These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Candizolv 60 caps

 Carol P - Friday 19 July 2024
Candizolv 60 caps

I am delighted to be able to say that within a few days of starting to use Candizolv I noticed my finger nails started growing again. I also had more energy. I dowse on many remedies (always asking for protection from the Archangel Michael prior to starting) and I dowsed on this one and I needed it, as well as the Wild Endive to support the liver during die back. This is the 1st time I've used Candizolv. I felt I needed something stronger than Pau d'Arco to really get rid of it if possible. So this was the reason. Good so far and I've just ordered another pot.

 Laura M - Monday 15 July 2024
Candizolv 60 caps

Love this product is helping a lot with my detox, is gentle though effective.

 Geraldine R - Thursday 11 April 2024
Candizolv 60 caps

Candizolv appeared to prevent me from developing thrush when I had to have antibiotics for a severe infection. I have been taking two capsules every morning before breakfast for five weeks and think it is helping as part of a regime to deal with longstanding systemic mycoses and severe intestinal dysbiosis. Candizolv seems more effective than other anti-fungal supplements I have previously taken.

 Gillian R - Wednesday 20 March 2024
Candizolv 60 caps

I started at recommended dosage of 2 per day, and very quickly noticed an effect. I felt really quite toxic, with itchy skin and rashes within a few days. I persisted for a week, then took a break for a few days as it was too uncomfortable. When I started back it was a bit easier, then the similar effects began again. I reduced the dosage to one per day and that's felt much better for me personally. It's definitely doing something as there has been a big reaction, it's rather a powerful supplement, so I'd suggest listening to your body with it.

 Linda N - Friday 16 February 2024
Candizolv 60 caps

I've only used Candisolv once in combination with Fivelac. It was not possible to notice any additional help from the combination. I might experiment sometime by using it on it's own to see if it has the same effect as Fivelac.

 Shirley W - Saturday 12 August 2023
Candizolv 60 caps

Candisolv works for me. I can feel it’s affects within a few days. It’s fantastic.

 Monika H - Sunday 23 October 2022
Candizolv 60 caps

I took the recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day for a month. I am sure that it made a difference but I am still at early stages.

I would highly recommended it, though. Due to the price I won't be able to afford it anymore. I appreciate that it exists and that I had the chance to give it try.

 Neal B - Friday 24 September 2021
Candizolv 60 caps

I have been taking Candizolv for probably a couple of years. I rotate it around other Candida management supplements. Nothing eradicates systemic candida, but Candizolv helps manage the symptoms. It's expensive but worth giving a try.

 Ronald V - Saturday 7 November 2020
Candizolv 60 caps

I used to have success in combating Candida with this stuff in the past, so I am eager to try it again now!

 Muir P - Saturday 4 April 2020
Candizolv 60 caps

Yes, having had very persistent candida for about 25 years, and now 87, I can say that that of all the remedies (conventional and otherwise) I have used, Candisolv is the only one that has produced any signs of real improvement. By itself, or along with other back-up remedies, seems to act just the same.

Have finished my second bottle and will probably need at least a third. Remember that each is really a 45-day course, so don't expect immediate results.

 Dee M - Tuesday 10 July 2018
Candizolv 60 caps

I felt so well when taking Candizolv and it was very effective at clearing up 'dampness' (Chinese medicine). Noticed the benefits after about a month. I notice when things are working when my anxiety and stress levels go up, and when my candida is brought under control these things improve. I have had candida and COPD for a very long time my breathing, lung function and kidney function all improved. I found that taking it continiously for two months was very effective. I then didn't need to take it for a year, took it again for another two months when my symptoms back to return. This also gave releif for a year, and now I'm back to order it again as my symptoms have been creeping back as a result of eating too much sugar.

The only negative, and this is very strange is that taking candizolv seems to be cause me to experience menstrual bleeding. Strange as it is, the benefits seems to greatly exceed the drawbacks.

 Karen S - Friday 13 April 2018
Candizolv 60 caps

This morning I did the saliva in water test and to my surprise it was without the strings and cloudiness. At last I think the systemic candida that's been in my body for 46 years has finally gone. But not without the Finchley Clinic's products. For two years I have been taking Threelac, Fivelac, Oxygen elements max, BioKult and marshmallow formula at different times. But it was the magic of CANDIZOLV that worked. Don't be put off by the cost of it - one's health is vital. I continue to take oxygen elements max as it gives me so much energy and also good bacteria. It's so lovely to be able to eat food that was a problem in the past. Thank you Mark and the Finchley Clinic. Karen S.

 Rozy F - Monday 13 November 2017
Candizolv 60 caps

I noticed my eczema decreased and certains symptoms around my menstrual cycle disappeared.

 Gwynneth M - Monday 13 March 2017
Candizolv 60 caps

I am taking Candizolv, Threelac, Oxygen Elements Max and Pau D'Arco. It's hard to say whether its a combination of all the products or just one of them thats helping me the most, but since taking this combination I have lost weight, have more energy, digestion has improved, less bloating and am sleeping better.

 Maria B - Thursday 27 October 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

In common with many people suffering from chronic candidiasis, I don't have a 'straighforward' picture, so this can't be a review exclusively of one product. I took Candizolv at two capsules a day for a month, and am currently on the month off. I can't say I feel any better...

*BUT*... reading my diary for last Monday and Tuesday, I moved about 8 tons of gravel [the drive now looks very nice], went shopping, planted a dozen plants and seven lots of bulbs and spread bark around the area I'd planted.

Before starting the anti-candida regime, my diary would likely have read "went shopping", as that would be as much as I could cope with earlier this year.

So although I don't really feel any better, I know I AM better by how much more I am able to do/am achieving! My neighbours are impressed with what I've done in the garden this summer, so the results are not purely subjective.

I followed Mark's advice [well worth paying for one of his consultations if you have a complicated problem, in my opinion], and have hope for the first time in several years that I might feel completely *normal* again in the not-too-distant future.

I'm sorry if this doesn't feel a 'helpful' review, but it's an honest one, and looking back five years, I would have been writing "got up, got dressed, rested for two hours, ate breakfast, rested for an hour, went for a walk, couldn't move for three hours...", so I consider the Finchley Clinic products lifesavers.

 Andrew F - Thursday 20 October 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I bought this for my son who had problems with his gut by way of bad gas and odours which wouldn't subside whatever he took. The docs did various tests but could find nothing. He started taking Candizolv taking 2 caps per day as directed. After one week the digestive system was functioning properly and the symptoms subsided. Once he finished the course, the symptoms returned gradually but not as severe as before. This has remained that way. It is a case of trial and error and he is now moving onto 5 lac.

 Devorah K - Tuesday 18 October 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I used Candizolv for one month, and it seemed to help quite a lot (main symptoms are chronic fatigue and dizziness). However 3 weeks after stopping it, my symptoms started gradually returning. The suppliers recommend taking it every other month for 6 months in stubborn cases, however I am wondering whether I would be better taking it continuously for a while, and am currently contemplating doing that.

I have also used The Finchley Clinic's Thyme Formula, and this product also helped, but the symptoms eventually returned when I stopped using this as well. So probably I am one of those people who needs to continuously taking something to control my candida symptoms.

In fairness, readers should know that I take immunosuppressive medication due to a long term auto-immune condition, so this may be the reason my candida is hard to eradicate permanently.

 Diccon W - Monday 10 October 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

When I first tried Candizolve last year I had severe diaroeh almost immediately. I returned to it again this year. I had quite intense side effects from it. I felt quite sick and sluggish throughout the month and the following month also as it stays in your system for a further month after you finish the capsules. Did it work? My symptoms feel better. I feel like I'm getting constant die off now. For those of you who are interested I have done two cleanses using the rival Candida cleanse which I felt were slightly more effective than the Candizolve. I am realising now that you need a complete lifestyle change to beat Candida. I have had to look at my own feelings of self worth, and the guilt I like to play into in so many aspects of my life and this combined with the various herbs is helping me to move forward.

 Maria B - Wednesday 5 October 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I'm on my second bottle of Candizolv and it's the first thing to work on candida with no unpleasant side-effects. I took the recommended 2 capsules a day for a month. Now on my second bottle I take 2 capsules every 2 to 3 days. I also take OptiBac probiotics for everyday, and OptiBac probiotics for women's health as I am keen to resolve over 5 years of candida and rebuild my friendly bacteria levels. There was no way I could cut out sugar in all forms from my diet - already quite restricted as it is from multiple food intolerances. Candizolv was made for people like me - pricey but definitely worth it.

 Lynn M - Monday 26 September 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I have taken Candizolv for 2 1/2 months after suffering from candida for over 2 years. As long as I am very careful about my diet and exposure to moulds it has been fairly well controlled with Thyme, Wild Endive and Threelac for the last few years. I decided to try Candizolv because my symptoms soon reappear if I reduce my treatment.

I have taken Candizolv as directed alongside Three Lac and Wild Endive.

After a week or so a thought that I felt calmer but with hindsight I think that I was just hopeful that something would finally help me. Unfortunately despite continuing to be very careful about my diet ( no sugar of any kind, yeast, fermented products or cows milk) I actually feel much worse and now have symptoms which I have not had for a long time.

I have continued for so long as given the severity of my problem mark recommended taking it for 2-3 months. I also had a relapse of my M.E. and wanted to give it a fair trial.

I felt it important to write this review so people understand that although it helps many, it will not necessarily help everyone.

 Robert A - Thursday 15 September 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I found Candizolv to be an improvement on the likes of threelac and fivelac. I took two capsules a day until all used up and felt quite comfortable all day. Probably would have ordered more but I think it is ever slightly too expensive compared to the other aforementioned options. So for now, I am sticking with threelac.

 Sam V - Sunday 4 September 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I have been taking Candizolv for a month now and already noticing considerable benefits - I am sleeping more soundly and waking earlier (often before the alarm) instead of waking up feeling exhausted and sluggish! I also have more energy and feel less bloated. The supplement is really easy to take and fit into a busy lifestyle. Having suffered with Candida overgrowth for sometime I am very happy to find a new supplement that helps restore healthy Candida levels. While Candizolv is more expensive than other Candida supplements I can justify the higher cost of it because of the visible benefits.

 Veronica H - Sunday 21 August 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

I have just finished a month of Candizol having previously read about it.

In my younger days I suffered recurring bouts of candidiasis over many many years before understanding the importance of diet and healing supplements etc.

I now have Hashimotos Thyroiditis and understand the relationship between the two conditions.I have very few candida symptoms that I am asware of but felt it would be beneficial to take the Candizol. Within a week of taking it I was wondering where I had found the extra energy.How was I sleeping so much better.Oh! Yes, I'm taking Candizol! I have also discovered I have much faster recall when asked to remember names, places, events etc.

A brilliant supplement and well worth the money.

 Chris S - Saturday 30 July 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

It was an email flyer from Finchley clinic about a month ago that informed me of a new candida treatment that was available. This year has been terrible for hay fever and I was really suffering and feeling pretty bad all around. Candizolv looked a bit expensive, but I was at a point where I would try anything - I have done Threelac and Fivelac other probiotics and avoid sugar and alcohol and this worked for a while and I felt better but never seemed to completely cure the underlying candida problem. I am into my third week on Candizolv now and although I noticed reduction in bloating and digestive problems quite early on in treatment, and head was clearer it really seems to have kicked in now and I am sleeping much better and feel very clear headed - I actually wake up feeling as though I have slept - which is a new experience for me - also have more patience with people, no headaches and more energy - and my hay fever is much less of a problem, I haven\'t took an antihistamine for a couple of weeks now.

 Gillian T - Friday 29 July 2016
Candizolv 60 caps

My husband has been taking Candizolv for the past two weeks for a thrush problem he has in his vocal cords after an operation to remove XXXXX cells. He was originally on tablets from the doctor which had horrendous side effects and the problem came back within 5 days of finishing them. However Candizolv has done the trick and helped tremendously, in fact the doctor was very interested to know of the product as the thrush has disappeared! Thank you so much for supplying this product.

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