These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Barberry Root (Oregon Grape) Tincture 50ml

 Maana R - Monday 8 May 2023
Barberry Root (Oregon Grape) Tincture 50ml

Easy to take and gentle on the stomach. Good value for money.

 Michelle B - Friday 2 September 2016
Barberry Leaf 30ml

I've just finished my first bottle of Barberry. I've been taking it with FiveLac and I'm very pleased with the results so far. After years of anti-candida diets and cleanses, many of my symptoms have improved. However, I still have persistent low-level rhinitis, sensation of water in the ears, frequently throughout the day I have to swallow mucous of a glue like consistency (Sorry!)and occasionally experience oral and vaginal thrush. Since taking Barberry and FiveLac these symptoms are improving. The thick, off-white, 'unrooted' coating that has covered two thirds of my tongue is also beginning to recede and thin. (In Chinese Medicine such a tongue coating indicates Damp Heat in the body. Candida is classified as Damp Heat.)

I started with two drops in water three times a day, increasing the dose by one drop each day, so three drops three times a day etc until I was taking twenty drops three times daily. This is more than was recommended, but didn't exceed the maximum allowed dosage. These two products aren't cheap - that's just the nature of the products, but if they work and they do seem to be then it will be well worth it, because I've had some of these symptoms for thirty years.

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