £86.37

*** Please note with the kits we send the sachets rather than the capsules by default, but if you prefer the capsules, just mention it in the comments field when checking out your order ***

What do our customers says about Threelac?

Here are three of our favourite customer reviews…

I have suffered with the side effects of candida for years-the overeating as a result of food cravings, dry skin, depression, tiredness, etc. I tried the very restrictive diet recommended by some books I read, however I found this difficult to fit in with any kind of family or social life. In desperation, I was surfing the internet for some advice & came across an American review of Threelac which sounded too good to be true. After some more research I found the product was available at The Finchley Clinic, so I ordered some to try along with Oxygen Elements Max and Active Digestive Enzymes. I thought it was quite expensive, but then so is overeating !! I have now been using these products for about 8 months. Apart from an occasional bad day, the food cravings have disappeared, my skin is much better and I am no longer tired and depressed. As a bonus I have lost over 3 stone.

Threelac is the miracle cure I was waiting for. Candida closed my life down; it became an endless cycle of safe foods and activities, engaging in nothing that would aggravate or inflame my problem. To say it was depressing and tedious would be a huge understatement. Hope tinged desperation meant I would and did try everything. Nothing really worked. Until Threelac. I felt the difference within days and the good feeling lives on. Threelac fully restores all the pleasures of the flesh because my body has become a pleasure to be in. I can eat, indulge in, play and frolic to my hearts content – Chocolate, alcohol, liqueur coffee. Candida acts as an invisible bondage, shackling you to a thin, restrained, neutered experience of life. Threelac cuts those chains and to the starved senses, such freedom is sublime. A lot of products carry exaggerated claims and many therapists make reassurances and promises they are unable to fulfil. Having wasted a lot of time and money, not to mention the emotional investment, I can place my hand on my heart to vouch for this product. Id also like to add that Mark’s service is second to none. I usually receive my order within two days, sometimes the next day. This is incredibly reassuring, if like me, you tend to leave things till last minute. I’m reluctant to use expressions such as this changed my life as they are so laboured in this results guaranteed culture but Threelac has, so I have to concur. It does what it says on the tin, how rare is that?

I have suffered IBS for 5 years with the usual symptoms of bloating, abdominal cramps, alternating loose bowels and constipation. I aslo have an intolerance to Wheat, Gluten and Dairy. After another period of being signed off from work with the above plus mild depression I reaserched the internet to find that I may have a Candida Albicans overgrowth – as I ate a sweet diet – having ruled out all wheat / gluten and dairy there was not much choice – i adore chocolate and so that was my compensation for not being able to eat my other food favourites. I had also taken the contraceptive pill for many years. I did the saliva test and this came up with the result I was expecting. From that moment I cut out ALL sugar, yeast,and mould producing foods as well as still being on the wheat and dairy free diet too. I lived on Salad and Veg!! The occasional apple was allowed. I also started taking Threelac with Oxygen Elements Max and Active digestive enzymes. It was very hard especially the first two weeks, but after a while I stopped having sweet cravings. I do not have to eat every two hours like I had to before otherwise I got shaky and faint. Its been 5 months now and I am coming to the end of the programme. I am still taking two threelac a day as maintainance. I feel a lot better have lost weight and am able to eat the occasional sandwich or pasta dish without being in severe pain from the cramps. Taking Threelac is now a staple part of my lifestyle, its helping my weight stay stable and allowing me more freedom with what I eat. I would recommend to anyone who has suffered with digestive problems to give it a try – initally it is expensive when taking 5 straws a day but I would pay it all again as It has worked for me.

Don’t forget, if you write a review of Threelac or anything else you have purchased from us, you get 500 reward points per review. We find it very frustrating that everyone wants to read other peoples reviews, yet can’t be bothered to write one themselves.  We get roughly one review for every 500 sales of each product.

Is Threelac a scam or dangerous?

There is some nonsense and scaremongering on the internet about Threelac. Most of it is drivel, and some of it is put out there by competitors who have a vested interest in hugely unethically, trying to market their own product by discrediting the competition – often with barefaced lies. We think this is a despicable and unnecessary tactic. If a competitor product is genuinely any good, you should promote it on it’s own merits, not by slagging off the compeition. Anyway, rest assured by reading what our customers have been saying here that it’s not just a good product, but often an amazing one. And don’t forget that Threelac and all the products we provide from Global Health Trax are backed up with this 60 day money back guarantee,

FAQ’s on the difference between Threelac capsules and sachets

What is the difference between Threelac capsules and Threelac sachets?

Not much. Basically the capsules are in vegetarian capsules, and the sachets are provided in sachets which you open up and sprinkle onto your tongue or put in a little water. The box size of the capsules is much smaller for than the sachets, which makes it easier for us to ship, and easier for customers wishing to take the product away with them when travelling. So that may be a consideration for some people.

Are there any other differences between the two in terms of efficacy or effectiveness?

No – or at least not that we have observed so far. In fact if anyone does notice any difference in efficacy, we’d like to know about it. But please note, 1 sachet = 2 capsules. This is why there are 120 capsules whereas the original product (threelac sachets) consists of 60 sachets but is the same price.

Best wishes

Mark G. Lester
Company Director

CharismaHome – Creating a Harmonious Home

This article is for those who may be concerned about

  • Geopathic stress
  • Electromagnetic fields from WiFi,
  • Improving the subtle energy in your home
  • Influencing your own home environment to be in harmony with you and your loved ones

CharismaHome, developed by our friend Chris Dennison is one of the most unusual products we provide.  You can’t put your finger on it, but we’ve all been into  a room or a home where the atmosphere just doesn’t feel right. Sometimes it’s because the people in the room have just had an argument, and you sense something is “off”. Oftentimes it’s less specific, the house just doesn’t feel right.

There’s nothing that special about my own house, but people who come into my house often say things like “Your house has such a nice energy” or “I feel really good whenever I come into your house”.  My ego would like to tell me it’s because I’m such an amazing and charming person to be around, but I know that’s not the real reason, or at least not the primary one. My secret weapon is CharismaHome.

Now it’s important to note that this product doesn’t look like much. It’s ‘just’ a magnet – but the magnet has been impregnated or if you like programmed (not of course with computer coding). This impregnation is designed not to fight harmful energies from wi-fi, smart meters, or the negative energy by those who dwell in the property. It’s designed to harmonise those energies. For those of you who are familiar with martial arts, it’s vibrational aikido rather than karate.

There’s a number of interesting reviews on the web page for CharismaHome, which are highly recommended reading , especially for the sceptic. But here’s one that’s not on the web page:

I placed this on the fridge and didn’t say a word to my family!

  • The main leyline has moved to the outside wall of the house, which I found fascinating. The slugs in the lounge no longer come in but I find evidence of them more in the side porch attached to the outside wall. In other words, they’ve followed the leyline. My husband was near to the old position of the leyline at his side of the bed but not directly on it. His sleep pattern is definitely better.
  • The house is happy generally and our relationships are good. I sense there may well be a more uplifting positive feeling and contentment to all in the house. People come and often comment what a lovely warm space it is (and it isn’t the décor either!).   
  • I dowsed the degree of benefit of the CharimsaHome and it came to 75%. A healer last week who doesn’t know me, remote dowsed my property and found nothing wrong with it that would impact my health. It always good to get confirmation from others.

I’ve seen rival products for Geopathic stress, Electromagnetic ‘smog’ and vibrational uplifting of our home environments for 10 -20 x the price of CharismaHome, which we sell for only £69.99. It really is great value for money, and is designed to cover the area of any size house plus the garden. Alongside CharismaHome, we also sell its sister products CharismaFood – the instrument that revitalises the life force energy in your food, as though it had just been freshly harvested – and CharismaCar – the instrument which protects from you from electro-smog and other negative emanations when driving your car. At only £34.99 and £69.99 respectively, they are both a steal. All Charisma products last forever, can be taken from your old home, or old car into your new one, and only need to be purchased once.

Don’t ask us precisely how it works – though there is some basic explanation here. All we know is that the products do work.  And customer feedback frequently vindicates this.

All products come with full instructions, although where any questions or concerns come up which we can’t answer we will refer customers directly to the product developer who will get back to you in person. Try these unique products, and let us know how you get on.


Products to take on holiday

Here’s a compilation of some of the best products to take on holiday. This is not so much based not on our own prejudices, but our own customers recommendation of what products you might find useful to have with you when you travel.

 Oxy-Powder (for a healthy colon)  – “Oxy-Powder has made me feel so much better. I travel a lot and it helps tremendously with the dehydration that air travel seems to cauase, and makes my digestive system flow, reducing gut discomfort. Oxy-Powder does what it says on the tin, and is the perfect partner for my health.”

“I bring Oxy-Powder on holiday with me in case I get constipated after travelling. I just need to take a dose or two and everything is back on track. I’ve had enemas and colonics but for me Oxy-Powder does the same job only better. ”

“I have used Oxy-Powder for my liver and bowel cleanses, or when I have eaten something not very healthy and I just want it out of my system as soon as possible:) I always travel with it to give my digestive system a boost which it needs when I eat differently or less healthily.”

“Oxy-Powder has made me feel so much better. I travel a lot and it helps tremendously with the dehydration that air travel seems to cauase, and makes my digestive system flow, reducing gut discomfort. Oxy-Powder does what it says on the tin, and is the perfect partner for my health.”

 Colosan Powder (also for a healthy colon) – “I find Colosan very effective. When I travel I take it along with me as its my best friend. I also introduced my sister in law and graundaughter to it, and they also find it very effective. I usually take 1 teaspoon in apple juice. I do not use the lemon juice as recommended on the label, as I have high stomach acid already and am on medication to reduce it, but the colosan works even without the lemon juice.”

“I take Colosan every time I feel I a cold is coming and I believe that it helps me to stay away from colds. Also when I feel constipated – usually when travelling or eating bad food I take Colosan. It is amazing. I highly recommend Colosan. ”

“I love Colosan, it is the best product I have tried for colon health. I have been taking it for at least 10 years. When I first took colosan I did the big cleanse but I now take just 2 capsules per day. I have tried other similar products, but always come back to my good old faithful colosan! I find the capsules more convenient than powder, easy to take on holiday etc. Along with biokult, I find colosan the best way to keep me regular and bloat free”.

Oxygen Elements Max –  “I have prescribed this product to countless patients and it has been a permanent inclusion in my supplemental regime for many years. It has numerous uses and benefits and is always included in my travelling must haves. I can personally vouch for its efficacy in relieving mucous congestion, for its ability to disinfect wounds,fungal skin and nail infections and for assisting the liver to deal with excessive alcohol intake after a celebratory evening out! My athletic patients have reported less problems with lactic acid build up in muscles. This is one product I shall continue using and prescribing indefinitely.”

 OptiBac Probiotics Bifidobacterium & Fibre (Formerly For Maintaining Regularity) 30 sachets – I take a box of OptiBac on holiday with me – it helps maintain regularity when the stresses of travel/reduced levels of roughage in a ‘strange’diet tend to make me “bunged up”. I would highly recomment this. I regularly take oxygen products [OxyLift + Oxy-Powder], and feel I really benefit from them, but add OptiBac when I know I am likely to become constipated.”

 OptiBac Probiotics For travelling abroad “I have just completed a 2.5 week trip to Rajasthan, India, taking in Delhi and travelling across to Jaiselmer. The one thing that concerned me was getting ‘Delhi belly’ – I am 60 and didn’t want to have the trip spoilt by an upset tummy, even though I’d been told it was inevitable. I bought the OptiBac Traveller probiotics and took them before and during my trip. I didn’t have one upset and looking at fellow travellers who didn’t take anything, almost without  exception, they were ill. Would highly recommend and would definitely take this version again if travelling to a similar country.”

 Threelac or  Fivelac – “This product seems to have a miraculous effect on my (super sensitive) digestive system; I’m not sure if I actually have low-level Candida but the symptoms are similar. I usually take one sachet per day before a meal but sometimes increase it to 2 or even 3 times per day if I’m likely to be eating food that’s normally  a bit too rich for me to digest. I always plenty on holiday with me and have also found it can calm an upset stomach.”

“Threelac became a vital part of my life over two years ago, when I realised that candida control was essential in managing my Crohn’s disease. I introduced Fivelac for those times when I felt I needed something ‘extra’ – if for example I suffered an upset stomach while travelling, or felt that a Crohn’s attack was imminent. Suffice to say that since I started this regime, my Crohn’s has been pretty much completely under control for the first time in my adult life. Threelac and Fivelac are amazing products, and I simply wouldn’t be without either, ever again.”

 Citricidal (grapefruit seed extract, natural anti-bacterial) – “This is great stuff to take with you for travel to ensure you don’t come down with dreaded tummy upset due to parasites in unclean water/food.”


Now that we’ve made our recommendations as to what products to take on holiday, enjoy your travels, and keep well!

Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd