These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.

Reviews for Replete Intensive 140g - 130 billion per daily intake

 Sheela G - Wednesday 13 May 2020
Replete Intensive 140g - 130 billion per daily intake

I’ve been using this product for more then a decade, shipped it to myself in England, then Italy, and now to the United States, it’s because it’s the very best probiotic I’ve found. We travel a lot and it’s solved many cases of food poisoning as well as general immune and digestive health. It’s worked on horrible cases of food poisoning back in the day and it worked in 20 minutes. This product has been tested in the worst time and it’s come through like tons of little warriors coming to your rescue after the bad stuff in your body, We’ve been taking it with us in suitcases and putting it in hotel refrigerators everywhere we go just in case. It always helps with colds & flus to flush everything bad out and get through viruses faster as well. I can’t recommend it enough,

Note From The Finchley Clinic

Replete does not need refrigeration, as it is shelf stable within the sachets. 

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