Colosan - oxygenator - colon cleanser - natural solution to cons

Colosan is a product which we originally sourced as an alternative for homozon, as we were unable to obtain regular supplies. It is cheaper and is designed to have the same effects and now far outsells homozon. Though the 2 products are very similar some people seem to have responded better to colosan and some people better to homozon. It is also now available in capsules or in a powder. The capsules are more convenient (especially when travelling) but the powder is better value for money.

Colosan is a compound of magnesium and oxygen in which the magnesium atoms form a loose lattice onto which oxygen is bonded by a catalytic process. When taken with lemon juice or lime juice, that oxygen is released inside the digestive tract, producing powerful de-toxifying effects. (As the capsules contain citric acid, is is not necessary to take lemon juice with the capsules).

Colosan provides oxygen to the body in the form of nascent or "singlet" oxygen, also called the oxygen free-radical. There have been a lot of misunderstandings put out by the media about how dangerous free radicals are, but this is an over simplistic understanding. Nascent oxygen is oxygen in its most chemically active and available state, and that is the only state of oxygen the body uses. The atmospheric oxygen (O2) we normally breathe has to be converted by the body into nascent oxygen.

Colosan has a wonderful laxative effect. The stool is always loose and bowel movement regular and, depending on dosage, frequent. Some people consider the bowel-loosening action of Colosan a problem, but that is really one of its desired effects, facilitating elimination of toxicity through the bowel. However Colosan works by oxidising toxins and faecal matter in the bowel and not by irritating it as with conventional laxatives.

Buy Colosan Powder here
Buy Colosan Capsules here

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