I’m only sending this newsletter to our Colosan customers for now, though I will send out another one soon to all customers. We know that the recent discontinuation of Colosan caused considerable distress for a number of loyal and regular customers. But we have some good news. In the wake of Colosan has being discontinued last year, we got on to one of our old contacts in the oxygen based colon cleanse world, and together, and after a lot of hard work, have developed its replacement – Oxysan.
Oxysan vs Colosan
Oxysan is actually a far better product, both as an oxygenator (which by the way is the most important benefit of these products) and as a colon cleanser than colosan. I know this is a rather bold claim, but with our manufacturer providing a guaranteed 3,000ppm (parts per million) of singlet oxygen, it’s simply in a different league to colosan. I dont want to say too much here, so I will put this politely, but when we got Colosan independently tested, we found the oxygen release to be much lower than we would have hoped. (Mag 07 and Oxy-Powder also tested far better than Colosan for oxygen release, by the way, though I am not at liberty to publish the exact figures).
As far as the bowel opening and stool softening aspect is concerned, we sent samples to some of our top customers, and the feedback was superlative. Almost everyone said it was better than Colosan. As a colon cleanser most customers have reported that it was about twice as strong as colosan, so go easy on the dosage! Individual results did vary, and some people needed the same dosage as the dosage they used with Colosan, but this was the ‘typical’ reply.
You can purchase Oxysan capsules here and you can purchase Oxysan powder here
Below, you can see the initial feedback we have had from some of our trialists.
Val T ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer.
Having been a lifelong constipation sufferer I was delighted to discover Colosan a number of years ago and was devastated to learn that Colosan is no longer available.I recently trialled Oxysan powder. I initially took the same dosage (one teaspoon) as I had been taking of Colosan and was thrilled to find that I needed a smaller amount of Oxysan for regularity. I also found Oxysan more pleasant to take as it did not have the chalky consistency of Colosan. I was very impressed with Oxysan and can’t wait for it to become commercially available.
Susan H ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer.
I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with the new oxysan. It is better that colosan and the Mag 07 powder. It works better and I take less. It is also finer/smoother and easier to take. I am very impressed. Thanks for letting me try it.
P K S ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer.
Partner’s Observations:
1. Oxysan does seem to be roughly twice as strong as Colosan (based on half usual Colosan dosage seemingly having a very similar effect).
2. Less aggressive: Anna’s digestive system used to take a couple of days to settle down after taking Colosan, but no digestive issues after taking Oxysan – bowel movements also more gentle.
3. No ‘die-off’ like symptoms (as experienced with Colosan).
4. Satisfying and improved bladder emptying (compared to what is normal for Anna).
My Observations:
1. Oxysan does seem to be roughly twice as strong as Colosan (based on half usual Colosan dosage seemingly having a very similar effect).
2. On both occasions that I took Oxysan, I awoke the next day feeling more ‘energised’ – this is in contrast to feeling lethargic and ‘Colo-conked’ after taking Colosan. I also had no experience of having a bad taste in my mouth the day after taking Oxysan (as I nearly always did after taking Colosan).
Emma H ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
My mum and I both think this is stronger than colosan so need one or two less tablets than usual which is great. No other side effects. We would buy this as a replacement product. Good luck with production!
Aneesa S ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
My feedback for the oxygen capsules in comparison to the colosan is that they are as effective. I didn’t find them any stronger, however they certainly work as well.
Carly T ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
I found the capsules ideal, and would definitely like to purchase more – they worked in the same way as Colosan capsules for me, if not potentially better – I took 3 each night and had regular, possibly more natural ‘movements’.
Nick A ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
Absolutely amazing better than colosan a nicer taste and worked for me even better I would definitely buy when it is available.
Karen B ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
I wanted to let you know I tested the samples last night and I was impressed how gentle they were on the stomach, I took 4 with plenty of cold water and they worked perfectly by morning to empty the bowels it actually felt like I had a colonic treatment the next day. My daughter took 8 by the morning of the third day she completely emptied her bowels and blocked the toilet it was such a motion!! I will definitely buy them when they are on the market I am so impressed much better than colosan and I have always sung the praises of colosan.
Sharon J ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
I have used the capsules over the past few days and have found them to be effective with no cramping or side effects. I started with 3 capsules but needed to increase to 5 for better results. I think they are not quite as strong as Colosan. I would be happy to purchase in the future.
Deborah K ★★★★★
The following is a review of a pre-launch sample sent to the customer
Just thought I would contact you with concerning my trial of Oxysan your new potential oxygen supplement. Firstly I’d like to thank you for going to such lengths to find a replacement for the Colosan I used to order from you. I have been using the oxysan now for a couple of weeks and I am really happy with this product and would order it in preference to the Mag 07 which I’ve been using instead of the Colosan powder. I have been taking half a teaspoon in water with a squeeze of lemon juice first thing in the morning and I don’t have to take it every day.. probably 4 days a week. I have an under active thyroid gland so it helps me as without it I have a sluggish bowel. I have found it also helps if I have the beginnings of a cold to clear it quickly. I hope this feedback helps you,
At the risk of repeating myself you can purchase Oxysan capsules here and you can purchase Oxysan powder here.
The other oxygen based colon products we provide can be found here. I mention this because a number of people find that alternating between them is beneficial. Especially those who find that their bodies get used to products, which eventually work less effectively, or stop working altogether. But that’s a discussion for a future newsletter.
And you can find non oxygen based colon cleansers here
Best Wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd