Hi All
In the last few weeks I signed up to the newsletter of another company selling health supplements. I was saddened by the amount of bilge I subsequently got on a daily basis, aggressively canvassing me to spend money with them. This was not a newsletter and contained no “news”, no unique information, etc. Suffice it to say we will not be doing business that way, and we’ll stick to sending out newsletters once or twice a month, and try to provide interesting content within them.
Rant over.
Which Is Our Best Colon Cleanser?

Before I get onto the subject of which is our best colon cleanse product, I think I should preface that discussion with a bit about why you need to cleanse the colon at all.
The colon is the long flexible (if it’s in good shape) organ that wiggles its away around your abdomen, as shown in tbe image to the left. Its first function is the reasbsoprtion of water from the small intestine to help provide the right consistency of poo. Its second function is to form your poo. Its third function is to store and then eliminate your poo. Unfortunately, a lot can go wrong during this process for various reasons.
In naturopathic medicine, it is commonly said that all disease begins in the colon. An equally fundamental tenet of naturopathy is to see this the other way round i.e. that good health begins in the colon. But how healthy are most people’s colons? Well, lets look at some facts and then you can judge for yourself. It’s estimated that around 1 in every 7 adults and up to 1 in every 3 children in the UK experience constipation at any given time. Many naturopaths believe we should evacuate once for each meal, without straining but as a bare minimum once per day. Based on this naturopathic view of good bowel health, I would guess that most of the population are constipated to a greater or lesser extent. Apart from the obvious discomfort which constipation causes, it also causes an increased contact time between the bowels and pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and even carcinogenic substances. Surely this can’t be a good thing.
Where it comes to children, 52 in every 100 kids don’t have any veg, and 44 in 100 have no fruit on a daily basis. It’s hardly aby better for adults: In the United States, only 10% of adults are eating the recommended daily serving of vegetables, and slightly more (around 12.3%) are consuming enough fruit. Similarly, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report found that fewer than 1 in 10 adults in Australia are eating enough vegetables. Specifically: 96% of men and 87% of women do not consume the recommended amounts of veggies. There is no equivalent starts available for the UK, but I tremendously doubt whether it’s significantly different. The recommended level of fibre intake in the UK is 18g per day. Most naturopaths believe even this figure is too low. The average intake is in fact 12g. Add on top of that our stress levels, which are tremendously high in today’s modern society for a whole load of reasons beyond the scop of this newsletter, which wreaks havoc with the process known as peristalisis (these are the muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract). Sure, we should be living on halcyon pre-industrial diets, and lifestyles but let’s face it, we don’t and most of us aren’t going to. Is it even possible to do that given the state of our soils, and moderrn stress levels? I doubt it.
It’s generally believed, at least by natural health practitioners that nearly all of us walking around not with ounces, not with pounds, but kilograms of undigested, putrefying, poop in our intestines. Sometimes materials get stuck within the folds of our guts, and stay there permanently unless we do something about it.
So which is the best way to keep the colon clean?
Our favoured approach where it comes to supplements (we think colon hydrdrotherapy is also excellent) is by using oxygen based colon cleansers. In all cases these work by using ozonated and oxygenated magnesium1 to release the oxygen in the gastrointestinal tract which produce a strong bowel opening effect, the effect getting stronger as the dosage is increased. The INVALUBALE additional benefits of greater oxygenation is a huge subject, and is what makes them colon cleansers rather than just laxatives.
1. Note, they are not really magnesium supplements, as you won’t absorb much, if any of the magnesum from them. So if you are low in magnesium, don’t stop taking your favourite magnesium supplement if it helps you.
Generally speaking, we prefer the oxygen based colon cleansers to the fibre based products, though we sell them too, as oxygenating the gut produces true detoxification. We think fibre products can be helpful for some people, but we think they produce increased pooping rather than colon detoxification.
We provide the following three oxygen based cleansers : –
1. Oxysan, This one was developed basically by myself after extensive research on how to make it, and make it well, and is the newest product. We sourced it to replace its predecessor (Colosan), though it has a vastly stronger oxygenating effect than the previous product. In terms of bowel opening effect it’s around twice as strong for most people. As an oxygenator it is incomparably stronger. Available in powder or capsules. New, but proving extremely popular.
2. Oxy-Powder – this is the one we’ve sold the longest, and it has a huge following and a constant stream of reorders from satisfied customers. Ironically, only available in capsules, despite the name.
3. Mag 07. Also available in powder or capsules. I personally find it to be weaker than the other two, but that’s just my body, and NOT everyone experiences this, which leads conveniently to the question…
Which is the best one?
Actually the answer to this is that there is no single best one for everyone (if there was, I would only bother selling one product!). If you read the reviews* on the web site you will see that we get great feedback on all of them, and a number of those reviews reference having tried more than one of them, and some indivduals find that they seem to get on better with one than another one, even though they are theoretically very similar.
* Here is the most recent review of Oxysan
I am amazed by how effective the OxySan capsules are. My partner & myself use them when needed especially after certain medications, keeping us regular & the feeling of sluggishness has gone,..more energy, more positive. Thank you Mark & team
* Here is the most recent review for Oxy-Powder
This is one of the few products on the market that does exactly what it claims to do. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who will benefit from it. Please be aware, this product actually work and you had better be ready for the results the very next morning after taking it. I always have some available and it is such a relief to know that I can simple take 2 in the evening and when I wake in the morning the results will speak for themselves. The Finchley clinic always has these in stock and sell them at a fair price, especially if like me you buy in bulk to save money over time.
* Here is the most recent review of Mag 07
Brilliant product and I like using totally natural ingredients rather than the chemical version. Plus, being in capsules, you can easily experiment and find your own dosage according to your needs (even according to different times of the year). I find that I need more ‘help’ with elimination during pollen allergy time. This product won’t let you down and it works from the first time. Recommended.
In terms of the oxygenating efffect, I can reveal that Oxysan releases a minimum of 3,000 ppm Oxygen. I am not permitted to say how much the others release, as the producers keep that a trade secret. Sadly, I can also tell you that some of the rival products on the market which we do not sell, do not actually release any oxygen despite the slick marketing, and regardless of what they claim. We know this, because we got them independantly tested!
Rotating products
These products can be used on a daily basis if you want or need to (for example, I am actually one of those people who uses one of them every day) and we have a lot of customers who do this. But a few people, maybe 5% of customers seem to become habituated to them if they use the same one on an ongoing basis. Meaning that after a few weeks, months or even years, they stop working for them. I am not sure why it happens, and it’s frustrating for those people. In my experience this can normally be avoided completely by rotating between the three of them (or two of them) every couple of weeks or so, so I always encourage people to consider doing that.
A word about colon hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation)
Colon hydrotherapy uses water to clean the colon and rectum, and is used to help restore function. It works beautifully in combination with the products discussed above. There are competent practitioners all over the country, but if you’re looking for a recommendation from us, we refer people to Health Fusion Clinic in Barnet, Hertfordshire, or if you contact us, there is also a practitioner near Chelmsford, Essex who we can refer you to. We do not have a commission arrangement with these people, we just know them, they work closely with us, and we trust them.
Best Wishes
Mark Lester
The Finchley Clinic Ltd