As well as Mag 07, many of you are aware of the fact that we sell two other very well known, and similar magnesium-oxygen based colon cleansers namely Oxy-Powder and Colosan. The question, Mag 07 vs Oxy-Powder vs Colosan – which one do I buy? – is not always easy to answer.
We are not saying that Mag 07 is better or worse than the other two. In fact we are not saying that any of them are any better than any of the others. Our experience, fairly consistently, is that some people get on better with one and some people get on better with another one, despite their similarities. However we will mention that of the different products we provide within this genre, Mag 07 is the least expensive (at least in the capsule form). In fact we are ludicrously underselling this product, and will almost certainly have to increase the price when our current stock sells through. So if you’re not sure which one to try, we tend to recommend trying Mag 07.
90 capsules only £19.99 here
180 capsules only £29.99 here
Magnesium oxide*
Citric Acid
Rice Flour
Vegan Capsule (Cellulose)
* Has been through a special ozonation process
Looking to reduce the belly bloat now that summer is approaching? Not so much a weight reduction but a waist reduction product, Mag 07 Colon Cleanser is an all-natural gentle colon cleanser that can help you get rid of that belly bloat – and aim for a flatter tummy. It works by oxidising the many pounds of waste matter many of us accumulate in our colons as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, stress, lack of suitable fluids and anything else which causes you to poop less than you should, and store unwanted material as a result. More than that, unlike fibre based products, Mag 07 being oxygen based, may help deter candida yeast problems and many report it giving them a big energy boost. It’s safe to take both short term and long and compatible with all medications we know of, though as always we recommend consulting with your doctor in the event of any doubt. The suggested dosage is 3 capsules per day for an initial cleanse – taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or last thing at night – though this can be adjusted for a stronger or more mild effect.
Colon health is a big deal here at the Finchley Clinic. We are big on keeping your colon free of toxins and maintaining a healthy population of friendly bacteria; it’s one of the most widely-used ways to promote overall good health.
We also want you to fully understand what you’re getting when you use supplements. After all, it is your body and your health so you should be the one to make informed decisions about what goes into it.
You might have heard a lot about herbal supplements and taking extra fibre to keep your bowels in order. While it is true that a fibre-rich diet is good for your guts, taking fibre supplements might actually do you more harm than good. Herbal supplements can contain toxic contaminants and allergens – and that’s just the side effects. Their intended effects can be directly harmful to your internal health.
Take psyllium, for example. Widely promoted as a healthy way to cleanse your bowels, it’s been known to cause serious allergic reactions,so it isn’t suitable for everyone. While reactions are fairly rare, psyllium can also result in the exact opposite of its goal by causing new bowel obstructions. Although we don’t doubt that they can provide great results in the right situation, some people, our company director included, find psyllium products to be extremely bloating and constipating even when taken as directed with plenty of water.Ironically, psyllium treatments can actually be very risky for those already suffering from painful constipation. Using psyllium in the long term may also affect your ability to absorb vital minerals such as iron.
Cascara sagrada or buckthorn bark was banned in the US in 2002 for use in laxatives, but still finds its way into bowel cleansers. Like senna, another popular cleanser, buckthorn is a type of anthraquinone – a naturally-occurring but nevertheless harsh compound that irritates your bowels to cause contractions and force a bowel movement. Apart from causing diarrhoea, nausea and a fair amount of physical discomfort, this irritates your colon’s population of healthy bacteria – so you end up with a less healthy gut than you started with.
This is why we usually recommend a mineral colon cleanser like Oxy Powder over and above fibre based products– even though we sell a few of them. It’s an oxygen-based product that uses magnesium oxide compounds to slowly release nascent oxygen into your bloodstream and digestive system. The oxygen creates an environment hostile to harmful anaerobic gut bacteria, but rather than forcing your bowels to move, it simply loosens and breaks down toxic build-up. At the same time, it feeds beneficial aerobic bacteria, to encourage them to multiply and create a healthier, more stable colonic environment.
Many of us fall into the trap of believing that because something is “herbal” or “natural”, it must be good for us. It’s important to stay informed and realise that not everything green is your friend.
If you have over indulged on food and drink over Christmas, this is the time to clean your colon using an Oxygen Colon cleanser for detoxing, and to get rid of that bloating around your tummy. You might also want to think about supporting your liver if your health is off-track.
Preventing colds and flus
This is the time of year when every other person seems to be getting colds and flu’s. However I almost never get colds, and when I do, they are incredibly mild these days. I am not naturally super healthy – it’s because I follow the following steps to support inhibit pathogens and support my immune system. You can do the same, and say goodbye to winter colds.
First, you should supplement with any of our liquid oxygen products. Virus’s hate our Liquid Oxygen products! So if you just did one thing through the winter to prevent colds and flu’s, this would be your starting point. But remember to take it persistently – as opposed to when you be bothered, or if you happen to remember, which not surprisingly leads to very poor results. By the way, the liquid oxygen is also extremely valuable in the fight against candida overgrowth, being anti viral as well as anti fungal.
Secondly supplement with Vitamin C – Our Ultra Pure Vitamin C is probably the best of our selection of Vitamin C products. Take 1-2 capsules every day, at least a couple of hours away from when you take the Oxygen. If you do go down with a cold, you can take one capsule every 2 hours to get rid of it fast!
Zinc has also been shown to be useful in many studies both for preventing colds and supporting the immune system generally. We provide a number of zinc products, but the one I personally use is Zinc Gluconate with Vitamin B6 (the B6 assists the absorbtion of zinc). Whole books are available on the benefits of zinc supplementation for a whole raft of health challenges, more than can be ventured into in a short newsletter, and some of our older customers may remember that this has been the subject of previous newsletters in the past.
Thirdly, take Vitamin D, which is incredibly important for the entire immune system. Unfortunately, almost everyone living in Norther Europe is Vitamin D deficient at this time of year, and dark skinned people who who absorb vitamin D much more slowly than white Europeans (from the reaction between ultra violet light from the sun on the skin and cholesterol), are nearly always Vitamin D deficient the entire year! The Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin D is a pitiful 200iu per day, but my opinion is that this is utter nonsense. In the summertime, 30 minutes exposure to the sun enables the body to produce 10,000-20,000iu’s per day – in other words up to 50 times more than the EU Recommended Daily Allowance. So why is the Daily Allowance so low? There are proposals incidentally, coming from the unelected wastes of taxpayers money know as the EU, ever influenced by the vested interests of big pharma to limit your the legal availability of Vitamin D supplements to the pathetic 200iu I just spoke about. Anyway, whilst this has not occurred, I recommend 1-2 tablets per day of Vitamin D3 5,000iu with Vitamin K2. The Vitamin K2 is added as Vitamin D works synergistically with K2. Oh by the way, you may have read that Vitamin D is ‘toxic’ in high dosages somewhere or other. Well, It is true that 40,000iu given daily to rats has been shown to be toxic and can kill them. Extrapolated to humans, that’s around 10,000,000 (10 million) iu’s per day required to kill a human. According to one leading researcher, Vitamin D is not toxic on any dosage if it is taken together with Vitamin K2. Anyway, since I am recommending 5,000-10,000 and not 10,000,000 units per day (and this is what I take for around 8 months of the year), I don’t think I am likely to be pushing up daisies any time soon as a result of my Vitamin D intake, and somehow I suspect you won’t either.
As always I have only scratched the surface of what I would like to say, but if you follow these steps, I am confident you will get a lot less colds and flu’s this winter.
Mag 07 Oxygen Cleanse is the newest product in our colon cleansing range. For a long time, Oxy-Powder and Colosan have been our two primary magnesium based Oxygen Colon Cleansers. Customers report that they have helped them with their candida overgrowth, energy levels, bloating, gas, constipation, intestinal cramping / discomfort etc. Both products are pretty similar, but not infrequently we get customers who tell us that one works better for them than the other one – sometimes its been Oxy-Powder – sometimes its been Colosan. Occasionally we also get people report that they respond extremely well initially, but then the effects seem to gradually diminish. We call this effect ‘habituation’. And in this situation it has proven useful to have an additional product which we can recommend. We have found that alternating betweeen the two brands has been very useful at preventing habituation.
Introducing Mag 07 Oxygen Cleanse
More recently, we have taken on a third kid on the block, and it’s very competitively priced compared with Colosan and Oxy-Powder. We have been getting equally good feedback on it as we have had with Colosan and Oxy-Powder. We are NOT stating that it is better than the existing products that we sell. What we are stating though is that as with Colosan and Oxy-Powder, individual responses vary, and it is the best one for those that find it is the best one! We are also finding that having a third product to rotate with in order to prevent habituation is very useful in some cases.
The logic behind Mag O7 Oxygen Cleanse relates to the action of probiotics or the friendly bacteria, such as acidophilus, which reside in the healthy human intestine. These facultative bacteria have a unique method of protecting their territory against the encroachment of anaerobes; they secrete hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen in the ROS form which is far more powerful than atmospheric oxygen. The result is a highly aerobic atmosphere which is inhospitable to anaerobes. Since many pathogens are anaerobic in nature, they cannot survive in this created aerobic atmosphere. When the peroxide (oxygen) secreting bacteria have a well established colony in the intestinal tract, is difficult for the anaerobes to establish their own colony. The result is a healthier digestive system. Conversely, when the anaerobes have formed a well established colony, they protect their territory against encroachment by the facultative bacteria by secreting toxins. It is believed that these toxins contribute to colitis and many other intestinal disease.
Mag O7 releases Oxygen in ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) form that has been shown to :-
Act as superior digestive system cleanser and oxygen supplement
Fast acting, usually overnight
Proven in laboratory tests to release oxygen for over 12 hours
The Magnesium in Mag 07 acts as a Stool Softener for those needing this benefit
Also the Magnesium acts as a vehicle to transport oxygen through intestinal tract, kidneys and bladder
Diminish harmful bacteria and support friendly flora while boosting the Immune System
Improve absorption of nutrients from foods and supplement regimes
Enhance results from sports nutrition and weight loss products
Typical customer feedback
I suffer from pretty severe IBS and have tried a lot of regular treatments for it, always with rather disappointing results. However this product has been a godsend! I had pretty good results with Colosan, but Mag 07 has proved much more effective. I can’t recommend it highly enough, it works quickly and relieves the majority of the bloating, trapped wind and general nastiness within about 24 hours.
Mag 07 Oxygen Cleanse is available in the following sizes and formats
* All Mag 07 products are vegan, but the Pure Vegan version is guaranteed to be made in a Pure Vegan facility. Meaning that no non vegan ingredients are even allowed on the premises. All Mag 07 and indeed all Aerobic Life products are made in GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) facilities.
What should I combine with Mag 07?
Consider Aerobic 07, especially if you have candida or fatigue problems.
Aerobic 07
You can combine Mag 07 with anything, but you may want to consider its sister product Aerobic O7 to flood the body with nascent oxygen for overall health. While Mag 07 cleanses and oxygenates the colon, Aerobic O7 cleanses the blood and lymph. Aerobic O7 is a dietary supplement: It is liquid solution of stabilized oxygen with buffers and electrolytes. Also known as stabilised oxygen, which is a non-technical term referring to a solution containing oxygen in the ROS form which is stabilized with buffers so that the product can be bottled without the oxygen being released before it is needed. The result is a stable compound, containing oxygen in the ROS form, which can be taken as a dietary supplement. Typically used to combat candida and other unwanted micro-organisms, and (by increasing in the body) increasing energy levels.
Oxygen is the most important element for sustaining life on Earth! Without oxygen, life would cease to exist. The human body is an incredible machine. It is continually working to rid the body of foreign organisms and toxins. White blood cells fight disease organisms by surrounding, then blasting, the attacking organism with a highly Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). In the medical literature, this blast is called the respiratory burst. When our bodies detect the presence of elevated levels of ROS it assumes that we are under microbial attack. This prompts our bodies to produce more white blood cells to help with the fight. As white blood cells increase in number, the disease causing organisms can more easily be destroyed. ROS, when taken in supplement form (AEROBIC 07) can work in much the same way, helping the body to maintain its defences.
Finally…want to get a discount on your next order?
If you haven’t already done this, all you have to do is visit our Facebook page and click on the image at the top that says “Click Like to Reveal Exclusive Discount Code” (you will need a Facebook Account do do this). You can then use this discount code straight away, or whenever you place your next order. The discount code is limited to one use per customer. It has no time limit or expiry date, but we may not keep the discount opportunity open indefinitely. It can be used on any sized order, and it will work cumulatively with any volume discounts which are already available on the web site.
This question was originally going to go on an FAQ page on Colosan Colon Cleanser, but the full answer was so long that it has become an article in itself!
We didn’t originally source Colosan colon cleanser as a natural product for promoting regularity, or as a colon cleanser, even though those are the two most common reasons why the majority of our customers buy this superlative product today. We originally sourced it as an product to improve overall health through improved oxygenation.
Colosan is in essence the product that started the Finchley Clinic Ltd in the late 1990’s. That is to say without Colosan, The Finchley Clinic might never have come into existence as a company separate from my therapy practise. For a year or two before we sold Colosan, we provided a very similar oxygen therapy product called homozon (often wrongly misspelt as “homozone”, even by companies claiming to be experts on the subject, but clearly not expert enough to know how to spell a product they claim to be experts on!).
Homozon was originally sourced by the company director to accompany his treatments as a natural health practitioner, and at the time he had no intention of this leading to the creation of a successful e-commerce company selling a wide range of oxygen based nutritional supplements, and later on to a full health and nutrition web store.
Unfortunately homozon was very expensive, both at the trade price, and at the best retail price. Not only that but it was quite impossible for us to obtain regular supplies. The final straw came when one shipment took over 8 months to arrive, during which time we received countless feeble excuses as to why the suppliers had not fulfilled our order.
Around this time, we were recommended to provide Colosan Powder by Leeda McCabe and her husband, and Ed McCabe. (Ed being the author of the seminal book ‘Flood Your Body With Oxygen’, which we recommend as the standard textbook for laymen who want to understand more about the importance of oxygen therapy, oxygen products and so on). We bought our first 12 bottles, which unlike Homozon, arrived safely within 10 days of ordering it, then after a few orders, we went up to 144 bottles, then later on began ordering 1000 at a time. By this time we had been appointed the UK and Ireland distributors for Colosan, although we now have a few sub-distributors mostly in the UK, but with a few in other EU countries.
In those days, Colosan Colon Cleanser was only available as a powder. However we received constant complaints from customers about the fact that it wasn’t available in capsules. So after a year or so of fairly persistent nagging by us, the producers eventually agreed to manufacture Colosan in capsules. Colosan powder was and still is better value for money than Colosan capsules (you get over twice as much stuff per bottle if you buy the powder), but despite this, the capsules quite quickly became far more popular than the powder. It’s not that Colosan powder tastes that bad. To be honest, it doesn’t really taste of anything. We would describe Colosan powder as just having a rather vague nondescript chalky kind of taste. Nonetheless a lot of people either couldn’t be bothered to muck about with Colosan powder, or wanted something where they could measure the dosage more accurately. A few people wanted Colosan in capsules claiming that they didn’t like the taste of Colosan powder, but given that Colosan powder barely has any taste, we think the objection was more a psychological repugnance to taking Colosan as a powder than grounded in reality.
Within two years we were selling around 3 x more Colosan Colon Cleanser capsules than Colosan Powder, and that’s been pretty much the proportions ever since. Interestingly though, a lot of the colon hydrotherapy practitioners who refer people to us still recommend the powder instead of the capsules.
Alternatives to Colosan Colon Cleanser.
These days we sell two more rival brands to Colosan – namely Oxy-Powder (which rather confusingly only comes in capsules despite the word “powder” in Oxy-Powder), and Mag 07, which is available in both capsules and powder. The background to why and when we began selling these products when we already had Colosan are separate stories in themselves.
All three manufacturers claim theirs is the only one that works, which either means two of them are lying, or that individual results vary, and that some people get on best with Colosan, some with Oxy-Powder and some with Mag 07. Our experience is that the truth lies with the latter hypothesis – i.e. that individual results vary. Because they are all similar products, quite a few people find that all of them work pretty much the same. However, there are no hard and fast rules, and just as some people find they all have more or less the same effect (the company director being one of them) some people do find that one of them works noticeably better than one of the others. Try them all, and let us know how you get on.
Colosan Colon Cleanser also has a dedicated web site found at
The instructions for Colosan Oxy-Powder and Mag 07 all recommend taking these products on an empty stomach – either last thing at night, as far away from your evening meal as possible, or first thing in the morning. (Personally, I prefer to take it first thing in the morning, as soon as I get up).
Does Oxy-Powder etc really need to be taken on empty stomach?
The truth is that because we always recommend people to simply follow the instructions, and we assume the overwhelming majoity of customers do, we have never had any feedback from anyone who has ignored this.
This is something we would like to rectify. Surely, there must be some people who have ignored the instructions, willfully, accidentally, because they didn’t have time to wait before eating, because they forgot and so on.
If you are one of those people, I would like to hear from you, as I genuinely want to know what experiences you have using these products and following the empty stomach instructions compared with not following them. These are the specific questions I want to know the answers to.
Did it work anyway?
Did it work but less effectively?
Did it stop it from working altogether?
Were there any unpleasant effects experienced as a result of ignoring the empty stomach instructions?
As Oxy-Powder, Colosan and to a lesser extent Mag 07 are amongst our top selling products, I would really like to get to the bottom of this, both for my own benefit but also so I can advise customers in the future. Please use the comments box below if you are able to share any experiences you have in that regard.
Many of you would have seen by now that our top selling oxygen based colon cleanser, Oxy-Powder is now being provided in glass bottles. For some people this has led to puzzlement, even to the degree of people questioning whether it was still the same product. We have been asked whether we had changed suppliers. Others have questioned whether we might even be selling a counterfeit product.
Well, we can assure you that it is exactly the same Oxy-Powder product as before, except that it’s in a glass bottle. The change to the glass bottle was a decision made by the manufacturer, and we were to say the least not happy about it.
Why did we disagree with putting Oxy-Powder in glass containers?
The suppliers said they were doing it primarily for environmental reasons (glass being more environmentally friendly than plastic). I believe their intentions were good. However this had not been thought through properly, at least when shipping from the USA to the UK.
This is because it required a large amount of ADDITIONAL plastic bubble wrap for packaging. Add to that ADDITIONAL cardboard boxes (with plastic we could use jiffy bags), ADDITIONAL fossil fuel usage due to needless extra weight (the glass bottles were around 3 x heavier than the plastic bottles), ADDITIONAL shipping costs to send to the UK, ADDITIONAL shipping cost to send the Oxy-Powder out of the UK to our non UK customers, and ADDITIONAL time for my staff, which they were constantly complaining to me about.
Smashed Oxy-Powder bottles
The final straw came when we placed an order for around 1000 bottles, and over 70 of them arrived smashed as in the adjacent image.
The good news is that after going pretty ballistic with the suppliers, Dr Edward Group who runs Global Healing Center has relented and when our current stocks have been sold, we will be going back to plastic bottles again. Yippee!
This is still going to cause confusion, partly because the US product will still be in glass bottles. The second reason is because we will be going backwards and forwards from plastic to glass and then back to plastic again. This is bound to puzzle some customers – especially those who havent read this article!
Anyway, our main point is that whether you get it in plastic or glass bottles, if you are buying it from us, it’s the same product that it’s always been.
Supplier of Natural Health Supplements for candida management and colon cleansing