Category Archives: General Health & Nutrition

How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep On World Sleep Day

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” — Thomas Dekker English Elizabethan playwright

“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.” — Matthew Walker (Neuroscientist, Sleep Expert)

and perhaps most importantly of all….

“Laugh and the world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.” — Anthony Burgess (writer of A Clockwork Orange

Hi Everyone

I learnt today that March 15th is World Sleep Day (reference, so I decided to write an article on this important topic. 

If you’re suffering from poor sleep, it’s an area where we can often help. We actually have a full range of products that can help with sleep and relaxation, and as is always the case, different things work for different people. In order to keep this newsletter short, I have decided to just focus on five options.

Product 1: Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most well-known nutrients that aid sleep (dosage for adults, usually around 400mg per day, which is much higher than what it says on the label).

Which one should you use?

The question of which form of magnesium to use is rather nuanced. We provide around a dozen forms of magnesium, and we have had positive feedback on pretty much all of them. Here are some customer reviews for four different forms of magnesium in relation to sleep. Which one will work best for you? That, I can’t tell you and you will have to find out for yourself, if necessary with a bit of trial and error. 

★★★★★ Liposomal Magnesium (LLM1) 240ml

A Complete Game Changer: A Life-Changing Experience for My Son

I am writing this review in the hope that someone out there, who may be facing a similar situation with their child, finds the relief we did thanks to The Finchley Clinic.


My 7-year-old son had been experiencing night terrors for 6-7 months. Every evening, he would go to bed at 7:30 pm, but within an hour, he would wake up in the grip of a night terror. Initially, it was just crying and sitting up while still asleep, lasting a couple of minutes before he settled back down. However, it quickly escalated. He began waking up screaming uncontrollably, drenched in sweat, and completely terrified—even though he was still asleep. Witnessing your child in such distress is heart-wrenching.

As time went on, the situation worsened, progressing to sleepwalking combined with screaming and crying episodes. This wasn’t the first time he had experienced night terrors—there had been a less severe episode the previous year that lasted a couple of months and resolved on its own. But this time, it wasn’t going away.

Desperate for a solution, I contacted Mark at The Finchley Clinic. He recommended trying Liposomal Magnesium (LLM1) 240ml and advised giving it to my son an hour before bedtime.

The Results:

The change was remarkable. Within 2-3 weeks, the night terrors had completely stopped. Knowing that these episodes typically occurred about an hour into his sleep, we had been bracing ourselves every night, ready to comfort him. But soon, there was no need. He began sleeping peacefully through that critical hour. His body was no longer drenched in sweat, and he appeared calm and relaxed.

Final Thoughts:

This simple solution has been a complete game changer for my son and our family. Watching him sleep peacefully after months of turmoil is a relief beyond words. If your child is struggling with night terrors or similar issues, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to The Finchley Clinic and considering their advice. Liposomal Magnesium has made an incredible difference in our lives, and I hope it can do the same for yours.

Thank you, Finchley Clinic, for restoring peace to our nights!

★★★★★ Magnesium Bisglycinate 90 capsules

I love this magnesium. I take two every morning effects are immediate, I sleep much better since I’ve been taking it. I find It also helps with night cramps.

★★★★★ Magnesium Powder 90g (citrate and malate)

I made a banana milkshake at night. Place one large ripe banana in water in my fresh juice mini-fast-portable blender, plus this magnesium powder. And voila. I fell asleep like a baby. I did the same for my mum and whoever I was sharing with, and it was not just me. They fell out too. So if you are having sleeping problems, magnesium, baby. And we don’t crave ice cream or chocolate candy anymore, either. Those addictive Chinese and Korean series are fun to watch, but I will be there tomorrow. My sleep was much more critical.

★★★★★ Magnesium Citrate – 100mg – 90 capsules

The capsules are not too big and go down nicely. There isn’t a strong taste whilst swallowing the capsules and no after taste. The price is fantastic and from a brand I trust with no nasty ingredients. So far, i’ve noticed my sleep seems to be better and while I do still wake up during the night my mind doesn’t seem to be racing like it did before I took this product. Also, my restless leg syndrome has eased up quite a bit. Looking forward to see if these improvements continue to get better.

Product 2: Lavender Formula

Lavender Formula consists of 7 herbs / botanicals considered to be “nervines” i.e. herbs that help regulate the nervous system. These are Lavender, Aniseed, Oats, Peppermint, Chamomile, Hops, and Lemon Balm, selected kiniesiologically for their collective antagonism, synergism, allergenicity and tolerability with one another against a test vial for stress. Though formulated to reduce stress, 2-4 capsules taken 30-60 minutes before going to bed has a tremendous effect for sleep for a lot of people. 


A few months ago my husband and I both went through a traumatic event. We had to continue working, no choice but it affected our sleep patterns and our anxiety levels. I asked The Finchley Clinic for advice about a natural product which might help support us and was recommended to try the Lavender Formula. I have to say it is an amazing product. We both took it and our sleep pattern was restored immediately and our general mood / anxiety levels were significantly improved. I don’t need to take it now but if I have a restless night then I take one the following night and it helps enormously to restore harmony. I don’t want to take pharmaceutical drugs, Lavender Formula is a fantastic alternative and worth having in your medical cupboard!! I tell everyone I know who may be feeling anxious, stressed or experiencing disruptive sleep patterns.

Product 3: Valerian

As a stand-alone nervine, few herbs beat Valerian. We sell the more expensive (and better selling) Valerian from Global Healing, and the far less expensive Valerian extract from one of our UK suppliers (though supplies of this one are very unreliable). Here is what one customer wrote (having used the Global Healing product)….


This product worked wonderfully for me…instantly. Enabled much better sleep and helped reduce anxiety during the day.


Product 4: Stress Relief

Another polyherbal / polyingredient remedy combining traditional and modern ingredients like Organic Banana Peel, Organic Poria Mushroom, SAMe, and Lithium Orotate, Stress Relief provides an effective solution to help you find calm and enhance your overall well-being. In essence it’s aiming to do the same thing as Lavender Formula, but uses more expensive ingredients. It’s hard to say which one is the better product but customers do comment on it helping with a good night’s sleep.


I take two capsules daily for 2 weeks initially and had a great change in my mood. Less worries and more confidence and good sleep. A great product. Now I take it when I have some sleeping issues.

Product 5: Oxygen Elements Max or Oxylift (the two products are very similar, and this has been discussed in previous newsletters)

This is where things get weird! The products Oxygen Elements Max and Oxylift are not designed to help with sleep. By improving cellular oxygenation, they are designed to give you more energy, and logically one would think improve wakefulness, but not sleep. But in fact, they do both of these things. So, it may appear paradoxical but I have had a lot of people over the many years we’ve sold this product to tell me about how much it has helped with their sleep.

Note, very, very occasionally I have also had people tell me that the extra energy it gives them keeps them up at night if they take it in the evening, but this is incredibly rare.


I thought the benefits of this product sounded good and decided to give it a try. Prior to using this product I was not able to sleep very well, perpetually waking up most nights. I did not buy this product with this in mind but after a couple of days of taking it I suddenly realised I had had a good night’s sleep. Then this turned into several good night’s sleep, and so on. I don’t always have a perfect night but on the whole I now sleep most nights without waking. I had kept the leaflet with the product and was reading through when I noticed they mentioned that better sleep could be a benefit of the product. Nothing will stop me taking it now!

Why does a product designed to give you more energy though improved oxygenation make you sleep better?

I have a number of hypothesis’s as to why….

1. Better Oxygen Delivery to the Brain

Oxygen is critical for brain function. If cells receive more oxygen, the brain can regulate sleep cycles more efficiently, leading to deeper and more restorative sleep. Low oxygen levels (hypoxia) are linked to sleep disturbances like insomnia and fragmented sleep.

2. Reduced Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Many sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, stem from poor oxygenation. If a product enhances oxygen uptake and utilization, it may help reduce episodes of low oxygen levels at night, improving sleep quality.

3. Enhanced Mitochondrial Function & Energy Regulation

Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria, producing ATP (energy). Efficient ATP production helps regulate melatonin (the sleep hormone) and circadian rhythms, supporting natural sleep cycles.

4. Lower Stress and Anxiety

Poor oxygenation can contribute to stress by activating the sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight). Improved oxygenation can promote parasympathetic activity (rest-and-digest), helping the body relax before sleep.

5. Better Removal of Waste Products (Brain Detox)

During sleep, the brain clears metabolic waste via the glymphatic system. (The glymphatic system is basically the lymphatic system of the brain). Efficient oxygen use supports this detox process, reducing neuroinflammation and promoting deep sleep.

So there you go. My theories are not entirely proven, but I think one of more of the above probably explains why a product that gives you more energy through improved cellular oxygenation, may also give you a better night’s sleep.

For a more comprehensive list of products that may help sleep

Here again is a full range of products that can help with sleep and relaxation. In the unlikely event that none of these ideas work, then you need to look at the adrenal support category of the web site. 

Wishing Everyone A Happy World Sleep Day
Sleep Well!
Mark Lester
The Ever Sleepy Director and Founder
The Finchley Clinic Ltd 

Feeling Sluggish? Time To Clean Your Colon?

Oxysan and Oxy-Powder – Our Most Popular Oxygen Based Colon Cleansers

Keywords: Detoxification, Colon Cleasing, Colonic Irrigation, Constipation, Disease Prevention, Overall Health

As usual, I intend to make this a genuine “newsletter” rather than just a “we-just-flog-anything-letter”, which is what the overwhelming number of supplement companies seem to do these days. Very likely they are better marketeers than me, and certainly those types of “newsletters” are quicker and easier to compose. But it’s just not my style. 

Does All Disease Begin In The Colon

There is a common saying in naturopathic circles, that “all disease begins in the colon” (i.e the end of the digestive tract).I’m not sure I believe that’s 100% true, as I have come to learn more and more that there is equal validity in the epithet “all disease begins in the mouth*” (i.e. the beginning of the digestive tract). So I think it may be more accurate to change the expression to “All disease begins in the digestive tract” which includes the mouth, the stomach, the small intestine and the colon.  

* For those who want to venture into that comment further, there are numerous books on biological dentistry that go into this, and I also recommend the very watchable, and in places funny documentary film Root Cause. This film got banned by Netflix, as usual, because of endless objections, which let’s face it, all boiled down to the fact that it conflicted with powerful vested interests, falsely and ironically claiming it was spreading “misinformation”. In other words, entirely valid opinions that could reduce their financial income. There are numerous places to watch it for free, which most people can find for themselves with a bit of persistence if they don’t want to pay, but the more ethical thing to do is watch the official pay-to-view version here (after all, it costs less than £4!). Anyway, let’s get back to the main topic...

About The Colon…For Laymen

The colon a.k.a large intestine, is bascally the long loopy thing at the end of the digestive tract, who’s role it is to absorb water (but not too much, otherwise constipation occurs) and electrolytes (which balance the amount of water in your body), collect and form waste (also known as “poop”) into the right consistency in preparation for elimination (in other words being pooped out). It’s also one of the most common organs to not function well, due to poor diet, stress, innate tendency (in some people), suboptimal liver (and perhaps kidney) function, improper lifestyle (in other words, most of us), and doubtless other reasons that don’t come immediately to mind. Being constipated is particularly bad for us, as having gunk swishing about in our guts means there is an unhealthy contact time between carcinogens, bacteria, fungi and other toxins from our diet with the gastrointestinal tract, giving those harmful substances more time to do their mischief. Not good!

Colon Cleansing Products

The colon can be cleansed and maintained with colon hydrotherapy, which I will get to later, or more simply at home with the help of supplements. I’m not especially keen on the fibre supplements often marketed, in my opinion somewhat inaccurately as “colon cleansers” but I am a huge fan of (and regularly use myself) our Oxygen Based Colon Cleanse products. The difference is that oxygen is involved with actual detoxification, whereas magnesium oxides which not have been through an oxygenation process or fibre products, only increase regularity, which is a good thing, but this is not detox. I think that when we over indulge in rich foods over Christmas and winter, the spring is a particularly good time to think about a colon cleanse with one of the products below.


Launched a year ago to replace its predecessor (Colosan), we were able to massively improve upon the product it replaced. Oxysan provides a guaranteed minimum of 3,000ppm of Oxygen to the GI tract, though both our first and second batches both exceeded the minimum when they were tested prior to release. This is an important point because we have tested a couple of competitor “oxygen colon cleansers” available in the UK, and found that no matter what the manufactures claimed, they did not release any oxygen at all. So buyer beware!

Available in capsules (more popular), or powder (significantly cheaper for the amount you get). Originally I was going to do a newsletter on this product when we hit 50 reviews, but we’re now in March 2024 and now exceeded that number. These were the six most recent ones at the time of drafting this newsletter (January 2025). 

This is a great replacement to colosan. Colosan was a game changer for me for keeping me regular and helping me on a better health journey. This oxysan is just as good if not better! 1 tablet every evening before I go to bed does the trick

Have been using mag 07 for some time now and it has proved to be very beneficial. However having tried the trial size Oxysan I felt that this was even better for me personally and have now been using this for some weeks. I now switch between mag 07 and oxysan and finds that works very well for me. I wish I had known about both of these products many years ago. It has sorted out a lifetime difficulty and I now no longer suffer discomfort or have a diverticula.

Oxysan has been a great benefit to me. I am a 78 year old woman who has had bowel issues my whole life. I was introduced to Colosan by a friend two years ago, it has been a life saver. I was so happy when they reintroduced Oxysan to replace Colosan, works better and I will continue using for quality of life!

Amazing product, amazing service. Been using for 15 years and from the Finchley Clinic. Never been disappointed!

I have been a customer for some time ordering the colosan. I tried others but didn’t agree with me at all sadly. Therefore I am very happy and grateful for the oxysan capsules. I take x2 each night and occasionally x1 in the morning

One teaspoon, three days. Quite remarkable. 30 years of trial and tribulation, and a magic wand. Just really good news, and pleased I read the previous reviews.


We’ve been selling this product for nearly two decades and it’s been our best seller for most of that time. This one has over 250 reviews on our web site, but we have been selling it for a lot longer than Oxysan. It’s more expensive than Oxysan, what with the manufacturers Global Healing being a big company, producing premium brand products. I’m not saying that Oxy-Powder is better than Oxysan or that Oxysan is better than Oxy-Powder because in reality, the best one is simply whichever one works best for you. Because it’s not our product, we’re not allowed to say how much Oxygen it releases, and the manufacturers have not chosen to publish this, but believe me, we know for a fact it DOES release oxygen, and the 250 reviews on our web site alone is a testament to its effectiveness. 

Speaking of which….a note about the Oxygen and magnesium in these products. 

The only reference to “oxygen” on the ingredients label with both products is the magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide. They do indeed contain these ingredients, but these are normally stable substances which will not release oxygen. What makes these products “sexy”, is that these are just the base ingredients. Both products have been through a special proprietary, in other words, private / secret process which means that the end product releases various allotropes of oxygen, which most of the competitor products do NOT provide, no matter what the suppliers claim. (Our manufacturer tested more or less all of them, and they were mostly worthless). Also, please note neither of these products are designed to be magnesium supplements. Magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide are rubbish forms of supplemental magnesium, barely absorbable at all. So we still recommend these magnesium supplements, if you need to take magnesium. (For example I take 300mg per day of magnesium taurate daily, even though I take 1-2 capsules per day of one of the colon cleanse products on an empty stomach every morning). 

Most Recent reviews

Oxy-Powder is the best ever I got an injury to my gut and had extreme constipation from Musanogenic bacteria {we are not sure what the customer means here} being in the wrong place in my small intestines causing SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). I tried so many methods: cleansing irrigation therapy, herbs, medicines and finally Oxy-Powder. It acts as a gentle drain cleaner and you could modify the dose depending on how many you take to your needs, it is effective and non addictive without the shocking side-effects of laxatives like Senna. It’s helping me to live my life again.

For several years now I have always had Oxy-powder at the ready … I take one capsule if I am feeling a little constipated, for example if I’m on holiday or after the festive season or just when I haven’t been eating enough fruit and veg. It’s amazing how well it works, and also how it makes me much better mentally too. There really is a gut-brain link!

Having had constipation since childhood despite eating loads of vegetables etc, my daughter suggested I try oxy powders. Pretty much right away they sorted the problem with just one a day. Sometimes I skip a day if I get a bit loose but not that often. I recommended it to a friend with the same problem who also found it as brilliant as I do!


Unfortunately I don’t know what dosage you “should” take. That’s because I don’t know your body or your level of sensitivity, so I can only talk in general terms. For most people 1-2 capsules (1/2 to 1 rounded tsp), is a stool softening dosage, and will work wonders to relieve constipation, in a vastly healthier way than using orthodox medicines, (which for various reasons which I am not going into today, I think are junk). If you have a tendency to get constipated, you can safely use our products every day to keep you regular.

For a more serious colon cleanse dosage, most people need more like 4-12 caps per day typically for anything from 3-14 days, depending on how long you’re inclined to do it for. This needs to be done when you won’t be too far from the toilet as this ia an amount which will turn your stools liquid, often give you a sense of urgency, and really clean you out. You will not lose bowel control, but you might not want to go hiking up Ben Nevis when taking this kind of dosage. 

Can You Take Them Long Term?

I can only speak for myself here. I have a tendency to constipation myself, and have been taking these products, and their predecessors pretty much on a daily basis for a quarter of a century now (yeah, I’m getting old) with no ill effects and I get to oxygenate my colon at the same time. Most of the time I just take a couple of capsules, which gives me 100% relief from constipation, and in my case I rarely take the colon cleanse dosage because I am taking a low dosage all of the time (though I do once in a blue moon). 

Combining the products with Colonic Irrigation

I am a great believer in using oxygen to clean the colon, and treament with colon hydrotherapy (early versions were described as far back as Biblical times!). Also known as colonic irrigation, this treatment uses water introduced via the rectum to cleanse the colon, tone the smooth muscle of the lower gastro-intestinal tract, and restore function. The combinaton of oxygen colon cleanse supplements and colonic therapy work beautifully together, or as stand-alone treatments. So it’s an either / or situation. There are plenty of highly capable practitioners all over the country, but the people we know best based here in the south east are : –

Health Fusion Clinic, in Barnet – on the edge of North London and South Hertfordshire – who use the Libbe “open” system of colon hydrotherapy. Also providing IV vitamin therapy, infrared sauna treatment, PEMF and Rife therapy, and other detox treatments.  

And Katie Joyce, working out of her clinics in Sussex and Hammersmith, West London, using the more traditional “closed” system colon hydrotherapy. (Both systems work, just in a slightly different way to one another). Also a nutritionist, and we refer people to her for nutritional support that goes beyond the supplement advice we provide (particularly for women’s health issues) for a truly holistic approach to wellness. 

I don’t have any reciprocal arrangement with Health Fusion Clinic or Katie (although they do use and recommend our products), but do mention that you heard about them from us if you decide to see them.

Best Wishes
Mark Lester
Director / Founder / General Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Vitamin D – Strengthening Our Bodies Against ALL Viral Illness During Winter

Hello Everyone!

In this newsletter I originally planned to just talk about Vitamin D’s role in preventing colds and flu’s during the winter (and I do get into that later). But as always I got lured into making this longer than I originally intended, because I felt it would be almost criminal not to reference its wider array of crucial roles throughout the body.

Vitamin D was originally “famous” for bone health and preventing rickets. However recent years have seen its emergence as being not just “beneficial” but critical for many aspects of health, longevity and prevention of serious disease. Our range of Vitamin D products is found here, but I hope you’ll all read about which Vitamin D product I advocate and take myself before you go (further along in this article). 

Vitamin D Benefits beyond bone health, and preventing colds and flu.

1. Immune System Support

  • Pathogen Defense: Vitamin D enhances the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages, white blood cells that are crucial to immune defense. 
  • Autoimmune Modulation: Vitamin D helps regulate the immune response, potentially reducing the risk of autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes.

2. Mood and Mental Health

  • Mood Disorders: Vitamin D receptors are present in the brain, where it is believed to affect the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin. Studies suggest that low levels of vitamin D are associated with a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  • Cognitive Health: Vitamin D also plays a role in cognitive function, with deficiencies linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.

3. Cardiovascular Health

  • Blood Pressure Regulation: Vitamin D may contribute to regulating blood pressure by influencing the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which is involved in blood pressure control.
  • Heart Health: Research links low vitamin D levels to increased risks of heart disease, as deficiency may lead to inflammation, arterial stiffness, and impaired blood vessel function.

4. Blood Sugar Regulation and Diabetes

  • Insulin Sensitivity: Vitamin D has been shown to play a role in insulin secretion and sensitivity, which can be important for blood sugar control.
  • Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: Low vitamin D levels are associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and improving vitamin D status may improve insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function, both of which are crucial in diabetes management.

5. Cancer Prevention and Progression

  • Protective Against Certain Cancers: Some studies suggest that higher vitamin D levels may be protective against cancers such as colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers. Vitamin D may inhibit cancer cell growth and promote cellular differentiation, reducing the risk of malignant cells.
  • Mechanisms of Action: Vitamin D’s role in regulating cell growth, apoptosis (programmed cell death), and inflammation helps in cancer prevention.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

  • Chronic inflammation is a factor in numerous conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D helps regulate the production of inflammatory cytokines, aiding in inflammation control throughout the body.

7. Muscle Function and Fall Prevention

  • Vitamin D is crucial for muscle strength and function, especially as people age. It aids in muscular development and contraction, reducing the risk of falls and fractures in older adults.

8. Skin Health and Wound Healing

  • Wound Healing: Vitamin D plays a role in producing antimicrobial peptides, which help fight infections in skin wounds, facilitating faster healing.
  • Skin Conditions: It’s also been used in treatments for conditions like psoriasis, due to its effects on cell growth and inflammation.

9. Hormone Regulation and Fertility

  • Vitamin D is involved in hormone production and regulation, including sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, which are essential for reproductive health.
  • In women, sufficient levels are linked with fertility and healthy pregnancies. For men, vitamin D can support testosterone levels, which may influence fertility.

10. Oral Health

  • The presence of vitamin D receptors in gum tissue suggests its importance in dental health, helping to prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health issues by supporting antimicrobial peptides and immune cells in the oral cavity.

Vitamin D and viral illness (colds, flu’s & covid)

Now I am getting to what I was originally planning to write about!

During the “pandemic”, I wrote a newsletter in which I referenced a YouTube video with the brilliant Vlogger Ivor Cummins which got banned, because it contained “misinformation”. This was a shady term meaning “true information which conflicts with vested pharmaceutical interests”. Those of you who have read George Orwell’s 1984 and the concept of “doublespeak”, will know what I am talking about – the deliberate distortion, or reversal of the meaning of things in order to pursue a specific agenda. 

He discussed the study, not shown of course on the BBC News of course, showing that those who’s Vitamin D level was below 10ng/ml were 10.1 x more likely to die from “the virus” than those who’s blood level was about 30ng/ml. (Note: ng/ml – nanograms per millimeter of blood).

For the pharmaceutical industry who were desperate to impregnate our bloodstreams with worthless ineffective money making chemicals falsely called “immunisations” even though they failed to “immunise” anyone against anything, this was profoundly annoying. If a cheap pesky nutrient could obviate the joyous experience of having experimental toxic chemicals plunged into people’s arms at great profit to themselves, this was going to be extremely inconvenient. The rest is history. 

What’s interesting is that even the study referenced above missed an important point. The optimal level is not 30ng/ml. I regard that as the minimum acceptable level. The optimal level is about 60ng/ml. How do we know this? It’s pretty easy really. Basically when we manage to get around 1/3rd of our skin in the sun regularly (without burning), when the sun is at an angle of above a minimum of 30 degrees to the earth (in the UK we have this for 8 months of the year, but only for a very brief period of the day during the transition months of October and March) and above 40 degrees for dark skinned people (possible in the UK for less than 6 months of the year), we get up to 60-80ng within a couple of weeks. It never goes above that no matter how much time we spend in the sun. And that’s the optimal level. Had the study been based on the optimal amount, not the minimum amount, one can only assume it would not have been a 10.1 x higher risk for death. The difference would have been far more impressive! You can see the risk of death from Coronavirus in visual terms in the image above (this is a screen shot from the highly recommended but censored, aforementioned YouTube video) plotting the risk of death against vitamin D status. You don’t need to be a Professor of statistics to understand it.

Very Important Point If You Get A Cold Or Flu

In terms of Vitamin D it’s basically too late by then! It takes several weeks of persistent usage to build Vitamin D levels in the body. If you haven’t already been taking it BEFORE getting a cold or flu, I am sure that taking it when it’s already there is better than not taking it. But once you’ve got a cold or flu (or covid), something like Oxylift (on 3 x the label dosage) and a HIGH dosage (at least 60mg per day day) of Zinc will work far better as a fast ‘on the spot’ anti-viral. Or herbal anti-viral remedies like Olive Leaf Extract and Galangal Formula – again on 2-3 x label dosage to get rid of the illness quickly. 

Vitamin D Supplements

If you can’t get in the sun as per the suggestions above, then you should supplement with Vitamin D, every day that you don’t get in the sun (without sploshing on sunscreens that block the UBV neeed for the creation of Vitamin D). 

Of the different Vitamin D products we provide, my favourite one, and indeed the one I take, is this one. High strength 4000iu, not the PATHETIC dosage recommended by the mainstream, which is almost useless.  And it comes with the added advantage of containing 90mcg Vitamin K2, which ideally should always be combined with Vitamin D. That’s the subject of another newsletter as the K2 has a lot of benefits of its own. The quality of the K2 is also important as cheap K2 supplements found on Amazon etc are often completely useless, as K2 is notoriously unstable. Suffice it to say, we’ve been very exacting in terms of insisting on a quality and proven K2 manufacturer (again the subject of another newsletter). 

Recommended general (label) usage: One capsule per day (ideally taken in the morning)
My recommendation for OPTIMAL usage: Two per day from October to the end of April. One per day from April to September. (Ideally taken in the morning). This is what I personally take, and it’s one of the reasons I don’t get colds and flu’s any more. 

For those who want a liquid, or a lower strength Vitamin D (for example for children) we provide several other choices

    Who is at the highest risk of all for Vitamin D deficiency?

The truth is that most people have below optimal levels of vitamin D. But some people are even more likely than average to need a vitamin D supplement. The following list is not exhaustive, but covers the most common group of people who are especially likely to need a vitamin D supplement. 

  • Breastfed infants, because human milk is a poor source of vitamin D, largely because the mothers themselves have poor vitamin D levels
  • The elderly, as their skin doesn’t make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight as efficiently as young people, and their kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form. (Is this one of the reasons why the elderly are at higher risk of dying from coronavirus?)
  • Dark skinned people as it takes them much longer to produce vitamin D from action of of ultraviolet light on the skin. (Was this one of the reasons why black  people living in the UK but NOT in Africa were at higher risk of dying from coronavirus?).
  • People with disorders such as Crohn’s disease or celiac disease who don’t handle fat properly, because vitamin D needs fat to be absorbed.
  • Obesity, because the body fat binds to some vitamin D and prevents it from getting into the blood. (Is this one of the reasons why obese people at higher risk of dying from coronavirus?)
  • People who have had gastric bypass surgery
  • People with osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism (too much of a hormone that controls the body’s calcium level), sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, or other granulomatous disease (disease with granulomas, collections of cells caused by chronic inflammation), 
  • People with cancer 
  • People who take medicines that affect vitamin D metabolism.

Wishing You All An Abundant Viral Free Life
Mark G. Lester
Director – Big Boss – Overall Smarty Pants
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Neurotransmitters: Dopamine and serotonin – How To Support Them

Hi Everyone

This newsletter has been inspired by a customer who emailed me asking “How do I raise my dopamine and serotonin levels?”  This was not something I was able to over properly in a quick email, as the advisory service is for quick questions only. So I decided to write this article instead….

Neurotransmitters are the main chemical messengers within the brain that influence mood (and are also a factor in our sex drives). Two of the most important and well-known neurotransmitters are dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is known as the “reward” neurotransmitter, because it is crucial for motivation, pleasure, and reinforcement of rewarding behaviors. Serotonin is known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, as it helps stabilise mood, and is involved with feelings of well-being and happiness. It also plays a role in regulating sleep, appetite, and digestion.

Dopamine and Serotonin Support

The first product I usually recommend specifically for this is NADH, which in my opinion is one of the most remarkable products we provide for reasons that go beyond the subject of this newsletter, particularly in the area of physical and mental energy production. 

Quoting from the book “Everything You Need To Know About NADH” by Professor George Birkmayer (M.D.)… 

NADH stimulates production of dopamine and serotonin

Dopamine also has a substantial influence on sexual behaviour,
particularly on libido. Furthermore, dopamine lowers the secretion
of prolactin and reduces appetite. The higher the dopamine
level, the lower the appetite. This effect may have some
importance for overweight people, as NADH can be taken as a
dietary supplement. The positive influence of dopamine on the
secretion of human growth hormone should also be mentioned;
this hormone plays a key role in the regeneration of cells and

The dopamine increasing effect of NADH was demonstrated in
isolated nerve cells. If these cells are incubated with NADH, a
6-fold dosage-dependent elevation of dopamine was observed.

These findings were confirmed by studies at the University of
Paris. French scientists injected NADH into rats daily. They
then determined the concentration of dopamine and noradrenalin
in specific areas of the brain, both before administration
and 4 weeks after the daily injections began. After 4 weeks, they
found a 40% increase of dopamine and noradrenalin levels in
specific brain areas.

NADH also leads to an increase in blood dopamine levels in
healthy individuals. This was shown with professional athletes
who took NADH (5 mg per day) for 4 weeks. The dopamine
level increased by an average of 50% in all athletes.

NADH must be resistent to stomach acid or bypass the stomach in order to work. So we provide NADH in a sublingual tablet (do not chew or swallow it!) or in a stomach acid resistant capsule, which is more economic. 

Here are some of the other key nutrients and products to consider. 

Omega 3 Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are involved in the production and function of both dopamine and serotonin.

  1. Dopamine: Omega-3 fatty acids can influence the structure and function of dopamine receptors, potentially enhancing the transmission of dopamine signals in the brain. This can help improve mood and cognitive functions.
  2. Serotonin: Omega-3s, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), play a role in serotonin production and function. (EPA can increase serotonin release by reducing inflammatory signalling molecules that inhibit serotonin release. DHA helps make serotonin receptors more accessible by increasing cell membrane fluidity).

So it would be worth considering taking one of the Omega 3 Oil products if you want to improve your dopamine and serotonin health. It takes around 60 days to have a worthwhile effect, and should be used long term for optimal benefits. 

Organic Matcha Green tea

Not the same as ‘regular’ green tea (because its far more powerul than regular tea), Organic Matcha Green Tea contains an amino acid called L-Theanine, which promotes the production of alpha waves, dopamine and serotonin. Instead of Matcha could also use…


Theanine, extracted from green tea, has been found to increase alpha waves in the brain, having the effects of calming the mind associated with a state of “alert relaxation”. It does not cause drowsiness but may help with sleep if taken in the evening. If taken during the day, as well as calming the mind, it also assists mental alertness, learning and concentration.

Vitamin B

Each B vitamin plays a unique and complementary role in neurotransmitter synthesis and overall brain health. It’s fairly well known than Vitamin B6 is the most critical of these. But after that I wasn’t sure which came next. With the help of an artficial intelligence app, I learnt, at least in the opinion of Mr (or Mrs) AI, that they can be put in this order of importance. 

  1. Vitamin B6: Essential for converting tryptophan to serotonin and tyrosine to dopamine. It acts as a coenzyme in these biochemical pathways, making it directly involved in the synthesis of these neurotransmitters.
  2. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): Important for maintaining the health of nerve cells and supporting the production of neurotransmitters. It also plays a role in the methylation cycle, which is crucial for neurotransmitter synthesis.
  3. Vitamin B9 (Folate): Works closely with B12 in the methylation cycle and is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine.
  4. Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Involved in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. Niacin deficiency can lead to lower serotonin levels.
  5. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Supports the metabolism of tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin.
  6. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Supports overall brain function and neurotransmitter production.
  7. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Necessary for the synthesis of coenzyme A, which is involved in the production of neurotransmitters.

The best option here is to take a Vitamin B Complex product.

Serotone or L-Tryptophan.

The core ingredients of all both of these products is tryptophan (presented in slightly different forms). This amino acid is a precursor to serotonin.

Positive Outlook

Positive Outlook provides amino acids such as trytophan (from 5HTP), tyrosine, glutamine and B vitamins needed to make key brain neurotransmitters which are important for mood, motivation, energy and the sleep cycle.

Advanced Stress Relief

Stress Relief contains Mucuna Pruriens, also known as the velvet bean. This herb contains a natural compound called L-Dopa, which is a precursor to dopamine. Further described by the manufactures as “specifically formulated to help you effectively manage stress. Its unique blend of ingredients, including Organic Banana Peel, Organic Poria Mushroom, SAMe, and Lithium Orotate, work synergistically to promote a calm and balanced state of mind, enabling you to navigate stressful situations with greater resilience. The carefully selected ingredients in the formula support the production of neurotransmitters associated with positive mood, helping you maintain a brighter outlook on life.”


Magnesium is involved in dopamine synthesis, and is also involved with converting tryptophan into serotonin. This is one of the reasons why a deficiency (which can be caused by poor intake, eatting too much sugar, white rice, white bread, white flour, soil damage, and high stress levels), and according to many nutritionists is too low in almost everyone, may contribute to mood disorders. I take 300mg per day, in the evening, and amongst other things it helps with my sleep. I take magnesium taurate, which is my personal favourite form (I am not going into the reasons today), but any of these magnesium products will work.

Just as a quick final note, the form of magnesium found in Oxysan, Oxy-Powder and Mag 07 if you use any of these products is not a good form of nutritional magnesium, and they are not designed to be magnesium supplements, even though magnesium is mentioned on the label.  So don’t rely on them as magnesium supplements, because they aren’t!).

Hope this is of interest
Best wishes
Mark G. Lester

Which Is Our Best Colon Cleanser?

Hi All

In the last few weeks I signed up to the newsletter of another company selling health supplements. I was saddened by the amount of bilge I subsequently got on a daily basis, aggressively canvassing me to spend money with them. This was not a newsletter and contained no “news”, no unique information, etc. Suffice it to say we will not be doing business that way, and we’ll stick to sending out newsletters once or twice a month, and try to provide interesting content within them.

Rant over.

Which Is Our Best Colon Cleanser?

Before I get onto the subject of which is our best colon cleanse product, I think I should preface that discussion with a bit about why you need to cleanse the colon at all. 

The colon is the long flexible (if it’s in good shape) organ that wiggles its away around your abdomen, as shown in tbe image to the left. Its first function is the reasbsoprtion of water from the small intestine to help provide the right consistency of poo. Its second function is to form your poo. Its third function is to store and then eliminate your poo. Unfortunately, a lot can go wrong during this process for various reasons. 

In naturopathic medicine, it is commonly said that all disease begins in the colon. An equally fundamental tenet of naturopathy is to see this the other way round i.e. that good health begins in the colon. But how healthy are most people’s colons? Well, lets look at some facts and then you can judge for yourself. It’s estimated that around 1 in every 7 adults and up to 1 in every 3 children in the UK experience constipation at any given time. Many naturopaths believe we should evacuate once for each meal, without straining but as a bare minimum once per day. Based on this naturopathic view of good bowel health, I would guess that most of the population are constipated to a greater or lesser extent. Apart from the obvious discomfort which constipation causes, it also causes an increased contact time between the bowels and pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and even carcinogenic substances. Surely this can’t be a good thing.

Where it comes to children, 52 in every 100 kids don’t have any veg, and 44 in 100 have no fruit on a daily basis. It’s hardly aby better for adults: In the United States, only 10% of adults are eating the recommended daily serving of vegetables, and slightly more (around 12.3%) are consuming enough fruit. Similarly, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report found that fewer than 1 in 10 adults in Australia are eating enough vegetables. Specifically: 96% of men and 87% of women do not consume the recommended amounts of veggies. There is no equivalent starts available for the UK, but I tremendously doubt whether it’s significantly different. The recommended level of fibre intake in the UK is 18g per day. Most naturopaths believe even this figure is too low. The average intake is in fact 12g. Add on top of that our stress levels, which are tremendously high in today’s modern society for a whole load of reasons beyond the scop of this newsletter, which wreaks havoc with the process known as peristalisis (these are the muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract). Sure, we should be living on halcyon pre-industrial diets, and lifestyles but let’s face it, we don’t and most of us aren’t going to. Is it even possible to do that given the state of our soils, and moderrn stress levels? I doubt it. 

It’s generally believed, at least by natural health practitioners that nearly all of us walking around not with ounces, not with pounds, but kilograms of undigested, putrefying, poop in our intestines. Sometimes materials get stuck within the folds of our guts, and stay there permanently unless we do something about it. 

So which is the best way to keep the colon clean? 

Our favoured approach where it comes to supplements (we think colon hydrdrotherapy is also excellent) is by using oxygen based colon cleansers. In all cases these work by using ozonated and oxygenated magnesium1 to release the oxygen in the gastrointestinal tract which produce a strong bowel opening effect, the effect getting stronger as the dosage is increased. The INVALUBALE additional benefits of greater oxygenation is a huge subject, and is what makes them colon cleansers rather than just laxatives. 

1. Note, they are not really magnesium supplements, as you won’t absorb much, if any of the magnesum from them. So if you are low in magnesium, don’t stop taking your favourite magnesium supplement if it helps you.

Generally speaking, we prefer the oxygen based colon cleansers to the fibre based products, though we sell them too, as oxygenating the gut produces true detoxification. We think fibre products can be helpful for some people, but we think they produce increased pooping rather than colon detoxification. 

We provide the following three oxygen based cleansers : –

1. Oxysan, This one was developed basically by myself after extensive research on how to make it, and make it well, and is the newest product. We sourced it to replace its predecessor (Colosan), though it has a vastly stronger oxygenating effect than the previous product. In terms of bowel opening effect it’s around twice as strong for most people. As an oxygenator it is incomparably stronger. Available in powder or capsules. New, but proving extremely popular. 

2. Oxy-Powder – this is the one we’ve sold the longest, and it has a huge following and a constant stream of reorders from satisfied customers. Ironically, only available in capsules, despite the name. 

3. Mag 07. Also available in powder or capsules. I personally find it to be weaker than the other two, but that’s just my body, and NOT everyone experiences this, which leads conveniently to the question…

Which is the best one?

Actually the answer to this is that there is no single best one for everyone (if there was, I would only bother selling one product!). If you read the reviews* on the web site you will see that we get great feedback on all of them, and a number of those reviews reference having tried more than one of them, and some indivduals find that they seem to get on better with one than another one, even though they are theoretically very similar.

* Here is the most recent review of Oxysan 

I am amazed by how effective the OxySan capsules are. My partner & myself use them when needed especially after certain medications, keeping us regular & the feeling of sluggishness has gone,..more energy, more positive. Thank you Mark & team

* Here is the most recent review for Oxy-Powder

This is one of the few products on the market that does exactly what it claims to do. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who will benefit from it. Please be aware, this product actually work and you had better be ready for the results the very next morning after taking it. I always have some available and it is such a relief to know that I can simple take 2 in the evening and when I wake in the morning the results will speak for themselves. The Finchley clinic always has these in stock and sell them at a fair price, especially if like me you buy in bulk to save money over time.

* Here is the most recent review of Mag 07

Brilliant product and I like using totally natural ingredients rather than the chemical version. Plus, being in capsules, you can easily experiment and find your own dosage according to your needs (even according to different times of the year). I find that I need more ‘help’ with elimination during pollen allergy time. This product won’t let you down and it works from the first time. Recommended.


In terms of the oxygenating efffect, I can reveal that Oxysan releases a minimum of 3,000 ppm Oxygen. I am not permitted to say how much the others release, as the producers keep that a trade secret. Sadly, I can also tell you that some of the rival products on the market which we do not sell, do not actually release any oxygen despite the slick marketing, and regardless of what they claim. We know this, because we got them independantly tested!

Rotating products

These products can be used on a daily basis if you want or need to (for example, I am actually one of those people who uses one of them every day) and we have a lot of customers who do this. But a few people, maybe 5% of customers seem to become habituated to them if they use the same one on an ongoing basis. Meaning that after a few weeks, months or even years, they stop working for them. I am not sure why it happens, and it’s frustrating for those people. In my experience this can normally be avoided completely by rotating between the three of them (or two of them) every couple of weeks or so,  so I always encourage people to consider doing that. 

A word about colon hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation)

Colon hydrotherapy uses water to clean the colon and rectum, and is used to help restore function. It works beautifully in combination with the products discussed above. There are competent practitioners all over the country, but if you’re looking for a recommendation from us, we refer people to Health Fusion Clinic in Barnet, Hertfordshire, or if you contact us, there is also a practitioner near Chelmsford, Essex who we can refer you to. We do not have a commission arrangement with these people, we just know them, they work closely with us, and we trust them. 

Best Wishes
Mark Lester
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Why Holistic Dentists Recommend Olive Leaf Extract when doing major surgery

We’ve been selling Olive Leaf Extract for many years, but few realise it’s value in dentistry, so we decided it was time to step up to the plate and publish a short article on this aspect

  1. Helps recovery of the jawbone and creation of new bone tissue.

Science strengthens for olive extract’s bone benefits

The potential bone health benefits of the olive polyphenol, oleuropein, are related to its ability to stimulate cells responsible for bone formation, says a new study that explains the mode of action of the compound.


  • Olive Leaf Extract is directly anti-bacterial

Acts as a natural antibiotic, helping prevent infection after surgery. This has been well documented in multiple studies. (It’s also antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic).

  • Reduces Inflammation

This obviously helps speed recovery and reduce pain. Olive Leaf Extract’s anti-inflammatory effects have been documented in numerous studies.

  • Olive Leaf Extract helps with the elasticity of arteries.

This means it Olive Leaf Extract will also aid blood flow, which will as a result improve delivery of oxygen and nutrition to any areas that have been subjected to a surgical procedure.

  • Hydroxytyrosol from Olive Leaf Extract raises Vitamin C levels in the blood.

This is (for us) the most interesting, unusual and unexpected benefit. Vitamin C supplementation itself if of course is a vital nutrient for immune support, infection control and prevention, and normally part of any holistic dental plan. But taking Olive Leaf Extract appears to also elevate vitamin C in the blood even without supplementation.

In a small unpublished study, a supplement with olive leaf extract containing 50 mg of HT (hydroxytyrosol) administered daily increased vitamin C blood levels between 50% and 200% in five volunteers after taking it for only a week. Furthermore, in four of the five subjects a clear-cut elevation in those blood levels was seen the day after the first dose. And while the blood levels were not followed over an extensive period of time, significant increases in vitamin C blood levels were still seen 10 days after the stopping of the HT supplement, which had been given daily for a 2-week period.

Regardless of the underlying mechanism, the ability of a properly-dosed HT supplement to elevate blood vitamin C levels in only a day in four of five subjects certainly raises exciting clinical possibilities. It certainly suggests that the treatment of acute infectious and toxic conditions could be given a significant therapeutic boost for most individuals who promptly consume high doses of a quality olive leaf extract upon getting ill. As many patients simply do not want to be bothered with the inconvenience and expense of taking a supplement regularly on a long-term basis, the ability to quickly give a prompt assist to internal vitamin C levels appears to be another highly positive feature of such supplementation.

The wider implications of the body increasing its Vitamin C level without increasing it in the diet, are huge. This is a separate topic discussed in detail here

Suggested Usage

Acute / Short term (for example after dental surgery): Take 1-2 capsules three times per day for 30 days

General Health / Long-term : Take 1 capsule once or twice per day

More Good Results With Our New Oxygen Colon Cleanse Product

Hi Everyone

I was watching a YouTube video a week or so ago with a doctor talking on the subject of sleep apnea. I was fascinated to learn that there is a correlation between sleep apnea and low levels of oxygen in the gut. I can’t go so far as to specifically state that our Oxygen boosting products, neither the ones that deliver oxygen to the gastroinestinal tract, nor the ones which deliver oxygen at the cellular level improve sleep apnea. This is because I don’t have any evidence to back up such a bold claim. In fact it’s not something I had even thought about until I saw this video. Sadly I doubt whether anyone will ever do a study investigating this, as there is no money for big pharma in bothering to find out. But wouldn’t it be interesting to find out if they did?

Anyway, it’s been nearly two months since we launched Oxysan – our own oxygen based colon cleanser, designed to replace Colosan. And the feedback I have been getting has been almost universally positive. In 90% or more cases, the feedback has vindicated my claim that it’s a much better product, which delivers vastly more oxygen, and most people can take a lower dosage and get better results than they could with Colosan, which obviously saves money. In my previous newsletter on the subject I shared some of our pre-launch customer reviews. Below are the latest post launch reviews. I am including all of them for completeness – both the good ones, and a couple of less good ones – just to show we have the integity to publish all reviews, and to accept that no product is the best one for all of the people, all of the time. That’s why we actually have a range of Oxygen based colon cleansers, so that more or less everyone can find the one that works best for them. 

Latest Reviews

Amanda W ★★★★★

I’ve been using oxygen tablets for nearly 20 years now. Using Oxy-Powder. Nothing was ever as good. They were more on the more expensive side though. However these new ones manufactured by Finchley clinic are absolutely brilliant. Need less of them with outstanding results. I’m a convert and will be ordering these from now on.

Caroline F ★★★★★

This suits me well, an effective product when needed.

Anni D ★★★★★

Oxysan has quickly brought a much more reliable bowel emptying, so that I feel properly clean after. It has caused some very loose stool but I now take 2 capsules daily, first thing in the morning, and this feels just right.

Paul N ★★★★★

I’ve used Colosan for many years & the Oxysan that has replaced is just as good if not better in helping me on a daily basis. A seemless transition to using Oxysan & no problems from the changeover. Would happily recommend Oxysan to anyone.

Roy M ★★★★★

After reading your column some weeks ago about Oxysan and the benefits it gives I purchased a bottle and though sceptical because I have tried so many OVTC products for bloating and constipation which have no effect on either that I had nothing to lose but Oxysan has been a revelation . I started with a low dose and now three a day which has really helped the stomach.. as you know I bought a second bottle and will order more as needed.. many thanks for a great product…

Noel R ★★★★★

The tablets appear to do what is intended, to help us achieve a cleansing effect. I found 4 tablets created a too strong effect and settled down to 2 each day which produced similar results but less intense. I have not used any products like this before so cannot offer any comparison. I am happy with the product and that it does what it is intended to achieve.

Rachel G ★★★★★

I was previously taking a similar oxy powder for seasonal colon cleaned, which became ineffective. I had fantastic support from the clinic and was recommended this. I took 5 each night for three days and the effect was far more positive. Very happy with the product and will continue to use it for colon cleansing.

Sheela G ★★★★★

I have been buying products from Finchley Clinic for over 15 years now. Alll of their products are high quality. I can feel Oxysan working where it need to work. Very happy with this product.

Caroline S ★★★★★

I misread the guidelines and took 4 on my first day which was like having a colonic irrigation-only cheaper!! I found my glasses after that and soon realised the mistake! One capsule is enough for me!

Loes R ★★★

I took a bigger dose than suggested with less result than the oxicosan i used before. So i was a bit disappointed but is still ok

Ann P ★★★

Unfortunately the Oxysan does not work as well as the colosan. And I am missing the colosan. I used to take 2 Colosan in the morning and I am taking two Oxysan in the morning.

Paola B ★★★★★

I have used colosan effectively for many years as I have a prolapsed bowel and this has helped keep me regular. I was nervous about the change to Oxysan. However, this too is great and I am finding that I need fewer tablets to be effective. I will continue to use this new product as it is very good indeed. I take one to two tablets every morning as soon as I get up with a whole glass of water about an hour before breakfast. This works best for me.

Lyndon D ★★★★★

The Oxysan Powder is stronger than the previous Mag 07 and it takes less powder to do the same job. It seems like a very good product, I have used Mag 07 for years and will now use Oxysan.

For more information, I have re-written and extended a lot of the intial content on the main page on Oxysan on our web site. If you’re suffering with bloating, constipation, candida or other gut dysbiosis problems, please give it a try, and let us know how you get on. We always like feedback, but especially where it comes to our newest products. 

Best Wishes
Mark G. Lester
Owner – Director – Founder – Overall bit of a Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Unveiling Detoxadine: Your Key to Thyroid Health and Vitality

Unlock the power of pure, organic iodine with Detoxadine by Global Healing. Sourced from ancient salt deposits deep within the Earth’s crust, Detoxadine offers unparalleled purity and potency to support optimal thyroid function and overall well-being. Let’s explore what it is, its health benefits, and why it’s a game-changer in the world of iodine supplements.

What is Detoxadine?

Detoxadine is a certified organic nascent iodine supplement meticulously sourced from salt deposits over 7,000 feet below the Earth’s surface. Crafted with care, each drop contains 650 micrograms of iodine in a glycerine base, ensuring rapid absorption and maximum effectiveness.


Health Benefits

1. Supports Thyroid Health

Iodine is essential for optimal thyroid function, as it plays a crucial role in hormone production and metabolism regulation. Detoxadine provides the iodine necessary for a healthy thyroid, promoting overall wellness.

2. Avoids Low Iodine Levels

Many individuals fail to obtain sufficient iodine from their diets, leading to potential deficiencies. Detoxadine bridges this gap, ensuring you meet your daily iodine requirements for optimal health and vitality.

3. Keeps You Energized

A sluggish thyroid can leave you feeling fatigued and depleted. Detoxadine’s nascent iodine formula boosts metabolism and energy levels, revitalizing your body and mind.

Great Reasons to Try Detoxadine

1. Supports Brain Function

Experience improved alertness, attention, and mood with a healthy thyroid supported by a potent iodine formula.

2. Promotes Hormone Harmony

Iodine is crucial for hormone regulation, influencing metabolism and energy levels. Detoxadine helps maintain hormone balance for overall well-being.

3. Enhances Endocrine Support

Enjoy better sleep, stable emotions, and a brighter mood with comprehensive support for the endocrine system.

How Does Detoxadine Help?

Promotes Normal Iodine Levels

Encourages Hormone Balance

Defends Against Toxic Halogens

Extremely Pure, Free of Additives

Nascent Iodine in a Vegetable Glycerine Base

Elevate your thyroid health and vitality with Detoxadine. Simply add a few drops to your daily regimen to experience the transformative benefits of pure, organic iodine. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to renewed energy and well-being.

Embrace the power of iodine in its most effective form and embark on a journey to optimal health today!

Summary of Our Oxygenating Products & Special Oxysan Launch Offer

Hello Everyone

Info below on…

  • Products for oxygenating the gastro-intestinal tract, and colon cleansing with special launch offer on Oxysan 
  • Products for oxygenating at the cellular level and for for immune and respiratory system support
  • Antioxidants: Don’t they “oppose” oxygenating supplements?

But first…..why is oxygen so important?

Every cell of our body requires oxygen, every minute of every day. Oxygen is the single most important substance our bodies imbibe. Oxygen is vital to life because it plays a crucial role in cellular respiration. Respiration does not actually just mean “breathing”, although a lot of people think that’s what it means. Respiration is the process by which organisms convert glucose into energy usually using oxygen. Some very primitive organisms, like certain bacteria and fungi produce energy without using oxygen – this is called anaerobic respiration. However our bodies produce energy from aerobic respiration, where oxygen is used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the molecule that stores and transports energy within our cells. Without oxygen, this process cannot proceed, we would not be able to generate energy, and we would die.

Dr Otto Warburg, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (twice) for his research showing that cancer thrived in an environment in which the cells were starved of oxygen. His discovery, known as “the Warburg effect” was that cancer cells fuelled their growth by swallowing up enormous amounts of glucose, without using oxygen. In his exact words, quoted widely on the internet (with various minor differences in translation from his native German)…

Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar.”. 

* Please note, we are not suggesting here that we can cure or treat cancer just by taking oxygenating products or with any other type of oxygen therapy alone. Apart from being an illegal health claim, unfortunately it’s not as simple as that. But flooding the body with oxygen does lead to greatly enhanced health. 

Oxygen Therapy

This is an umbrella term for a whole range of treatments that all aim to either flood the body with oxygen or improve the use of oxygen or get oxygen more efficiently into cells in order to improve health, support the detox pathways, control harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi etc), raise immunity, vitality and life force energy. For this newsletter, I am only going to focus on oxygenating supplements, because….well that’s what we do.

All three parts will be a very quick summary, as it would need an entire book to go into the benefits of these products in depth.

Part I: Products for oxygenating the gastro-intestinal tract, and colon cleansing with special launch offer on Oxysan coming up.

The following products are all based on a product originally developed in 1898 by two German Naturopaths, originally called Haemozon from the words “haemoglobin” (the oxygen carrying molecule of the body)  and “ozon” (the German word for “ozone”, which is an activated form of oxygen), and later renamed as Homozon. We did in fact sell Homozon (it was one of the two products that launched the company a quarter of a century ago, the other one being the forerunner of Oxygen Elements Max). But it was horribly expensive, only available in powder, which a lot of people didn’t want, it didn’t have a nice smooth texture, and it was impossible to get regular supplies (and still is). 

The primary benefits of these products are more energy, alleviation of constipation*, better bowel movements, inhibition of candida overgrowth, better overall gut health, and better overall health, as they also help to oxygenate the body, and not just the GI tract.

* They are NOT designed to be ‘laxatives’, even if though they do happen to have what most people regard as a ‘laxative’ effect. They are designed to be colon cleansers and oxygenators. 

They provide oxygen to the body in the form of nascent or “singlet” oxygen. Nascent oxygen is oxygen in its most chemically active and available state, and according to one of my mentors, the late Dr George Freibott, that is the only state of oxygen the body uses. The ingredients on the label refer to the oxygen as being from “magnesium oxide” and “magnesium hydroxide”. This is true, but the clever bit is the special processes that they have all been put through that gently begin to release oxygen when taken. Unfortunately there are a number of magnesium oxide or hydroxide products on the market that are just that, and do not actually release any oxygen at all, even when they manufacturers claim that they do. 

As far as colon cleansing is concerned, which is their other main benefit, by cleaning the surfaces of the intestines they facilitate nutrient assimilation and detoxify the colon. Nature designed the intestines with thousands of finger like projections called villi which are involved with transportation of food and nutrients into the body. If that membrane is caked with muck not only is nutrient assimilation impaired, you are also more likely to be absorbing toxins as the contact time between the gut and any toxins is increased  Many candida yeast sufferers revere these products, and have commented on them saying they are only thing that restored sanity and brought them calming relief. Basically, the products dissolve the muck that the yeast is growing in, and create an aerobic environment where beneficial flora can thrive and keep candida in check.

In terms of products, we can proudly recommend the following : –

New! Oxysan Capsules or Oxysan Powder:

Special Launch Promotion – Use the code Oxysan10 on the checkout page for a 10% discount for the next 28 days on Oxysan powder and capsules. That’s on top of the volume discounts which you can see on the web page if purchasing in volume. Please note the discount voucher is case sensitive, so put the capital “O” in Oxysan. 

25 years on from when I first got into this stuff, I finally have my own product, made to my specification, where I have full control on both the strength of the oxygenating effect, and the strength of the bowel flushing effect. Originally designed to replace a product called Colosan, which was discontinued last year, it’s actually a vastly better product than the one it has replaced. The people I sent the pre-launch samples to seem to agree, and you can read some of their comments here. Although I will never knock the other products we provide below as they are genuine, high quality products, here we have another quality product, at a lower price, where I can give my personal guarantee as to the amount of nascent oxygen released at a minimum of 3,000ppm, as I have the test certificate to prove it. None of the other manufacturers provide this information (even to us, as distributors), as they regard this information as proprietary. I do understand why even with well manufactured products, they may want to keep their trade secrets, and I respect that choice. But personally I like openness and transparency, so that’s why I have chosen to share this information about our own product. There is more detailed information on the web pages. 


For most of the last ten years or so, this has been our best selling oxygen based colon cleanse product, with more customer reviews than any other product we sell. It’s pricier than the others, but it’s very popular, with a tremendous amount of customer loyalty. Once again, I pefer to let the customers do the talking in terms of describing its beneficial effects (see link above). There is more detailed information on the web page. 

Mag 07:

Available in powder, 90 capsules or 180 capsules, I regard this product as a little gentler than the other two. Still, it has a tremendous following, I know for sure that it genuinely releases oxygen, and it also has a lot of customer loyalty. You can read their comments here and there is more detailed information on the web page. 

Which one is the best one of the one’s we sell?

I get asked this question all the time, but come on guys, but I am not going to be drawn on that one. For one thing, individual results genuinely do vary even with direct competitor products which are very similar.  In the second place, if I really thought that there was one that was always the best one for all of the people all of the time, we’d only sell that one product.

Other “Oxygen Colon Cleansers” on the market usually with names like ‘Oxy-this’ and ‘Oxy-that’:

There are a number of competitor products on the market, I’m sorry to say that a lot of them are useless in terms of actually releasing oxygen, no matter what the manufactures claim. I know this because our manufacturer had them tested and we have seen the pitiful results. So buyer beware!

Part II: Products for oxygenating at the cellular level and for for immune and respiratory system support

The products here are Oxygen Elements Max or Oxylift.

We import these two rather similar products from the USA, but in both cases, the American versions are not vegan due to the prescence of bovine based amino acids. I objected to this, and I now have my own UK versions of both products, made exclusively for us only, which are vegan, where the aminos are derived from a plant-based source. The results seem to be just as good, they are kinder to the animals, kinder to the planet, and suitable for vegans, as well as Jewish and Muslim people who are observant of their kosher or halal traditions.

We get great results with both products, and now I am going to really stick my neck out and say something that maybe I shouldn’t, which is that I have had ‘anecdotal’ reports of both products, at their best literally saving lives (in most cases on 2-3 x the suggested label dosage where a serious illness is involved). For those who use it for increased energy, improved athletic performance, reduced susceptibility to winter viruses, or to combat candida, the results are again impressive, and most people are fine with the label dosage.

Both products have their origins based on the water splitting technology developed by scientist Everett Storey, who after being involved in the development of the nuclear bomb in the 1940’s, turned his skills to healing, rather than killing people. Sounds like something out of James Bond, and possibly hard to believe but that’s the story (no pun intended) nevertheless. Storey’s idea, was to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen found in water (H20), which then left a residue of increased oxygen and biological hydrogen which the body could use for its benefit.  The products we sell are very similar but not completely identical. Oxylift is the one I use, though in my opinion, Oxygen Elements Max is actually the stronger of the two. I use the word “stronger” rather than “better”, as the question of which one is better has to take into consideration the disadvantage of Oxygen Elements Max not tasting as nice, and containing a preservative which is not needed in Oxylift. This means that one cannot say comprehensively that one is better than the other, and I would rather let customers make that decision for themselves. What I can say is that they tremendously help people with almost all aspects of health and wellness. Improved energy, keeping colds and flu’s away, improved digestion, improved breathing capacity being amongst some of the most common things people report back to us on. 

You can read what our customers have said about Oxygen Elements Max here before buying

You can read what our customers have said about Oxylift here before buying

Part III: Antioxidants: Don’t antioxidants “oppose” oxygen supplements?

No, that’s not an accurate way of understanding things, and over simplistic. I would need an entire newsletter to go into this properly, so I’ll keep this as brief as possible. In the first place, in the case of Oxygen Elements Max and Oxylift, they are both oxygenators AND antioxidants at the same time (sorry too big a subject to go into in any more depth here – you’ll have to take my word for it for now). 

Secondly, antioxidants actually assist oxygen therapy products to work better. Quoting from the 650 page book “Flood Your Body with Oxygen” (Ed McCabe)…

If someone is going to be taking a course of the Oxygen Therapies under the care of a competently trained health care professional, or even experimenting on one’s own, he or she must, in my opinion, have an adequate supply of antioxidants in the daily diet. If these are not in the diet, they must, as German clinics proved, be supplemented in order for the wanted specific Oxygen Therapies to work on everyone. Some clinic patients were so deficient in these foods that their bodies were having trouble using extra oxygen at all. When they do receive supplements of the antioxidant enzymes, vitamins A, C, D, and E….they finally respond to the Oxygen Therapy in question. In other words, their nutritional deficiencies needed to be corrected before the Oxygen Therapies would work well. That’s when they started getting proper results.

Discussing the various antioxidant products we supply would need another newsletter. But for general antioxidant support we recommend Antioxidant Supreme (preferably taken a couple of hours away from the oxygen products). It’s exceptionally well balanced, and it can be taken long term / permanently for general health, anti-aging etc. For further support (and true anti-aging) we recommend Vitamin E Tocotrienols due to the specific protection for cell membranes that this form of Vitamin E product provides, which goes vastly beyond the much cheaper tocopherol based Vitamin E products. 

I wish I could write about the above in more detail, but I know that I have to keep newsletters short and sweet, as I am not writing a book. I hope that many people try the products discussed here, tremendously benefit as a result, and I look forward to getting your feedback. 

Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Introducing Oxysan

I’m only sending this newsletter to our Colosan customers for now, though I will send out another one soon to all customers. We know that the recent discontinuation of Colosan caused considerable distress for a number of loyal and regular customers. But we have some good news. In the wake of Colosan has being discontinued last year, we got on to one of our old contacts in the oxygen based colon cleanse world, and together, and after a lot of hard work, have developed its replacement – Oxysan. 

Oxysan vs Colosan

Oxysan is actually a far better product, both as an oxygenator (which by the way is the most important benefit of these products) and as a colon cleanser than colosan.  I know this is a rather bold claim, but with our manufacturer providing a guaranteed 3,000ppm (parts per million) of singlet oxygen, it’s simply in a different league to colosan. I dont want to say too much here, so I will put this politely, but when we got Colosan independently tested, we found the oxygen release to be much lower than we would have hoped. (Mag 07 and Oxy-Powder also tested far better than Colosan for oxygen release, by the way, though I am not at liberty to publish the exact figures).

 As far as the bowel opening and stool softening aspect is concerned, we sent samples to some of our top customers, and the feedback was superlative. Almost everyone said it was better than Colosan. As a colon cleanser most customers have reported that it was about twice as strong as colosan, so go easy on the dosage! Individual results did vary, and some people needed the same dosage as the dosage they used with Colosan, but this was the ‘typical’ reply. 

You can purchase Oxysan capsules here and you can purchase Oxysan powder here

Below, you can see the initial feedback we have had from some of our trialists.

Val T ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer.

Having been a lifelong constipation sufferer I was delighted to discover Colosan a number of years ago and was devastated to learn that Colosan is no longer available.I recently trialled Oxysan powder. I initially took the same dosage (one teaspoon) as I had been taking of Colosan and was thrilled to find that I needed a smaller amount of Oxysan for regularity. I also found Oxysan more pleasant to take as it did not have the chalky consistency of Colosan. I was very impressed with Oxysan and can’t wait for it to become commercially available.

Susan H ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer.

I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with the new oxysan. It is better that colosan and the Mag 07 powder. It works better and I take less. It is also finer/smoother and easier to take. I am very impressed. Thanks for letting me try it.

P K S ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer.

Partner’s Observations:

1. Oxysan does seem to be roughly twice as strong as Colosan (based on half usual Colosan dosage seemingly having a very similar effect).

2. Less aggressive: Anna’s digestive system used to take a couple of days to settle down after taking Colosan, but no digestive issues after taking Oxysan – bowel movements also more gentle.

3. No ‘die-off’ like symptoms (as experienced with Colosan).

4. Satisfying and improved bladder emptying (compared to what is normal for Anna).

My Observations:

1. Oxysan does seem to be roughly twice as strong as Colosan (based on half usual Colosan dosage seemingly having a very similar effect).

2. On both occasions that I took Oxysan, I awoke the next day feeling more ‘energised’ – this is in contrast to feeling lethargic and ‘Colo-conked’ after taking Colosan. I also had no experience of having a bad taste in my mouth the day after taking Oxysan (as I nearly always did after taking Colosan).

Emma H ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

My mum and I both think this is stronger than colosan so need one or two less tablets than usual which is great. No other side effects. We would buy this as a replacement product. Good luck with production!

Aneesa S ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

My feedback for the oxygen capsules in comparison to the colosan is that they are as effective. I didn’t find them any stronger, however they certainly work as well.

Carly T ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

I found the capsules ideal, and would definitely like to purchase more – they worked in the same way as Colosan capsules for me, if not potentially better – I took 3 each night and had regular, possibly more natural ‘movements’.

Nick A ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

Absolutely amazing better than colosan a nicer taste and worked for me even better I would definitely buy when it is available.

Karen B ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

I wanted to let you know I tested the samples last night and I was impressed how gentle they were on the stomach, I took 4 with plenty of cold water and they worked perfectly by morning to empty the bowels it actually felt like I had a colonic treatment the next day. My daughter took 8 by the morning of the third day she completely emptied her bowels and blocked the toilet it was such a motion!! I will definitely buy them when they are on the market I am so impressed much better than colosan and I have always sung the praises of colosan.

Sharon J ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

I have used the capsules over the past few days and have found them to be effective with no cramping or side effects. I started with 3 capsules but needed to increase to 5 for better results. I think they are not quite as strong as Colosan. I would be happy to purchase in the future.

Deborah K ★★★★★

The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer

Just thought I would contact you with concerning my trial of Oxysan your new potential oxygen supplement. Firstly I’d like to thank you for going to such lengths to find a replacement for the Colosan I used to order from you. I have been using the oxysan now for a couple of weeks and I am really happy with this product and would order it in preference to the Mag 07 which I’ve been using instead of the Colosan powder. I have been taking half a teaspoon in water with a squeeze of lemon juice first thing in the morning and I don’t have to take it every day.. probably 4 days a week. I have an under active thyroid gland so it helps me as without it I have a sluggish bowel. I have found it also helps if I have the beginnings of a cold to clear it quickly. I hope this feedback helps you,

At the risk of repeating myself you can purchase Oxysan capsules here and you can purchase Oxysan powder here.

The other oxygen based colon products we provide can be found here. I mention this because a number of people find that alternating between them is beneficial. Especially those who find that their bodies get used to products, which eventually work less effectively, or stop working altogether. But that’s a discussion for a future newsletter.

And you can find non oxygen based colon cleansers here

Best Wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd