These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for BX3 Spray The Healthy Heart Formula 2 fl. Oz.

 Fiona K - Saturday 1 January 2022
BX3 Spray The Healthy Heart Formula 2 fl. Oz.

I bought this as an aside to what we already use as it has good reviews. We will gradually move over to this one as we use up our other products as it just seems to be altogether a better product.

The taste is also very nice indeed, quite thick but the other really good thing is that the spray is really good and easy to use unlike a lot of products you buy from some shops. It doesn't get stuck in the bottle and sprays all the way over the tongue.

 Sara M - Friday 28 May 2021
BX3 Spray The Healthy Heart Formula 2 fl. Oz.

Wow, my oncologist was concerned about my levels and prescribed B12 tablets. I take so many so looked for alternatives. My friend recommended Finchley Clinic. My latest blood results were incredible. The dr was very pleased with the progress in such a short time. On top of that my vit d levels were low and more tablets prescribed. So was recommended to take vit d with folic acid. Can't wait to find out the results!

 Aslan Bekir E - Monday 27 May 2019
BX3 Spray The Healthy Heart Formula 2 fl. Oz.

Absolutely no different than Pure Advantage B12 spray in taste, although obviously more efficient as you don't have to take three different products (That's a problem for me as I tend to forget to take my vitamins). I use this and B12 alternately. Overall I love it. Moderate in price too.

 Hebe F - Tuesday 3 June 2014
BX3 Spray The Healthy Heart Formula 2 fl. Oz.

This product really works well for me I notice a definite difference when taking it. I absolutely love the flavour and look forward to taking it every morning.

Hebe Fearn

Health Synergy

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