Candida Article #8: Help with foggy head associated with candida

Depression and foggy brain are not always caused by candida toxins!.  It has numerous psychological causes, and from a nutritional point of view, there are a lot of deficiencies that can be involved with foggy brain and depression, particularly a deficiency of :

Vitamin B12 and it's cofactors B6 and Folic acid (1 tablet per day of our Unique B12 is usually enough)
Chromium (especially where sugar cravings are involved - 2-3 drops per day)
The energy producing molecule, NADH (ideally 1 tablet twice per day) experience has been that candida toxins do seem to be a significant cause of both depression foggy brain, even though I would not suggest it is involved in every case. When this is the cause, a high dosage (4-5 capsules 3 times per day, which is much higher than the suggested dosage on the label) of Wild Endive Formula or Wiled Endive Formula A can often bring relief very quickly - usually within anything from about 3-15 days. There are exceptions to this. One personal friend of mine, claims that a few capsules gives relief to her candida related depression, anxiety and foggy head an hour after taking it! But I think this  is an unusual case. 

Once relief is given, the dosage can be lowered to the label dosage, but the product should be continued for another few months. Another product that can help tremendously with candida related foggy brain is Molybdenum. This is because this mineral is vital for breaking down acetaldehyde – the primary candida blood toxin. I usually recommend just one drop per day. Zinc (especially in the gluconate form) also helps break down candida toxins. However in my opinion Wild Endive Formula or Wild Endive Formula A should be considered the main product, with Molybdenum and Zinc as useful additional support.

Please note, the products above are not anti-candidal (that's a separate subject, covered in numerous articles). They help however with reducing candida toxins, and preventing and treating the "Herxheimer" reaction (in other words feeling lousy) commonly reported by those on a reasonably strong anti-candida regime.

Candida toxins are thought to be connected with


· Impaired memory

· Decreased ability to concentrate (brain fog)

· Depression

· Slowed reflexes

· Lethargy and apathy

· Heightened irritability

· Decreased mental energy

· Increased anxiety and panic reactions

· Decreased sensory acuity

· Increased tendency to alcohol, sugar, and cigarette addiction

· Decreased sex drive

· Increased PMS and breast swelling/tenderness in women.


If you have depression and foggy brain, treat candida and candida toxins as guilty until proven innocent, and consider Vitamin B12 ,Chromium and NADH  - especially where chronic fatigue, hypoglycaemia, or blood sugar issues are involved - and let us know how you get on.


Mark G. Lester - Director, The Finchley Clinic Ltd