These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for OxyLift

 Margaret S - Tuesday 18 March 2025
Oxygen Elements Max & Oxylift

I have used Oxylift, positively for many years. It helps to ensure that my asthma is minimised as much as possible and helps maintain my breathing capacity. Nurses running checks on my breathing capacity have been very impressed that I barely need to use my medical inhalers these days. I decided to try Oxygen Elememnts Max and have used several bottles now with a similar impact, so I feel that both products are a valuable asset in keeping me as healthy as possible. Thank you.

 Ali V - Monday 10 March 2025

I've been using this product for a number of months now and notice an increase in energy and wellness.

 Graham W - Saturday 11 January 2025

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer some 4 years ago. I did my research and found that cancer does not grow on oxygenated cells. So I started taking Oxylift and after treatment I have a pad count of 0.0034 I do believe that Oxylift helps control my pea Graham wootton

 Cheralyn B - Friday 29 November 2024
Oxygen Elements Max & Oxylift

I use a lot of supplements and this intuitively seems like a great product. I buy it regularly. I’ve had TN breast cancer and oxygen is researched to b a game changer with this problem I take it and exercise . I’ve recommended it to others . I only drink distilled water so the mineral drops replace lost minerals

I love the oxygen based products

 Ashley Y - Monday 16 September 2024

I take this once per day, in the morning (7 drops) at moment but building up. I always feel more energetic and clear minded, I feel it helps with my foggy brain and is helping me to detox Candida overgrowth along with other supplements and dietary changes. Would recommend even without detox, just great for every day health.

 JANET M - Monday 9 September 2024
Oxygen Elements Max & Oxylift

Ten years ago my husband was diagnosed with throat cancer. I left no stone unturned in my determination he would recover. Oxylift was recommended to me so I decided I would take it too. We took 3 drops 3 times a day. This stopped for 3 days before and after chemo as advised by the manufacturer. I myself felt fitter and hubby Made it through his 6 weeks of treatment and is very healthy to this day. I now buy the double pack of Oxylift and oxygen elements because it's cheaper. I don't know why but I think I prefer Oxylift but it doesn't last as long as oxygen elements. These days my fit bit shows an increase of 4% oxygen levels. I take 10 drops in the morning. Highly recommend it for good health. I also don't think it does any harm to take a few drops in water when feeling tipsy from alcohol, it puts the oxygen back into your brain within minutes. Just don't overdo it!!

 Beryll W - Thursday 22 August 2024

Early days taking this product but so far my experience has been very positive. I am seeing glimmers of my old vitality slowly coming back.Fingers crossed that it continues.

 Hilary H - Monday 20 May 2024

I used this product during Covid and also purchased it for my family because I was so impressed by the reviews.

I had partial left knee replacement surgery 5 weeks ago and thought it would be a good thing to use both prior and post surgery as I was having a general anaesthetic. I have had no problems with my breathing and felt confident about starting on 7 drops 3x per day as I'd used the product before. Im still taking it. I'm due to return for a partial right knee replacement as soon as I'm fully healed from the first surgery and will use OxyLift again as I truly believe it to be really beneficial for the body.

 Anni D - Thursday 2 May 2024

I began taking Oxylift about 5 weeks ago. It has been really useful. I began with a very cautious 1-3 drops. 1x daily only. This was because I react to most things badly. I felt the benefit even with this low dose. I experimented a bit with taking a second dose on days when I needed to be more attentive. At this point I take 7drops2x daily, and on occasional days I have taken it 3x daily. I have ME, since 1991, with severe Epstein Barr chronic infection, and serious overloading of heavy metals, radioactive isotopes and industrial and agricultural pesticides and herbicides. I grew up downwind of Windscale now Sellafield during the fifties and sixties. These underlying pollutants have caused long-term damage and decades of illness and dysfunction.

The Oxylift gives me a definite 'lift'! My energy is more reliable and I have also noticed a brighter state of mind and emotion since taking it. I am also taking Oxysan (the page to write a review for this would not load) and I see the two together as gently and consistently addressing the need to cleanse my bloodstream, lyph and cells, of the pollutants aforementioned. The Oxysan has quickly brought a much ore reliable bowel emptying, so that I feel properly clean after. It has caused some very loose stool but I now take 2 capsules daily, first thing in the morning, and this feels just right. Since taking these two products I do feel I have had times when the toxic discharge is taking place at a rate that is quite stressful for my system, and I try to respect the hard work my body is undergoing by taking as much rest as I need on those days. Otherwise I expect to continue with these products longterm, and perhaps indefinitely. Thank you for making them available!

 Mary M - Monday 29 April 2024

This review should have been written a year ago, on behalf of a German friend. I’ve already written my own review.

She had been bothered with shortness of breath and with a ‘squeak in her chest’ for a couple of years . She tried everything including acupuncture. Nothing helped. As a last resort, she tried a cortisone spray that was prescribed for her. She had to use it several times per day - for life! It was diagnosed as allergic asthma. This did help, but she stopped using it as she didn’t want to have to take something like this for the rest of her life. She then tried Oxylift as I had been helped with it. She can’t remember if it was 10 drops or 15 drops, twice a day (first thing in the morning and last thing at night), but it worked. She can’t say that her energy levels necessarily went up, but the shortness of breath and ‘squeak’ in her chest totally disappeared after about 3 weeks.She eventually ran out of the Oxylift and tried another Oxygen supplement that she was able to get in Germany, but it didn’t work. At some point, the shortness of breath and ‘squeak’ came back. She’s now back here in the UK on holiday and just placed a large order.

The product’s great but you have to be consistent with it. For me, it was 10 drops twice a day that worked.

 Thomas W - Saturday 13 April 2024

Excellent product. I always feel better and healthier when taking this.

 Jeffrey G - Tuesday 19 March 2024

Been taking this product for quite a while now my daughter introduced me to it I take 7 drops twice a day my breathing is better and my energy level is higher, I am 81 still going to the gym it definitely works.


 Nicholas B - Thursday 22 February 2024

I have been taking Oxylift for several years now. Eight drops in a glass of water is virtually instantly effective in concentrating the mind.

I also use a similar dilution to cleanse unpeeled fruit in a similar sized glass.

 Tracy G - Sunday 11 February 2024

I bought this for my dad who is 80. He loves it and says he can really see a difference in his energy levels after taking it. He is on his eighth bottle.

 Laura M - Saturday 2 December 2023

I purchased this item instead of Cell food, after reading some articles online. To my experience it is a good product, and it helps me and my family members to have more energy, and feel better. Now I take 13 drops a day, and to me it is enough, while my mum is on 25.

A piece of advice: go on for at least a month to experience some results, it is worthy.

 Rachel C - Sunday 24 September 2023

This has really helped me in the recent months if taking 8 drops twice a day, morning and after lunch. I found my energy has increased and my well being. Definitely recommend this product. ????

 Kyle S - Tuesday 4 July 2023

I took this for 2 weeks but found no noticeable improvements. Perhaps I should have given it longer but it didn't seem to agree with me. The inventor Ed McCabe has published a book advocating its benefits and his results with it. Sadly it didn't work in my case.

Reply From The Finchley Clinic

Two weeks is not enough time to assess the product. The "not agreeing with someone" is nearly always an initial detox reaction, in which case the dosage should be lowered.

 Lindsay C - Friday 26 May 2023

Value Mark Listers info/help newsletters very much

I tried Oxylift 10/15 yrs ago when I was treating Candida but I felt sceptical ‘daily oxygen in drops’ what the hell!!!! Did not take it for long !!!!!!

NOW I’m back and invested as I am sure they give me energy and at nearly 70 this is very important I highly recommend you try and as Mark says give it a fair trial

Thanks Mark

 Karen S - Friday 10 March 2023

I started Oxylift as the Finchley clinic temporarily stopped selling Oxygen Elements Max. Since taking it, I haven't noticed a marked difference between the two. I take 11 drops twice a day, and it works a treat with my energy levels and I think it cleans my blood too. This is a very special supplement for the health of the body and I recommend that you try it for yourself and see. You will need to continue for a minimum of 2 months to experience the healthy effects it can bring. I feel so grateful for the Finchley clinic and it's amazing products.

 Davinder K - Wednesday 8 March 2023

I have been taking 20 drops per day of Oxylift for many years now ( I am not even sure how many now). In deciding whether to take supplement I muscle test and the YES to the Oxylift and the YES to take 20 drops a day never changes so I know it is doing me good. There are very few other supplements that I have been taking this long!

 Kath W - Monday 1 August 2022

I took oxylift for one month in a morning, following the minimum dosage and what a difference it made to me. My BP was a little high and I was feeling a bit under par. My cholesterol was also a bit high so I added oxylift into my daily vitamin and mineral regime and it gave me the boost I needed. I will not hesitate to add into my regime again but so far my BP is normal and equilibrium restored! Thank you.

 Mary M - Friday 15 April 2022

I took Oxylift a few years ago and thought it was an absolute waste of time. It wasn’t until I read how much Mark Lester took when he felt a cold/something coming on (my words), that the penny dropped. I wasn’t taking enough, didn’t follow through. I’d just had the Covid (was like a really bad cold), and I still felt a bit woozy, and had a wedding reception to go to. I thought there was no way I’d make it, but decided to give the OxyLift another try. I took 10 drops in the Evening and still felt flu-ish in the morning. Early in the morning, I took another 10 drops and went back to bed. After an hour, I took another 10 drops and really felt everything lift from me. I really noticed/felt the difference. I took another 10 drops later that day. I continued with the 10 drops three times a day just to get my system going again. I’ve been taking it now for several weeks and also ordered it for family members, including my 95 year old mother. (5 drops three times a day, now down to twice a day). I’ve now reduced the dose to 8 drops, three times a day, It’s a marvellous product but I can’t stress enough that you have to be consistent with it, to stick with it, otherwise it’s a waste. I did manage the Wedding Reception.

 Mary-Anne F - Monday 7 March 2022

Unfortunately could not continue taking Oxylift as citric acid content made acid reflux problem worse.

 Maria C - Monday 28 February 2022

Im not too sure what effect this is having, as I’ve been doing cleanses alongside and perhaps it’s getting lost among all the other supplements. Will continue after cleanses and re-evaluate at a later date.

 Milena D - Friday 4 February 2022

I was taking OxyLift nearly 4 years ago in winter to fight the flu. After 4 months I felt like I developed some heart palpitations. So I stopped it. I was taking 3 times a day 10 drops. And I forgot about it. When last year I had the modern virus and it wasn't easy for me to recover, I remembered OxyLift. I decided to give it another chance. And here I am now, taking it for about 40 days and I feel good. I gradually increased the dose and I am taking 2 times 10 drops, usually morning on an empty stomach and some time 2 hours after lunch. So far no side effects and I manage to stay safe from respiratory problems. Which was my main problem. I definitely will keep taking this product at least for 3 months before having a break for the summer.

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