Category Archives: General Health & Nutrition

Foreign Protein Cleanse (Spike protein – long covid and vaccine damage concerns)

Happy New Year Everyone

For those who are concerned about Spike proteins causing long term damage – whether from Covid, Long Covid or Vaccine Damage. We now have a dedicated product developed to help with this. Initially proving so popular that we couldn’t get hold of it fast enough, we are now well stocked, and to be on the safe side, I have placed another large order which we’ll have in about a week. Before discussing that product, I’ll just do a quick shout out for products such as Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serrapeptase, which we’ve also been getting good feedback for over a year for spike protein concerns, long covid, blood clotting concerns and so on. You can see what some of our customers are saying by reading the reviews…

Reviews for Nattokinase

Reviews for Serrapeptase

Another one to consider is NADH – which tremendously raises general life force energy

As one customer put it…

I have been suffering from long Covid for nearly 2 years. Main symptoms were extreme fatigue, brain fog, feeling dissociated from reality, and bad memory. I noticed an improvement within the first 48hrs of taking these, and I’m not kidding! They have truly helped out of all the supplements I have tried in targeting long covid. I’m not back to ‘normal’ but I am much improved and heading in that direction. Amazing supplement!

Introducing Foreign Protein Cleanse

Although we have other products that may be helpful for clearing spike proteins, I suspect this is going to become a huge seller for us this year.

How Foreign Protein Cleanse Leads to a Better You.

Healthy Spike Response

Spike proteins help viruses enter into cells, which disrupts your health. Foreign Protein Cleanse detoxes the body of spike proteins, which allows the body to repair from within.

Immune System & Respiratory Support

Our blend features a carefully selected mix of ingredients such as Lobelia, Licorice, and Wormwood, traditionally recognized for their immune-boosting properties. In addition to enhancing immune health, Lobelia and Licorice improve respiratory well-being. The formula also includes Cinnamon Cassia, known for its efficacy in combating respiratory infections. This unique combination is designed to fortify the immune system and promote lung health.

Regulate Inflammatory Response

An unhealthy inflammatory response can cause many ailments and health concerns. That’s why we’ve included ingredients like wormwood and mucuna extract. For centuries, these ingredients have been used together to promote a balanced inflammatory response in the body.


Being a new product, so far we only have one review for it (though there are more on Global Healing’s Web site). This is what the person wrote…

Ok, first things first, all products in the GH range are amazing and also so is the taste but if you could for one product not use the taste as a added benefit then I would say that of all the products I’ve tried and purchase continuously then this would be the 1st on my list. It’s the X factor, the missing link the foundation to maximising all the other products. I’ve felt better than I have in years my circulation is better breathing better digestion better and has only been noticeable since adding this product. If you truly want to feel benefits of products you already take then 100% add this to your collection.



Wildcrafted Lobelia, Organic Licorice. Wildcrafted Wormwood, Cinnamon Cassia, Mucuna Extract, Organic Lemon Balm, Turmeric CO2 extract, Citicoline, Supercharged C60, Cu1 (Cuprous Copper), Super Concentrated Liquid Gold, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, triple distilled bio-photonic structured water, organic ice-pressed olive oil, organic avocado oil. 

We hope you try Foreign Protein Cleanse, and if you benefit from it, will write your own review.

Best Wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd 

Keeping Healthy Over Christmas 2023

So many of us have our Christmas or New Year ruined by not being well over during this festive time. Two years ago, it was Covid-19 which caused the entire nation to have a ruined Christmas, but even though that seems to be consigned to history now, we are still all very susceptible to illness when the days are short, the weather is cold and damp, and we are over-indulging at the same time. So here are a few strategies that can drastically improve your chances of staying well over this period, and will reduce your down-time if you do get ill.

  1. Keep Your Colon Clean.

    Use Oxy-Powder or Mag 07 to clean your colon and to stay ‘regular’.
  2. Deter Candida

    If you think you won’t be able to resist the temptation to indulge on candida forming foods take a good probiotic. Some of my favourites include Threelac, Fivelac. Latero-Flora, Ultimate Probiotic and Sporebiotics. There is a lot more to preventing candida than just taking a probiotic, as discussed in countless previous newsletters. But a high end probiotic is a good start and will improve the microbiome generally. 
  3. Take Digestive Enzymes

    Have Active Digestive Enzymes or Ultimate Enzymes on hand to help with all the overeating, and to calm fermentation from eating starches and sugars. You can increase your active digestive enzymes to two capsules with each meal, rather than one as suggested on the label for large meals. Digestive enzymes are wonderful aids for digestion, especially of cooked foods and will help reduce bloating, gas indigestion etc. You cannot overdose on plant based digestive enzymes on ANY dosage.

    4. Prevent Viruses

    In no specific order, here are some of the main things to consider…
    1. Use Oxygen Elements Max or Oxylift, which oxygenate the body by a complex proess described in previous newsletters and are powerful fighters of all viremia in the blood, lymph and respiratory system.

    2. Use anti viral herbs such as Olive Leaf Extract, Pau d’Arco or our own polyherbal immune booster and anti-viral remedy, Galangal Formula are extremely effective in preventing colds and flu’s. Another excellent natural anti-viral I can highly recommend is Global Healing’s Oregano Oil.  Here is a more comprehensive list of herbal anti-virals for those who want to see all their options. 

    3. Take Vitamin D. A worthwhile dosage is about 5,000iu per day. My favourite vitamin D products are Vitamin D 5,000iu with Vitamin K2 (this is the one I normally take) or if you prefer liquids to tablets Plant Based Vitamin D, or Liposomal Vitamin D3 / K2 (in theory, you can take a lower dosage of the Liposomal, due to the superior absorption).  A healthy vitamin D level is critical for minimising cold’s and flu’s, no matter whether it’s the covid virus, or the common cold virus.

    4. Take zinc. Pretty much everyone is zinc deficient these days (I won’t go into detail on this point here) and adequate zinc levels are vital for helping to prevent viral replication. Any of these will do. 

    5. Take a good Vitamin C product

    Which Vitamin C?

    I could not say which Vitamin C product we provide is “the best one”, and I do recommend viewing the full range to decide which one is best for you. But if it’s of any use to know, the top selling Vitamin C product is our own Vitamin C 1000mg 90 caps. We have had tremendous feedback on this inexpensive, understated Vitamin C product going back many years, which you can see if you read the reviews on our web site, and it has a very high repeat order rate. 

    The next most popular are Liposomal Vitamin C unflavouredand the almost identical Liposomal Vitamin C SF unflavoured. The only difference between these two is that the first contains lecithin derived from non GMO soya and he second “SF” one contains lecithin derived from sunflower. Since neither actually contain any detectable proteins from either soya or sunflower, I do not believe that it makes any difference whatsoever which one is consumed.  

    The next most popular is Plant Based Vitamin C.

    A few words about Vitamin C

    The most vociferous early advocate of Vitamin C for the common cold was two time Nobel prize winner Dr Linus Pauling, author of the book Vitamin C and the Common Cold first published in 1970. Pauling himself took very high dosages of Vitamin C every day (6g per day when he was well, and up to18g per day if he though he had a cold or flu coming on), never got ill, lived to the age of 95, and worked until right up to the time of his passing.  His peers sneered at him, and mostly died in their 60’s and 70’s. The dosages that Pauling took were perhaps somewhat over the top, and few people take 6g per day, 365 days per year, but the strategy seemed to work for him. 

Part II – How NOT to keep healthy over Christmas

The above suggestions will help prevent illness and make you healthier generally. Now for some strategies that I guarantee do NOT make you healthier and will do nothing to prevent illness. 

1. Wearing rags over our faces, aka “face masks”. A virus will go through a cotton “face mask” as easily as a fly will fly through a tennis court net. The last time I checked, trapping bacteria and germs on your face for at least 8 hours a day, and inhibiting your intake of oxygen, meant you were more rather than less likely to get a viral illness. A recent meta analysis, reported in several UK newspapers, suggested about 75% more likely in fact, but I won’t go into that in detail here.

2. Standing six feet apart from people

3. One way systems in supermarkets

4. Experimental vaccines, which the manufacturers openly admit do not prevent the catching or passing on of a virus (which rather brings in to question what they do accomplish), but they do admit can cause myocarditis, pericarditis, bells palsy, various other temporary and in some cases permanent side effects, oh and in the less fortunate, death.

5. Blaming the failure of a vaccine to work in those who took it, on the people who refused to take it. That is an admission that it doesn’t actually work, since those who took it were supposed to be protected while those that refused it, were supposed to have burnt in hell. Or something like that

5. Being kept under house arrest in your home, and staying indoors.

6. Weird rules, like “rules of six” and “covid support bubbles”. Do you remember this?

12. Attacking and insulting everyone who disagrees with the above.

Doubtless some who read this will not agree with me, and that’s OK. However, a massive number of people who do like my ethos have asked me to continue to press home the points I was trying to make during the height of the Covid pandemic, or what I regarded as the Covid insanity, given the damage that has been done to countless people’s mental and physical health as a result of policies which I and many others simply did not agree with.  On that note, I would like to wish everyone, those who agree, and those who do not agree with my views a very Happy Christmas and New Year from myself and my small but hard working team.

Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd 

Finding Happiness

Hello Everyone

The main part of this newsletter is going to be about finding happiness in the long term. But before we get to that, do you find the approach to Christmas stressful or feel low at this time of the year? If so, where it comes to supplements, you may find something useful in the mood support category of the web site.

LiposomalThere are many options in the mood support category, and obviously not everyone finds the same product (or combination of products) to be the best one for their particular body and situation. However one of my top choices for reducing stress (and improving sleep) is our own uniquely developed product Lavender Formula

Review: These are my little saviours! I literally recommend to everyone I know, when I had bad anxiety these saved me and are great for my 20 year old daughter when she has wobbles and anxiety. My Mum takes them when she has trouble sleeping.. I carry a couple with me at all times. Can’t recommend enough!
Our own range don’t have a colourful and enticicing label like you get with big brand labels, but trust me, we know what we’re doing, and our own range of products are very effective. 

More reviews of Lavender Formula here
LiposomalAnother top choice, which we’ve only begun selling recently is Ashwagandha. Our one is unique in that it’s actually four forms of ashwagandha root to relieve stress, support healthy cortisol levels, and promote a calm state of mind. Suitable for anyone who experiences stress, it’s also very supportive and nourishing to the adrenal glands. 

The findings of this study suggest that a high-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract safely and effectively improves an individual’s resistance towards stress and thereby improves self-assessed quality of life1

LiposomalAnother one to consider is NeuroFuzion. Described by the manufacturers as “a potent, herbal formula that’s designed to support healthy brain function, happiness, focus, and mental clarity”. This product is currently going through a re-brand, and when current stocks have sold out, it will be sold with the new name of Stress Relief. The ingredients themselves will remain the same. 

Review: I took two capsules daily for 2 weeks initially and had a great change in my mood. Less worries and more confidence and good sleep. A great product. Now I take it when I have some sleeping issues.

Healthy essential fatty acid levels are also vital for good mental health, particularly Omega 3 oils.  Discussing this in depth would require an entire book in itself, but cutting a long story short, Omega 6 (to a lesser extent) and Omega 3 (to a huge degree) essential fatty acid are vital for proper brain function. This includes our quality of mood, as shown in countless studies. 

Finally, good mental health, and mental clarity also requires healthy adrenal and healthy thyroid function. That’s too big a subject to get into in this newsletter in depth, but both are very important. 

Liposomal In terms of working on oneself, supplements alone are not enough (though they can help). Nicholas Bunney is the son of our long time developer, and we’ve recently agreed to stock his new book  ABCD: Finding Happiness through Awareness, Values, Principles, and Actions. Nik explained to us that having examined his “perfect” life and found that something was missing, he went on a journey of self-discovery through, philosophy, therapy, meditation, scientific literature and personal experience to find a set of values that allowed him to find more purpose, focus and gratitude in his life. He believes that many people can benefit from the lessons he learned and the techniques he developed to improve their own life.

From the Author.

I’m so proud to be the very first author to sell a book through this wonderful website. I have been a customer myself for many years, so it’s an honour that my own work can sit beside the same products we all know and love.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Nicholas Bunney, and I am a husband and father (and now author) from East London. In 2017 I was working as a sales trader in a well-known investment bank. From the outside, my life looked ‘perfect’ with a good job and young family I may have been in a position many people would have envied. However, as many of you will relate with, I was not feeling as happy as I SHOULD have been. Why was this? Surely, I should be grateful especially when compared to others who are less fortunate than me – how could I be so selfish!

I decided to take a break from work and look into why I wasn’t happy. My goal was to investigate my thinking and see if there was a way to feel more aligned with myself and find some contentment. Now, the issues I was facing in life were not “special” – we all go through them every day.

  • Unrealised health goals
  • Job Dissatisfaction
  • Lack of time for strong relationships
  • Boredom
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of purpose
  • Not keeping promises to myself

So, there must be a way to improve my situation – right? Diving deep into philosophy, meditation, fitness, literature, scientific studies and much more – I started to see a pattern forming. Much of the lessons, advice and techniques that have been found to improve people’s mental health for centuries have centred around four key elements.


As I applied these elements to my own life and slowly developed the tools I would later provide in my book (ABCD: Finding Happiness…) – I changed my mindset, improved how I looked at the world and started to understand what makes us tick – what humans need to be happy.


ABCD is the acronym of the main themes that I found in my research,


These four simple words that we are all familiar with hold the elements to a vast range of sound advice from experts and scholars, scientists and philosophers, life coaches and therapists – from here to two thousand years ago. So why can they benefit our happiness and mental health?


  • Why do we do the things we do? Why do we care about the things we do?
  • Many of us feel like we are getting nowhere with our goals and values. But how often do we question what is truly important to us – and not the product of our peers, parents or media?
  • When we align our values with our actions and understand ourselves more (as well as letting go of things we can’t control) – We are far happier!


  • What are realistic expectations of ourselves? Are we approaching our life in a balanced way?
  • Often, we treat the separate areas of our life as though they don’t interact. But life is a rich tapestry with all elements interacting.
  • When we see this and balance our time and expectations to allow our WHOLE life to be served – we can enjoy the journey!


  • We are what we do every day.
  • When we consistently keep promises to ourselves and others, especially those around our authentic values and goals – we build a sense of self confidence that builds contentment in our lives – no matter what life throws at us.
  • Find ways to break larger goals and values into smaller pieces; stop being overwhelmed and start living life!


  • Challenges bring us joy!
  • Physiologically, the body creates dopamine to help us survive the pain of life’s challenges. Mentally, the brain responds brightly when we act with purpose and creates cognitive dissonance when we don’t.
  • We are not seeking discipline as punishment – we are seeking the small acts of self-discipline that give us purpose.

It’s often said that “The side of every generation find the same truths”, and this became evident to me. I don’t claim to be wise, however I felt that many people would benefit from having a single place with the best of these ideas that they could refer to whatever issues they faced.

  • Finding values to live by.
  • Identifying goals that can improve their lives.
  • Embracing a new philosophy that allows them to let go and be happy.
  • Learning how to talk to ourselves.
  • Reframing failure.
  • Helping others.
  • And much, much, more!

So, as the nights draw in and we enter a colder and more introspective period of the year – use ABCD: Finding Happiness through Awareness, Values, Principles, and Actions to work on finding the happiness you’ve been missing. Whether it’s to inspire a choice of worth while new years resolutions or to make a more life enhancing change – ABCD can help you. Thank you for taking the time to read my first newsletter and please head over to The Finchley Clinic to check out the brand-new book!

Nicholas welcomes feedback and questions about his journey. He can be contacted directly using the following information:-


Instagram: @abcd_nicholas_bunney

Mark LesterBest wishes Mark G. Lester Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

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20 Years of Successful Threelac Probiotic Reviews For Gut Health

Sale Items Here – Up To 50% Off

This week I noticed that we are now 20 years from our first ever product review, and as 20 years later, we are still having great success with the same product, I thought it was time for a trip down memory lane.  The exact date was Thursday 13 November 2003. It was written by a lady suffering from candida and thrush, who was using what at the time was the rather novel and unique probiotic Threelac, which in those days was our best selling product. This is what she wrote…

Healed from persistent thrush

Thursday 13 November 2003

I am happy to be able to provide a testimonial to the beneficial use of ThreeLac. At the beginning of the year I began to suffer from recurrent thrush. Being in my 40’s this was not a problem that I had experienced with any regularity since my 20’s. I didn’t feel happy about the continued use of the normal pessary treatment and I really wasn’t ready for a solution that would entail the use of long-term oral medication.

I knew that Candida conditions were linked to various internal imbalances so I felt that a more natural approach must be available. I toyed with the idea of a sugar-free diet, which I knew from previous investigations could produce dramatic results, but let’s face it who wants to live without sugar! Well, I certainly didn’t. So after much surfing on the Internet I came across the ThreeLac product.

I decided to start on 2 packets a day and within a few days I felt a difference! But I must say that the greatest improvement came at just short of two months of using the product. I have now been using Three Lac for almost 3 months and I have not had any recurrence of thrush during that time. I have felt the odd twinge but it has always subsided and if I feel worried that thrush may develop then I just take an extra packet for that day. It’s likely that the results would be even better for someone who would be willing to have the minimum amount of sugar in their diet, but the important thing is that it’s worked for me and that I haven’t had to make any dramatic lifestyle changes.

I recommend ThreeLac wholeheartedly.

Here are a few more of our earliest ever reviews for Threelac

Eczema, psoriasis, athlete’s foot – finally healed.

Wednesday 3 December 2003

 I have been trying to rid myself of candiasis for years. I have a patch of skin on my foot which has been described as eczema, psoriasis, athlete’s foot, lichen planus, lichen simplex, and several others. I read several years ago about a Professor Crook I think his name was, and his theory that such allergies and ailments are caused by overgrowth of candida in the gut….Anyway, just to let you have a bit of feedback on your product and I will keep you posted. As one who has tried all sorts of cures, I think I may be at the end of the search. One day doctors will realise that steroid and cortisone creams are only cover ups for the real problems, and they may even admit that candida albicans is a real problem.

Lactose intolerance gone!

Monday 22 March 2004

This threelac stuff is amazing – my lactose intolerance is SO much better since I started taking it last month – I can eat butter and cheese without coming out in a rash… cool! doctor insisted it had nothing to do with yeast…

Food cravings, fatigue and depression gone!

Tuesday 25 May 2004

I have suffered with the side effects of candida for years-the overeating as a result of food cravings, dry skin, depression, tiredness, etc. I tried the very restrictive diet recommended by some books I read, however I found this difficult to fit in with any kind of family or social life. In desperation, I was surfing the internet for some advice & came across an American review of Threelac which sounded too good to be true. After some more research I found the product was available at The Finchley Clinic, so I ordered some to try along with Oxygen Elements Plus and Active Enzymes. I thought it was quite expensive, but then so is overeating !! I have now been using these products for almost 4 months. Apart from an occasional bad day, the food cravings have disappeared, my skin is much better and I am no longer tired and depressed. As a bonus I have lost almost 2 and a half stone.

Persistent skin itching disappeared

Friday 2 July 2004

I used Threelac on its own for 8 weeks, beginning with one a day and building up to 2 a day for the second month. The first packet i used i ‘felt’ it working in a very physical way but thereafter, i was not aware of this – in 3 days my severe itching on the back subsided and the ‘spit test’ showed an improvement from the test i did 3 days before which had fungal yeast covering the entire base of the glass! At the end of the first month, the lesions on my arm, back and chest and face started drying up (usually infected, bleeding and painful). During the second month, I added Oxygen Elements Max but was not really aware of further improvement because of it, however, I had steady improvement of symptoms – less lesions, less yeast in the spit test, no more itching from the very first packet (which i suffered for 15 yrs!), improved oral thrush, better energy, clearer thinking, less short-term memory loss and calmer as my body seemed calmer!

I stopped taking 3lac for 2 months and tried a soil organism product (experiment) and immediately had ‘die off’ reaction and my old symptoms gradually came back but not as fierce as they were before. So i returned to 3Lac on 3 a day for week, and 2 a day from week two and the symptoms have dramatically improved, but the terrible fatigue is taking longer to deal with. The most dramatic result was the cessation of itching and it never came back, even when i went without 3Lac. I am aware it may have done if I carried on without it thinking i had got rid of the yeast when i hadn’t.

Although it is recommend to carry on eating natural sugar with 3Lac, i found that it was more effective when i went without fruit in particular (for 4 weeks). I am now combining this with Active Enzymes and Colostrum as a program, in an attempt to control yeast, leaky gut and supressed immune system. I recommend the product for anyone with fungal yeast issues but have read testimonies that as a probiotic, it improves a range of symptoms, including re-current infections, chronic fatigue, and other serious diseases.

UTI (urinary tract infections) – No more!

Saturday 3 July 2004

For the past four years I have constantly suffered with UTI (urinary tract infections). It has been a viscous circle of thrush, cystitis, eczema and athletes foot. In between all of this I have been very tired and have cried many times with the tiredness and pain from the urinary tract infections. On doing some research for one of my essays I stumbled on the Finchley Clinic website and found that other people too have suffered like me. I must admit I was a little dubious at first and thought to myself it can’t be true and end to all of this. However I was so desperate as numerous visits to the doctors told me there was nothing wrong with me. The doctor was treating my symptoms not curing them. So I gave it a go. I was amazed by the results. I have had no thrush since I started using threelac. I have had no cystitis. My eczema has gone off my legs and only flares now occasionally on two of my fingers. I have no athlete’s foot and something my fiance mentioned was that spots that I usually had on my back were now down to the odd one now and again. This is good news as I’m getting married next year and will be able to choose a dress that shows my back. My energy levels have soared which is great news as being a Student Nurse I need lots of that. As a Student Nurse I read the Nursing Times regularly and was pleased to see that a letter in edition no.13, volume 1 dated the 3th March 24 printed a letter on the use of probiotics. To sum the letter up a nurse urged Doctors to use probiotics on an elderly ward, the Doctor replied that his hands were tied because of insufficient research on them. She remarked that existing research shows them to be harmless and that they wouldn’t interfere with any other medications. She persuaded a house doctor to prescribe Yakult and for the patients to drink it. She worked in South Africa over 1 years ago and she claims that doctors often prescribed probiotics at the same time as antibiotics. I think that it’s a shame this country is not the same as I feel that I could have been saved a lot of pain and tears had my doctor prescribed them for me. While Yakult was not stronger enough to help me at least it’s a start in the right direction.

I urge people to at least give them ago, as you have nothing to lose. As for the cost of them which I no is expensive, but they are not as costly as continuous repeat prescriptions for thrush tablets, cystitis and betnovate steroid creams for eczema.

PMT – massive improvemenet “almosy immediately”. 

Thursday 14 October 2004

Since my second child was born 6 years ago I have suffered with really bad PMT , symptoms included swollen tender breasts , bloated stomach and mood swings. I started taking Threelac with Oxygen Elements plus about 9 months and noticed a massive improvement in all my symptoms almost immediately

More reviews : –

You can read all 95 reviews here. We should have more reviews for this product, but only a tiny proportion of customers bother to write them unfortunately. 

Usage and Dosage

It makes very little difference whether it is taken with or without food. It’s very hard to be too prescriptive about how much to take, and it’s definitely not an exact science. But a protocol I have always liked is to take 1 sachet per day for a week, then 1 sachet twice a day in the second week, then in the third week, try 1 sachet three times a day. Stay on this dosage for 6 weeks (so a total of 8 weeks from the start), then assess whether or not its helping. 

These days, we also have other options, as there is Threelac (spore based 3 probiotic strains), Fivelac (same as Threelac but with two additional probiotic strains), and Sevenlac (same as Fivelac, but with two further probiotic strains). In theory, Sevenlac is better than Fivelac, and Fivelac is better than Threelac. However life is never quite as simple as that, and I do get people who say they find Threelac to be the most effective one (as well as less expensive).  Which one do I recommend? Once again, it’s not an exact science, but the majority of the time I recommend trying Threelac initially, and considering one of the others if it’s not working after 8 weeks.

What else does Threelac combine well with?

We suggest considering the following kits if you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. Please note all kits are sold at 10% off the price of buying the same products separately. 

Threelac & Oxygen Elements Max Anti-Candida Kit – £59.38 or Threelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit – £59.38

Threelac, Oxygen Elements Max & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida and Digestive Health Kit – £89.07 or Threelac, OxyLift & Active Digestive Enzymes – Anti Candida & Digestive Health Kit – £89.07

Are there equivalent kits for Fivelac and Sevenlac?

Yup! Just go to the main product pages and you’ll find links to them

And one last thing before I go

Global Health Trax, the manufacturers of Threelac also manufacture a product called Candizolv. This is one of the products I often recommend candida sufferers to try where nothing else seems to be working. I know people don’t read for long where it comes to newsletters, so I suggest going to the product page for more info. 

As always, I hope this article is of interest.

Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Organic Colostrum – Gut Healer – Natural Inflammation Fighter – Immune Regulator – Back In Stock

Hi Everyone,

So after a 3 month abscence Organic Colostrum is finally back in stock. We’ve had to put the price up due to a massive increase in our own trade cost, so for this reason we have decided to give customers the choice of ‘regular’ Colostrum (with Zinc) for only £19.99 and Organic Colostrum, currently £34.99 but will be increased to £39.99 on October 1st or when current stocks run out (whichever happens sooner) due to significant increases in production costs. There are also volume discounts on 2, 4 or 6 bottles purchased at the same time (as well as the usual reward points on all orders).

What Is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the pre-milk liquid that mothers produce at birth and the first few days of life. It is full of immune-enhancing, anti-inflammatory compounds, other important immune factors, and essential growth factors to ensure health and vitality for adults and children. But because there is rather a lot to say about this, for those who want more technical and detailed information, we have given colostrum it’s own separate information page found here

Our decision to stock it was made as a result one our candida customers telling us how it had cured her irritable bowel, bloating and excess wind (this is now over 15 years ago). Her exact words were “I couldn’t believe it”. 

A quick read of the following testimonials will show how Colostrum might help with a huge range of problems. Please note where you see the term Colostrum FM (meaning ‘first milk’) below, this is because we originally marketed a brand called Colostrum FM, which no longer exists, which is how we came to eventually get our own organic colostrum manufactured for us. 

Asthma / Abdominal bloating

“I am an asthmatic. I have been hospitalized on four occasions with severe asthma attacks, for which I was given large doses of steroids. Consequently, I am overweight, and have irritable bowel symptoms. My peak flow reading (to measure lung capacity) never reaches above 250, and I am registered as disabled in England because I cannot walk more than 50 meters without resting and using my inhalers. I have been using Colostrum four weeks now, 4 capsules twice a day. Already I have seen a significant improvement in my health. My stomach is no longer bloated, and I have lost 8 pounds. I no longer wake up wheezing, and my peak flow has gone up to 300.”


“I use bovine colostrum successfully for upper respiratory infections of all types, especially for sinusitis, which is a frequent health difficulty in Sedona where I practice. For example, a carpenter, age 42, consulting me for the treatment of sinus congestion, which comes on him once annually, responded right away to my prescribing capsules containing bovine colostrum.”

“For many years, I have suffered with sinus problems that were so bad they gave me toothaches. I was on antibiotics and eating ibuprofen for the pain. After taking colostrum, the problem did a turn-around. If skeptics could only know how really thankful I am that I found colostrum.”


“I have had seasonal allergies for many years since moving to Georgia: pollen, grass, mold, dust, and some food allergies. Every year I would fear the seasons Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Often I would have severe sinus infections also. All of the medication prescribed by my general doctor and allergist only gave me partial relief, plus I had tremendous side effects: dry eyes, dry mouth, nose bleeding, itchy skin, and drowsiness. I could not believe the almost immediate relief I got from Colostrum, with none of the side effects. I am a retired RN, and believe me, I am not easily convinced by all the hype of supplements. But colostrum has made such a great difference in my overall health and well-being.”


“I severely burned my wrist on an engine block. I was told that it would take at least a month to heal and would probably leave a scar. With colostrum, it was completely healed, without scarring, in one week.“

Ear Infections

Kate Montgomery has been using colostrum in her practice ever since she experienced first-hand its remarkable healing properties. Several years ago, she had a severe ear infection that was not responding to the antibiotics prescribed for her. After reading about colostrum, she decided to give it a try. She purchased a bottle of it at a health food store. As she states, “Because the infection was so bad, I took six capsules and eight hours later, I took six more. Within hours, I could feel the stuffiness and inflammation subsiding. Twenty-four hours later, I could start to hear and I was feeling so much better. My energy and stamina also returned.” To this day she still takes her daily dose of colostrum.

Kate added, “As a naturopath, I have recommended colostrum to all my clients and am happy to say, most are taking it regularly and agree about its benefits to their immune systems. I would highly recommend colostrum for everyone who seeks a stronger immune system.”

Multiple Sclerosis

“I feel like I have truly found a miracle in my life. I have suffered from multiple sclerosis for seven years now. After taking colostrum for just a couple of months (three teaspoons a day), all MS symptoms have left my body (dizziness, weakness and fatigue, eye problems, burning sensation in my feet). I am able to walk without a limp and can walk up and down stairs without the aid of a railing. I cannot say enough good things about this miraculous food.”


“Here in our town of Cottage Grove, a local minister had uncontrollable diabetes and was taking 3 insulin injections daily. I shared with him the benefits of colostrum and several months later he came back to me, convinced that something besides injections needed to be done. He purchased the colostrum, and within one week the miracle of healing kicked in. He no longer is giving himself insulin injections. Now, he will not go without colostrum to regulate his insulin secretion. He is totally convinced of the benefits of taking colostrum.”

Severe Ulcerative Colitis

“Approximately two years ago, my eleven-year old son, Sean, was suddenly diagnosed and then hospitalized with severe ulcerative colitis. His weight dropped dramatically, down to 56 pounds (he was then 4’ 10”). Nothing helped. A month later, after nearly losing his entire colon, his doctors tried a very powerful experimental drug on him, one that shut down his immune system. This new drug, along with Prednisone (a steroid), helped in his recovery initially; however, he stopped gaining weight and remained 4’10”. Then, six months later his symptoms began to return. Afraid that we were going to have to go back on the steroids (which gave him a big puffy face) and higher doses of Pyrenothos, we began to search for a more natural, alternative cure. We discovered colostrum through a doctor friend in the Midwest. He advised Sean to take four capsules; two before breakfast and two at bedtime. Within weeks we saw an amazing change in our son. He began gaining weight, getting stronger, and even seemed to be growing faster! Sean has been taking colostrum (Professional Series) for about a year now. He weighs 100 pounds, is 5’4”, and is the pitcher on his baseball team. In other words, he is the picture of health! He leads a totally normal life and amazes his doctor here at UCLA who calls his recovery nothing short of “a miracle.”


“I am a seventy year old man who, this last year, went through a devastating personal experience that led to severe depression. My doctor gave me numerous antidepressant drugs over a ten month period that proved unsuccessful. After taking colostrum for two months, my depression lifted. I also had a total knee replacement two weeks ago. I had my other knee replaced a year ago and it took forever to heal. This time, to everyone’s disbelief, I was out dancing ten days after my surgery. My muscles are more defined and my stomach is noticeably flatter. My blood pressure has dropped from 145/85 to 120/70 and my pulse has gone from 83 to 70. I have been able to come off my heart medication.“

Down Syndrome

“My son Zachary was born in 1993 with Down Syndrome. He has had to take constant antibiotics for ear, nose and throat infections. He was irritable and developed behavioral problems because he was always ill. He was having constant diarrhea. When one doctor wanted to put him on a powerful antibiotic for this problem, I put my foot down and decided to try colostrum instead. He has been on colostrum for almost a year and a half. He is rarely sick and gets better within days. His mood and behavior are much better. His blood was tested before and after taking colostrum for three months for free radicals. Down Syndrome patients have more free radicals in their blood due to a poor immune system. Zachary, unlike the Down Syndrome population, tested normal. Colostrum is a Godsend for these children.”

Mouth Pain and Infection

“I was suffering from a root canal that had become infected. As the dentist was unavailable, I went to the local health food store to inquire about what would help. I was instructed to make colostrum into a paste by mixing it with some water, then packing it into the infected area. Initially the pain and swelling diminished, and then by the following morning there was no indication that there had been a problem in that area. I am now waiting to see the many other advantages I derive from using colostrum.”

Heartburn and Acid Reflux

“I have suffered from both heartburn and acid reflux for ten years now. I have tried every over-the-counter medication, not to mention many prescription-strength medicines. Some of them offer partial relief; however, I often worry about the negative impact all of these medicines are having on my body. My wife finally convinced me to try colostrum, either the powdered form or in a shake, when I experience the painful symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. Being the skeptic that I am, I had a hard time admitting to her that it actually made the symptoms go away. Now, as long as I take colostrum with a meal (especially later in the day), I can enjoy the foods that I have been denying myself for so long.”


“I haven’t been able to eat solid foods for three years now because of advanced Scleroderma (one of the most debilitating of the autoimmune diseases). In only one week of taking colostrum, I was able to sit down with my family and eat real food. My sons told me that it was so wonderful to watch their mother eat a hamburger {note the finchley clinic does not recommend the consumption of hamburgers! It is still a harmful junk food!}. I can’t say enough about what colostrum has done for me.“

Immune system

“I beleive that Colostrum FM has been doing wonders for my immune system since I started taking it a few months ago. Earlier this year I was beset by 2 heavy bouts of flu which it took me weeks to get over. Both times, my candida symptoms got much worse when I had the flu. Since I took colostrum I recently got ill again but this time I got over it much quicker, the illness was much less severe, and there was no candida flare up.“

Period Pain

“I started taking colostrum just before my period was due and was amazed to find that when I started my period, for the first time in years I suffered absolutely no period pain. This was like a miracle for me because I have very heavy periods which always come with severe period pain that has me bedridden for at least two days. This time it was like being let out of prison to have a pain free period. I’m amazed but can’t obviously say for sure if this was a one-off fluke caused by the colostrum or if it will hopefully be permanent. It’s the first thing I’ve tried that has actually worked for period pain, as I don’t like taking conventional pain killers so for me it’s great.“

Abdominal bloating

“I’ve started taking the Colostrum and I think it’s really helping. I ate so much I shouldn’t eat at the weekend and normally I would wake up this morning feeling awful and bloated and I’d normally have rosecea flare up but I didn’t have any of the usual symptoms and I’m pretty sure it’s down to that.“

Candida, bloating, low energy

“I have been taking colostrum for one month. I have suffered with candida for 7 years, and tried various detoxification products which didn’t work, and got to point where it was affecting my hormonal balance, candida. I also suffered from bloating, frequent urination, which affected my sleep, dehydration, had problems with breaking down carbohydrates, (indigestion, bloating gas).“

“I started colostrum because anti candida products didn’t really seem to work for me. I am one of these people who seems to react very fast to products, so I wouldn’t necessarily expect everyone to react as fast as me, but ion my case I took 4 capsules in the morning, and had a nap. 4 hours later I woke up to find my bloating and low energy, and crankiness (was feeling weepy that morning) had disappeared. I woke up feeling bright, hungry (which was rare for me) and feeling great generally. I have felt great ever since taking it, and have just ordered my second bottle from The Finchley Clinic.“

High Blood pressure

“My husband would like to report the following:- “After taking colostrum for about a month, my blood pressure which I had been taking medication for (which hadn’t been effective at all) went down from 200/90 (dangerously high) to 120/72 (considered better than average for my age). I also sleep better and feel full of energy.”

More reviews are found on our web site

Contraindications of Colostrum : –

Not suitable for vegans
Not suitable for people with severe dairy or lactose intolerance (slight intolerance is NOT a contraindication in our experience)

Colostrum (not organic) 120 capssules Only £19.99
Organic Colostrum 120 capsules £34.99 (Until October 1st)

I hope this article is of interest

Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

A Roadmap To Female Hormone Balance

Hello Everyone

After around 25 years in the natural supplement business, I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our new specialist in women’s health issues. I get calls and emails from women quite often asking about which products they should use for hormonally related issues. Although I am able to give some basic guidance, which I don’t normally charge for, it’s never really been my area of expertise. Even if it was, these issues are complex, and it’s not possible to venture into individual cases in a respsonsible way in the time I allow for the free advisory service I provide.

Introducing Katie Joyce

Katie is a graduate of the College of Naturopathic Medicine, who I have been working with behind the scenes for some time. (She also works as a colon hydrotherapist). She has a commitment to wellness, to her patients, and attention to detail that goes beyond the competent, to the level of the superlative. She takes the same view as myself, that you cannot make the body healthy by poisoning it, therefore allopathic medicines should be avoided when it is possible to do so. 

As a qualified nutritionist she is able, if necessary to order the kind of tests needed and make interpration of the results for a deep and unhurried dive into the causes of women’s health concerns. (These are tests that would not normally be ordered by your G.P). Katie can obviously advise on the supplements needed, but her skills extend to the detailed dietary and lifestyle advice needed to transform long-term health which exceed my abilities. This may very well involve looking at issues such as blood sugar balance, sleep hygiene, and gut health, going beyond merely looking at progesterone and oestrogen levels, all of which dance together in a subtle balance and synchonricity.

Some of the other areas she has a particular interest include histamine and inflammation issues. I asked Katie for a comments to set out her approach on women’s hormonal health and the following words come from her : –

When it comes to hormone imbalances many factors may be involved which is why spot treatments with supplements alone may not deal with the deeper causes. The real problem is often rooted in issues with blood sugar, inflammation and even the gut. I work to uncover what’s driving the hormone imbalance in the first place. From there I create bespoke nutrition and lifestyle programmes to transform hormonal health. I’m a registered nutritional therapist and health coach and I work with women of all ages experiencing hormone imbalances including PMS, PCOS, perimenopause, endometriosis and thyroid health.

If you are suffering with any of the above, why not book a FREE 30 minute discovery call with her? This is an opportunity to talk about whatever you’ve been struggling with and find out how she can help. To book please email so that she (and we) know that she came through us. She has asked that you do not send case histories by email, as this will be discussed during your free mini-consultation. 

Mark G. Lester & The Vicious Wolf
Director and Overall Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd
Tel 0345 017 0755

Vitamin K2: The Neglected Nutrient

Thinning bones, hardened arteries, decreased ATP production within the mitochondria (causing suboptimal energy and physical performance); What do these three degenerative health conditions have in common? It turns out that an insufficiency of a simple nutrient, vitamin K2, may be a key to reversing all three conditions. “Research has shown poor vitamin K2 intake may be associated with conditions such as bone fractures, bone loss and hardening of the arteries” says Sarah Booth, a vitamin K Researcher and Professor at Tufts University.

Bone Health

Without enough vitamin K2, calcium cannot be utilised for bone growth even if you are taking a healthy amount of Vitamin D, magnesium etc, leading to osteoporosis. Vitamin K2 is crucial for moving calcium into the bones instead of letting it deposit in arterial walls in the heart. 

(Image below taken from a lecture by Kiran Krishnan, available on YouTube)

Reduction in death from heart disease

A landmark Heart Study (over 4,800 subjects across a period of 10 years) demonstrated that participants who had the greatest quantities of vitamin K2 in their diet experienced a 57% greater reduction in death from heart disease than people who had the least. And below are the conclusions of a study of 16,057 women….

Protective against diabetes and cancer risk?

(Image below taken from a lecture by Kiran Krishnan, available on YouTube)

What Dosage Should I Take?

There are significant and worthwhile benefits from taking as little as 45mcg per day, and we do have a supplement that delivers that amount per capsule relatively inexpensively. That seems to be the starting point. However without being dismissive of 45mcg, much better results still are found on 150mcg or more. The upper dosage for the very best results possible seem to be when 300mcg per day is taken. I have not seen any evidence of any further benefits above 300mcg per day. The videos on our web site on our pages on Vitamin K2-7 go into the research on this in more depth and are very, very worthwhile viewing. 

Which K2 products are the best ones?

There are two that I recommend if you are looking for “top of the range” stuff. If you want to go into in depth, the web pages and videos explain why these K2-7 products are premium, and frankly far better than some of the cheap and almost worthless crap you can buy on Amazon. 

MegaQuinone was created to include a therapeutic dose of 320 mcg of vitamin K2-7, plus 200 mcg of Vitamin K1 (at label dosage of 2 per day) and magnesium and zinc as co-factors, to allow the K vitamins to function at their optimal level.

  • The ONLY 320 mcg, natural MenaQuinGold® K2-7 supplement
  • Contains both vitamin K2-7 + vitamin K1
  • Soy-free, Allergen-free, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, GMO-free (most K2 supplements, and allof the cheaper one are derived from soya)
  • Vegan, Paleo, Kosher and Halal friendly
  • The ONLY K2-7 supplement with Ultra Absorption Complex
  • Utilises pharmaceutical grade, all-natural vitamin K2-7 with published safety studies

If you are deficient in vitamin K1 (and most people are), and you take a vitamin K2 supplement, the liver will essentially steal the K2 to satisfy its own needs. Therefore, Cura Vitamin K2-7+ includes enough K1 in the formula to satisfy the liver’s needs, even in the most depleted individuals. This addition of vitamin K1 ensures that vitamin K2 is then available for the vital functions that it needs to perform in the body.

Vitamin K2 is only now achieving the recognition it deserves, as an omnipotent nutrient that exerts control and function in virtually every tissue type in our body, including the digestive tract. Dozens of large-scale studies have clearly illustrated its role in bone health, heart health via calcification and diabetes. K2 acts as an “activator” or carboxylating agent to activate key vitamin K dependent proteins. Given these major health benefits, it could be said that Vitamin K2 is one of the most important dietary supplements available to us, because Vitamin K2 is not typically found in sufficient quantities in the Western diet.

MyoMax® is a high-dose, 100% soy-free vitamin K2-7 supplement formulated to support healthy mitochondrial function and ATP (energy) production. The MyoMax formula includes 300 mcg of vitamin K2 with calcium pyruvate (at label dosage of 1 per day). Though very similar to Cura K2-7, this one is the preferable option for those seeking to improve sports performance, stamina and mitochondrial activity. 

  • A high-dose natural vitamin K2-7 supplement (300 mcg) with calcium pyruvate – (preferable in those who are taking it to increase mitochondrial activity). 
  • Safe for those who are taking a blood thinner medication (Contains NO vitamin K1 which is in Cura K2-7)
  • Soy-free, Allergen-free, Gluten-free, Dairy -free, GMO-free (most K2 supplements, and allof the cheaper one are derived from soya)
  • Vegan, Paleo, Kosher and Halal friendly
  • Utilises pharmaceutical grade, all-natural vitamin K2-7 with published safety studies

Why MyoMax?

  • 40-50% increase in ATP production within mitochondria
  • 12% increase in cardiac output
  • Improves aerobic capacity from cellular level
  • Extends duration of peak fitness by 20-30%
  • Increases efficiency in training and sports performance

MyoMax has been clinically shown to improve cardiovascular performance in healthy adults. The results were impressive, with the researching professor describing the effect of the 8-weeks of supplementation with MyoMax as being equivalent to 6 months of high intensity interval training.

Whilst nearly all vitamin K2 products on the market are either synthetic or soy-based the MenaQuinGold® K2-7 ingredient used in both Cura Vitamin K2-7+ and MyoMax is sourced from a pharmaceutical grade ingredient extracted from fermented chickpeas.  There are other benefits of taking a K2 supplement – such as helping prevent tooth cavities (remember, tooth is a form of bone, as discussed above). 

You can view ALL of the Vitamin K2 products we provide here. Personally I am taking MegaQuinone every day for general health. I was originally taking 320mcg per day (2 capsules per day), but after taking it for about 6 months, I reduced it to 160mcg per day (1 capsule per day of Cura K2-7+) since by then I felt confident that I had a healthy build-up in my tissues, especially as I am quite a small guy, and also because I was getting a small extra dosage from one of the other supplements I take. I plan to continue doing this indefinitely. It’s not something I notice benefitting from taking, but I am very happy to not get osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and so on as the primary benefit. I regard it as an investment in my long term health. It’s one of about 15 products that I take on a permanent basis for health and longevity (yes I know not everyone can or is willing to do this), but this is the first time I’ve written an article on this vital nutrient. I have covered many of the others in previous newsletters (such as the ‘obvious’ ones like Vitamin C and Vitamin D), and eventually, I will get around to all of them. 

PS Important note for vegans and vegetarians.

I was just about to send this newsletter, and then realised I had failed to mention one very important factoid. Because Vitamin K2 has no naturally vegan sources apart from fermented soy natto, pretty much all vegans and most vegetarians are chronically low in K2 – and that’s not good. Although almost everyone following a vegan diet is aware of the importance of supplementing with Vitamin B12, most vegetarians and vegan’s don’t know this (including myself until a few years ago). The body can convert Vitamin K1 (which is abundant in the vegan diet) into K2, but this is not done very easily or efficiently by the body, so people on plant based diets still tend to be very low in K2. I therefore recommend all veggies and vegans to take Vitamin K2 to optimise their health. 

I hope this article is of interest.

Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

5 Amazing Ways That You Can Benefit From
Taking Colosan

Gut health is vitally important to your general well-being, but many people don’t fully understand the importance of looking after their digestive system.

When your gut is clean and healthy, you’ll feel more energised and more comfortable.

On the other hand, if you’re struggling with difficult bowel movements or gut health complications (e.g. Candida yeast overgrowth) then you’re likely to be feeling fatigued, strained, and unhappy.

But don’t worry – there’s a product that could help.

It’s time to run through the basics of the Colosan supplement, and highlight how this all-natural product can make a lasting difference to your gut health.

What is Colosan?

Colosan is a popular colon-cleansing product that promotes gut health and allows individuals to maintain regular, comfortable bowel movements. It was originally developed as a general health tonic but has consistently proven itself to be a reliable cleanser that also supports
healthy digestive functions.

The supplement contains a specific type of magnesium oxide that enables it to clean and oxygenate the digestive tract. This oxygenation process removes harmful toxins from the digestive system, while still allowing healthy microorganisms and bacteria to thrive.

In addition to detoxification, Colosan encourages more regular bowel movements, helping individuals to overcome constipation without suffering the potential side effects of harsher laxatives.

These capsules also contain citric acid, which with the release of oxygen from the product.

Many customers have claimed that Colosan has also helped them to alleviate the symptoms of conditions such as Candida yeast overgrowth and gut dysbiosis.


5 ways that you can benefit from taking Colosan

Colosan is primarily known for its colon-cleansing abilities, but let’s take a closer look at the key benefits that you can unlock by taking this supplement.

You can detoxify your system

Toxins can enter the digestive system in many different ways, often causing health problems such as nausea, fatigue, and gastric issues.

Colosan introduces oxygen directly into the digestive tract, clearing out these toxic substances and cleansing the colon.

You can avoid fatigue

Digestive issues can cause sufferers to feel constantly exhausted – this is often also accompanied by symptoms such as bloating and nausea.

Since Colosan effectively cleans and re-balances the digestive system, it can help to remedy these common problems and prevent fatigue.

You can cleanse your colon

Your colon plays many critical roles in the body, including removing waste products and absorbing essential nutrients.

Colosan is designed to promote colon health, supporting these key functions and ensuring that you’re able to live an active lifestyle.

You can prevent constipation

Constipation is an extremely common gastrointestinal issue and one that can cause severe discomfort.

Colosan oxidises faecal matter to encourage more consistent bowel movements and prevent constipation from disrupting your daily routine.

You can strengthen your immune system

Colosan enhances overall gut health, which offers many important benefits beyond preventing constipation and cleansing the colon.

Since Colosan removes problematic toxins from the digestive tract, it also facilitates a more diverse and balanced gut microbiome, which is crucial for a strong and resilient immune system.

Colosan is a hugely popular supplement among our customers, providing them with a range of health perks from detoxification to colon cleansing.

If you’d like to learn more about Colosan or try the product for yourself, just click here.

5 Health Benefits Of Oxy-Powder (And How
You Can Unlock Them)

Digestive health issues are hugely disruptive and unpleasant for those who suffer form them. Excess gas, bloating, and constipation are all common digestive problems that cause daily discomfort and ongoing complications.
Fortunately, there’s an all-natural remedy that can help you to maintain a happy and healthy digesive system.
Read on to discover how Oxy-Powder can effectively alleviate the symptoms of constipation and enable you to live more comfortably.

What is Oxy-Powder?

Oxy-Powder contains two key ingredients that can deliver major benefits for your digestive system – magnesium oxide powder and citric acid.
Magnesium oxide compounds help to release stabilised nascent oxygen throughout your digestive system and intestinal tract, which liquefies compacted faecal matter in your colon and relieves the symptoms of constipation. This oxygen-based cleansing also helps to remove other toxic substances and support the growth of friendly bacteria in your bowels.
Citric acid helps release oxygen from the product, which enhances the effectiveness of the magnesium oxide compounds and allows your digestive system to maximise these oxygenating benefits.
In simple terms, Oxy-Powder utilises oxygen to cleanse, detoxify, and re-balance your digestive system.


5 potential health benefits of Oxy-Powder

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how Oxy-Powder actually works, let’s examine some of the primary benefits associated with taking this supplement.

  1. It cleanses and detoxifies
    Harmful toxins can be found everywhere, including our food, water, and air. These toxins can cause a wide range of health problems, from fatigue to inflammation.
    Oxy-Powder helps to rapidly remove these toxic substances from your digestive system, improving your long-term health and general well-being.
  2. It supports your digestive system
    When your digestive system is functioning properly, you feel good.
    Oxy-Powder keeps your digestive system balanced and healthy, ridding your body of harmful toxins and promoting vital nutrient absorption to keep you energised and active.
  3. It promotes gut and colon health
    Maintaining a healthy gut offers a huge number of benefits, from strengthening your immune system to improving digestion.
    Oxy-Powder works to keep your digestive tract clean and fully functional, which encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms and helpful bacteria.
  4. It removes unwanted waste matter
    Constipation is a common issue that can be massively inconvenient and uncomfortable.
    By using Oxy-Powder, you can quickly clear out waste matter from your system and revert back to regular and healthy bowel movements.
  5. It has fewer side effects than laxatives
    Oxy-Powder is an all-natural cleansing supplement, which means that it causes fewer side effects than standard laxatives.
    While using laxatives can often lead to cramps and urgent bowel movements, Oxy-Powder encourages a more gentle cleanse and re-balancing of your digestive system.
    If you’re suffering from digestive issues or constipation, Oxy-Powder can help you to regain control and maintain a healthier gut. That means improved digestion, more regular bowel movements, and a better quality of life.
    To learn more about the benefits of Oxy-Powder or try out the supplement for yourself, just click here to visit our online store.

How To Promote Gut Health With Threelac

Gut health is hugely important for maintaining an active lifestyle, but many people don’t fully understand the benefits of nurturing healthy gut bacteria.
Poor gut health can lead to a wide range of health complications. Candida yeast overgrowth, for example, is a very common problem associated with gut bacteria imbalance that can cause ongoing digestive issues, fatigue, and joint pain.
Many of these issues can often be alleviated by achieving a healthier balance of bacteria in your gut – and that’s where the Threelac probiotic product can help.
Let’s take a closer look at the Threelac probiotic, and explain how this unique product can contribute to your long-term gut health and general well-being.

What is Threelac?

Threelac is a probiotic, which means that it encourages the growth of healthy bacteria and microorganisms in your gut. This bacteria can offer many different health benefits, from supporting digestive functions to strengthening your immune system.
More importantly, Threelac can also help you to manage gut-related health problems such as candida and yeast infections.
Threelac functions in a slightly different way than other natural health remedies. As the name suggests, Threelac contains three different types of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria – Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Bacillus Subtilis, and Streptococcus Faecalis.
(Don’t worry – you won’t need to remember these by name!)
All you need to know is that each of these live microorganisms helps to remove harmful bacteria from your gut, which is vital for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.


How does Threelac support gut health?

So how does Threelac actually work?
The proprietary Threelac formula is packed with live bacteria that help to rapidly expel candida organisms from the body. Threelac’s manufacturer claims that the product allows positive bacteria to safely bypass the acidic environment of the stomach, enabling it to
remove problematic organisms quickly and effectively.
The effectiveness of Threelac can also be enhanced with additional health supplements such as OxyLift and Active Digestive Enzymes, but the product can still deliver excellent results as a standalone probiotic.
Many customers have testified to the effectiveness of Threelac, and some even claim to have experienced major benefits within just a couple of days of taking the probiotic. However, the majority of people will need to use Threelac for several months before noticing any changes to their gut health.

Should I also make dietary changes alongside taking

When it comes to gut health, diet and nutrition can also play a fundamental role in stimulating the growth of helpful microorganisms.
As a result, you may be wondering if any specific dietary changes are required alongside Threelac to achieve optimal results.
If you’re suffering from ongoing gut issues, it’s advised that you avoid consuming large amounts of sugar, yeasted bread, and alcohol until your symptoms subside. In saying that, Threelac can help you to nurture healthy gut bacteria without the need for any drastic lifestyle changes or extreme diets, so you won’t need to stick to any unrealistic routines.
Threelac has delivered exceptional results for many of our customers, and if you’re looking for an all-natural remedy for gut issues, it can prove to be an excellent choice.
To learn more about Threelac, explore our customer testimonials, or try out the probiotic for yourself, just click here.