Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 Customer Reviews)
These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
Reviews for Nutrisorb Iodine 15ml
Xen S - Saturday 14 December 2024Sorry, at the momentI can't tell a difference as on toxic cocktail of drugs because of terminal heart failure, and stuffed full of clean supplements. However I am taking these because at my age and condition, I especially need iodine as don't process food efficiently. Having well outlived my best by date, I intend to give myself the best possible chance by continuing to take one drop a day of iodine, which has to be helping.
Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 Customer Reviews)