These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
 Pam B - Date Added: Friday 2 July 2004

I used Threelac on its own for 8 weeks, beginning with one a day and building up to 2 a day for the second month. The first packet i used i 'felt' it working in a very physical way but thereafter, i was not aware of this - in 3 days my severe itching on the back subsided and the 'spit test' showed an improvement from the test i did 3 days before which had fungal yeast covering the entire base of the glass! At the end of the first month, the lesions on my arm, back and chest and face started drying up (usually infected, bleeding and painful). During the second month, I added Oxygen Elements Max but was not really aware of further improvement because of it, however, I had steady improvement of symptoms - less lesions, less yeast in the spit test, no more itching from the very first packet (which i suffered for 15 yrs!), improved oral thrush, better energy, clearer thinking, less short-term memory loss and calmer as my body seemed calmer!
I stopped taking 3lac for 2 months and tried a soil organism product (experiment) and immediately had 'die off' reaction and my old symptoms gradually came back but not as fierce as they were before. So i returned to 3Lac on 3 a day for week, and 2 a day from week two and the symptoms have dramatically improved, but the terrible fatigue is taking longer to deal with. The most dramatic result was the cessation of itching and it never came back, even when i went without 3Lac. I am aware it may have done if I carried on without it thinking i had got rid of the yeast when i hadn't.
Although it is recommend to carry on eating natural sugar with 3Lac, i found that it was more effective when i went without fruit in particular (for 4 weeks). I am now combining this with Active Enzymes and Colostrum as a program, in an attempt to control yeast, leaky gut and supressed immune system. I recommend the product for anyone with fungal yeast issues but have read testimonies that as a probiotic, it improves a range of symptoms, including re-current infections, chronic fatigue, and other serious diseases.