These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Glabra Formula (Helicocurb)

 Denise G - Tuesday 4 July 2023
Glabra Formula (Helicocurb)

Used this for a rather stubborn case of H Pylori on recommendation by Mark. I'm pleased to say that it is now an EX case of H.Pylori. Wonderful to take herbs(which take a little longer to take effect) instead of allopathic meds. I used in combination with other products.

 Audrey F - Tuesday 1 August 2017
Glabra Formula (Helicocurb)

Hi Mark,

I just want to express my gratitude to you for being so helpful and compassionate to me. You have expressed a passion for what you do, and a good heart towards your fellow men.

I have spoken to you a few times on related issues in my digestive system. My recent conversation to you was just about 2 months ago. I told you that a stool test confirmed that I had H.pylori. You recommended me to try Glabra formula and I purchased the recommended quantities. I told you that I had some Mastika and Goldenseal supplements. You said I should continue taking them together with the Glabra supplement, as we believe that I was fighting H.Pylori and Candida simultaneously. Over a month after I started taking Glabra formula, along with the other supplements, I had an Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy examination. The Specialist Doctor's report shows that I had no H.Pylori. I was glad to hear that. She also Stamped it on the front of the report findings. This gave me great relief. I want to give thanks to the Almighty for people like you and others, who are keen on giving your best in service. I hope you will be able to do even more excellent work as you serve others.

Thanks again, Audrey.

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