Feeling Sluggish? Time To Clean Your Colon?

Oxysan and Oxy-Powder – Our Most Popular Oxygen Based Colon Cleansers

Keywords: Detoxification, Colon Cleasing, Colonic Irrigation, Constipation, Disease Prevention, Overall Health

As usual, I intend to make this a genuine “newsletter” rather than just a “we-just-flog-anything-letter”, which is what the overwhelming number of supplement companies seem to do these days. Very likely they are better marketeers than me, and certainly those types of “newsletters” are quicker and easier to compose. But it’s just not my style. 

Does All Disease Begin In The Colon

There is a common saying in naturopathic circles, that “all disease begins in the colon” (i.e the end of the digestive tract).I’m not sure I believe that’s 100% true, as I have come to learn more and more that there is equal validity in the epithet “all disease begins in the mouth*” (i.e. the beginning of the digestive tract). So I think it may be more accurate to change the expression to “All disease begins in the digestive tract” which includes the mouth, the stomach, the small intestine and the colon.  

* For those who want to venture into that comment further, there are numerous books on biological dentistry that go into this, and I also recommend the very watchable, and in places funny documentary film Root Cause. This film got banned by Netflix, as usual, because of endless objections, which let’s face it, all boiled down to the fact that it conflicted with powerful vested interests, falsely and ironically claiming it was spreading “misinformation”. In other words, entirely valid opinions that could reduce their financial income. There are numerous places to watch it for free, which most people can find for themselves with a bit of persistence if they don’t want to pay, but the more ethical thing to do is watch the official pay-to-view version here https://vimeo.com/ondemand/rootcause/258735517 (after all, it costs less than £4!). Anyway, let’s get back to the main topic...

About The Colon…For Laymen

The colon a.k.a large intestine, is bascally the long loopy thing at the end of the digestive tract, who’s role it is to absorb water (but not too much, otherwise constipation occurs) and electrolytes (which balance the amount of water in your body), collect and form waste (also known as “poop”) into the right consistency in preparation for elimination (in other words being pooped out). It’s also one of the most common organs to not function well, due to poor diet, stress, innate tendency (in some people), suboptimal liver (and perhaps kidney) function, improper lifestyle (in other words, most of us), and doubtless other reasons that don’t come immediately to mind. Being constipated is particularly bad for us, as having gunk swishing about in our guts means there is an unhealthy contact time between carcinogens, bacteria, fungi and other toxins from our diet with the gastrointestinal tract, giving those harmful substances more time to do their mischief. Not good!

Colon Cleansing Products

The colon can be cleansed and maintained with colon hydrotherapy, which I will get to later, or more simply at home with the help of supplements. I’m not especially keen on the fibre supplements often marketed, in my opinion somewhat inaccurately as “colon cleansers” but I am a huge fan of (and regularly use myself) our Oxygen Based Colon Cleanse products. The difference is that oxygen is involved with actual detoxification, whereas magnesium oxides which not have been through an oxygenation process or fibre products, only increase regularity, which is a good thing, but this is not detox. I think that when we over indulge in rich foods over Christmas and winter, the spring is a particularly good time to think about a colon cleanse with one of the products below.


Launched a year ago to replace its predecessor (Colosan), we were able to massively improve upon the product it replaced. Oxysan provides a guaranteed minimum of 3,000ppm of Oxygen to the GI tract, though both our first and second batches both exceeded the minimum when they were tested prior to release. This is an important point because we have tested a couple of competitor “oxygen colon cleansers” available in the UK, and found that no matter what the manufactures claimed, they did not release any oxygen at all. So buyer beware!

Available in capsules (more popular), or powder (significantly cheaper for the amount you get). Originally I was going to do a newsletter on this product when we hit 50 reviews, but we’re now in March 2024 and now exceeded that number. These were the six most recent ones at the time of drafting this newsletter (January 2025). 

This is a great replacement to colosan. Colosan was a game changer for me for keeping me regular and helping me on a better health journey. This oxysan is just as good if not better! 1 tablet every evening before I go to bed does the trick

Have been using mag 07 for some time now and it has proved to be very beneficial. However having tried the trial size Oxysan I felt that this was even better for me personally and have now been using this for some weeks. I now switch between mag 07 and oxysan and finds that works very well for me. I wish I had known about both of these products many years ago. It has sorted out a lifetime difficulty and I now no longer suffer discomfort or have a diverticula.

Oxysan has been a great benefit to me. I am a 78 year old woman who has had bowel issues my whole life. I was introduced to Colosan by a friend two years ago, it has been a life saver. I was so happy when they reintroduced Oxysan to replace Colosan, works better and I will continue using for quality of life!

Amazing product, amazing service. Been using for 15 years and from the Finchley Clinic. Never been disappointed!

I have been a customer for some time ordering the colosan. I tried others but didn’t agree with me at all sadly. Therefore I am very happy and grateful for the oxysan capsules. I take x2 each night and occasionally x1 in the morning

One teaspoon, three days. Quite remarkable. 30 years of trial and tribulation, and a magic wand. Just really good news, and pleased I read the previous reviews.


We’ve been selling this product for nearly two decades and it’s been our best seller for most of that time. This one has over 250 reviews on our web site, but we have been selling it for a lot longer than Oxysan. It’s more expensive than Oxysan, what with the manufacturers Global Healing being a big company, producing premium brand products. I’m not saying that Oxy-Powder is better than Oxysan or that Oxysan is better than Oxy-Powder because in reality, the best one is simply whichever one works best for you. Because it’s not our product, we’re not allowed to say how much Oxygen it releases, and the manufacturers have not chosen to publish this, but believe me, we know for a fact it DOES release oxygen, and the 250 reviews on our web site alone is a testament to its effectiveness. 

Speaking of which….a note about the Oxygen and magnesium in these products. 

The only reference to “oxygen” on the ingredients label with both products is the magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide. They do indeed contain these ingredients, but these are normally stable substances which will not release oxygen. What makes these products “sexy”, is that these are just the base ingredients. Both products have been through a special proprietary, in other words, private / secret process which means that the end product releases various allotropes of oxygen, which most of the competitor products do NOT provide, no matter what the suppliers claim. (Our manufacturer tested more or less all of them, and they were mostly worthless). Also, please note neither of these products are designed to be magnesium supplements. Magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide are rubbish forms of supplemental magnesium, barely absorbable at all. So we still recommend these magnesium supplements, if you need to take magnesium. (For example I take 300mg per day of magnesium taurate daily, even though I take 1-2 capsules per day of one of the colon cleanse products on an empty stomach every morning). 

Most Recent reviews

Oxy-Powder is the best ever I got an injury to my gut and had extreme constipation from Musanogenic bacteria {we are not sure what the customer means here} being in the wrong place in my small intestines causing SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). I tried so many methods: cleansing irrigation therapy, herbs, medicines and finally Oxy-Powder. It acts as a gentle drain cleaner and you could modify the dose depending on how many you take to your needs, it is effective and non addictive without the shocking side-effects of laxatives like Senna. It’s helping me to live my life again.

For several years now I have always had Oxy-powder at the ready … I take one capsule if I am feeling a little constipated, for example if I’m on holiday or after the festive season or just when I haven’t been eating enough fruit and veg. It’s amazing how well it works, and also how it makes me much better mentally too. There really is a gut-brain link!

Having had constipation since childhood despite eating loads of vegetables etc, my daughter suggested I try oxy powders. Pretty much right away they sorted the problem with just one a day. Sometimes I skip a day if I get a bit loose but not that often. I recommended it to a friend with the same problem who also found it as brilliant as I do!


Unfortunately I don’t know what dosage you “should” take. That’s because I don’t know your body or your level of sensitivity, so I can only talk in general terms. For most people 1-2 capsules (1/2 to 1 rounded tsp), is a stool softening dosage, and will work wonders to relieve constipation, in a vastly healthier way than using orthodox medicines, (which for various reasons which I am not going into today, I think are junk). If you have a tendency to get constipated, you can safely use our products every day to keep you regular.

For a more serious colon cleanse dosage, most people need more like 4-12 caps per day typically for anything from 3-14 days, depending on how long you’re inclined to do it for. This needs to be done when you won’t be too far from the toilet as this ia an amount which will turn your stools liquid, often give you a sense of urgency, and really clean you out. You will not lose bowel control, but you might not want to go hiking up Ben Nevis when taking this kind of dosage. 

Can You Take Them Long Term?

I can only speak for myself here. I have a tendency to constipation myself, and have been taking these products, and their predecessors pretty much on a daily basis for a quarter of a century now (yeah, I’m getting old) with no ill effects and I get to oxygenate my colon at the same time. Most of the time I just take a couple of capsules, which gives me 100% relief from constipation, and in my case I rarely take the colon cleanse dosage because I am taking a low dosage all of the time (though I do once in a blue moon). 

Combining the products with Colonic Irrigation

I am a great believer in using oxygen to clean the colon, and treament with colon hydrotherapy (early versions were described as far back as Biblical times!). Also known as colonic irrigation, this treatment uses water introduced via the rectum to cleanse the colon, tone the smooth muscle of the lower gastro-intestinal tract, and restore function. The combinaton of oxygen colon cleanse supplements and colonic therapy work beautifully together, or as stand-alone treatments. So it’s an either / or situation. There are plenty of highly capable practitioners all over the country, but the people we know best based here in the south east are : –

Health Fusion Clinic, in Barnet – on the edge of North London and South Hertfordshire – who use the Libbe “open” system of colon hydrotherapy. Also providing IV vitamin therapy, infrared sauna treatment, PEMF and Rife therapy, and other detox treatments.  

And Katie Joyce, working out of her clinics in Sussex and Hammersmith, West London, using the more traditional “closed” system colon hydrotherapy. (Both systems work, just in a slightly different way to one another). Also a nutritionist, and we refer people to her for nutritional support that goes beyond the supplement advice we provide (particularly for women’s health issues) for a truly holistic approach to wellness. 

I don’t have any reciprocal arrangement with Health Fusion Clinic or Katie (although they do use and recommend our products), but do mention that you heard about them from us if you decide to see them.

Best Wishes
Mark Lester
Director / Founder / General Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd