Proteolytic enzyme product described by our supplier as being "like nattokinase on steroids". Lumbrokinase is an enzyme with fibrinolytic and proteolytic properties. It helps prevent blood clotting because it breaks down fibrinogen, the protein associated with blood clotting.
1-2 capsules daily on an empty stomach (at least 1/2 hour before or at least 2 hours after food). Note, this product will not work properly, if at all, if you do not take it on an empty stomach
Made in the United Kingdom.
We get asked this question a lot, but the mg of enzyme per capsule or tablet means nothing unless you also know the strength of the raw enzyme. Mg is purely a measurement of weight, not effectiveness. What would be the point of having a very high amount of mg, but a product which is devoid or almost devoid of any actual enzyme activity? None! This is why the ONLY meaningful measurement is the strengh in FU. Unfortunately with all due respect, it is a pointless question. Anyone who tells you to obtain "XYZ" mg, unfortunately doesn't know what they are talking about.
Neverthess since we get asked about this, the answer 20mg of raw enzyme at a strength of 20,000 fu/mg. This means the strength is 400,000fu per cap.