Pau d'Arco (Lapacho) Extract 60 Vegicaps

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Price £12.60
 6 Reviews
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  • Supports the body's defence.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Contains antioxidants.

Pau d’Arco extract (Tabebuia impetiginosa) is derived from the bark of a giant hardwood tree that is native to the Amazon rainforest in South America. Also known as 'Purple Lapacho' - Pau d'Arco trees and bark infusions have been used by many rainforest tribes for over two thousand years to contribute to the immune system.

Today it is still popular with the modern populations of Peru and Brazil.The bark contains many actives and is a souce of antioxidants.

Rio Amazon Pau d'Arco vegicaps are prepared using only certified inner bark from the ‘cambium’ layer of these magnificent rainforest hardwoods. This process is entirely sustainable and the bark can be ‘harvested’ causing no permanent damage to the tree.


Normal dose: 1 capsule per day, before food.


Pau d’Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa) bark extract 500mg (5:1) - equivalent to 2500mg whole herb.
Capsule shell: vegetable cellulose.



Botanical Info

Botanical names: Tabebuia impetiginosa, Tabebuia avellanedae.
Common names: Pau d’Arco, Lapacho, Bow-Stick, Ipe roxo, Taheebo, Tajy, ‘The Tree Of Life.’.

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