These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

 Frank V - Saturday 25 May 2024
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

Bought this product for my daughter who stuggles with anxiety especially during exam times. She takes 2 tables in the morning with magnesium powder. Her mood has changed, she feels happy and is experiencing no panic attacks. I would definitely recommend this product for anyone with high stress or anxiety levels..

 Elizabeth M - Sunday 14 May 2023
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

Great product, I take 2 before bed time (I go to bed an hour before to relax, read etc) Lavender Formula has helped me a lot, I fall sleep quite fast and it's improved my sleep quality too.

 Alison M - Friday 14 April 2023
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I started taking this supplement about 3 weeks ago, one capsule with lunch and supper. My symptoms generally are very unpredictable and intermittent, especially sleep patterns, but I do think that this supplement has helped with overall levels of stress and activation, and this has in turn improved my ability to sleep.. its still early days yet, but am going to persevere and about to order second lot.

 Rachel P - Tuesday 6 April 2021
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

These are my little saviours! I literally recommend to everyone I know, when I had bad anxiety these saved me and are great for my 20 year old daughter when she has wobbles and anxiety. My Mum takes them when she has trouble sleeping.. I carry a couple with me at all times. Can't recommend enough

 Ruth P - Monday 2 November 2020
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

This is a great product for anxiety. It can also be helpful before sleeping. I find the full dose of 6 tablets a day very effective, however it's also quite expensive so I tend to mix it with cheaper products (I normally end up taking 2 of these a day). But, this is more effective than any of them that I've tried. When my anxiety is very bad, the full dose per day is worth it.

I would say it works in less than an hour to give some immediate relief from anxiety, and in taking it every day for at least a few days, especially after a few weeks, it also helps how resilient you feel generally. It doesn't make me feel drowsy at all. Even in taking it before bed, it's just relieving the stress that is keeping me awake, not actually putting me to sleep itself, so it's a great thing to take during the day, too.

It also tastes pretty nice! It's minty. Hops can be overpowering, and I know a lot of people don't like aniseed, but pretty much all you will taste before swallowing is mint, so don't be worried about that. The tablets are your standard vegetarian capsules and easy to take with water.

 Laurence R - Monday 5 October 2020
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I would highly recommend it if you feel nervous and are looking for something that would make you feel calm

 Hazel W - Sunday 19 January 2020
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I brought this product for my daughter, but found that it did not suit her. She suffers with IBS and has Down Syndrome.

It just seems to make her upset tummies worse. I do think it a good product, but just not for her at the momemet

 Kath W - Monday 19 November 2018
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

A few months ago my husband and I both went through a traumatic event. We had to continue working, no choice but it affected our sleep patterns and our anxiety levels. I asked The Finchley Clinic for advice about a natural product which might help support us and was recommended to try the Lavender Formula. I have to say it is an amazing product. We both took it and our sleep pattern was restored immediately and our general mood / anxiety levels were significantly improved. I don't need to take it now but if I have a restless night then I take one the following night and it helps enormously to restore harmony. I don't want to take pharmaceutical drugs, Lavender Formula is a fantastic alternative and worth having in your medical cupboard!! I tell everyone I know who may be feeling anxious, stressed or experiencing disruptive sleep patterns .

 Trish N - Wednesday 31 October 2018
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I was diagnnosed due to work place stress. I changed my eating habits but this had no success in calming my guts down. Took the Lavendear Formula, there was a noticeable change within 2 weeks. More able to manage home / work life again and my gut problems subsided.

Anyone who's ever had stomach irritation will understand that it takes away all your confidence amd after taking the Lavender Formula that really changed as my IBS got better.

My guts remained calm for the next year until I had to have a serious operation.

 Ilan S - Saturday 7 January 2017
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

This is my second review for this product as I've just seen a client who suffered from anxiety, depression and panic attacks and was put on a protocol which included the Lavender Formula, Licorice Formula, Liposomal Vitamin C and CBD Oil.

I was extremely happy to see that this lady was in great shape, Laughing, joking and feeling extremely positive thanking me for the protocol she was put on. It seems as if all of her symptoms had disappeared and she was back to her normal self. Her mum who was present told me that she started getting better rom the second day following my protocol and made a complete turn in a matter of weeks.

If anyone needs help or advice in identifying a specific problem and coming up with the right protocol, I am happy to help. My email address is ilan.slazengerATgmailDOTcom (replace the AT and the DOT with the relevant).

 Ilan S - Tuesday 3 January 2017
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I have used the Lavender Formula as part of a protocol for some of my clients who suffer from Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Agoraphobia, Panic Attacks and general high stress levels and I can report superb result of this product especially when combined with other products and the correct nutrition.

There is no doubt that without the Lavender Formula, it would have been very difficult to help some of my clients to recover from their condition and enjoy normal life again.

I have also helped some clients to come off Anti Depressants and have completely normal life without these terribly damaging pharmaceutical drugs.

 Linda D - Monday 6 June 2016
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

My husband is suffering with general anxiety causing fatigue problems eating and general confidence. He took Lavender Formula for 1 days 3 tablets twice a day. He didn't feel they were helping much until he stopped taking them. He then realised things had been slowly improving. So we have now ordered enough for two months and monitor the long term improvement.

 Soulla N - Tuesday 3 May 2016
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I phoned The Finchley Clinic for a recommendation for my severe anxiety (caused by a detox / Herxheimer reaction to the health regime I am currently on). The company director suggested trying this product taking 3 capsules 2-3 times per day or as needed. I purchased two bottles, and took my first 3 capsules. Amazingly, it completely relieved the anxiety around 3 minutes after I took it the first time. I am sensitive so tend to react to products quickly (sometimes positively and sometimes negatively) but I am really pleased with the result I have had with Lavender Formula).

 Jasmine S - Friday 14 November 2008
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

I was looking for an alterantive to sleeping tablets as I was sufferring from stress and anxiety, and Mark recommened this product. The results were amazing. Within 2 minutes of taking one capsules with my meals, (3 X per day) I began to see the results which were: a relaxed feeling and the fluttering anxiety symptoms in my stomach alleviated. Also, I had a greater clarity of thinking and ability to think rationally because I was less anxious. My breathing slowed down too. It's worked!

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