Category Archives: General Health & Nutrition

Vitamin D and COVID-19

Antioxidants for Viral protection

OK, so I am not saying Vitamin D, which I am coming onto in a moment is the be all and end all. So first a quick reminder, as discussed in previous newsletters that Vitamin C, zinc, and selenium are all vital for robust immunity and preventing viral replication. Its great for all three of them to be taken in an all in one solution such as Antioxidant Supreme (finally back in stock, after we were completely wiped out at the beginning of the current crisis). In almost all cases, I would suggest dosing on the upper limit suggested on the label, not just for preventing a virus, but for robust health overall. I regret that people are to some degree taking Antioxidant Supreme etc for the wrong reasons. It should be taken for optimal health, and all the time, and not just to prevent a virus! That’s almost a trivial usage bearing in mind the vital importance of basic antioxidants to almost every important marker of health and longevity. Many other nutrients and herbs are being shown to be useful but that’s a subject for another day, and something I have covered quite a lot in previous newsletters.

Vitamin D and Covid-19 – Even the orthodox “authorities” and mainstream media are waking up (a bit).

If I were to pick one nutrient that is more essential than almost anything else, it has to be Vitamin D, and even mainstream medicine is catching up now with what I have been saying from day one of the current crisis. The evidence that’s emerging now for Vitamin D in relation to COVID-19 is getting stronger and stronger. Even the mainstream press is catching on to this, even on most aspects of the current pandemic they just follow the mainstream narrative 99% of the time, which I totally disagree with. Here in the UK, the ONLY newspaper that covered the ending of the research on Hydroxychloroquine and its benefits with COVID-19 before it had really even begun was The Guardian. They are the only ones who could be bothered to raise an eyebrow when what happened in effect, was I am bittely disappointed to say, obvious medical fraud designed to protect vested interests. This story  / international disgrace, has been covered properly here. The other newspapers are at best asleep at the wheel, or more likely avoiding the subject in ordre to protect their advertising revenues being threatened by the vested interests that could be upet.

Anyway, back to Vitamin D – The Life Saving Immune Supporter – Strengthening Our Bodies Against ALL Viral Illness.

Here I want to acknowledge the wonderful Vlogger Ivor Cummins and refer people to his YouTube video found here. This video discusses the study, which I am sure you won’t be seeing on BBC News showing that those who’s Vitamin D level was below 10ng/ml were 10.1 x more likely to die from the virus than those who’s blood level was about 30ng/ml. (note: ng/ml – nanograms per millimeter of blood)

What’s interesting is that even this study misses an important point. The optimal level is not 30ng/ml. I regard that as the minimum acceptable level. The optimal level is about 60ng/ml. How do we know this? It’s pretty easy really. Basically when we manage to get as much of our bodies as possible in the sun regularly (without burning), and when the sun is at an angle of above a minimum of 30 degrees to the earth (in the UK we have this for 8 months of the year, but only for a brief period of the day during the transition months of October and March) weakest sun months of that time), and 40 degrees for dark skinned people, we get up to 60-80ng within a couple of weeks. It never goes above that no matter how much time we spend in the sun. And that’s the optimal level. Had the study been based on the optimal amount, not the minimum amount, one can only assume it would not be a 10.1 x higher risk for death. The difference would be far more impressive! You can see the risk of death from Coronavirus in visual terms to the left (this is a screen shot from the highly recommended aforementioned YouTube video) plotting the risk of death against vitamin D status. You don’t need to be a Professor of  statistics to understand it.

Vitamin D Supplements

In my opinion if you can’t get in the sun, then you should supplement with Vitamin D, every day that you don’t get in the sun for some non-burning tanning time without splashing on toxic sunscreens that block UBV. Of the different Vitamin D products we provide, my favourite one, and indeed the one I take, is this one. High strength 5000iu, not the PATHETIC dosage recommended by the mainstream, which is almost useless. And it comes with the added advantage of containing Vitamin K2, which ideally should always be combined with Vitamin D. That’s the subject of another newsletter as the K2 has a lot of benefits of its own. Recommended usage: One a day every day except on days when your body has had or is going to get enough sun.

    Who is at the highest risk of all for Vitamin D deficiency?

The truth is that most people have below optimal levels of vitamin D. But some people are even more likely than average to need a vitamin D supplement. The following list is not exhaustive, but covers the most common group of people who are especially likely to need a vitamin D supplement.

  • Breastfed infants, because human milk is a poor source of vitamin D, largely because the mothers themselves have poor vitamin D levels
  • The elderly, as their skin doesn’t make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight as efficiently as young people, and their kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form. (Is this one of the reasons why the elderly are at higher risk of dying from coronavirus?)
  • Dark skinned people as it takes them much longer to produce vitamin D from action of of ultraviolet light on the skin. (Is this one of the reasons why black and Asian people are at higher risk of dying from coronavirus?). In my opinion dark skinned people living in the UK should take vitamin D throughout the year, including during periods of fine sunny weather. 
  • People with disorders such as Crohn’s disease or celiac disease who don’t handle fat properly, because vitamin D needs fat to be absorbed.
  • Obesity, because the body fat binds to some vitamin D and prevents it from getting into the blood.  (Is this one of the reasons why obese people at higher risk of dying from coronavirus?)
  • People who have had gastric bypass surgery
  • People with osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism (too much of a hormone that controls the body’s calcium level), sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, or other granulomatous disease (disease with granulomas, collections of cells caused by chronic inflammation),
  • People with cancer
  • People who take medicines that affect vitamin D metabolism.

Our full range of Vitamin D products is found here

Finally: Have we shut country the country for nothing?

According to today’s Washington Examiner has yes. Every country has voluntary ruined their economies for no meaningful health benefit at all. Have a look at this article and make up your own mind –

Be well!

Mark G. Lester

Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

No pregnant pause: Optibac – the great probiotics choice during pregnancy

As rules of thumb go, this one’s unequivocal – probiotics are good for everyone. And that definitely includes women during and after pregnancy. Indeed, a specific study (of 341 subjects) has proved not just that probiotics are safe for women at this point in their lives, but also that they support overall health in pregnant women.

And that’s because when they’re consumed, probiotics – or ‘friendly’ bacteria (the most common being Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) – take root in the digestive tract, where they play a critical role in enhancing digestion and in many other of the body’s processes. And research, too, has proved that, when digested, probiotics remain in the digestive tract; therefore, they won’t be passed on to mother’s unborn baby – only the good health they instil in mum will be passed on to her baby.

The importance of probiotics for women

Probiotics certainly are important for women, then, but is there a specific need for women to take probiotics over men? Well, not necessarily; but there’s no doubt women do need probiotics – especially given the fact research suggests a woman will more likely suffer from a gastrointestinal disorder than a man.

Indeed, studies have found that when women consume probiotics it not only coincides with gastrointestinal relief, but also easier bowel movements. Moreover, it could be that a regular course of probiotic supplements for a woman will reduce the likelihood of her experiencing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bacterial vaginosis.

It ought to be noted too that, in general, probiotics aid the body in absorbing major nutrients like iron, as well as enhance immunity and, it’s believed, they may also help establish balanced moods and boost thinking and memory.

But why take probiotics during and after pregnancy?

Of course, when a woman becomes pregnant, she ought to double-check any food and drink she buys and plans to consume, lest it harm her and her baby. So, before starting a course of probiotic supplements when she’s ‘with child’, she’s best advised to follow the advice of her GP or most relevant doctor. Yet, in spite of these necessarily sensible precautions, it’s a fact that while probiotics are very beneficial to any woman, they’re arguably even more beneficial to a woman when she’s pregnant.

Consider this; some women can suffer with constipation in the months leading up to giving birth – and this is where that the right probiotics (Bifidobacterium) can be a big help in softening stools and encouraging bowel movements. That said, more pregnant women tend to suffer from the opposite disturbance, diarrhoea, which is happily something that, maybe surprisingly, probiotics can help with, too. How so? Well, a constant course of them will help regulate digestion; therefore, slowing food’s passage through the digestive system and ensuring improved absorption of nutrients – critical for both mother and baby.

A great probiotic choice during – and after – pregnancy

As far as we’re concerned at The Finchley Clinic, the probiotic supplement we advise for both mothers during and straight after pregnancy is Optibac Probiotics for Babies and Children. Why? Well, as it’s a blend of probiotics and prebiotics (including acidophilus, B. infantis and Bifidum), it’s a product specifically designed to boost digestive health and the natural defences of both mothers and their babies during the last trimester and, following birth, during the breastfeeding phase.

But that’s not all; this supplement’s also ideal for children themselves – from six months-old all the way up to 12 years-old. Just the thing, then, to ensure little ones achieve that probiotic balance, so their bodies have the enzymes required for good digestion and for producing vitamins – and so the important nutrients in their diet (such as calcium) can be absorbed by the body; all so important during childhood’s early years.

Fighting fatigue: NADH Rapid Energy – a helping hand for ME/ CFS sufferers?

Did you know that the most promising natural substance in your body is called NADH? Never heard of it? Well, that’s not surprising; you’re not alone – many people haven’t. To give its full name, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NADH is created in the body from the organic compound niacin, a form of Vitamin B3. And, according to research, it’s very important for a healthy, fully-functioning body.

This is down to the fact NAHD helps in the crucial process of energy production in the body’s cells – and because of this, its adherents believe it could well help sufferers with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME.

All of which means it may come as no surprise to you that one of our most popular products here at The Finchley Clinic is NADH Rapid Energy, the highly acclaimed supplement form of NADH (in addition to NADH Delayed Release Capsules).

So, why exactly does the body need NADH?

The belief that NADH is the body’s most promising natural substance is one certainly shared by Professor George Birkmayer. Surely one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject, Birkmayer is the creator of NADH Rapid Energy and he believes, along with other experts, that NADH isn’t just capable of boosting energy levels, but also of improving mental clarity, alertness, concentration and memory maintenance (some proponents of the substance also, therefore, believe it may help those living with Alzheimer’s disease).

But how might it help with these things? NADH operates in the body by reacting with the oxygen present in living cells – every one of them in the body – thus, it’s inevitably involved when cells generate energy and water (not least because one of the key ingredients of NADH is biological hydrogen, the fuel for cellular energy production.). Naturally then, this means that the more NADH a cell can call on, the more energy it can generate and so the better it can function and the longer it can live.

And, make no mistake, for the major organs of the body, if their cells can call on more – rather than less – NADH, it’s a significant thing. Boosting the levels of NADH in your body is good news, indeed, for your lungs, liver, kidneys and, especially, your heart and brain, because it means they can draw on more energy; the very parts of the body that require the most energy.

Of course, the body itself produces its own levels of NADH, but enhancing these levels via external supplementation (courtesy of NADH Rapid Energy) helps your major organs to function as efficiently and successfully as they can.

How might NADH help with chronic fatigue syndrome?

This topic has generated a lot of debate among experts, but adherents of NADH claim it may be beneficial to sufferers of ME/ CFS because:

  • NADH helps the conversion of food (glucose) into energy in cells via the cellular respiration process, which sees glucose turned into adenosine triphosphate (ATP); some studies have found that ME/ CFS results in low levels of ATP
  • With research having also shown that NADH is capable of stimulating brain function, experts believe this means the substance may help lessen ME/ CFS-related cognitive dysfunction
  • Thanks to NADH restoring mitochondria function in the body, it’s believed the substance may be able to reduce ME/CFS-caused fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome may well contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction)
  • Experts also claim NADH has the capacity to help the brain generate neurotransmitters (chemical messengers; such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine), which are critical in shaping mood and influencing cognitive function.

In terms of cognitive function, in particular, one of several studies has focused on the combined use of NADH plus coenzyme Q10 (coQ-10) among ME/ CFS sufferers; it found that among a group of 73 women, subjects reported better physical and cognitive function when taking NADH and CoQ-10 supplements than when taking a placebo. Additionally, the combined use of the two substances improved ATP concentration in the subjects’ bloodstreams.

Similarly, another study has discovered that, again, when NADH and CoQ-10 were combined, they achieved successful results in reducing post-exertional malaise, one of the major ME/ CFS symptoms. Meanwhile, in reviewing several studies, the publication BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine came to the conclusion that, along with magnesium, NADH is the only substance, taken in supplement form, to result in an improvement in ME/ CFS symptoms.

Can you boost NADH in the body through food?

The answer to this question is yes; for the most part, NADH can be found in the muscle tissue of fish, some meats, such as poultry, and foods featuring yeast. However, naturally, that isn’t much help for those with certain diets, not least vegetarians and vegans, Moreover, it’s important to note there’s little consensus on whether it’s actually possible for the body to access NADH from food effectively, as food-derived NADH may not be redistributed about the body properly. Niacin, though, which – as noted above – is the organic compound from which the body naturally forms NADH, can be absorbed from food; it occurs in the likes of asparagus, avocados, broccoli, peanuts, potatoes and oily fish.

So, what does all this point to? Well, the inevitable conclusion has to be that, to boost your body’s NADH levels, your best option is supplementation. And, without doubt, if you’re an ME/ CFS sufferer and yet to try either product, giving NADH Rapid Energy (or NADH Delayed Released Capsules) a go may well help you deal with the illness on a daily basis. Even if you’re fortunate enough not to have ME/ CFS, taking NADH as a supplement should boost the energy levels in your body’s cells, ensuring they’re better able to produce the components essential for human life and function better and live longer.

‘C’ the light: Boost your immunity with Vitamin C supplements

We shouldn’t take ‘old wives’ tales’ seriously, should we? Those so-called remedies that keep us clear of getting sick and cure us of ills? We should put our faith in science and evidence-based research when it comes to treatments, right? Well, in general, it’s probably a good idea to ignore hearsay and follow medical and scientific advice, yes, of course; but, having said that, there’s often no smoke without fire.

And the old wives’ tale that you should eat an orange or drink lots of orange juice when you feel the sniffles coming on… well, there’s a lot of truth in it. Why? Because oranges are packed full of Vitamin C and that very super-vitamin is fantastic for fighting colds and flu – and, beyond that, boosting your body’s immunity to bacteria and viruses. Great to know in these troubled times, surely; when we could all do with as strong an immune system as possible to fight the effects of infection.

Also referred to as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C’s a water-soluble nutrient that’s a proven antioxidant and, in part because of that fact, it plays many essential roles in the body, including supporting the immune system. But just how does it manage to do that?

How does Vitamin C boost immunity?

Let’s face it, there are a lot of people out there who believe they can supercharge their immunity – especially if they’re ill – by taking a hyper-dose of Vitamin C. In fact, a name no less prestigious as Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist responsible for identifying DNA’s double helix, hailed super-doses of the super-vitamin for combating both minor and serious illnesses. So, why is taking Vitamin C such good news for your immune system and for getting over colds, flu and illnesses quicker than would otherwise be the case?

  1. An awesome antioxidant

Evidence corroborates the widely held belief that Vitamin C, if taken regularly, is capable of reducing the length of time you suffer from a cold’s symptoms, by a day or even more. And this is because of its antioxidant abilities. But what does this actually mean?

Well, antioxidants can provide support to the immune system because they naturally protect the body’s cells from harmful free radicals. Plus, Vitamin C’s antioxidant abilities means it can also strengthen the immune system and guard the body from free radical damage. But it doesn’t work as an antioxidant on its own; in the body, it works hard to regenerate other significant antioxidants, including Vitamins A and E, while it happily combines with the latter to deliver a double-vitamin-pronged antioxidant defence.

Although, in terms of taking vitamin C just as a cold or flu begins to develop, in order to lessen the symptoms and stop the illness in its tracks, research results mostly suggest that daily supplementation (pre-illness, if you will) is a better bet.

  1. An excellent protector of cells

When harmful bacteria and viruses find their way into the body, Vitamin C again steps up to the plate by enhancing production of white blood cells; the very cells that play such a critical role in the immune system. Moreover, the vitamin also proves it’s such an effective cell protector by helping the production of collagen (a critical component of bones, muscles, tendons, body tissues, blood vessels, skin and teeth.

And here’s another way this super-vitamin helps boost immunity – it’s collagen that forms and repairs connective tissues inside your digestive system to keep your gut healthy and strong and, of course, a healthy gut leads to a healthy immune system, given it’s in the gut where the microbiome (arguably the basis of the body’s immune defence) resides.

  1. Aids the respiratory system

Evidence also points to Vitamin C being able to ease not just the severity of, but also the likelihood of, experiencing respiratory symptoms. Additionally, it appears that the more Vitamin C consumed, the more effective and efficient the body’s lungs function – not least when a person’s suffering from an illness affecting the respiratory system.

Vitamin C supplements

Now, here comes the catch with Vitamin C… unfortunately, on its own, the body doesn’t produce enough of this nutrient itself, which means you must get it from other sources. Obviously, the natural way to boost your Vitamin C levels is to seek out foods rich in it and add them to your diet; yet, as noted above, the fail-safe way to ensure your immunity benefits from a regular Vitamin C top-up is via supplementation. We stock an extensive range of naturally-derived Vitamin C supplements at The Finchley Clinic, including these popular examples:

Lipolife Liposomal Vitamin C SF Unflavoured (250ml) – offers an absorption rate eight times higher than standard oral Vitamin C supplements

Epigenar Liposomal Vitamin C (60 capsules)  – offers high bioavailability, an absorption rate of almost 100%

True Food Vitamin C (180 tablets) – a particularly gentle-on-the-stomach supplement; also contains citrus bioflavonoids, for additional immune support.

Is Vaccinnation Really The Best Approach To Fighting COVID19?

OK, so I’ll keep this super brief. The following offerings are for you to review (with an open mind please) and make up your own mind.

1. The truth about vaccines – I am surprised this video has not been banned, given that the similar full length film Vaxxed got banned almost everywhere, and is now more or less an underground movie.

2. Unreported informatio on COVID19. Del Bigree interviews family doctor, Dr Scott Jensen, then an unamed respiratory doctor Again, I am surprised it hasn’t been banned for political reasons.

View the above and come to your own conclusions rather than allow me to tell you how to think.

My Suggestion: Immunity, Immunity, Immunity. (Better Than A Vaccination That Doesn’t Even Exist Yet).

The WHO policy of test, test, test is OK. But I believe that Immunity, Immunity, Immunity is a better mantra to adhere to. Here is my list of my favourite products for building immunity : 

1. Vitamin C – supports all aspects of immunity. 1gram (1000mg) 3 x per day may be considered a serious protection dosage, though even 1g is far better than nothing.

2. Vitamin D3 with K2 (you need BOTH nutrients for best results) – also supports all aspects of immunity. Amazingly, even Public Health England are recommending continuous use of Vitamin D supplements, albeit in rather feeble dosages. (Personally I think they should be called Public Illness England, as they know a lot about illness – far more than me, but for me they don’t seem to know that much about wellness).

3. Zinc  – supports immunity and helps prevent viral replication

4. Selenium – supports immunity and helps prevent viral replication

5. Colostrum – very nurturing and nourishing to the immune system. Regrettably though, not suitable for vegans.

6. Galangal Formula  – a multi herb formula consisting of Galangal, Oregano, Guarana, Korean ginseng, Thyme, Maca, Cayenne, Lemon balm. Designed to help maintain a virus free environment in the body.

7. Camu Formula – a mixture of Korean ginseng, Wheatgrass, Ginger, Brazilian ginseng, Licorice, Elderberry, Thyme, and Camu (the last of these ingredients by the way contains over 30 x more Vitamin C than oranges) . Formulated to give a big boost to the immune system.

** It is no coincidence that the above two products contain a couple of overlapping ingredients. Supporting immunity and preventing viremia are interlinked. As explained in previous newsletters regarding these two products “These formulae have been developed because we were dissatisfied with currently available products. Using our test system (Vega Biokinesiology), we find that single herbs “power score” (a measure of efficacy) 5-20, currently available herbal formulae power score 15-30, and our formulae power score 35-50. We therefore believe that our formulae are up to three times more effective than existing herbal formulae.”

8. Cat’s Claw Bark 120 Vegicaps or Samento 30ml – wonderful natural antimicrobials as covered by previous newsletters. Yes, I do generally favour polyherbal products as explained above, but this herb is special.

9. Last but not least – Oxygen Elements Max (for best results take a couple of hours away from Vitamin C Supplements). 7 drops 3 x per day for health / prevention as per the label. Consider 3-4 x this dosage if you get an infection  at least that’s what I take on the very rare occasion I get a cold, and it does the trick for me very quickly).

There is much more I would love to be able to tell you. Regretably EU regulations (yes they still apply in the UK) prevent me from being able to, and what I am writing here goes as far as I dare.

Be well, and next time I am determined to write my next newsletter on another subject before the current conversation gets tedious.

Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd


Samento: The Anti-Viral Herb That Nobody’s Talking About

Unfortunately we exist in a world in which much of what we want to publish on the web site about what our products actually do is illegal. It comes primarily from EU regulations designed to “protect” the consumer, in other words the drug companies who campaigned for the regulations. (Remember George Orwell and the concept of “doublespeak”?).

The damage this has done to consumer choice (indirectly, since nobody is going to purchase something if they don’t know what it is or what it does), freedom of publication and public health has been horrendous. Even what I write in newsletters is on the border, but I have the genuine defence that  these are not “advertisements” but articles providing legitimate opinion, discussion, and in many cases simply repeat dispassionately deducted science published elsewhere.

So this brings me to Samento, our single best unknown natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal herb. Since we are not allowed to publish anything about the benefits of Samento, I am going to refer those who are interested to where there are a massive range of articles on the almost endless benefits of this wonderful South American herb. This web site has nothing to do with me, and I don’t know who owns the domain. I’m just grateful it’s there so that others may learn what I was first told by my own mentor around 20 years ago. You’ll find there the article “SAMENTO USERS SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCES” in which there is one testimonial (again I don’t know the person myself) stating ‘About three years ago (this person) started taking Samento, and he now takes 4 drops of the liquid Samento each day. His lungs are pain free, and he feels more energetic….”My lungs cleared up completely…I’ve been taking it for three years and haven’t had a cold (since).”‘

You’ll find another article entitled in which the writer (who’s first language is not English, hence the slightly strange phraseology) states “A deeply erroneous notion has been established in medical literature, of non-medical origin, that herbs are appropriate only for milder or chronic conditions and that serious medicine is accomplished with a scalpel and antibiotics, cortisone drugs, etc. Nothing could be more wrong than that and the proofs are countless, but undoubtedly the most impressive is the treatment of the influenza infection with Samento. There are dozens of patients in our therapeutical practice that recover from the flu – not symptomatically but definitively – within 2 days (48 hours). Conventional medicine does not dispose of any such treatment against influenza. Moreover, in our practice there hasn’t been a single patient who hasn’t managed to recover from the flu within 48 hours. In one case a 3-year-old child was cured just in 24 hours. The child’s temperature was 40oC in the morning and after taking one well measured dose of Samento, that is to say in 4 hours, it returned to normal” – look for the article entitled “The Healing Range of Samento” to read it in full. 

I’ve obviously cherry picked a couple of examples here from an enormous library of information based on current concerns. On my own web site, the testimonials we have, and there aren’t that many (for the reasons explained largely above) are mostly focussed on candida  / fungal overgrowth and gut health than viremia, as that’s one of the main areas of concern which we deal with. But I think its a great all-round antimicrobial. Obviously there is a commercial element to this newsletter, as we do sell Samento here. Don’t take my word for it though, follow the link at the top of this newsletter, read the articles, decide for yourself.

Is Samento a cure for coronavirus?

There have been no clinical trials of Samento for COVID19 or as far as I am aware even specifically the family of viruses known as coronaviruses, or on RNA viruses which is the family of viruses that coronaviruses come from (which by the way include the common cold). So I really can’t make that claim. So the most I can say is firstly that it’s antiviral in general terms, secondly its an immune booster and thirdly it is considered to be a “master” herb (a herb which contributes all aspects of wellbeing). Once again you can see this for yourself if you visit the web site I mentioned at the start of this article.  You can increase the effect if you take it along with it’s sister product which is Banderol. Although Samento works splendidly by itself, there is evidence that the two together are more powerful still, as described in this article which focusses on Lyme Disease, which is caused by a bacteria (not a virus).

Other antiviral herbs?

Our favourite wide spectrum antiviral is Galangal Formula – basically because I like polyherbal products i,e. products which don’t rely just on one single herb. However the following are also considered to have antiviral effects:

Cat’s Claw Bark 120 Vegicaps (this herb comes from the same family as Samento)
Barberry 30ml
Graviola 120 Vegicaps
Oregano Oil 30 capsules
Takuna 30ml
Pau d’Arco (Lapacho) Extract 120 Vegicaps

Again, it would not be ethical to claim that we have proof or knowledge that they will help with COVID19, and we cannot publish any reviews we receive from customers claiming that it helped or cured them with any specific virus. So regrettably there is no point in phoning us to ask “which herb will cure the coronavirus”. But in this newsletter I have shared as much I can that is compatible with basic integrity and probably the law. 

What is a serious anti-viral dosage where it comes to the liquid oxygen products?

It’s been a month since I wrote my first article on Why I’m not too worried about the corona virus. Since then, things have got incredibly silly. Apparently so far this winter five thousand people have died from the flu and at the time of writing and 10 people have died from the corona virus in the UK. Yes, you heard that right!

Yet the government, the media and the narrative generally is one of absurd panic. Nowhere within this pandemonium has anyone bothered to mention that silly little thing called your immune system. Apparently none of us have got a hope in hell of evading the virus if they go within 100 meters or someone else who has it. Presumably this is because none of us have an immune system any more. It was there until now, but now that modern medicine has come along, it’s all disappeared, so we’re all going to die. We have to wait for some as yet uninvented poison to be injected into our bloodstream (known as a vaccination) to come along in order to miraculously protect us, so we can all go back to our ordinary lives, without lifting a finger to do anything that actually makes us healthier, and less vulnerable to microbial invasion in the first place.

Well, call me “Mr How-Come-Nobody-Else-Mentioned-Something-So-Damn-Obvious” if you like, but I think we do have an immune system and we can support it. When it’s strong, it will protect us. This is what we should be focussing on, not trying to avoid contact with a microscopic virus, which is virtually impossible to avoid indefinitely. So below is some good, solid advice for those who want to use a good, reasonably priced natural anti-viral and immune supportive / immune nourishing supplement, and the dosage I would suggest.

Flood Your Tissues With Oxygen!

In the article mentioned above, I spoke about the benefits of the liquid oxygen products for fighting viruses and for making our immune systems stronger. What I didn’t go into in that article is how much Oxylift or Oxygen Elements Max is needed in my non medical opinion to have a worthwhile anti-viral effect. With both of these very similar products, the dosage on the label suggests taking 7 drops 3 x per day. This dosage is fine for general health. But whenever I get a hint of a cold or flu (not that it happens very often, because of what I am already doing on an ongoing basis), I immediately go up to 20-30 drops 3-4 x per day, taken in water or juice (it’s too strong to take neat, so don’t try it!). This knocks the potential virus out almost immediately, so I find I only need to take this dosage for one to three days. Some people may need to do this for longer, but this does the trick in my case.

I don’t claim any one product is the be all and end all for everyone, and if you view the “Immune System” category of our web site you’ll notice we have a lot of products that help maintain robust immunity.  But although it may not work for everybody, this is what works for me, and it is my belief (based on my research and understanding of Oxygen Therapy), that it will help with protecting all of us against all viruses. If it works for me, there’s a pretty good chance it will work for you too. At the risk of repeating myself, below are the results of some tests carried out on Oxylift soon after it was launched, which the supplier was kind enough to share with me at the time, against a range of microbes that we would be best off not having in our bodies.

What else do I recommend for supporting immunity and preventing viremia from undermining my health?

I take Vitamin D3 with K2 most of the year, and Vitamin C (a couple of hours away from any oxygen products) and Antioxidant Supreme. The result is that I basically never seem to get colds, flu’s and other viruses any more (as a teenager and a young man I got them a lot!).

Vitamin C Immune Boost

Another way of getting an almost immediate anti-viral and immune building boost is with a Vitamin C IV (intravenous drip) at our sister company, Health Fusion Clinic, in Barnet, Hertfordshire. Visit the web site or call them for more information. If you search for any of the talks by Dr Thomas Levy, Dr Andrew Saul, and other integrated / open minded / not in the pay of the pharmaceuticals doctors on YouTube, you will see incontrovertible evidence of the anti-viral effects of Vitamin C. Vitamin C supplements are amazing too, but IV Vitamin C is the absolute gold standard.

Be well, and don’t panic! The human race is not about to be wiped out.

Mark Lester
Founder / Director / Overall Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Why I’m Not Too Worried About The Corona Virus

It sells a lot of newspapers: fear. We’re all going to die! Run to the hills! Or if you’re already on a hill, run from the hills! If you’re halfway up or halfway down, just run!

Aside from the panic, here is the problem as I see it. Mainstream medicine has what I regard as an obsession with fighting disease. Unfortunately mainstream medicine is focussed on fighting disease and almost completely ignores the concept of promoting health. The result is that microbial challenges are much more serious than they otherwise need to be. I watched the Andrew Marr show this morning, on which the Chinese ambassador said that so far 2% of those diagnosed with the virus in China had died, and (if I remember correctly), half of those diagnosed had been “cured” and released (which is itself a pretty weird claim, since there is no medical treatment for the virus, which is why people are being isolated in the first place), and the rest were in quarantine.

So we know that 2% died, or put another way, 2% probably had a weak immune system and were susceptible to death from viral infection. But is this really so unusual? My grandfather for example died of a cold, which is also a virus. This was shortly before his 91st birthday. The coroner wrote that the case of death was “old age”, which I think most people would agree was reasonable. But having lived a long and healthy life, I think its fair to say that the real cause of death was age related loss of immunity – not from the virus itself.

As for the immune system: I believe that if only they would immediately put those diagnosed with the corona virus on a high dosage of Vitamin C, which Dr Tomas Levy M.D. (author of the highly recommended book “Vitamin C and Infectious Diseases”) describes as “an absolute anti-viral” we’d be looking at a molehill, not a mountain. Whether one takes a good oral Vitamin C product like our best selling Tapioca Vitamin C, or for those who want absolute maximum absorption, Liposomal Vitamin C, or by the absolute medical gold standard, which is the direct IV (intravenous route) available at Health Fusion Clinic that alone would reduce the death rate to virtually zero. Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry twice, but was then discredited by the establishment for daring to become interested in nutrition, biochemistry and health recommended taking 18g of Vitamin C per day as soon as you get the first signs of a cold or flu, and claimed it could usually be stopped dead in its tracks if you did this. Of course this isn’t going to happen, as mainstream medicine is not interested in building health, it’s dominated by a culture of fighting disease, and in a way that is financially supportive to some of the most powerful institutions in the world: big pharma. Call me Mr Cynical, but that’s my view.

Going back to the immune system: Those who are concerned could (and should) add selenium and zinc for extra measure for further certainty as these nutrients are both involved with preventing viral replication and those with immune system deficienices are notoriously low in these nutrients. Personally, if it were me, I’d take a robust dosage of Antioxidant Supreme which contains zinc and selenium together with all the other most fundamental nutrients needed to keep the immune system in a tip-top state.

It’s also interesting that these pandemics never seem to break out in July. It’s always in winter, and this is at least partly influenced by our low vitamin D levels (along with its sister nutrient K2) at this time of the year. So I’d recommend everyone to take our high strength Vitamin D3 with K2 tablet every day or Liposomal D3 / K2 for those who prefer a highly absorbable liquid, throughout the winter.

Finally, where it comes to anti-virals, I do have to mention the liquid oxygen products which we provide – Oxylift or the extremely similar Oxygen Elements Max, which is basic a rival brand product to Oxylift. From the small amount of research I have seen, conducted by Kappa Laboratories, in Miami Florida, these products also appear to be “absolute anti-microbials”. Here are the test results of Oxylift against 6 harmful micro-organisms over 14 days.

* Note: Please take Oxylift or Oxygen Elements Max at least two hours away from Vitamin C supplements for best results.

I’m not saying the above suggestions are the be all and end all, but the products above do provide a massive umbrella of protection for your immune system, and for your body to fight infection in a healthy and natural way. For a full range of products, please visit the Viral Management and Immune Health categories of the web site.

With Best Wishes

Mark Lester
Director / Owner / Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Vegan-friendly and very smart: boost your body’s B12 with VeganSafe B12

Let’s face it, when it comes to the ‘alphabet soup’ of vitamins, it can be a little difficult telling all those vitamins apart. Of course, it’s a good idea to top up your intake of as many of them as possible – in their natural states, if you can. But, now and again, it’s also worth focusing on not just the obvious Vitamins A, B, C and D, but the less talked-about vitamins. For instance, are you getting enough Vitamin B12? Because if not, you really should be.

Each and every one of us needs our fair share of Vitamin B12. It’s necessary to maintain satisfactory energy levels, good brain function and support for the nervous system. In particular, though, if you have to take antibiotics with any regularity; if you often have sleeping issues; if you suffer from celiac disease; if you struggle with digesting gluten and absorbing nutrients; if you often take antacids; if you’re a pregnant woman; if you’re of advanced age; if you smoke; or if you’re a vegetarian or a vegan… if you’re any of those things, you’re advised in particular to make sure your body’s B12 levels are maintained. Basically then, when it comes down to it, everybody needs B12.

What does B12 do?

So, in more detail, here’s exactly why Vitamin B12 is so crucial for the human body’s wellbeing:

  • Energy booster – B12 naturally boosts energy because it helps stimulate the body’s adrenal glands, ensuring support for metabolism via production of red blood cells
  • Improves melatonin release – by supporting how and when the body releases melatonin, B12 helps achieve good sleep, as well as reinforcing other critical functions in the body, such as those in and related to the nervous system
  • Supports brain health – maintaining high levels of B12 should help ensure healthy brain function, a balanced mental state and a good mindset; in fact, research has suggested that B12 deficiency could pave the way to brain shrinkage
  • Increases production of red blood cells – by boosting red blood cell levels, B12 supports total wellbeing, simply because the more red blood cells you have, the more oxygen can be efficiently transported to all the cells and tissues in the body where it’s needed
  • May help avoid megaloblastic anaemia – a blood-related condition, megaloblastic anaemia causes fatigue in its sufferers, due to red blood cells not developing as they should and, thus, the body not being able to transport oxygen properly and effectively.

It ought to be pointed out, too, that, although increasing your body’s B12 levels has not been found to cure sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease, there does – according to preliminary reports – appear to be a link between B12 deficiency and the debilitating disease.

 The benefits of B12 supplementation

Now, as already noted, the ideal way for us human beings to consume Vitamin B12 is through our diet, but doing or getting things that are ideal for us is, of course, not always easy. Sometimes, sadly, it’s not even possible. Indeed, research has proved that for as many as 30 percent of all adults over the age of 50, it’s not possible for them to obtain – or, specifically speaking, absorb – B12 via food or drink alone.

The answer? For these people – and for many of whom, for one reason or another, have to live everyday with dietary restrictions – the best bet of getting the B12 they need is through naturally-derived, reliable and well-regarded supplementation. And a good example of such a supplement is VeganSafe B12, available through us at The Finchley Clinic. Why? Well, not only because – yes – it’s entirely suitable for vegans and vegetarians, but also because it contains the two bioavailable, coenzyme forms of B12, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.

What’s the big deal about this? Well, as the European Food Safety Authority has acknowledged, combining adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin ensures the best and safest, naturally-occurring supplement of B12; the body is able to recognise, metabolise and put to use these two B12 forms quickly.

To be clear, Vitamin B12 occurs in four different forms; not just the naturally-occurring methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, but also hydroxocobalamin and cyanocobalamin. To its credit, hydroxocobalamin is also a natural form of B12; yet, the body isn’t able to use its benefits as quickly as the core ingredients of VeganSafe B12. Conversely, the final form of B12, cyanocobalamin, we advise to avoid at all costs.

This is because it’s not naturally-occurring in the least, being a synthetic form of B12 that often serves as an ingredient in low-end supplements, as well as in fortified food. Even worse, it comprises a cyanide molecule that the body is forced to metabolise in order to get any limited goodness from it at all.


VeganSafe B12 – the benefits rundown

So, just to underline the fact; we highly recommend VeganSafe B12 as a great source for topping up your body’s B12 levels because this supplement can:

  • be absorbed throughout the body easily, requiring no conversion in your liver
  • be consumed by vegans and vegetarians (it’s also GMO- and gluten-free)
  • nutritionally aid the body’s nervous system, adrenal system and cardiovascular function, as well as help boost energy
  • aid the body in increasing red blood cell production and support cell growth/ replication and DNA production
  • help sufferers of poor sleep achieve a healthier sleep-wake cycle
  • delight taste buds thanks to being a delicious liquid-based supplement – no need for injections!

Antioxidants: the marvellous molecules that fight free radicals

Antioxidants. What’s the big deal? The likelihood is you’ve heard of them and consumed a fair number of them in your food and drink over the years, but do you know what they actually are, do you believe they’re as good for you as you’ve been told and – most importantly of all – are they genuinely as good for you as all that?

Antioxidants – what are they are?

Let’s start at the beginning. Antioxidants pop up in many different kinds of foods and beverages. Superfoods – foodstuffs containing plentiful health-giving properties – are rife with them; as are red wine and chocolate, believe it or not. Even some skincare products are sold on the back of the fact their ingredients include antioxidants; not surprising as the clever molecules are said to help slow down the ageing process, as well as potentially help fight illnesses and diseases.

Generally speaking, a broad spectrum of different molecules is covered by the term ‘antioxidants’; they’re basically molecules that, once inside the body, protect other non-antioxidant, but important molecules from the process that’s oxidation.

What’s so crucial about this? Well, left to the damage that oxidation would wreak upon them, these molecules wouldn’t be able to carry out the critical processes they need to in the millions of cells contained in the human body… if it weren’t for the intervention of antioxidants.

Oxidation – the lowdown

Simply put, oxidation is a chemical reaction that sees the tiny, but critical particles that are electrons transferred from one molecule to another – usually the molecule that’s seeking the extra electron is a free radical, a molecule with one or more unpaired electrons, which makes it highly unstable. So, this oxidation process inevitably ensures the structure, performance and efficacy of molecules in the human body, irrevocably change.

Now, it’s fair to say that oxidation isn’t always bad news when it occurs in the body. Indeed, when glucose (food) is oxidised in the body’s cells by oxygen (via air from our lungs), it produces not just carbon dioxide as a side-product but, critically, energy and water; thus, providing all-important fuel for the cells and, in turn, the body.

Still, there’s no question that, too often, the oxidation process can cause great harm in the body’s cells – which is where antioxidants come in. How is it they prove so beneficial when oxidation happens? Because they effectively prevent the process taking place – donating one of their electrons to a chaos-causing free radical, as they do, and stabilising the molecule so it doesn’t ‘steal’ an electron from another all-important but non-antioxidant molecule.

For their part, free radicals don’t just pop up out of nowhere; some do occur naturally in the human body. Although, you may be wondering why the body creates such potentially harmful molecules for itself? Well, the fact is the number of free radicals present in the body can dramatically increase due to certain lifestyle choices and environmental factors – smoking and alcohol consumption, pollution, poor diet and stress all tend to see free radical volumes spiral upwards; so much so, they can overwhelm the body’s capacity to deal with them all and, inevitably, require a boost in its antioxidant volumes.

All antioxidants aren’t equal

And yet, like it or not, it’s not as simple as merely that. More antioxidants in the body should be good news, sure; but it depends on the ‘quality’ of the antioxidants, make no mistake. Because, unfortunately, too often the types of antioxidants you might look to consume via food or drink to boost your antioxidant levels will be synthetic versions of the naturally-occurring ‘real thing’ and won’t do your body anything like as much good; if at all.

To be clear, some antioxidants are naturally created in the body, while other natural and very beneficial antioxidants can be gained by eating healthy foods (specific fruits and vegetables, eggs, grains and nuts, for instance). Conversely, synthetic antioxidants are added to other foods as either preservatives or to falsely convince the buyer that their presence will ensure eating the particular food is just as good for them as eating something rich in natural antioxidants.

Antioxidant supplements

The trick then is recognising which foods – or, indeed, supplements; if you wish to try the supplement route – are rich in natural antioxidants. And the answer, in terms of food, is to put your trust in natural foods (see the list above) – when it comes to supplements, though, it can be a little less clear.

What you ought to do is to seek out a supplement that makes clear its ingredients only contains naturally-occurring antioxidants; don’t take any chances here. Such supplements are definitely armed to help you in your fight against free radicals, but you’ve got to be sure they’re genuinely reliable antioxidant supplements.

For example, here are three supplements renowned for their antioxidant prowess, available through us at The Finchley Clinic:

Cell Fuzion – an advanced, natural antioxidant formula designed to protect and energise mitochondrial function and protect against DNA damage

Liposomal Glutathione – a primary detoxifier for the body and a potent antioxidant in a highly absorbable European manufactured liposome

Megahydrate Powder – one daily dose of this naturally-derived antioxidant has more antioxidant power than hundreds of glasses of fresh vegetable and fruit juices and other foods rich in antioxidants, all to prevent free radical damage.