These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Nutrisorb Iron 15ml

 Fiona K - Wednesday 18 August 2021
Nutrisorb Iron 15ml

Very reasonably priced and seemed to work very quickly but because I have suffered from a severe b12 issue for years (but hadn't known until I did an Active Test), my tooth enamel had worn away to nothing. (After injecting for 9 months I can now see the tooth enamel creeping back up the tooth sides). However, due to this, the product stained my teeth as there was nothing to protect them (although it's washing out slowly) and I looked like a witch for several weeks! May use again when I get my teeth sorted.

 Aslan Bekir E - Wednesday 22 May 2019
Nutrisorb Iron 15ml

I'd used Biocare liquid Iron before at the request of my GP to take a supplement for my chronic iron deficiency. Recently I had issues which I obversed as symptoms of iron deficiency (I had not taken any supplements in at least the past year) and I ordered another of these (along with other minerals.) I can definitely say that it helped me a lot with feeling chilly all the time, as well improving my energy. If only it was a bit cheaper, as realistically it doesn't last more than three weeks if taken by the recommended dose.

 Helen M - Wednesday 14 January 2015
Nutrisorb Iron 15ml

My sister took this one a day for three months and successfully raised her iron level from 8 to 18. Pleased!

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