Manayupa (Burbur detox) 30ml

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Manayupa (Burbur) is an extract produced from the leaves of Desmodium molliculum, a perennial plant that is harvested between 1,000 - 3,500 meters above sea level in Peru. In Peru the herb is known as Manayupa and is used for detoxification and for respiratory problems. Burbur is found in many other areas of South America too - and in Brazil it is referred to as Amor-seco. Burbur leaf is known to contain Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Soyasponins and an active called Astragilin - that is also found in the well known herb Astragulus, but like many South American herbs, little scientific study has been carried out on the whole plant.


•    Anti-inflammatory (support)
•    Detoxifying the blood
•    Detoxifying the kidneys
•    Detoxifying the liver
•    Detoxifying the lymphatic system
•    Preventing Herxheimer ('die-off) - reactions

Contraindications: None known.
Side effects: None known at recommended doses.


Put 5 -10 drops in a glass and add 120ml (4oz) of water, then wait one minute before drinking. Repeat 3-4 times per day, or as recommended by your practitioner. Drink plenty of water (2 litres per day or more) while using Nutramedix Burbur.


Burbur (Desomdium molliculum) leaf extract, Mineral water, Gluten free ethanol (20-25%).

Botanical name: Desmodium molliculum, Desmodium adscendens.
Common names: Amor seco, Amor-do-campo, Strong back, Pega pega, Margarita, Beggar-lice, Burbur, Manayupa, Hard man, Hard Stick, Mundubirana, Barba de boi, Mundurana, Owono-bocon, Dipinda dimukuyi, Dusa karnira, Tick-clover, Tick-trefoil.

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