These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Paratrex I 120 capsules

 Holly J - Sunday 11 February 2024
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I took the entire bottle, and I have to say it regulates you to the point you feel quite amazing. Without going into the nitty gritty I felt completed cleared out every day. I have left it a few months and am going to do the course again I think using it with the other Dr Group de tox products would be incredible, I can recommend this product one hundred percent.

 Valentina T - Wednesday 30 August 2023
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I completed a 60-day course of Partrex, 4 capsules morning and evening, in combination with taking Oxy powder in the evening and every other day Latero Flora in the morning on an empty stomach. I was hoping that my unhealthy cravings for sweets, if not gone at the end of the course, then at least become much less. But this did not happen, and again and again I feel like some creature inside me demands to eat this terrible chocolate.


We are not especially surprised, as neither of these products are designed to help with sugar cravings. Please view the category "healthy blood sugar" on our web site to view the products that may help reduce sugar cravings, or contact us by email.

 Karyn J - Wednesday 21 December 2022
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Mark at Finchley clinic recommended I purchase this product following my success with Global Healing Liver and Gallbadder cleanse.My experience has been enlightening as every day within my stool I see parasites. I’ve become a scrupulous detective in locating parasites of all different sizes. I can truly say Global healing products are the BEST, I have over many years used internal cleanses without much success. Mark is unbelievably helpful and a great listener, always willing to assist and discuss my progress and concerns. I am hoping heavy metals are also being removed and healing will commence now I am using such superb products. I’d highly recommend using Paratrex.

 Kerry F - Friday 16 December 2022
Paratrex I 120 capsules

A blood test showed I had parasites (I’ve lived in Africa for 18 years). Numerous attempts to get rid of them failed, much to my dismay. I then did a 60 day programme taking Paratrex and the aniseed formula together. It involved taking quite a lot of pills! Happily a recent blood test showed that all the parasites have now gone. Would recommend this product.

 Adele B - Friday 30 September 2022
Paratrex I 120 capsules

My partner recently completed the parasite cleanse and found he was riddled with countless parasites. Honestly its truly terrifying what can be lurking within your body. It's thanks to these products that he's now rid of then. He's lost loads of excess weight and his energy is far greater than it was. Thank you for selling these products!!

 Hannah S - Tuesday 30 August 2022
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Great product as always from GHC but unfortunately it wasn't strong enough to deal with my very severe parasite problem!

 Tracy G - Thursday 16 December 2021
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I have never been tested for parasites but after coming back from a trip to India noticed an increase in digestive issues.After taking two bottles I noticed a marked improvement in my digestion and less bloating.I also took probiotics and enemas.I would definitely recommend this product and will continue with a maintenance dose.

Tracy Gaskell

 Melody F - Thursday 26 August 2021
Paratrex I 120 capsules

This stuff works! I knew I had parasites, and lots of them, after spending years in India and Nepal. I have been suffering from the effects of the parasites for a long time. When I started taking Paratrex, I was expecting a more drastic result from the start, but this stuff seems to kill them off slowly and effectively. There were side effects for me, mostly nausea, feeling generally unwell, and headaches, but they weren't all day every day, and I knew it was worth feeling slightly ill for six weeks to get rid of the parasites. I am just about to finish my first course, and would definitely recommend it, but it feels very important that I keep up the maintenance programme as well, to keep killing off the ones I still have, and to stop them coming back. All in all, a very impressive product that does a powerful job without any nasty chemicals.

 Elizabeth K - Sunday 1 August 2021
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I've had gut issues for several years and have done various cleansing protocols, each one helping. But for some time now, it has seemed as though something was going on that just wasn't improving, so I decided to try a parasite cleanse. I also used a few other products to cleanse internally and I think that all of them together have made a huge difference, especially this product. I will probably do another parasite cleanse later in the year to keep on top of the little critters!

 Julie S - Wednesday 16 June 2021
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Gr8 product, good to sort out any nasties, feel gr8 after taking this.

 Valentina T - Thursday 14 January 2021
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I took Paratrex six months ago or so. I did not diagnose parasites before or after I took the course. I took a course for prevention, because I know that every person has these creatures inside. If do paying attention to the obvious changes, it is the fact that I no longer have bloating. But, I continue to take Oxy- Powder, so it's hard for me to say whether Paratrex helped me in any way or not.

 Karen S - Wednesday 6 January 2021
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I started Paratrex on 28th November and I wanted to start slowly as my body is extremely sensitive. So I took one capsule before breakfast and then another before lunch (7 hours apart) even though the instructions on the bottle is 3 twice a day.

On the 5th December I took 2 Paratrex before breakfast. I felt the stuff deeply affecting my internal organs and a few unpleasant side effects appeared, of strange lights in my vision ( a bit like an LSD trip!) I felt very hot and I thought I would collapse through fainting. It passed after about twenty minutes and food in my stomach.

I spoke to my acupuncturist who has known me for 10 years and she said that my response to the product comes from having weak liver blood and that it was my body's warning to go slower with it.

A couple of years ago, I had a parasite test which came up as negative and a private medical screen which resulted in finding some organisms in my bladder/uretha. I know that the ingredients in Paratrex kills off harmful bacteria/organisms so since taking it very slowly (it's now 6th January ) some of the burning and urgency in the bladder has lessened considerably.

I'm aware that we are supposed to take 6 a day, but my body just cannot handle that much, so I'll probably have to continue taking it at my own pace over the long term.. If my body gets used to it, I may be able to increase the dosage in the future, who knows?.

Overall, Paratrex and the ingredients in it can be trusted totally and I recommend this product to anyone who suspects they have a parasite infestation or any other unidentified organisms that, in my experience,the NHS testing labs continue to miss!

I apologise for the long-winded review, but I thought it might be helpful for other customers to know of my experience.

Thanks always to Mark and the Finchley Clinic for selling this product.

 Anna K - Tuesday 8 December 2020
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Brilliant product. I do feel that it is really working in regards to the harmful worms

 Liam I - Tuesday 18 February 2020
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Great organic natural product. Generally cleared a few gut issues I had that I was worried about. See the course through to be sure your rid of all freeloaders. Pills smelt like Hubba Bubba bubblegum, so very pleasant to take.

 Lynda T - Sunday 10 February 2019
Paratrex I 120 capsules

This product is a great start on your journey to rid parasites. I react to products very easily but did not to this. It was kind on the tummy, and kills parasites slowly. Remember that after killing parasites, ensure you use a charcoal product to clear out eggs and a gut healing product to slowly heal the intestines. All are available here. You may need to use this product or bleach ealnut more than once to rid parasites, with a break to remove eggs and heal.

 Suki Z - Tuesday 27 November 2018
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Paratrex is my go-to product for myself and my clients dealing in invasive beasties! It's super profound in conjunction with colonics and enemas. Another stellar product from GHC

 Debora F - Sunday 27 May 2018
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I had been looking for a parasite cleanse kit for quite a while and eventually chose the 'Harmful Organism Cleanse Kit' by GHC containing Paratrex because of great past experiences with their line of products (Liver Cleanse Kit, Oxy-Powder). I knew I had a parasitic infection of some kind (diagnosed mainly through different bio-resonance technologies but at least one parasite confirmed by a stool test) and wanted to make sure I'd get rid of those and potentially others that I didn't even know about. I did the cleanse for about 7 weeks and had really bad detox symptoms in the beginning (for the first 2-3 weeks, feeling extremely fatigued, having terrible headaches and the like) but then slowly getting better. In hindsight, I should have lowered the dosage I was taking when I got started to reduce the detox load that my body had to handle. But anyways... to my regret, I didn't pass any worms or anything visible ( that would have been satisfying to see) but considering the massive detox reaction I had for almost half of the time I am sure my body got rid of all different kinds of things. Unfortunately, I'm still experiencing strong bloating which I've had for the past 7 years but that's probably because it wasn't related to any parasitic activity in my body. A candida cleanse is what's next on my list... overall, I can absolutely recommend this product!

 Lynda T - Wednesday 11 April 2018
Paratrex I 120 capsules

A couple of weeks after using the combination of Aniseed Formula and Paratrex I noticed that my constant urge to pass water which was a symptom of the UTI's I am susceptible to disappeared. When I stopped taking it, unfortunately it came back, so clearly I didn't take it for long enough as I'm not cured yet. But it definitely helps with urine infection and I know I'm on the right track.

 Adam C - Friday 26 January 2018
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I have been using this product for a few days so far and so far so good no digestive issues with it following my Liver Cleanse I thought it was best to be on safe side and clean out any potential threats. The ingredients have sound science behind them and I can understand why they have been chosen. Overall another great product form GHC.

 Justyna D - Monday 4 December 2017
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Superb product. Easily tolerated without causing any unpleasant reactions (I am usually very sensitive and don't tolerate many products).

 Louay A - Friday 13 January 2017
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I feel that the manufacturer of this product uses top quality ingredients and I have had experience of many of their other products and so I thought i'd give this parasite cleanse a try. Apparently the main herbal ingredients in this product are the ones that are very effective at killing 1 or so varieties of parasites so it is a very effective way at dealing with a parasite problem.

I bought two bottles of Paratrex (which is required to cover the 6 weeks needed to kill the parasites) and took the suggested dosage of 3 capsules before breakfast and lunch. I noticed after bowel movements that I would notice what looked to be small worm like entities. So I guess it worked, and am seriously considering this to be an annual thing for my health and wellbeing because apparently parastites are everywhere.

All in all I would highly recommend this manufacturer and product.

 Daryl C - Sunday 28 February 2016
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I noticed the morning after eating sushi I developed what I believe to be pin worms. Not nice just google them and you know what I mean. After a few days taking this product as recommended on the label the itching was gone. It you suspect you have encountered parasites try these.

 Kim C - Sunday 3 August 2008
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I suffered from diarrhoea for a couple of years for unknown reasons. My doctor was useless and said that, unless my supposed 'food intolerances' were life threatening, I would not be able to see a specialist; very helpful! Nothing came of a test for parasites either (probably not sensitive enough). Well, I didn't need a specialist! Having discovered Paratrex, I took it for six weeks in conjunction with Colosan and have had lovely, well-formed poos ever since (and it's been over 6 months)! Thank you, Mark!


Royston, Hertfordshire

 Kim C - Monday 31 December 2007
Paratrex I 120 capsules

Since taking paratrex and colosan, I have been feeling REALLY good - more energy, and somehow just "right". I dont know whether this is due mostly to the colosan or the paratrex. All I can say is that I feel great.

 Zoe M - Tuesday 12 December 2006
Paratrex I 120 capsules

I had giarddia parasite as confirmed by my kiniesioloigst since 1992 and i have had symtoms of right side gut pain, bloating, and under the ribs with intolerances especially to dairy, wheat and some fruits since. Since I tried the paratrex defintely reduced my reaction to foods after about a month. I am now near the end of my second bottle. I still need to avoid sugar, wheat and dairy as it seems to cause a flare up if I do have these things, so I'm not cured yet, but I'm getting there.

I have also been taking oxy powder but have not taken it very diligently.