Product description by Chris Dennison
Most of us eat processed, packaged and tinned food. There is very little, to none, of the vitality of freshly harvested products available in processed food. The vitality of our food is not the same as its freshness, ripeness, or purity. Vitality is a function of the primal qualities of yin and yang. These qualities are present in living foodstuffs and absent in processed foods. Food without these vital qualities can be said to destabilize the human body when eaten. Now, you have the means at hand to replace what has been lost. Unless you grow your own food and pick it fresh every day it is pretty certain that what you choose to eat is depleted in vitality. Especially so if you are eating any kind of processed food. Now, we can put the vitality back into our food with CharismaFood. CharismaFood is designed to put essential vitality back into food, even though it is inside a refrigerator/freezer or cupboard, packaging and cans.
There are five cards in the pack. Place the cards on fridge/freezer, shelves and cupboards where you store your food. The vital quality missing from food will be passed on through the packaging and tins and even to the inside of the fridge/freezer. The magnetic card is imbued with specific qualities that the magnetism holds and carries in much the same way as a radio signal is modulated to carry music, or speech, in order to transmit to a distant receiver. The qualities permeate through materials and into food. This process is not a function solely of the strength of the magnetic field but of the regenerative and radiating properties of the card as a whole.
Please note, the cards are for the treatment of food only.
There is a link here that explains how the Charisma products work but we will state here that the "Charisma part" of the Charisma products are not the magnet or the physical object itself. It is a name for the modulation that has been made to the magnetic field. In simplistic terms one can consider it to be like a program held on a magnetic disc. There are no easy-to-use analogies that cover the processes involved.