Keep your kidneys cleansed: how to look after these crucial organs

Many of us know what the different organs in the abdominal region of the body do. The stomach holds food; the intestines see food progress as it’s processed; the liver critically helps remove toxins and the pancreas produces crucial enzymes and hormones like insulin. Fine; but what do the kidneys do? And, to that end then, why’s it so important we look after them? Our kidneys are those two bean-shaped organs that sit either side of the spine against the back muscles of the upper abdominal cavity – and they do a number of very important things. In removing waste from the blood, they help balance the body’s fluids (via regulating sodium, water and acidity/ alkalinity balance) and create urine – in other words, waste water to be let out of the body1. Moreover, in carrying out their wider functions, the kidneys are also responsible for the regulation of the hormones and enzymes that manage blood pressure.

Unhealthy kidneys mean an unhealthy you

Taking into account the above then, you certainly don’t need to be a genius to realise that maintaining good kidney health is pretty darn important to ensure your body runs as effectively as possible – and you yourself remain fit and healthy. But just in case you’re not convinced, here are some of the things that, should your kidneys get into trouble, will ensure you get into trouble too:

  • Kidney stones – the obvious one; a far from unusual urinary tract disorder that at least one in 10 people in the US alone suffer from2
  • Kidney disease – can be caused by both high blood pressure and diabetes; more US citizens die from it than from prostate and breast cancer combined2
  • Body water imbalance – a symptom of toxic kidneys, it appears to contribute to the likes of stress, paranoia, muscle shakes and even panics attacks. 

Cleansing means healthy kidneys

So how can you keep your kidneys – and, in turn, of course – yourself as healthy as possible? Well, helping your kidneys to cleanse themselves of all the toxins and harmful micro-organisms that might find their way into them is your best course of action. Through cleansing you can ensure, among many other things, they purify your blood effectively – some estimates say up to 60 times a day. But don’t worry; it doesn’t require anything painful or drastic – in fact, the best way to do a cleanse is to focus primarily on diet, consuming the right foods and drink and eschewing non-kidney-friendly ones. First off, staying hydrated is hugely important, as so often when it comes to keeping healthy. That means drinking plenty of pure, filtered water each day2. On top of this, you should look to eat:

  • Leafy, raw vegetables2, while organic fresh fruit rich in low-sugars is also recommended like apples and grapes (the latter comprise antioxidants to support detoxification and are well known for helping to flush out the ‘system’)
  • Nuts and seeds, cinnamon, olive oil and berries2 – especially cranberries as they contain quinine, which becomes hippuric acid in the body and aids removal of urea and uric acid from the kidneys
  • And be sure to get some exercise outdoors and take in the fresh air2

You should avoid:

  • Consuming too much alcohol and caffeine (or better, cut them out entirely) and try to quit smoking2
  • Eating a lot of rhubarb and chocolate – like it or not, they can may help your calcium oxalate levels to rise, supporting kidney stone formation.2 

Supplements for cleansing

In some cases, you may find it difficult to alter your diet exactly as you’d like to include the aforementioned kidney-cleansing foods. Help is at hand, though, via natural supplementation that supports and thoroughly promotes the process. For example, the following kidney supplements can be bought through us at The Finchley Clinic, along with many more:

Green Magma


Green Magma (Barley Grass Powder) – great for cleansing the kidneys, detoxifying the body and maintaining its acid/ alkaline balance, this product constitutes a genuine ‘green food’ (it’s grown in the fertile soil of Japan)




ORËA (formerly ZNatural) – taken daily, it can successfully detoxify and cleanse the body, permeating the kidneys and other organs, blood, glands and cellular tissue and supporting the body’s own natural immune defence and disease resistance systems

Dandelion Formula


Dandelion Formula – helps the kidneys to stimulate urine production and, containing as it does the likes of turmeric and ginger, it may also help healthy liver function; alternatively you may opt for High Strength Ginger, which in addition to aiding the kidneys may also relieve indigestion, gas pains, diarrhoea and stomach cramping.


1. Healthline Medical Team. ‘Body Maps – Kidneys’. Last reviewed: 12 Dec 2014.

2. Global Healing Center.