A sure sign something’s wrong with your metabolism (the natural chemical reactions that happen within the body) is if you start to feel unexpectedly lethargic or too easily exhausted – in short, if your energy levels inexplicably drop. There could be many reasons for why this happens, of course, but one is because your thyroid gland isn’t working properly.
To be specific, this is what’s known as hypothyroidism – in layman’s terms, a sluggish, underactive thyroid; when this particular gland isn’t doing its fundamental job, producing enough hormones for the body. And, you may not be surprised to learn, there’s often a link between hypothyroidism and the body getting too little (or, at least, absorbing too little) of one of those all-important nutrients, a vitamin – in this case, Vitamin B12. So much so, in fact, that a vicious circle can develop – hypothyroidism can cause a deficiency in Vitamin B12 which, in turn, can drive hypothyroidism and negatively affect energy1.
Continue reading Vitamin B12 deficiency: what to do if you have a sluggish thyroid