NADH Rapid Energy and NADH Stomach Acid Resistant Capsules

Individual components £132.98. Kit Price £119.68. Saves 10.00%
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Price £119.68
Individual components £132.98. Kit Price £119.68. Saves 10.00%
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Try both of our NADH products, and get a nice juicy discount.

NADH Rapid Energy main page - Product Information page

NADH Capsules Main page - Product Information page

NADH and Vitamin B3

According to Professor George Birkmayer, "Over the years we learned that Vitamin B3 (Niacin or Nicotinamide) inhibits the positive effects of NADH, most likely in a competitive way". For this reason we recommend avoiding vitamin B3, vitamin B complexes, and multivitamins (which nearly always contain vitamin) B3 for a couple of hours either side of taking NADH in order to obtain best results.