Comprehensive Candida Support Programme Month 1 (Starting off gently)

Individual components £173.71. Kit Price £151.85. Saves 10.00%
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Price £151.85
Individual components £173.71. Kit Price £151.85. Saves 10.00%
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From Mark Lester, Company Owner.

There are countless anti candida regimes. Not everyone needs as comprehensive a programme as the one we have developed here. A significant number of people can get better with very simple programmes such as just using either the GHT Threelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit or the GHT Fivelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit. Indeed some people only need to take one product, provding they take it persistently and patiently and it happens to be just the thing they needed. 

It's impossible to create a programme that is perfect for everyone, as we are all different. But this programme has been carefully selected for those who feel they need as the product name suggests, our best shot at a comprehensive long-term programme to follow from start to finish, or at least for as long as they feel they need it. In creating this programme I could have chosen the products from a massive variety of options. This programme is based on the products I usually recommend the people who come to me for a paid consultation who need a full programme. Obviously with people who I see privately, there is a degree of customisation for each person person, but it usually ends up looking pretty similar to this programme. I believe 90% of people, including those who have "got it bad" can follow it without needing to spend good money having a consultation with me, and as you'll notice the programme is discounted compared with purchasing the items individually.

Not everyone needs to do the full 12 months!

Please note, I believe that in many cases, 6 months will do the trick even with severe sufferers. You don't have to do the full 12 months if you feel better after 6 months. 

Severe sufferers should start here (Month 1).

Less severe sufferers can probably skip Month 1 and start with Month 2.

There is no precise definition or demarcation between very severe, severe or mild sufferers - so you, as the customer will have to make your mind up on that one. But in very general terms, if you are one of these people who has tried to overcome candida overgrowth before, and each time you try, the products you've taken seemed to make you feel worse rather than better, then you should definitely not rush into month 2, as well as view  / consider the comments below for "extra sensitive"  customers. 

The regular programme vs the "Extra Strong" programme

You'll notice that from month 3 there is a "regular" programme and an "extra strong" programme. Please note they are BOTH designed to be aggressive, comprehensive anti-candida programmes which don't muck about. Which one should you try? Unfortunately you will have to be the judge of that. Obviously the extra strong one is, as suggested by the name, a stronger anti-candida programme. But you're choosing between a very strong programme and an even stronger programme, so it's just a question of degree. 

Could I have made up a third "even more ridiculously strong" programme that was even stronger still? Yes, sure I could. But it would get very expensive, and in most cases it would not be unecessary. As I mentioned above Ii's impossible to create a programme that is perfect for everyone, as we are all different. But this is my best shot at an aggressive one size fits all programme. It's pretty good, and I think it will work for most people. 

And what about a gentler programme for those who are sensitive?

Yep, some people are sensitive and respond better to a gentler programme. I am not claiming this is the optimal programme for absolutely everyone. You will see web sites with programmes making claims to the effect of "our plan is the answer for everyone" kind of thing, and personally I think this is rubbish! However this is a very good programme. If you still feel you do need a programme customised for you, whether its because you want a super gentle progamme, a super aggressive one or for any other reason, you can make an appointment with me by calling us and selecting Option 2, but this would be chargeable. Quick (5 minute) questions are free of charge, whether you contact me by phone or through the Contact Us page of the web site. Just don't send me a detailed case history with medical reports, and expect me to analyse and advise on it free of charge (and yes, people do indeed do this from time to time) without making an appointment.  

This first months kit consists of the following products, and below is our typical recommended usage:

1 x Wild Endive Formula (large bottle, 300 capsules)

We usually recommend 3 capsules 3 x per day in the first month, then 2 capsules twice per day in the second and third month month, and one capsule twice per day in the fourth month. After that it's usually not needed. If you prefer to have Wild Endive Formula A  instead which is very similar but even gentler, (the main difference is that it 'Formula A' is ginger-free) please say so in the comments field when you checkout your order

*** Note for extra sensitive customers:  We recommend Wild Endive Formula or better still, Wild Endive Formula A to be purchased separately and taken by itself for about a month before beginning the rest of this programme on around 3 capsules 3 x per day. If you are one of thoese people, you should also view this article ***

1 x Molybdenum

First month: take 1 drop twice per day. After the first month take 1 drop per day, and continue until you have finished the bottle, which will take about 6 months.

1 x Threelac

We normally recommend 1 sachet twice a day. 

1 x Active Digestive Enzymes

We usually recommend one capsule with each meal

1 x Oxylift

We usually recommend about 3 drops twice per day for the first week. Thereafter 7 drops 3 x per day or 10-12 drops twice per day in a little water. Please take persistently. For some reason a number of customer seem to think that this is not an important part of the anti-candida programme, and dabble with it, take it when they can be bothered and so on. This is a HUGE mistake. Please follow our suggestions.

Additional Suggested Products (unfortunately these have to be purchased separately).

Optional Extra: Oxysan or Oxy-Powder to promote colon cleansing and support bowel regularity.
One of these products is probably useful for everyone, and in our view essential for those who are straining when they poop or not going at least once a day.

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