These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

 Grace B - Friday 4 October 2024
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I bought the magnets to try out. I am very happy with them and also I must say the home feels a lot calmer as I have remove the WIFI too

 ANSU K - Friday 4 October 2024
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I really believe in this product. Since I’ve placed them in our house, another 2 friends houses, they all report positive things with it. I know our house has really calmed down since I’ve place this on the fridge.

 Hasu P - Thursday 16 June 2022
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I bought CharismaHome about 6 weeks ago, I have noticed subtle differences in my house:

- the environment feels more harmonious

- family relationships have improved

- family members co-operating with each other

I am glad I bought CharismaHome.

 Fiona K - Saturday 1 January 2022
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I bought this as we live in a block of flats with wi fi and phone masts all around us, plus a lot of negative people etc etc

I stuck it to the fridge which is in the room underneath where my husband is now working (since the first lockdown).

At first I didn't notice anything (I think I thought that I'd go from feeling stressed out to feeling as though on a beach in the BVI's or something) and then I forgot about it.

Looking back over the last few months, I realise that we have become quite harmonious in the household. It's very subtle but it must work. We've been here almost ten years and not been this harmonious I think!

I think it's a big investment but sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith with these things and give them a try, and for a few months before you can assess the changes.

 Philip R - Thursday 18 June 2020
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I am really delighted with the new CharismaHome which is on the side of my fridge. What was truly amazing is how quickly it started to work throughout the whole house given that it is so small and it's influence increases daily. I have recommended the new CharismaHome to my brother who lives in Skibbereen in Ireland.

 Martin D - Wednesday 14 November 2018
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I have ME. Some 2 - 3 weeks ago you sent me a ChrismaHome which I ordered via Finchley Clinic. For the record, there has been a significant improvement in 'peacefulness'. I don't feel so uptight and have had a real improvement in concentration level. My wife, myself and our two cats "felt" better - it is very difficult to define precisely, but there was a definite change. Personally I experienced reduced pain, and considered this really was a breakthrough after 18 years.



 Mandy P - Thursday 1 November 2018
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

For many years life has been tough - an unhappy marriage, volatile atmosphere at home , internal anguish and turmoil, problems in career etc. I didn’t know what it felt like to be peaceful.

I recently came across Charisma products on the Finchley website. After reading the product descriptions and information on how they work, I felt that I had to try CharismaHome given my situation. It’s been about 6 weeks since I purchased CharismaHome and there is a noticeable difference in my home environment - it feels different. I can’t explain it, I get a warm fuzzy feeling in the very same house that I dreaded being in. I feel peaceful and together, I can see a change in my relationship and a sense of calmness in the home. Some moments have felt magical, when everything felt just right.

 Marina B - Thursday 18 July 2013
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

After a few weeks with Charisma HOME in my residence, I began to understand Charisma HOME. At least I think so. My personal interpretation of how it works is as follows:

I myself understand Charisma HOME as a device that has a passive influence on people, with its glass shape, thickness, dimensions, the reflection of light through it, as well as with the shapes and words engraved in it. This has an impact on our subconscious, which consequently changes the information in our DNA (the biological program of our life or the scientific name for the soul).

Whether we observe Charisma HOME, consciously or unconsciously, it affects us. Unconsciously, for example, when we walk near it. This influence is perceived by our subconscious (unaware part of us) in the form of information that Charisma HOME reflects and stores and transmits in our DNA. In this way, our DNA begins to change, and with it, our inner and outer lives and the lives of everyone who lives around us or comes into contact with Charisma HOME.

Since the information that Charisma Home carries is positive information (positive symbols and the word HOME engraved in the glass, material and shape), the information that our subconscious transfers to our DNA is also positive. What we receive, we also transmit as a result.

Po nekaj tednih s Charisma HOME v mojem bivaliscu, sem Charisma HOME zacela razumevati. Vsaj mislim. Moja osebna razlaga njenega delovanja je naslednja:Sama razumem Charisma HOME kot napravo, ki ima pasiven vpliv na ljudi, s svojo stekleno obliko, debelino, dimenzijami, odbojem svetlobe skozi njo, kot tudi z oblikami in besedami, ki so v njej vgravirane. To ima vpliv na naso podzavest, kar posledicno spreminja informacije v nasem DNK(bioloski program našega zivljenja ali znanstveno ime za duso).Ce Charisma HOME opazujemo, zavestno ali nezavedno, vpliva na nas. Nezavedno, ko recimo hodimo blizu nje. Ta vpliv pa zazna nasa podzavest (ne zavedajoci se del nas) v obliki informacij, ki jih Charisma HOME odseva, ter jih shrani in prenese v nas DNK. Na tak nacin se zacne nas DNK spreminjati in s tem se zacne spreminjati tudi nase notranje in zunanje zivljenje ter zivljenje vseh, ki zivijo okoli nas ali pridejo v stik s Charisma HOME.Ker so informacije, ki jih Charisma Home nosi v sebi pozitivne informacije (pozitivni simboli in beseda HOME, ki je v steklu vgravirana, material ter oblika), so tudi informacije, ki jih nasa podzavest prenese v nas DNK pozitivne. Kar mi sprejemamo pa posledicno tudi oddajamo.

Marina Butala


 Melanie P - Friday 30 April 2010
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I received the CharismaHome on Wednesday and have noticed a significant change in the energy of the house. If you have any further information on your product, please could you forward this on to me as I'm a therapist and this could be very useful for my clients.

 Michael C - Monday 10 August 2009
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

CharismaHome has the following strengths over its competitors

1) It's more effective

2) It's a lower price

3) It gives me better sleep

4) It requires no cleaning

5) It continues to work long term

 Alessandra A - Saturday 3 November 2007
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I have known from a previous workshop that in the room in Milan where I hold courses there was a big geopathic zone and all the time the people were disturbed by it. This room is underground so the sensation going inside is oppressive. Last weekend I had to go there for a radionic workshop and I brought with me secretly the CharismaHome. The workshop went very fine the people were very happy the atmosphere really fine and there wasn't any oppressive feeling. One lady came down from upstairs where she was participating in another workshop telling us she was feeling such a strong energy coming from our room and she had a mediumistic message and a symbol to give to us. This was an interesting thing happening. Now I don't know what really this lady perceived, anyway, for these many things I have assumed this CharismaHome is something to keep taking along.

 Carolina H - Saturday 1 September 2007
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

I had a long group training and sold 5 CharismaHomes, and had very wonderful experiences with the group holding and tuning into the products. CharismaHome is indeed a miraculous, wonderful product and will be one of my main products for the family home!

 Caroline F - Friday 3 August 2007
CharismaHome - For A Healthy Home - Updated.

Just a quick note to let you know that 'G' (this lady's radionic practitioner) gave the CharismaHome the thumbs up (this means that it had dealt with a seriously bad geopathic stress line in the kitchen of an old cottage that was being remodelled). It is still in-situ and am going over shortly to put it in Mum's house while builders roam.

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