Why Holistic Dentists Recommend Olive Leaf Extract when doing major surgery

We’ve been selling Olive Leaf Extract for many years, but few realise it’s value in dentistry, so we decided it was time to step up to the plate and publish a short article on this aspect

  1. Helps recovery of the jawbone and creation of new bone tissue.

Science strengthens for olive extract’s bone benefits

The potential bone health benefits of the olive polyphenol, oleuropein, are related to its ability to stimulate cells responsible for bone formation, says a new study that explains the mode of action of the compound.


  • Olive Leaf Extract is directly anti-bacterial

Acts as a natural antibiotic, helping prevent infection after surgery. This has been well documented in multiple studies. (It’s also antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic).

  • Reduces Inflammation

This obviously helps speed recovery and reduce pain. Olive Leaf Extract’s anti-inflammatory effects have been documented in numerous studies.

  • Olive Leaf Extract helps with the elasticity of arteries.

This means it Olive Leaf Extract will also aid blood flow, which will as a result improve delivery of oxygen and nutrition to any areas that have been subjected to a surgical procedure.

  • Hydroxytyrosol from Olive Leaf Extract raises Vitamin C levels in the blood.

This is (for us) the most interesting, unusual and unexpected benefit. Vitamin C supplementation itself if of course is a vital nutrient for immune support, infection control and prevention, and normally part of any holistic dental plan. But taking Olive Leaf Extract appears to also elevate vitamin C in the blood even without supplementation.

In a small unpublished study, a supplement with olive leaf extract containing 50 mg of HT (hydroxytyrosol) administered daily increased vitamin C blood levels between 50% and 200% in five volunteers after taking it for only a week. Furthermore, in four of the five subjects a clear-cut elevation in those blood levels was seen the day after the first dose. And while the blood levels were not followed over an extensive period of time, significant increases in vitamin C blood levels were still seen 10 days after the stopping of the HT supplement, which had been given daily for a 2-week period.

Regardless of the underlying mechanism, the ability of a properly-dosed HT supplement to elevate blood vitamin C levels in only a day in four of five subjects certainly raises exciting clinical possibilities. It certainly suggests that the treatment of acute infectious and toxic conditions could be given a significant therapeutic boost for most individuals who promptly consume high doses of a quality olive leaf extract upon getting ill. As many patients simply do not want to be bothered with the inconvenience and expense of taking a supplement regularly on a long-term basis, the ability to quickly give a prompt assist to internal vitamin C levels appears to be another highly positive feature of such supplementation.

The wider implications of the body increasing its Vitamin C level without increasing it in the diet, are huge. This is a separate topic discussed in detail here https://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v18n14.shtml

Suggested Usage

Acute / Short term (for example after dental surgery): Take 1-2 capsules three times per day for 30 days

General Health / Long-term : Take 1 capsule once or twice per day