Category Archives: General Health & Nutrition

Fantastic five: 5 ways to improve your gut health

Did you know that the millions of bacteria that live in and on you combine to form a critical component in your immune system? Well, like it or not; they do. And that’s because they help to protect your body from invading bacteria, germs and chemicals to enhance your immune system (helping to turn it on and off) to protect you effectively against colds, the flu and other infectious illnesses and diseases.

In which case, if you’re prone to catching such ailments, it could well be the balance of your gut microbiota (the kind of bacteria your gut contains) is off. And, in extreme cases, imbalanced gut bacteria might well contribute to immune-related diseases like asthma and inflammatory bowel disease.

So, to improve a weakened immune system, why not consider a gut restoration programme? Here are five steps you might want to implement…

Eliminate food intolerances

First up, you need to work out which foods you have an intolerance to – we’re talking the likes of certain nuts, dairy, eggs, soy, spicy foods, sugar and wheat. How? Remove them over the course of 10-28 days and then reintroduce them, one ingredient or food at a time. This’ll aid you in working out what does and doesn’t actually agree with you. Note: you may not want to return to much of sugar or processed grains at all.

Add fermented foods to your diet

It could be that you’re suffering from issues because your gut requires re-inoculation. How so? Well, from birth you may have had a poorly colonised gut (like it or not, harmful bacteria outnumbering the ‘good’ bacteria, such as probiotics), or it’s got that way over time due to a diet too low in nutrients or you’ve had one too many courses of antibiotics (which kill off both good and ‘bad’ bacteria). So, to re-inoculate your gut, you might try adding fermented foods to your daily diet. Indeed, such foods comprising probiotics include the likes of kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, yogurt and even pickles. If you’re not used to eating fermented food, then don’t rush it; build up the amount you add to each meal as you go.

Try some herbal remedies

To heal your gut properly – so that, yes, it might be able to operate properly – it needs to be healed in the way you’d want a skin wound to be totally healed. To that end, why shouldn’t you look to remedies for your gut; the sort of remedies that have been proven to work over many centuries by many different civilisations? Holistic remedies then like aloe, glutamine and liquorice root are great for supporting intestinal-lining growth. Additionally, you might want to try Omega-3 fatty acids for their restorative and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as ginger, quercetin, rosemary and turmeric.

Support your gut’s healthy bacteria

Good gut health, in essence, often comes down to repopulating your intestinal system with good bacteria, so the latter outnumbers the bad bacteria. And you can help that process along by feeding the good bacteria exactly the ‘food’ they need to survive and thrive; that is, prebiotics. These chemicals occur in many different healthy, organic foods, including artichokes, asparagus, beans, garlic, oats, onions and practically evert green leafy vegetable.

Try Restore for Gut Health

A dietary/ nutritional supplement? Yes. But why would you need one if you’re making significant positive changes to your diet. Well, this one’s no ordinary supplement. Restore’s a unique and ground-breaking product for healing the gut mucosa that was developed by Dr Zach Bush in the United States. With the gut’s lining being prone to getting so easily damaged, Restore comes into its own thanks to its innate ability to restore the tight junctions of the gut; thus, significantly helping to maintain healthy, regular function.

Indeed, this most impressive of supplements – available through us at The Finchley Clinic – has been proven both in laboratory and clinical testing to support the functioning of the gut barrier and improve intestinal health by strengthening these tight junctions between the gut’s small and large membrane cells, supporting the aim of an optimal gut environment.

Suffering from Vitamin B12 deficiency? VeganSafe B12 is the answer

When you take the time to look into vitamins and try to work out which you need (clue: all of them!) and which you may need more of because you’re not getting enough in your daily diet, there is a danger it can all become a bit of an alphabet soup. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and so on. What do they all do?

What’s the difference between them all? Do they really each contribute something important and different to each other for the human body? And then there’s the vitamins that come with numbers too; the ‘B Vitamins’ – Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12? What’s going on there?

The fact is they’re all crucial; you need a natural dosage of them all daily – if possible – from your diet – again, if possible. But what if that isn’t possible? What if you’re struggling with your diet or if you’re aware that your body isn’t capable of consuming and absorbing certain vitamins from your diet naturally? Well, in that situation; naturally derived supplementation is undoubtedly your solution.

For instance, let’s take a look at one of those ‘letter and number’ vitamins; Vitamin B12. It’s a good example because, unfortunately, as adults get older their innate ability to absorb it naturally in food reduces; thus, reliable supplementation’s a very effective option to turn to – and the best supplement they can turn to has to be VeganSafe B12.

VeganSafe B12 – your solution for B12 deficiency

First of all, as you’d have imagined from its name, this is a supplement that’s not just certified organic, GMO- and gluten-free but also ideal for vegans (and so for vegetarians and meat-eaters too, of course). Ingredients-wise, it comprises the two most bioactive coenzyme forms of B12 in existence (which means that, together, they’re the two most potent and positively active forms of the vitamin inside the body), namely methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. To that end, they’re the two forms of B12 that are best when it comes to ensuring the vitamin performs what it’s most famous for; driving energy production.

Indeed, the supplement supports the production of energy in various different ways. Not only does it support the adrenal glands, it also contributes to red blood cell-formation (and cell growth and replication, in general, as well as DNA production) and aids in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose (the latter being the fuel the body requires for generating energy).

And, let’s not pretend otherwise, B12 deficiency is bad news for the human body. Without adequate levels of the vitamin, a person can begin experiencing megaloblastic anaemia, asthma, constipation, depression, fatigue, low sperm count, memory loss, vision problems, weakness, weight loss and even possibly brain shrinkage. The results of preliminary studies also suggest there might even be a link between B12 deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease.

In the light of all that, you may conclude, should you not be doing so, adequately boosting your body’s B12 levels is pretty essential. Not least because it also operates as a defence against the common amino acid homocysteine (often consumed via eating meat); thus, offering nutritional support to different systems in the body – the nervous system and the cardiovascular system; homocysteine’s a cardiovascular stressor, in particular. Additionally, it’s believed that the methylcobalamin in B12 can help support sleep, by positively influencing melatonin secretion and light sensitivity; as well as aiding in the normalisation of the ‘body clock’.


But why choose VeganSafe B12, in particular? 

Well, just consider this – not only is VeganSafe B12 an easy-to-swallow liquid formula, it’s also particularly tasty (according to our customers!). Great news. But perhaps even better news is the fact the European Food Safety Authority reports that the combination of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin is a reliable and entirely safe way to consume naturally occurring vitamin B121.

Also, its high absorbability ensures it doesn’t ask the liver to convert any of its constituent ingredients, which is exactly the opposite of what would happen were you to plump instead for many a cheaper alternative B12 supplement, like those comprising the lesser-quality B12 forms that are hydroxo- and cyanocobalamin. For instance, the latter, like it or not, contains a cyanide molecule that the liver’s forced to metabolise. There could be said to be some occasions when taking no vitamins is better than taking the wrong ones; this could well be one of them.

In contrast then, happily, VeganSafe B-12 with its primary ingredients of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin, offers excellent absorption of the B12 your body needs, ensuring efficient use of the vitamin by your liver, brain and cardiovascular and nervous systems – and throughout the rest of your body too.

The EU and Natural Health Supplements (Slightly Updated 2016 article)

The following is a copy of a newsletter I sent out to our customers in June 2016 a few days before the EU referendum on how this organisation has hugely damaged consumer choice where it comes to natural health products, basically in order to protect corporate interests.

I have uploaded this article at the request of a Facebook contact unabridged. I would write it a little differently now, but my core views have not changed a great deal in the two years that have followed, and neither have the facts.

Mark Lester – Company Director

By now, doubtless many of you are sick of hearing about the various arguments concerning immigration, the economy, preservation of democracy, and the eye wateringly high cost of membership put forth by the campaigns to stay in the EU or leave. As a health supplement company director, it’s not appropriate for me to comment on these aspects of the debate (except arguably in a personal capacity). But I feel it IS necessary for us to make you aware of how the EU has affected and will continue to affect your rights as a consumer to take health supplements of your choice, to gather information on the same, and to source genuinely natural non pharmaceuticalised products. I think it is my job to make you aware of the threat to your right to take them in worthwhile dosages, as opposed to the mickey mouse dosages that big pharma would prefer you to take, in my opinion in order to ensure your continued poor health, and consequent dependence upon them. Even though I do not generally resonate with the conventional approach to health, I also feel it is my job to also make you aware of the way in which the EU affects the treatment you will get from our beloved NHS. So if your health is important to you (which I assume is the case for everyone, since being ill or dead is not by most people’s standards fun), you need to read this.

What follows is a quick summary of some (but not all) of the EU directives that affect your right to choose, and your access to information. I could write an entire book on the subject, so please note this is only a quick summary. The UK government opposed some of the following, but where they did, they were simply outvoted by the qualified majority voting system. There is NO VETO where it comes to health issues. However although the UK government made a feeble attempt to block some of the rules, the majority of these regulations were simply passed into UK law without so much as a whimper of protest by any of the major political parties that have been in power during the last decade. In my opinion, they have let us all down horrendously by not protecting our freedoms.

  • The Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC). 

    This directive requires all legally available nutrients to be on a rather arbitrary positive list in order to be allowed to be sold and consumed. As far as we could see, it seemed to depend primarily on whether that form of nutrient happened to be available in Germany at the time. In 2009 it was estimated that around 300 nutrients were banned by this irksome directive, though the real figure would be much higher given the fact that it completely blocked new forms of vitamins and minerals from coming onto the market. Examples include many perfectly safe and effective forms of magnesium, selenium and chromium. Although the situation is bad, this is set to become far worse if the Maximum Permitted Dosage levels for vitamins and minerals get set at useless Mickey mouse levels, which is a serious possibility at the next stage of implementation. Several organisations, including an entity called “Health Europe”, which is in reality just a bunch of lobbyists who are paid by the self-interested pharmaceutical companies, who fund this “organisation”,  are lobbying for maximum levels to be set at EU RDA levels. These levels will be useless for any kind of therapeutic usage – as well as a direct assault on your freedom of choice. It has been claimed that this market was completely unregulated before this directive (and the next one I am going to talk about) came in. But this is nonsense. Vitamins, minerals and herbs were regulated by the Drugs Act 1968, and personally I don’t remember noticing too many dead bodies lying about in the streets because someone or other took a high dosage Vitamin C tablet prior to 2009. Yes, it was light touch regulation, reflecting how safe most vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural products usually were – but it was never unregulated. This is a total myth.

  • The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (2004/24/EC) 

    In essence this was a spiteful and vindictive directive designed to protect the vested interests that successfully campaigned for it, which has created a huge black market where none previously existed. This directive has led to a tripling of the cost of many herbs, and their pharmaceuticalisation. Many have been banned outright. Many more have been chemicalised and pharmaceuticalised until they bare almost no resemblance to the 2000 year old traditions of herbal medicines, and contain all sorts of artificial chemicals which are at best questionable, and in some cases dangerous. We tried very hard to object to this horrible directive, but without success. You can read more about it here including the latest news. Before this directive came in, clearly dangerous herbs were banned under the Drugs Act 1968 along with psychoactive drugs like marijuana. Although even there, I do not agree with all the herbs that were banned from sale, on the whole consumers were relatively free to buy what they wanted, and sellers relatively free to provide products. But with the new directive, the EU was determined to stop you from actually making decisions for yourself, about your body.

  • The EU Labeling Directives (2003 and updated in 2014) 

    This if strictly enforced could make more or less all non EU imports illegal to sell, for reasons as petty as the font size on the label not complying the required size, the ingredients not being listed in the required order, or wording such as “expiry date” instead of “best before” on the label. Can the rules really get any more petty and frivolous than this? Presumably this rule is there because they think you are too thick to know what the words “expiry date” rather than “best before” mean. Mercifully, the UK authorities don’t seen to be enforcing this with an iron fist, and have avoided harassing companies over trivial nonsense so far, but who knows what’s around the corner? Certainly these regulations enable the powers that be to put companies out of business overnight – through the harsh enforcement of EU directives. And regardless of who it is claimed to help, who benefits from this in reality? The consumer? Or big pharma? I could easily write a shed load more on this directive, but I won’t.

  • The Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (No 1924/2006) 

    This is the nastiest and cruelest of the lot. This is the directive which has made it illegal to say anything meaningful about virtually everything – leading to the total ban on the claims that water hydrates the body, or that prunes help with constipation – and tens of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money spent on arriving at these preposterous conclusions. With some of the products we provide, this has led to an up to 90% drop in sales.This is the directive which caused products such as Optibac Probiotics For Bowel Calm (a nice and clear product name) to have to be renamed “Saccromyces Boulardii” (which is completely meaningless or ordinary people). Similarly Optibac Probiotics For A Flat Stomach to had to be renamed “One week flat”. That’s because even the name of the product was deemed an illegal health claim. If you are finding it hard to find useful information on the supplements you are interested in, or which supplements might help you, or why you end up with no choice but to view third party, non EU based web sites to obtain information, blame this directive. Blame the EU. The idea, perhaps noble of protecting the consumer, has ended with a Draconian directive which makes publishing legitimate opinion into a crime, and bans companies even telling you what scientific research has found – unless the European Food Standards agency gives you permission to do so, and of course only after they have spent up to a million Euros submitting a single health claim. This is impossible for small to medium sized companies like the Finchley Clinic – the businesses all the mainstream political parties agree are the life-blood of the economy, yet where it comes to protecting them from petty EU regulations when they are in power, at best do nothing, and at worse encourage it! Result: the industry is becoming more and more disincentivised to even try to provide worthwhile, helpful information. So when you find that the information available on a nutrient is that it “contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism”, instead of something that is actually useful for you to know i.e… what it may help with…it’s not the industry who are to blame – it’s the unelected EU commissioners, on their rather comfortable over £300,000 per year (plus expenses) salaries.

  • The Human Medicinal Products Directive (Directive 2001/83/EC). 

    This directive can make any food, food supplement or cosmetic a drug at a regulator’s discretion – anything which has “a physiological effect”, or is claimed to have. This of course makes anything, theoretically even water into a medicine! After all, if you tried to avoid water for more than two or three days, you’d soon learn whether or not it has a physiological effect, even if as according to the EU geniuses, it does not hydrate the body!

Words would be inadequate to describe how heartbreaking it is for us to be banned from providing many safe, effective natural health products and to tell you what they actually do even when we can sell them. And even more heart breaking for your health to be compromised as a result. Even more so in view of the estimated 40,000 deaths per year conservatively estimated by University College, London to occur in the UK as a result of CORRECTLY prescribed medical drugs (the numbers are even higher when the death rate for badly prescribed drugs is added to this).

(Source: Daily Telegraph December 19 1999. Similar article Daily Telegraph 30 Nov 2008, numerous newspaper and medical journal articles have come out since these older citations, all saying the same thing. However I haven’t bothered to save them all, because they all say the same thing, so it just gets repetitive after a while).

Now it gets worse: TTIP, Big Pharma, and the EU

The transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. is something almost nobody – even in the health industry has heard of (yet) – and most people will only do so when it is too late. Interestingly, the highly unlikely combination of Friends of the Earth and the UK Independence Party are strongly opposing this deal although the three mainstream parties support it – or at the very least have not opposed it in any way. TTIP is supposed to be a free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States (USA), which all sounds rather nice in theory. But the reality is less nice.

Firstly it will be a disaster for our NHS as it will allow back door privatisation, and favour the interests of the pharmaceutical companies over and above the public good and public health. Secondly, and even more ominously it will restrict, and possibly end entirely the controls we have over genetically modifed (GM) food in our fields and shops.
Regarding the first point, as stated on one web site “The analysis of the 5 most worrying proposals of the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the EU-US trade agreement reveals a real threat to European public health systems and democracy. A report by the Commons Network and civil society partners shows that the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the TTIP is detrimental for public health, will increase the cost of medicines and undermines democratic processes”.
According to Professor Angus Dalgelish – an oncologist in a leading London teaching hospital “20 years ahead the NHS will not be viable in any shape or form unless we address these (EU directives) issues….The current NHS structure cannot cope….All improvements to improve patient care are thwarted by regulatory burdens. They want us to improve everything at the coalface and then shackle us and straightjacket us with this.The main problem is the blind acceptance of European Union Directives without thinking through the consequences – the law of unintended consequences.

The EU Clinical Trials Directive

In the words of Professor Dalgleish this “was meant to be brought in to harmonise research, but it has ended up destroying academic medicine in this country –  a field in which we were world leaders. This has resulted in several reports from the professional bodies [opposing this directive]. One of them, from the Academy of Medical Sciences (of which I am a fellow), have done a lovely document to the government pointing out the problems, leaving no stone unturned and we still haven’t had any kind of response to it. Before this came in I could do all sorts of trials with simple cheap drugs vaccines etc that might improve outcomes and we could do it in academic centres. It was easy getting this done. When the EU Clinical Trials Directive was pointed out to me, I said to the government, the MHRA, the Presidents of the College of Physicisans and pathologists etc that this could be a disaster. They patted me on my head, virtually, and said “don’t worry, it won’t happen, it’s just sort of a tidying up exercise”. Then what happened when it came in? I get told I can’t do this, I can’t do that. I went to see these guys and tell them you agreed, you promised, but they’ve all gone. They’ve all retired. They’ve brought in new people who say “well, these are the rules”. So that’s what happens.

So do do a trial now, and this is no word of exaggeration, because I just tried to cost one up, it’s coming in at £2m to do a study, that previously cost about £50,000! How can you possibly justify that if you’re not a big pharmaceutical company? The label on the tin was to harmonise clinical research and protect the patient. But in reality it increasingly looks like a cartel to protect big pharma and to keep competition from generics and academics out. The result is that much clinical research previously being done in this country is now being done elsewhere, and the patients lose out. This was the thing that really got to me.

I had to go to All Party Parliamentary Committee on Cancer care, and I said It’s absolutely pointless addressing any of these things [which he had gone to talk about] unless you get rid of The EU Clinical Trials Directive, because it’s the patients who are losing out from this. We used to have a world-class lead on this, but now unless it’s the drugs companies behind it, we can’t do anything.”

EU Working Time Directive and the NHS

More from Professor Dalgliesh : – “If you think that’s bad enough, there are other European Directives that are just destroying the NHS. Until we get rid of them, we just cannot get the NHS the way we want it. Take the Working Time Directive. It limits the amount of hours that people are allowed to work in a week, and that’s it. But it’s impossible to do that with a health care system. But our government have said “this is how it is”. But to do this, you need to plan for about 20 years, and employ three times the number of doctors overnight, and this we cannot do. Because of this directive, people aren’t being trained. I don’t know any surgeon now who would want to be operated on by one of their young colleagues. Someone phoned me when they heard I was giving this speech, and said “It’s even worse than you think. We’ve just appointed a consultant colo-rectal surgeon who has only done four colectomy (removal of the colon) operations in his life”. We did this before we (even) became registrars when I was training!  It has inflicted utter chaos on the health care system, and nobody is doing anything about it.”

The EU freedom of movement directive, and your health.

And once again, Professor Dalgliesh: – “The freedom to move from one country to another is a great ideal. But if you’ve got a set amount of doctors, nurses etc how can you then deliver the service for a demand which goes up exponentially? The freedom to move is a great idea in theory. But in reality when one country provides everything free at the point of service, including treatments which are unavailable altogether in about a third of EU countries, how can you blame people from coming here from abroad to get treatment?. Of course people from outside will want to access this if they’re desperate. Merion Thomas, an NHS surgeon recently wrote about the flagrant abuse of the NHS by those who are not entitled to it and the massive savings that would be made if this was stopped. The obvious solution is that the NHS should only be free at the point of service to those that have paid into it. Others would have to take out insurance”. 

A solution?

There is an alternative to having to comply with EU regulations which pose a threat to your health, your freedom of choice, and access to health information. The alternative is to leave the EU, and be done with it. In the good old days, was there anything that bad about having our laws made by people who we actually elected, and can throw out if they do a lousy job? Call me old fashioned, but I rather like our laws to be made by democratically elected British politicians rather than unelected bureaucrats, who for all we know, have never even stepped on British soil, and have no reason to be especially concerned with what is best for the UK.

I personally believe that the EU is an insult to the democratic values it took hundreds of years for the UK to arrive at. But leaving that aside, I urge customers to vote to leave the EU if their health is important to them. The EU has already done enormous damage to the health and well-being of our customers, and this is set to get much, much worse with our continued membership of this organisation. I know of more than one health supplement company who have been put out of business by the EU (whereupon the customers oftentimes buy the same products, at greater expense from outside the EU or poorer nearest alternatives). On the current trajectory, like the decimated UK fishing industry, more are likely to follow in the future. And that potentially includes us, and the unique range of products we provide. This is why regardless of of your overall political views, we encourage you to vote to leave the EU on June 23rd, and take back control of the most fundamental things in your possession: your body and your health.

For those anyone who is interested to know more about the way in which EU regulations actually affect every aspect of our lives, whether or not we are aware of it on a day to day basis, and how our democractic rights are being eroded, I urge you to give an hour of your time to view the superbly produced Brexit available to watch free on YouTube. If time permits, I also recommend the somewhat disturbing Brexit: Facts Not Fear.

Mark G. Lester – Director, The Finchley Clinic Ltd

NADH – a super-supplement you can’t afford to be without?

Let’s not pretend otherwise; there are a great many nutrient-based supplements out there that claim they can do a great deal for your health; claim they can cover so many bases. But can they? In too many instances they’re trying to pull the wool over your eyes. There’s a limit on the supplements out there that are genuinely organic and authentically made up of much-needed nutrients and vitamins.

Which is where we come in at The Finchley Clinic – we’re committed only to recommending and selling high-quality, organic, nutrient-featuring supplements that studies and customer feedback prove do a lot of people a lot of good. It’s what this business is built on, after all. And in that column of genuinely reliable supplements that provide an impressive number of benefits to the human body is NADH.

However, a word of warning to start with – it seems most of the products that are being sold as NADH are worthless; so, we only recommend and sell the genuine article, the NADH supplement that we import from the actual company based in Austria that was started by its creator, Professor Jorg Birkmayer. Indeed, the latter created, developed and made available to the market NADH (which is the abbreviated form of its full name, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride; although it’s also known as Coenzyme 1, an active coenzyme form of Vitamin B3) as a supplement that could fulfil many beneficial functions for healthy living. To that end, NADH is liable to be able to help you with:

  • Adrenal support
  • Anti-ageing
  • Antioxidation
  • Boosting energy
  • General health
  • Heart health
  • Immune health
  • Memory maintenance
  • Mood support
  • Sports performance

Sure, you may doubt that; if so, check out our customer testimonials of the product to be found on our website – we sell NADH (the genuine article, that is) because our customers tell us it helps them; it’s as simple as that.

What is NADH – and why do we need it?NADH

So, in this supplement form, just what makes NADH so useful; so beneficial? Well, in the words of Professor Birkmayer himself, NADH is ‘the most promising natural substance in our body’. A biological form of hydrogen, it naturally reacts with the oxygen present in every cell in the body, thereby aiding in the generation of energy and water.

And that means that, the more NADH present in an individual cell, the more energy that can be produced in that cell. And so, wherever that cell is and whatever it does, the better it’ll function and the longer it’ll be able to do it. After all, biological hydrogen’s known to be the fuel for cellular energy production.

Now, you may be thinking, if NADH is already in our bodies, why do we need more? Doesn’t that sound a bit unnatural? To the lay(wo)man, yes; perhaps. Yet, although we certainly extract some of the NADH we need from our daily diets (depending what our daily diets comprise), usually we don’t extract nearly enough of the substance from them – in fact, much of the NADH we ought to be getting from our food’s destroyed by us cooking it, sadly.

Why NADH is the answer – and an awesome antioxidant

The answer then is simple and, by now, surely obvious – our bodies can take on more of the NADH levels they need through proper, organically-derived, genuine NADH supplementation.

Moreover, NADH is quite brilliant at acting as a natural antioxidant in the cells of the body in which it finds itself. Indeed, a leading expert on the subject, the US-based biochemist, Dr Richard Passwater, has noted (these words are to be found in the foreword of the book ‘NADH – The Energizing Coenzyme’): “While there is no such thing as a singularly ‘most important’ compound in the body, or even a ‘most important antioxidant’, NADH comes as close as a single compound can.

“NADH is both the primary coenzyme that drives reduction and oxidation reactions in cellular metabolism and the most powerful antioxidant”.

So, there you have it; NADH, in supplement form, might well be one of the most essential products you might choose to consume for your body’s wellbeing – don’t just take our word for it; take those of the experts!

Tighten up your tight junctions: restore your body’s natural defences with Restore

Don’t doubt it; the likelihood is, like it or not, your body’s natural defences are compromised. That’s right; the tiny yet so significant parts of your body that ensure (usually foreign) entities don’t manage to get inside it and affect your microbiome – the community of billions of micro-organisms that protects you against germs, breaks down food to release energy and produces vitamins – are compromised, so the competing, destructive chemicals can do their dirty work as they break down these defences.

Now, chief among your natural defences are the tight junctions between your body’s cells – and chief among the culprits that deplete them is the chemical glyphosate. Yes, the membrane plasma proteins that form these tight junctions between adjacent cells throughout the human body (but not least in the digestive system where so much of the microbiome is located, of course) effectively operate as your body’s intelligent defence system.

And this is because they work to latch cells together (basically like the zip on a coat), so what does and doesn’t pass through the gut lining can be regulated effectively. To that end, they form what might be referred to as a continuous membrane; practically a firewall that stretches all the way from the sinuses to the colon.

The effect of glyphosate on your natural defences

Yet, unfortunately, when these tight junctions start to degrade, the immune system takes the pressure; the latter being tasked to generate an antibody for every intruder type that breaks through these barriers and into the body’s unprepared cells. And, as noted, one of the greatest enemies to these tight junctions is glyphosate; the most widely sold herbicide (or what’s more commonly referred to as weed-killer) in the world – and one of three pesticides regularly found in routine testing of British bread.

Indeed, results from animal studies have discovered that glyphosate’s a toxic chemical when it comes into contact with beneficial gut bacteria, while its presence in human bodies is believed, according to certain studies, to have increased by as much as 1,000% over the past 20 years, thanks greatly to the farming of genetically modified crops.

Restore – the naturally-derived solution

All is not lost, however; thankfully, a liquid lignite extract named Terrahydrite can be relied on to combat glyphosate and help to repair the tight junctions, the body’s natural defences, especially in the gut’s linings so they might function to its optimal level. But from where and how to boost your body’s levels of Terrahydrite? Well, one way – indeed, surely the easiest and best way – is to rely on the excellent, naturally-derived, thoroughly organic supplement that’s Restore.

Quite simply, Restore’s unlike any other supplement you’ll come across. It’s a soil-derived, scientifically-backed product that blends Terrahydrite with purified water, while also containing trace soil amino acids and minerals, ensuring it’s somewhat similar to a fulvic acid supplement. Through both laboratory-based and clinical testing then, Restore’s been proven to aid in supporting the functioning of the gut barrier; thus, improving gut health thanks to its decisive role in strengthening tight junction cells.

Indeed, as Restore’s creator Dr Zach Bush puts it (Zach’s a US-based MD and co-founder and CEO of Biomic Sciences LLC, Board Certified: Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice Care): “It is important for people to know that Restore produces a significant outcome for gut health. I use it in my Virginia clinic as a foundation for helping to create a strong immune system and gut biome.

“Microbiome balance and tight junction integrity are widely recognized to constitute a major portion of the human immune system, and directly affect DNA transcription of human cells to promote optimal health and prevent a leaky gut. The well-proven biology of Restore demonstrates its role as a foundational resource in your pursuit for optimal health.”

So, there you have it; from the horse’s mouth. If you want to ensure the tight junction cells in your gut and elsewhere in your body can survive whatever’s thrown at them by the likes of glyphosate, then the solution is Restore – to help restore your gut health… and your body’s all-round health.

Poly-MVA – the highly potent supplement unlike any other

Most of the time, nutritional supplements are marketed as best consumed for one or two health reasons but, occasionally, a supplement pops up that bucks that trend. Occasionally, a supplement may be advanced enough to offer several different benefits at once – and potentially have the capacity to do more. Such a nutritional supplement is Poly-MVA (sold by us in a 236ml version).

Officially referred to as Palladium linked Alpha Lipoic Acid, Poly-MVA is principally a product that can help greatly in supporting the oxygenation of cells and tissues as well as operate as a powerful antioxidant (and even though these two properties of the supplement sound like they ought to be contradictory; they’re apparently not).

Formulated unlike any other supplement you’ll come across in its blend of minerals, vitamins and amino acids, Poly-MVA was created specifically to help cellular energy production in the human body – as well as to promote overall health, not least because it may also help maintain reliable immune response. To wit, it’s a complex of alpha-lipoic acid, the mineral palladium, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, methionine, N-Acetyl cystiene and trace amounts of molybdenum, rhodium and ruthenium.

An impressive line-up of nutrients? Yes. And the manufacturers claim it’s possible the supplement can deliver all the following nutritional benefits for the body:

  • Help the body produce energy
  • Support the liver in removing harmful substances from the body
  • Aid in preventing cell damage
  • Help the body remove heavy metals from the bloodstream
  • Act as both a powerful antioxidant and detoxificant
  • Prevent B12 deficiency-related mental issues in elderly people
  • Support nerve and neurotransmitter function
  • Enhance white blood cell function
  • Support pH balance, helping to maintain oxygenation of cells and tissues.

Poly-MVA – how it works

The supplement’s formulation of ingredients then, in being designed to provide energy for compromised body systems, looks to alter the electrical potential of human cells and ensure aerobic metabolism within them can take place effectively. And, as a member of the group of the Lipoic Acid Mineral Complexes (LAMC), Poly-MVA may well prove to be able to help boost immune response in many people thanks to it replenishing of key nutrients and so supporting cellular metabolism.

That said, to understand what truly makes Poly-MVA unique, you have to get down to the science. The fact is, its uniqueness is defined by the proprietary manufacturing process that sees the palladium it contains sequestered to its lipoic acid; it’s this preparation and bonding process through which its LAMC’s manufactured that makes Poly-MVA unlike any other supplement out there. The formulation of its LAMC then, along with its other vitamins, minerals and amino acids, is what ensures it delivers a heady cocktail of nutritional support – ensuring it can help drive optimum functioning of essential body systems.

Why is this? Well, when lipoic acid, a highly potent antioxidant, becomes attached to an electrically-charged mineral substrate, as well as associated with B vitamins, it creates a complex of minerals that boasts enhanced solubility both in water and body fat. And this means that it’s easily and safely capable of travelling wherever it wants throughout the body – and that, highly impressively, includes across the blood-brain barrier.

This latter capability (something impossible for most medication, let alone normal nutritional supplements) could well mean that, as a supplement, Poly-MVA might be capable of more besides – it may, depending on further research and evidence, be able to go yet further beyond what nutritional supplements can do.

Poly-MVA – it’s worth it

Now, despite all it can do, yes, it’s true; Poly-MVA is, unfortunately, far from the cheapest of nutritional supplements. We regret that fact and, were there any way for us to sell it cheaper, we genuinely would try to. Yet, sadly, when you consider necessary customs, shipping, airline handling and duty prices we incur in order to sell it here in the UK, it’s simply impossible to make it available at a cheaper price.

But sometimes you do have pay for quality and Poly-MVA, with all its benefits for the human body, is most definitely a high-quality supplement we recommend. Not least when you consider that its manufacturers advise its beneficial effects can be enhanced by combining it with the likes of CoEnzyme Q10 (at least 100mg per day) and Vitamin D (5,000-10,000iu per day). We also believe the results of combining it with NADH on 2-4 tablets per day may well be very effective.

Threelac: customers and experts agree – the solution for Candida

If you regularly suffer from yeast infections or issues of candida overgrowth then you might try turning to supplements – in particular, probiotic supplements – in your search for a solution. Many of our customers swear blind that Threelac has helped them a great deal and many experts have lined-up over the years to speak up on its valuable abilities to combat yeast infections, especially those concerning candida.

We ourselves at The Finchley Clinic have seen to it that Threelac’s been tested by various practitioners, dowsers, kinesiologists (among other experts) and what they’ve told us pretty much amounts to the same thing – it’s a probiotic product that possesses a unique ability to help candida sufferers and that means that (although it doesn’t help absolutely everybody; no supplement will) it appears to surpass most other probiotics in what it does, most of the time.

How does it work? threelac

A powder-based supplement to be taken with water, ThreeLac comprises three live, spore-forming lactic acid bacteria; Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Bacillus Subtilis and Streptococcus Faecali. As a supplement, it deploys a specific micro-encapsulation process that enables the bacteria to pass through the stomach and into the small intestine, as the friendly bacteria is enclosed in small capsules to protect them from the stomach’s acidic environment. And this ensures that these micro-organisms are able to safely make it to the intestinal tract where they purge the gut of the parasitic, fungal form of Candida, as well as crowd out harmful dysbiotic microorganisms and, inevitably, repopulate the intestine with the beneficial microflora it needs to prevent another overgrowth and remain healthy going forward.

The power of probiotics – according to the experts

“Evidence from clinical research demonstrates that adding ‘good’ bacteria to the diet promotes a healthy digestive and immune system” – Dr. Allan Walker, Professor of Nutrition and Paediatrics, Harvard Medical School

“Friendly bacteria are vital to proper development of the immune system, to protection against microorganisms that could cause disease and to the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients” – National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

“Taking probiotics is a habit that can really benefit the digestive system, which is intricately connected to our overall health” – Dr. Michael F. Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Clinic

ThreeLac contains yeast – why?

This is surely a fair question and, therefore, an important point to address, considering that, on the surface, it may seem odd, even counter-productive for a supplement that aims to combat yeast infections and candida build-up actually contains yeast. The fact of the matter, though, is that a very small amount of yeast is necessary for Threelac to operate effectively, as the friendly bacteria it comprises and transfers to the body requires this modicum of yeast to survive (otherwise the bacteria would effectively die of hunger before it ever managed to reach the intestinal tract and do its good work). And, don’t worry, the amount of yeast in Threelac is far, far too small to make any yeast infection worse.

Is Threelac an entirely safe product to consume?

Yes, absolutely. It’s entirely suited to be consumed alongside other drugs and anti-fungal medicines. Indeed, while some anti-fungal treatments have a have a habit of upsetting or even harming the liver, the live bacteria of Threelac has never been reported to have any such effect and, although some people tend to experience symptoms of ‘Candida die-off’, if anything, such symptoms are merely a sign that Threelac’s doing its work as it should. To be on the safe side, of course, if you notice any side effects, you should contact your doctor and, naturally, if you’re pregnant of a breastfeeding woman you should consult a doctor before deciding to take any supplement.

Lacking the oxygen and minerals your body needs? Try OxyLift

Often when investigated, a root cause of many illnesses in a person turns out to be the fact that the person hasn’t been consuming high enough levels of important nutrients, minerals and, yes, even – and just as importantly – oxygen. The truth is that without a plentiful enough supply of oxygen, minerals, enzymes and amino acids, maintenance of your body’s immune system, the elimination of waste and the repairing of processes simply won’t take place properly.

However, by taking the highly recommended supplement that’s OxyLift, you can offset this oxygen and mineral deprivation and ensure your body’s once more fighting fit and healthy. And that’s because, when used daily and properly, OxyLift operates as a gentle, long-term but daily-taken nutritional supplement. Providing various supplementary solutions in just one bottle then, it’s a product that offers a synergistic blend of powerful nutritional supplements; all of which are utterly crucial for good health.

To be precise, OxyLift is a combination of nano-ionic, pristine sea-source major and trace minerals; hydrogen isotopes; amino acids; enzymes; fruit acids and enhanced ultra-purified structured water and subtle energies.

Today’s world and its effect on health

So, why aren’t we getting enough of these nutrients from our everyday diets? And, indeed, why aren’t we getting enough of the oxygen we need from the air we breathe? Well, more often than not, it comes down to the environment so many of us find ourselves living in today. Unfortunately, due to the ever-increasing pollution of the planet’s air and water, its ability to provide us with plentiful oxygen is actually diminishing – not least because the air we breathe and our drinking water are becoming more and more contaminated by oxygen-consuming pollutants.

And that’s a problem because the human body relies on a natural supply of oxygen to successfully oxidise and eliminate disease-causing microbes – and to collect and oxidise the body’s waste. After all, these disease-causing microbes are anaerobic, which means they simply can’t exist in active oxygen.

Long-term oxygen – and nutrient – intake

All of which then ensures that OxyLift is a highly viable option should you feel you’re lacking in oxygen and minerals in your everyday life. Providing, as it does, long-term, high-quality and reliable intake of both oxygen and key nutrients, OxyLift you may well find will help you accumulate the necessary building blocks to maintain good health and high energy levels; the likes of which nobody ought to be living without in today’s hectic, complicated and demanding world.

And, don’t doubt it, as a multi-nutrient-delivering, liquid-based supplement, OxyLift also has a big advantage over tablet-based alternatives; that is, it provides its levels of depleted oxygen, minerals, enzymes and amino acids safely and gradually to your body’s reserves. By contrast, pill supplements tend to be single-objective nutrient-delivery-systems that specialise in over-sized molecules; the drawback with them being that the goodness they contain all too often isn’t absorbed well by the body. OxyLift, though, is the supplement to plump for if you want a varied spectrum of basic but too-often missing, vital ingredients, delivered via a minute, nano-ionic sized liquid provision system – one that ensures maximum possible absorption within the body.

Indeed, thanks to essential-for-the-body ingredients, OxyLift can provide exactly what the body needs to naturally recharge its energy reservoirs; store more oxygen in its fluids and cells; aid its cleansing of toxic waste; digest food effectively and efficiently; maintain and (if necessary) rebuild its immune system; repair tissues and, of course, avoid and tackle low-oxygen-caused pre-disease conditions. It goes without saying that some people will get on with some supplements better than others but, we can assure you, many of our customers have taken OxyLift and reaped the rewards – and never looked back. So, why not give it a go…?

Threelac or Fivelac – which Candida supplement to choose?

Produced by the same company and created specifically for customers to be able to combat yeast infections and Candida overgrowth in the intestinal tract, Threelac and Fivelac are a pair of probiotic-based supplements that are ever-popular with our customers. But, owing to their distinct and major similarities, just what separates them? And how on earth are you to decide between them when looking for a yeast-fighting solution in supplement form?

Well, the big factor that distinguishes Fivelac from Global Healing Trax’s original product, Threelac, is that the former contains two further strains of friendly, highly effective bacteria than the latter does. So, many would immediately assume that Fivelac must be something of an upgrade on Threelac and, therefore, must be an improvement and the better product. Now, on one level this is true but is it really as simple as that? Should every customer be advised to choose Fivelac over Threelac?

Which should you choose?Threelac

The fact is – and this is entirely true – at The Finchley Clinic, customers of ours have tried Fivelac who’d previously used Threelac and reported back to us that they felt they ultimately got on with the original product better; others, of course, have found the opposite – some Threelac customers try Fivelac and prefer the newer product, so make the switch. Other customers have no former preference and, having tried both, decide to plump for one over the other.

Everyone’s body is slightly different, let’s not forget; it stands to reason then that some of us will try Fivelac and, despite it supposedly being an improvement on its forerunner and so a ‘better’ product, nonetheless decide to stick with Threelac, their original and, in the end, preferred yeast- and Candida-combating supplement. If you find Threelac suits you better than Fivelac, our advice then would be then to stick with what you prefer – stick with the one that suits you best and delivers you the best results.

Quite frankly, given so many people seem to get on with Threelac over Fivelac – and vice versa – perhaps a better way of looking at it would be to suggest that one isn’t necessarily better than the other, but that they’re simply different to each other and so the results you get from one will likely be slightly different to the results you get from the other. Indeed, you might want to try Threelac first and then, say, after a period of two months taking two sachets a day of that product, you might want to try Fivelac in the same way – and see which of the two works better for you.

Choose one and stick with it!

We would suggest, however, that far more important than which of the two similar but highly-recommended supplements you choose is that you do choose one of them and, yes, stick with it. You need to take either Threelac or Fivelac regularly for the friendly bacteria ingredients they comprise to have the desired, successful effect on doing away with and preventing further build-up of yeast and Candida in the intestinal tract.

To that end, we advise you take anything from one to six sachets of either product daily – dependent, that is, on how sensitive your body may prove to be to the treatment (side effects to either supplement don’t tend to be extreme but do occur in some cases) and how severe your yeast/ Candida infections are. Don’t dabble with these products – if you don’t commit to them fully, you’ll simply not allow them to do the good work they’re capable of and they’ll likely not produce anything much of a beneficial effect for you.

All that said, candida overgrowth syndrome – and, especially, the tackling of it – can be problematic and complex. So, it may also be a good idea to be open to taking either Threelac or Fivelac along with a liquid oxygen product. We recommend any of the products listed here. For a general overview, it’s also worth your while reading up on the subject of candida here.

Detoxadine: the solution for iodine deficiency

In order to be able to work at its efficient and effective best, the human body requires iodine. Unfortunately, however, iodine is a particular chemical that it’s incapable of creating itself; thus, to get the iodine level you require in your bloodstream (and to where it’s needed in the body), it’s necessary for you to consume it from your diet – otherwise you’ll develop iodine deficiency and suffer the consequences. What are these consequences? Well, the likes of thyroid problems, weakness, weight gain and so on. All of them bad; some potentially very much so. All of this, however, can be avoided via a regime of the supplement Detoxadine.

Iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency can be a contributory cause to a welter of different problems. In addition to the impaired cognitive development of children (which the World Health Organisation has found to be primarily caused by iodine deficiency), it can also be responsible for brain fog, breathing problems, constipation, depression, dry skin, fatigue, hyperlipidaemia, impaired kidney function, joint stiffness, memory issues, menstrual problems, recurring infections, sensitivity to the cold, weakness of the muscles and weight loss issues.

Detoxadine – what is it?detoxadine

Developed by the Global Healing Center, Detoxadine is an entirely natural and vegan-friendly product that comprises nascent iodine in a glycerin base; specifically, it contains 1,950 mcg certified-USP grade iodine, USP Kosher vegetable glycerine; and triple distilled water, ensuring its nutrients can be absorbed into the body quickly for healthy thyroid function. Experts agree that Detoxadine ably aids in regulating thyroid hormone production and balancing a metabolic rate.

How does it work?

Being an utterly crucial component of thyroid hormones – in the form of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) – iodine is a critical chemical in the body; ensuring, as it does, successful neurological development, an effective metabolism and regular growth. By digesting a daily dosage of three drops of Detoxadine, you ought to have an ample amount of the nutrient travelling through your bloodstream to the thyroid gland, where it will be deployed to generate T4. Naturally then, you should hopefully find that, following a few weeks taking this iodine supplement, your thyroid gland will start generating the necessary amounts of thyroid hormones for your body to restore and maintain good health.

Detoxadine benefits

By taking the iodine present in Detoxadine and converting it into T3 and T4, the thyroid will be able to send these two chemicals throughout your body’s bloodstream so they reach practically every one of its cells. In effect then, by boosting your iodine intake and use, you could well enjoy an improvement in all of the following: body temperature, body weight, breathing, central and peripheral nervous system function, cholesterol levels, fertility, heart rate and muscle strength.

Thanks to Detoxadine, not only will your thyroid hopefully generate enough T3 and T4, it should also prove effective at regulating the speed at which cells work; for instance, your intestines will likely process food at a more reasonable rate). Moreover, the thyroid should also be able to better control how muscles contract and aid in the proper burning of calories.

Detoxadine and immunity

Finally, it shouldn’t be overlooked just how essential iodine is for the reliable and effective functioning of the immune system. Recent research has, indeed, discovered that within the body the chemical’s capable of inducing cell apoptosis (programmed cell death). To explain, this means iodine has the ability to destroy cancer cells (not least for breast and thyroid cancer), as well as possessing antibacterial and antipathogenic effects. All in all then, this means that a regime of Detoxadine should also prove effective for the killing of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other potentially harmful micro-organisms within your body.