Hello Everyone
Info below on…
- Products for oxygenating the gastro-intestinal tract, and colon cleansing with special launch offer on Oxysan
- Products for oxygenating at the cellular level and for for immune and respiratory system support
- Antioxidants: Don’t they “oppose” oxygenating supplements?
But first…..why is oxygen so important?
Every cell of our body requires oxygen, every minute of every day. Oxygen is the single most important substance our bodies imbibe. Oxygen is vital to life because it plays a crucial role in cellular respiration. Respiration does not actually just mean “breathing”, although a lot of people think that’s what it means. Respiration is the process by which organisms convert glucose into energy usually using oxygen. Some very primitive organisms, like certain bacteria and fungi produce energy without using oxygen – this is called anaerobic respiration. However our bodies produce energy from aerobic respiration, where oxygen is used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the molecule that stores and transports energy within our cells. Without oxygen, this process cannot proceed, we would not be able to generate energy, and we would die.
Dr Otto Warburg, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (twice) for his research showing that cancer thrived in an environment in which the cells were starved of oxygen. His discovery, known as “the Warburg effect” was that cancer cells fuelled their growth by swallowing up enormous amounts of glucose, without using oxygen. In his exact words, quoted widely on the internet (with various minor differences in translation from his native German)…
“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar.”.
* Please note, we are not suggesting here that we can cure or treat cancer just by taking oxygenating products or with any other type of oxygen therapy alone. Apart from being an illegal health claim, unfortunately it’s not as simple as that. But flooding the body with oxygen does lead to greatly enhanced health.
Oxygen Therapy
This is an umbrella term for a whole range of treatments that all aim to either flood the body with oxygen or improve the use of oxygen or get oxygen more efficiently into cells in order to improve health, support the detox pathways, control harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi etc), raise immunity, vitality and life force energy. For this newsletter, I am only going to focus on oxygenating supplements, because….well that’s what we do.
All three parts will be a very quick summary, as it would need an entire book to go into the benefits of these products in depth.
Part I: Products for oxygenating the gastro-intestinal tract, and colon cleansing with special launch offer on Oxysan coming up.
The following products are all based on a product originally developed in 1898 by two German Naturopaths, originally called Haemozon from the words “haemoglobin” (the oxygen carrying molecule of the body) and “ozon” (the German word for “ozone”, which is an activated form of oxygen), and later renamed as Homozon. We did in fact sell Homozon (it was one of the two products that launched the company a quarter of a century ago, the other one being the forerunner of Oxygen Elements Max). But it was horribly expensive, only available in powder, which a lot of people didn’t want, it didn’t have a nice smooth texture, and it was impossible to get regular supplies (and still is).
The primary benefits of these products are more energy, alleviation of constipation*, better bowel movements, inhibition of candida overgrowth, better overall gut health, and better overall health, as they also help to oxygenate the body, and not just the GI tract.
* They are NOT designed to be ‘laxatives’, even if though they do happen to have what most people regard as a ‘laxative’ effect. They are designed to be colon cleansers and oxygenators.
They provide oxygen to the body in the form of nascent or “singlet” oxygen. Nascent oxygen is oxygen in its most chemically active and available state, and according to one of my mentors, the late Dr George Freibott, that is the only state of oxygen the body uses. The ingredients on the label refer to the oxygen as being from “magnesium oxide” and “magnesium hydroxide”. This is true, but the clever bit is the special processes that they have all been put through that gently begin to release oxygen when taken. Unfortunately there are a number of magnesium oxide or hydroxide products on the market that are just that, and do not actually release any oxygen at all, even when they manufacturers claim that they do.
As far as colon cleansing is concerned, which is their other main benefit, by cleaning the surfaces of the intestines they facilitate nutrient assimilation and detoxify the colon. Nature designed the intestines with thousands of finger like projections called villi which are involved with transportation of food and nutrients into the body. If that membrane is caked with muck not only is nutrient assimilation impaired, you are also more likely to be absorbing toxins as the contact time between the gut and any toxins is increased Many candida yeast sufferers revere these products, and have commented on them saying they are only thing that restored sanity and brought them calming relief. Basically, the products dissolve the muck that the yeast is growing in, and create an aerobic environment where beneficial flora can thrive and keep candida in check.
In terms of products, we can proudly recommend the following : –
New! Oxysan Capsules or Oxysan Powder:
Special Launch Promotion – Use the code Oxysan10 on the checkout page for a 10% discount for the next 28 days on Oxysan powder and capsules. That’s on top of the volume discounts which you can see on the web page if purchasing in volume. Please note the discount voucher is case sensitive, so put the capital “O” in Oxysan.
25 years on from when I first got into this stuff, I finally have my own product, made to my specification, where I have full control on both the strength of the oxygenating effect, and the strength of the bowel flushing effect. Originally designed to replace a product called Colosan, which was discontinued last year, it’s actually a vastly better product than the one it has replaced. The people I sent the pre-launch samples to seem to agree, and you can read some of their comments here. Although I will never knock the other products we provide below as they are genuine, high quality products, here we have another quality product, at a lower price, where I can give my personal guarantee as to the amount of nascent oxygen released at a minimum of 3,000ppm, as I have the test certificate to prove it. None of the other manufacturers provide this information (even to us, as distributors), as they regard this information as proprietary. I do understand why even with well manufactured products, they may want to keep their trade secrets, and I respect that choice. But personally I like openness and transparency, so that’s why I have chosen to share this information about our own product. There is more detailed information on the web pages.

For most of the last ten years or so, this has been our best selling oxygen based colon cleanse product, with more customer reviews than any other product we sell. It’s pricier than the others, but it’s very popular, with a tremendous amount of customer loyalty. Once again, I pefer to let the customers do the talking in terms of describing its beneficial effects (see link above). There is more detailed information on the web page.

Available in powder, 90 capsules or 180 capsules, I regard this product as a little gentler than the other two. Still, it has a tremendous following, I know for sure that it genuinely releases oxygen, and it also has a lot of customer loyalty. You can read their comments here and there is more detailed information on the web page.
Which one is the best one of the one’s we sell?
I get asked this question all the time, but come on guys, but I am not going to be drawn on that one. For one thing, individual results genuinely do vary even with direct competitor products which are very similar. In the second place, if I really thought that there was one that was always the best one for all of the people all of the time, we’d only sell that one product.
Other “Oxygen Colon Cleansers” on the market usually with names like ‘Oxy-this’ and ‘Oxy-that’:
There are a number of competitor products on the market, I’m sorry to say that a lot of them are useless in terms of actually releasing oxygen, no matter what the manufactures claim. I know this because our manufacturer had them tested and we have seen the pitiful results. So buyer beware!
Part II: Products for oxygenating at the cellular level and for for immune and respiratory system support

The products here are Oxygen Elements Max or Oxylift.
We import these two rather similar products from the USA, but in both cases, the American versions are not vegan due to the prescence of bovine based amino acids. I objected to this, and I now have my own UK versions of both products, made exclusively for us only, which are vegan, where the aminos are derived from a plant-based source. The results seem to be just as good, they are kinder to the animals, kinder to the planet, and suitable for vegans, as well as Jewish and Muslim people who are observant of their kosher or halal traditions.
We get great results with both products, and now I am going to really stick my neck out and say something that maybe I shouldn’t, which is that I have had ‘anecdotal’ reports of both products, at their best literally saving lives (in most cases on 2-3 x the suggested label dosage where a serious illness is involved). For those who use it for increased energy, improved athletic performance, reduced susceptibility to winter viruses, or to combat candida, the results are again impressive, and most people are fine with the label dosage.
Both products have their origins based on the water splitting technology developed by scientist Everett Storey, who after being involved in the development of the nuclear bomb in the 1940’s, turned his skills to healing, rather than killing people. Sounds like something out of James Bond, and possibly hard to believe but that’s the story (no pun intended) nevertheless. Storey’s idea, was to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen found in water (H20), which then left a residue of increased oxygen and biological hydrogen which the body could use for its benefit. The products we sell are very similar but not completely identical. Oxylift is the one I use, though in my opinion, Oxygen Elements Max is actually the stronger of the two. I use the word “stronger” rather than “better”, as the question of which one is better has to take into consideration the disadvantage of Oxygen Elements Max not tasting as nice, and containing a preservative which is not needed in Oxylift. This means that one cannot say comprehensively that one is better than the other, and I would rather let customers make that decision for themselves. What I can say is that they tremendously help people with almost all aspects of health and wellness. Improved energy, keeping colds and flu’s away, improved digestion, improved breathing capacity being amongst some of the most common things people report back to us on.
You can read what our customers have said about Oxygen Elements Max here before buying
You can read what our customers have said about Oxylift here before buying
Part III: Antioxidants: Don’t antioxidants “oppose” oxygen supplements?
No, that’s not an accurate way of understanding things, and over simplistic. I would need an entire newsletter to go into this properly, so I’ll keep this as brief as possible. In the first place, in the case of Oxygen Elements Max and Oxylift, they are both oxygenators AND antioxidants at the same time (sorry too big a subject to go into in any more depth here – you’ll have to take my word for it for now).
Secondly, antioxidants actually assist oxygen therapy products to work better. Quoting from the 650 page book “Flood Your Body with Oxygen” (Ed McCabe)…
If someone is going to be taking a course of the Oxygen Therapies under the care of a competently trained health care professional, or even experimenting on one’s own, he or she must, in my opinion, have an adequate supply of antioxidants in the daily diet. If these are not in the diet, they must, as German clinics proved, be supplemented in order for the wanted specific Oxygen Therapies to work on everyone. Some clinic patients were so deficient in these foods that their bodies were having trouble using extra oxygen at all. When they do receive supplements of the antioxidant enzymes, vitamins A, C, D, and E….they finally respond to the Oxygen Therapy in question. In other words, their nutritional deficiencies needed to be corrected before the Oxygen Therapies would work well. That’s when they started getting proper results.
Discussing the various antioxidant products we supply would need another newsletter. But for general antioxidant support we recommend Antioxidant Supreme (preferably taken a couple of hours away from the oxygen products). It’s exceptionally well balanced, and it can be taken long term / permanently for general health, anti-aging etc. For further support (and true anti-aging) we recommend Vitamin E Tocotrienols due to the specific protection for cell membranes that this form of Vitamin E product provides, which goes vastly beyond the much cheaper tocopherol based Vitamin E products.
I wish I could write about the above in more detail, but I know that I have to keep newsletters short and sweet, as I am not writing a book. I hope that many people try the products discussed here, tremendously benefit as a result, and I look forward to getting your feedback.
Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd