These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Magnesium Malate - 90 Capsules

 Anthea S - Tuesday 14 January 2020
Magnesium Malate - 90 Capsules

I was instructed to take magnesium malate when I first contracted Lyme disease. I do come off it for about 6 weeks twice a year but I am so pleased when I start to use it again. I contracted the illness in Autumn 2003, went into complete melt down mMy 2005 the next 3 years I spent learning to survive so magnesium malate has become part of my routine. Fortunalty Dr.Cowden's protocol got me moving and I regained part of my sight. 

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