Oxy-Powder FAQ's Part II

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Oxy-Powder FAQ's Part I

1. Why should you cleanse your colon?

Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for the body’s gastrointestinal tract to get clogged with harmful toxins but a colon cleanse can remove this build-up, ensuring bowel movements are more regular and you feel more comfortable, less sluggish and healthier. Should a person fall into the habit of maintaining a poor diet (featuring high-enzyme foods and consuming too little water) and living too sedentary a life, the necessity for a cleanse increases, to say the least.

More specifically then, a diet high in white sugar and white flour, along with preserved foods, can complicate digestion and makes good digestion particularly hard to achieve; such a diet results in the body finding it difficult to evacuate toxins effectively with waste – something that Oxy-Powder is designed to promote, in addition to help heal intestines from the harm toxins will most likely have caused.

For optimal health, it’s suggested you undergo at least two or three full colon cleanses each year – but each cleanse should only last for a short period of time, of course. Moreover, using harsh herbs, synthetic chemicals or any sort of binders for cleansing is not a good idea because all of these are liable to harm intestinal walls further. To that end, the nutrient supplement that’s Oxy-Powder makes for a safe, naturally-derived alternative for colon cleansing; one that’s not habit-forming but should definitely promote a high degree of healing in the intestines and digestive system.

2. Should Oxy-Powder only be used during a colon cleanse?

A versatile supplement, Oxy-Powder is also beneficial during a complete cleanse, as well as for regular or periodical wellness maintenance.

3. How long should a course of Oxy-Powder last?

We’re all individuals and all our bodies are different, so what we put in them – good or bad – will affect us all *slightly* differently. Thus, exactly the effect Oxy-Powder will have on you (compared to the next person, that is) will depend not just on the supplement itself, but also on your age, diet, exercise patterns and physical and emotional stress levels. However, the manufacturers of Oxy-Powder advise starting a course with four capsules in the evening on an empty stomach, along with a glass of (ideally purified) water. Then, if you’re not able to produce three to five bowel movements the next day, try increasing your treatment to two capsules each night. Once you feel you’ve found your most effective Oxy-Powder dosage, maintain this for next seven days. Note that, for those who don’t swallow tablets/ capsules very easily, Oxy-Powder capsules can be opened and the powder within mixed with water and consumed that way.

4, How will I know Oxy-Powder’s working?

Again, no person can be guaranteed exactly the same results from taking a nutritional supplement as the next person; and that goes for Oxy-Powder – your results from following a regime of the supplement in the form of a colon cleanse will also be determined by your pre-existing diet, exercise patterns, physical and emotional stress levels and age. That said, it’s normal when taking Oxy-Powder for your bowel movement frequency to drop, as toxic matter’s rid from your intestines; however, the stools are likely to remain loose or semi-solid owing to the supplement’s oxidisation process. Indeed, lighter-in-colour stools with a softer consistency and a higher frequency of and all-round smoother bowel movements ought to give you a good idea of how well Oxy-Powder’s ‘working’ for you. This process ensures nascent oxygen penetrates the gut’s intestinal lining to help the wider body purify its blood, organs and lymph system. And this work is only but assisted if you remove from your diet the likes of sugar, fried foods, white flour, dairy and processed or overly refined foods, carbonated beverages, caffeine and alcohol and, instead, introduce into your diet the likes of live, raw fruits and vegetables.

5. What effect does Oxy-Powder have on…?

  • Absorption – good absorption of nutrients, vitamins and water should be promoted via taking Oxy-Powder, thanks to the supplement’s ability to transform solid faecal impaction into a liquid or a gas, ensuring undigested waste passes through the system much easier
  • Probiotics – as beneficial bacteria in the gut, probiotics are encouraged to thrive by Oxy-Powder, owing to the later releasing nascent oxygen into the intestinal tract, which is highly beneficial to probiotics’ existence (unlike harmful bacteria which, in total contrast, tend to be anaerobic
  • Short-term health – owing to many people’s bodies containing an accumulation of ‘settled’ toxins, the stirring up (sort of ‘awakening’) of these toxins as Oxy-Powder does it work and the toxins are forced out of the body may generate a reaction, the person in question feeling a little unwell; yet, in most cases, such a reaction merely creates very mild effects such as mild headaches or aches, which should fade and disappear once the toxins have been fully ejected from the body.

6. Does taking Oxy-Powder bring on stomach cramps?

In most cases, the answer to this question is definitely no; yet, on rare occasions, it can and when it does is usually limited to the first three days of an Oxy-Powder-led colon cleanse. In that scenario, the reason for the cramps is liable to be one or more of the following:

  • Undigested food in your intestines/ eating a heavy meat-based meal directly before taking Oxy-Powder – remedy this by not eating such a large meal directly before starting an Oxy-Powder treatment and, thereafter during the treatment, avoid meat-based meals and always take the supplement three hours before an evening meal and then directly before bed
  • Compacted faecal matter filling the intestine – remedy this by drinking 16 (fluid) ounces of water with lemon juice (ideally from half an organic lemon) straight after taking Oxy-Powder during each of the first three days of the cleanse
  • Drinking strong alcohol, wine or beer 48 hours before an Oxy-Powder treatment – remedy this by avoiding alcohol during a cleanse and for up to three days before you start one
  • Eating chocolate 48 hours before an Oxy-Powder treatment – remedy this by avoiding chocolate during a cleanse and for up to three days before you start one
  • Dehydration – remedy this by drinking 16 (fluid) ounces of purified water with lemon juice (ideally from half an organic lemon) every hour until the cramps cease
  • Gas build-up in the intestinal tract – this is likely due to low levels of stomach acid and poor general digestion and can be remedied by taking Oxy-Powder each morning during a cleanse along with 16 (fluid) ounces of purified water with lemon juice (ideally from half an organic lemon).

7. How much will my life be restricted during a cleanse with Oxy-Powder?

The majority of people who try Oxy-Powder find it a very manageable treatment, so long as there’s usually a toilet not too far away wherever they may be. That said, should you find you’re having to go to the toilet between five and seven times a day during a cleanse, you’re advised to reduce your dosage to no more than two capsules daily, while increasing the cleanse itself from a week to 10 days.

Sometimes people can experience quite the opposite when it comes to a cleanse, though; for instance, because of a build-up of compacted faecal matter, they may not experience a bowel movement until day two or three into the cleanse. If your cleanse follows such a path, though, this shouldn’t be concerning because you’re advised to allow Oxy-Powder at least five days to do its work before coming to a conclusion on its efficacy.

8. Am I likely to suffer from diarrhoea?

A cleanse involving Oxy-Powder is, indeed, likely to generate lighter, smoother, more liquefied – and gaseous – stools (that’s proof that the supplement’s working) but it shouldn’t result in clinical diarrhoea. If you suffer in the latter it will likely be because of illnesses or conditions, such as bacterial infections, lactose intolerance, intestinal complaints (irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease and intestinal bowel disease) and reactions to the likes of blood pressure medication or antibiotics.

9. Does taking Oxy-Powder lead to weight loss?

It’s certainly not one of Oxy-Powder’s intended attributes – and it wouldn’t be advisable to take it for that purpose – but losing weight is an unintended by-product that some people have reported (between five and 20 pounds); yet don’t be deceived, it’s the elimination of faecal matter not body fat that’s responsible for the weight loss.

10. Is Oxy-Powder recommended for children?

You should consult your doctor/ GP before giving it to or allowing your children to take it as a treatment. But as far we are concerned it's fine for children of any age. The company owner saw his own mentor in oxygen therapies who was a very well known American Naturopath give it to his own baby who was only a few months old at the time, with no ill effects. The dosage should obviously reflect their size and weight, and we would recommend starting on only 1/4 to a 1/2 of a capsule per day. 

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Oxy-Powder FAQ's Part I

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