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Reviews for Medcare (Ozonated Olive Oil) 40g
I have used this product for years. The ozonated olive oil and the silver gel (which I bought somewhere else) have proved the most effective treatment I've found for leg ulcers and I've tried many. My son works long hours in a kitchen, which means a lot of time standing and then he gets an ulcer from time to time, a downside of the job I'm afraid. This stuff, is brilliant to condition the skin and aid the healing process. It is painful if it gets onto the ulcer, however, it is also most effective if used occasionally to change things up from the silver gel, when the ulcer seems to be resisting the selver gel. Prescribed products, well don't get me started, useless or harmful, is all I can say about them.
This is an excellent product all round and you need such a small amount to make a huge difference to almost all skin conditions. It didn't work for us on eczema which was a disappointment, but it works on athletes foot and just about any other skin condition I've tried it on, it soothes haemorrhoids too.
My tin of medcare travels everywhere with me as it treats insect bites and any ichy skin. In my experience it is effective for treating Althletes foot in particular. It was initially recommended to me by The Finchley Clinic and it does as explained! Excellent product but does need frequent application.
E Harvey
Medcare was recommended by Mark Lester for a recurrent rash under my arm. It had become quite angry and inflamed.
The product arrived the next day and I used it immediately. There was a stinging feeling at first and then shortly after the stinging stopped and so did the discomfort I had been feeling in that area for some time.
Less than 48 hours later there was a considerable difference.
It is now 4 days since I started to use Medcare and the rash has almost completely cleared up.
Quite simply I consider that this product is amazing and will be recommending it to my family and friends.
This osonated olive oil is absolutely amazing. I had a cyst removed from the back of my shoulder and rubbed this in every day after the wound had closed. I now don't have a visible scar. This is in a very smooth and manageable form which is pleasant to massage in. Thank you again the Finchley Clinic for another brilliant product.
I used this product primarily on very painful ulcerated skin that was impossible to heal and close. It stung on application but a few minutes later the pain was gone. Next day I noticed the ulcer starting to close and now it is a scar and healing well. I noticed that some people use the cream for thrush so I tried as well and got instant relief. It is also very good for any skin infections that occur, it has texture that is absorbs into the skin very well and I find the smell nice and fresh. It is expensive but you do not have to use a huge amount, if you apply a little at a time you will be surprised as how far a little goes. As far as expense is concerned I would rather spend money on a product that works than on trying other remedies that are not effective. This works very well for my issues and so I will stick with it.
This product has many uses, I’ve used for some skin issues, such cracked/sore skin in the corner of my mouth, which healed within a couple days. I had initially bought to help combat adult acne, but it had no effect. I’m instead working on detoxing (lymphatic system and heavy metals) and strengthening my gut health for that long-term issue. Overall, I would recommend this product.
Medcare is my favourite by far of the three Ozonated Olive Oil products available through Finchley.
I love its consistency (like soft butter), and the inclusion of Shea butter and Cocoa Butter in the formulation makes it more of an all purpose skin cream. Interestingly, when one first opens a new tin the consistency is more firm, & then when you get nearer the bottom it gets much more soft, almost runny. I did have one batch that was a bit grainy - I don't know why, but it was good as a lip scuff.
I use it every day as a hand-cream and lip balm at night - I find that this means that neither my hands nor lips get chapped even in winter.
I also use it on acute cuts and abrasions, and insect stings/bites, and it is particularly effective at removing the irritation, even on ant bites!
I gave a family member a pot to use after surgery to help heal the wound and prevent infection - it also meant that they remembered to massage the wound as it healed to enhance flexibility of the skin. The consultant was very pleased with speed of healing and the way the skin knitted together.
Ozonated olive oil makes an excellent deodorant. I discovered this by accident, after having a reaction to Pitrock crystal. I tried OOO to heal the rash, and low and behold - when sweat turns to bacteria, it activates the ozone and prevents BO. If you can stand the smell it's wonderful. And somehow it never stained my clothes :)
I have used the product for a few years. It works for small patches of eczema one application using very little is enough to rid yourself of it.
Used for all Fungal infections; nail, my dogs manky ears (not deep inside), ringworm, athlete's foot etc, small cuts and abrasions, worked for me in 3-5 days applying 2x a day. Age spots fade away-it works better in sunshine takes weeks instead of months. Psoriasis patches - takes the itch out straight away, shrinks patches after a couple of applications. If skin is broken it stings slightly. I keep it in the fridge. It lasts a long time as a little goes a long way.
I bought this sometime around spring last year for a problem I have with patches of itchy skin, a bit like eczema, but not exactly. I found it quite effective and particularly helpful because it didn’t need refrigeration. The smell is a bit off putting but since I used it at night, which is when I get the most problem, it served its purpose. I don’t have to use it that often and it doesn’t work as well as a steroid cream I get from the doctor, which does need refrigeration. Therefore I depend on medcare when on holiday or away from refrigeration.
Medcare helps keeps my feet healed. I have contact dermatitis. I have an allergy to leather, glue and rubber, and for this reason, shoes. I apply it every day, and have been ordering since September 213 (it is now January 218). I don't think i would be able to cope without it - it's been amazing for me. There are lots of creams and other products that are supposed to help with my condition, but I am allergic to most of them, and they usually made me worse. Medcare is the only product that has ever worked for me.
I have a large injury to my shin which would not heal for many weeks, I have tried so many things including colloidal silver, Weak Manuka honey and bentonite clay, they all had a beneficial effect on my wound but failed to heal the wound. Then I discovered Medcare Ozanated olive oil here in the Finchley clinic store and put it to work for a couple of weeks now, This cream had a lot of work to do as the open wound was large and leaked puss continually and required a large dose of Medcare each day, I ordered three 4ml tins and am half way through the second and all I can say is WOW WOW WOW! This product is amazing, It did sting but bear in mind my huge wound! I am now in the final stages of healing which is amazing, I have combined this product with Hematrex also from Finchley and I am also supplementing with colloidal vitamins and a healthy diet with plenty of greens, nuts, black grapes etc.. I have also applied this cream to the redness on my face and temple area which has greatly reduced in a two week period. I am ordering more today and my wife is also interested using Medcare for some minor blemishes on her skin. Thanks Finchley and other reviewers who inspired me to give Medcare a try!
A Testimonial for MedCare Ozonated olive oil,
Thank you thank you thank you.
I have had diabetic erythrasma of the scrotum for 4 years. As a result I have been unable to wear trousers for more than an hour or so and have had difficulty sleeping and at worst it felt like I had been kicked in the balls 15 minutes ago - only all day long.
The pain was so bad that I used to soak my balls in a cup of Isopropyl Alcohol for two hours which took the pain away for around 12 hours. But was not very good for my skin at all.
I cut a square hole in my mattress in order to sleep on my front without sweating down there.
No one got the correct diagnosis until I saw a professor of fungal dermatology, Prof Rod Hay. He instantly diagnosed me and gave me a treatment which did not work (washing with povidene). Then we improved the treatment and I reached the point where the pain was manageable, but the condition was not cured (using chlorhexidine scrub every day).
Then I went for a swim in my brother's pool and I noticed that the and went away for 18 hours - which was a record for me. So I asked him how does he sterilise his pool. He said oh its oxygen. I knew this was some kind of ozonation. So my first diea was that I could go and swim in his pool every night. but that would be a bit of a pain and a burden on him. SO then I though I know what I will get his to buy me a hot tub and ozonate that and sit in the tub for half and hour eat night. That would be a lot more comfortable that dunking by privates in a cup of isopropyl alcohol. But it would take a while to get that installed and I wanted something more instant. So then I found an ozonating machine for £39.99 from China on Amazon. But the trouble was it was difficult to determine what concentration of ozone to use in the water which I was thinking of spraying upon myself. Finally I read paper somewhere about ozonated oil.
So I typed ozonated oil into google and up came the Finchley Clinic. There I saw your description of the merits of medcare ozonated olive oil and I saw that it could be safely applied to the skin, even to women's sensitive areas.
So I rubbed some onto my left ball. And within 15 minutes all the pain was gone. The fix lasted all day and all night actually. I was amazed. This stuff sticks to you skin and fire ozone at it all day,. No bacteria or fungus can survive that. Erythrasma is a bacteria that behaves like a fungus. So after a week of application of the ozonated oil I had no pain at all, all day long. That was the first time in 4 years.
In the 4 years previously I had tried clotrimazole, fluconazole, itraconazole (a few other azoles), tolnaftate, amoxycillin, doxycyclene, clarythromycin, Povidene, Chlorhexidine, isopropyl alcohol, fusibet, fusidin, dermol 5, silver based creams and gels, and many other bactericidal and fungicidal preparations, I even tried the really good antibacterial cream they give to burn victims - Flamazine.
None of them could do the job. But Medcare does it. I can now sit down all day. The next stake is to start wearing trousers all day instead of a gown. Erythrasma loves the damp and heat. It is a bacteria which thinks it is a fungus - which is why it can be hard to diagnose.
For year, I've had a skin fungus/rash growing at the sides of my body which spread to my lower back. I've been to the doctors and they couldn't really tell me what it was. I've been prescribed anti-fungal cream which didn't work and I've tried everything, including spraying apple cider vinegar. I've also put a lot of tea tree oil on my back but nothing worked.
I saw an improvement in my condition just after ONE application. I applied it before I went to bed. I have only been using the product for a week and once a day (after my shower). I can tell that the fungus is receding and the marks are getting fainter.
For the record, I use products like Megahydrate, Oxylift and ORËÁ on a daily basis as I wanted to make sure I detox on the inside as well. As with natural therapies, I think it's important to have a holistic approach.
Although I didn't need to, I also tried putting it on my face before going to bed and woke up to an oily (but tight) face. It also killed a zit overnight!
Now, I carry this with me everywhere I go. Just in case.
I am blown away by the instant, amazing results of this cream! I started noticing crepey skin around my neck and chest and I had dull, tired looking facial skin which is very acne prone. I am 41. I read the great reviews for this product and half-heartedly purchased the smaller size to give it a try, thinking that other people probably don't have the stubborn, life long skin issues I have struggled with; but that it's worth a shot. I applied it the night I got it and by the following morning my skin was glowing and I could not see the "pulling" of my neck skin that I previously could when turning my head from side to side. I could not believe the results in a single application! My acne has also noticeably improved. After 3 days my chest has lost it's dry, fragile sun damaged look. I am over the moon! One thing I will say is that it smells pretty gross - kind of like rancid oil. I therefore only apply at night, much to my boyfriends disgust! I would rather a less than pleasant smell than a product filled with irritating fragrance. I wish I could apply this all over but it's a tad pricey for that. With that being said, the astounding results actually make the price pretty reasonable.
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