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Comprising a trio of terrific anti-candida supplements, this kit combines Fivelac with Oxygen Elements Max and Active Digestive Enzymes to ensure that, together, three excellent products, which deliver great results for many of our customers, can boost the brilliant benefits of Threelac via the ‘life force energy’-supporting attributes of Oxygen Elements Max and the intestinal-enhancing work of the nutrients that make up Active Digestive Enzymes. A little more about the individual supplements that make up this kit…
Many years’ worth of research went into the development of Fivelac, ensuring it’s not so much a successor to the probiotic supplement Threelac, as it is just as good an alternative. And just like the latter anti-candida supplement, Fivelac is produced to ensure customers can receive a wide array of beneficial intestinal micro-flora, ensuring foreign bodies are removed from the gut and infections, which occur due to the presence of candida and other yeast and fungus, can be effectively combatted and seen off – so the gut becomes a yeast- and candida-overgrowth-free-zone.
As far as we’re concerned, Fivelac and Threelac are both revolutionary products; they both contain a trio of live, spore-forming lactic acid bacteria, namely Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecalis. Yet, where Fivelac differs from its predecessor is that it features two further, very effective probiotic strains – Lactobacillus acidophilus (to enhance gastrointestinal function) and Bifidobacterium longum (to prevent growth of harmful bacteria).
And this ensures that, despite its status as very much its own supplement, Fivelac in no way compromises Threelac’s successful formula. In fact it it enhances it. Note that it also contains fibre, yeast (acting as necessary food for bacteria) and vitamins, all of which contribute to daily health and wellness anyway, but are there as part of the synergstic mix which allows Fivelac to do its magic.
A terrific fit for Fivelac, this oxygen supplement usually benefits sufferers of candida overgrowth. As well as being directly anti-candidal it also helps with fatigue problems, joint problems (in combination with Silica Plus), poor immunity (too many colds and flu) and respiratory problems. How? By improving the oxygen level in an oxygen-diminished body.
Perfectly suited for pairing with Fivelac, this supplement’s likely to reap results when used as part of a candida cleanse, helping to enhance food absorption and reduce bloating, gas and other gastric symptoms usually associated with candida overgrowth syndrome.
This product offers enzymes including lactase (especially good for those who are lactose intolerant); lipase (great for breaking down lipids; that is, fats); protease – I and II – (help digest protein); cellulase (crucial for the cycling of nutrients); glucanase (essential for breaking down carbohydrates) and ectinase and hermicellulase (help break down sugar). Additionally, it contains the probiotics Lactobacillus sporogenes, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Biffidum longum and Lactobacillus plantarum.