These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Maca 60 capsules 500mg

 Jill G - Monday 4 April 2016
Maca Powder 100g

I love Maca powder. I generally use one teaspoonful and add it to my breakfast cereal. Occasionally I may add slightly more but have found that is all that I need. I find I have more energy when I have maca and also feel more balanced. Really like this product.

 Zoran C - Wednesday 16 December 2015
Maca 120 capsules 500mg

We use this for a period of 3 months at a dosage of 2 capsules per day. After 2 weeks or so, we felt an increase in our energy level and in our general well being. Compared to other Maca we had tried, this one had been the most effective by far.

 Lucy M - Thursday 19 January 2012
Maca 60 capsules 500mg

Made me sleep better, and paradoxically gave me more energy during the day. I am a sensitive type and one capsule per day is sufficient for me, though I understand others need more.

 Mark H - Monday 23 May 2011
Maca Powder 100g

An excellent product that has been life changing in some respects. increased energy levels and generally more of the feel good factor. I cannot recommend this product too highly.

 Barbara R - Friday 10 December 2010
Maca 120 capsules 500mg

I bought these because I had suffered from adrenal exhaustion before, I have low blood pressure 9/6 which tries to go lower if I eat healthily. I get dizzy easily and noone could tell me what it was. Luckily when I was checking out information on this site I found the this product which seems to do exactly what it says on the tin (or on the site) also as I am hovering around the Menopause time of life I thought that I should get them for that. They have elevated my mood. They have taken away my cravings for sugar. So I can eat healthily. I don't get the dizzyness when I stand up any more. Good stuff but cheaper in the power form

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