Hi Everyone
The following is a two to three minute read. Perhaps this newsletter is one I shouldn’t send, as it involves politics, and on this occasion a degree of party politics, which I know will annoy some people. Frankly I would make more money if I stuck to devoting my time purely to selling our products.
I also want to say that what I am about to write is not my endorsement for any political party. It is a newsletter about health freedom, health truth and open debate where it comes to health policy. However, it is my endorsement of one policy which I regard as an important one of one particular party, which I feel my customers should be aware of if they are interested in health. If it offends anyone then I am sorry, but having seen the appalling damage done to many people from the experimental covid “vaccines”, which failed to immunise anyone, failed to stop the passing of the virus to other people (even though they claimed it did, it turned out to be a complete lie), and failed to improve the overall health and immunity of a single person who took it, I feel compelled to speak up.
Over the last three years, I have had countless calls and emails from people who were injured by taking all of the covid vaccines asking for advice. None of them were “completely safe” as was claimed. In some cases the damage was catastrophic and life changing. Then there are the people who it killed. They were unable to call me for advice, as being dead, it would have been tricky to pick up the phone.
I am about to share a link to a video you should watch if you share my concerns regarding the cavalier and disgraceful coercion and bullying that our own glorious leaders put upon their own people to have a medication that most people did not need even if it worked, had serious risks (the long term risks of course are not established even now) which I have discussed in various previous newsletters, since when countless people have contacted me who have been seriously injured, and not recovered. I tried to put the video on YouTube, as I had the impression that they had liberalised their “community guidelines”, in other words censorship of all views that did not align with vested interests. I was wrong, and the video was taken down immediately, so clearly they still don’t respect free speech.
So it’s been uploaded to google drive here. It’s only 3 minutes long, but it’s very much worth viewing, and here it is. Please, please watch it…
The policy of having an official enquiry into vaccine injuries discussed above is one I wholeheartedly support. Why aren’t all the big political parties supporting it? Oh yes, silly old me, it’s because this mess is their fault!
I do NOT support the covid enquiry, costing the taxpayer (in other words you and me) over £200 million, and only asking questions like “should we have locked down sooner and harder” rather than “should we have locked down at all, bearing in mind Sweden didn’t and they came out of the pandemic far better than us, without ruining their economy” or “why were people threatened with losing their livelihoods because they did not want to have a medical treatment against their will, even though the Nuremberg code (one of the main sources of medical ethics) expressly forbids any medical treatment, under any circumstances done under coercion”.
Rishi Sunak was confronted once and once only on this topic, by a passionate victim of the “vaccine”. That victim and the utterly feeble response is found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IXQwVB8-ig. To be honest, I am surprised YouTube didn’t censor this too.
As far as I know following this encounter, absolutely nothing happened, and none of the other main party leaders who supported the coercion and bullying (which bascally was all of the mainstream parties in the UK) have ever been confronted at all. None of them have taken responsibility. Nor will they.
I am aware also, of the fact that a very, very small number of our MP’s have been fighting for the rights of the vaccine injured. The main one being Andrew Bridgen who I regard as a hero of the people. As an independent M.P. (thrown out of the Conservative Party for not following the vested interest based narrative, and refusing to be censored), he has a massive uphill battle to retain his Parliamentary seat, but I wish him luck.
My web site and business is about wellness and health. As always, I am going to get lots of emails in response to this newsletter, and I will say in advance, that I am not going to get into political debates with anyone on any topic outside of the wellness arena. Also, during the pandemic, I received a few emails from people telling me to shut up and that I did not have the right to even express my opinion. I will not respond to any such emails, though I will say now that my message to those people is just be thankful that you are not one of the suffering victims of the experimental jabs, which did not work, and who’s lives have been ruined, or ended up dead.

I pray that we make wise choices in the forthcoming general election, and elect good people into office.
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd