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New! SevenLac  - The next step beyond Threelac and Fivelac

* 60 days money back offer in case of dissatisfaction - Offer limited to two boxes per household.

Back in the early 2000’s we were the first company to introduce a somewhat revolutionary probiotic to the UK and EU market - Threelac. It got results with candida and intestinal challenges which went beyond the results we usually got with mainstream probiotics. A number of companies published a lot of nonsense about it on the internet in a desperate (and we regret to say, fairly successful) attempt to discredit it, so that the sales of their own inferior products were not disrupted. Did this product work for everyone? No, but there again no probiotic product works for all the people all of the time.

Then a few years later, the manufacturers introduced Fivelac, which contained the same core bacteria as Threelac but added two additional probiotic strains.

Now (2020), GHT have introduced their new seven strain probiotic – not surprisingly, called Sevenlac. Although we do not especially recommend those who are huge fans of Threelac and Fivelac to switch products that they get on well with, in theory Sevenlac is the best of the three products.

Other advantages of Sevenlac over Threelac and Fivelac

We’ve been pressing GHT for years to remove one ingredient from Threelac and Fivelac – canola oil – and replace it with a healthier oil. We have not been terribly successful so far in persuading them to remove canola oil from the aforementioned products (although we will continue to press them on this, and are not scared to be a nuisance). But we are pleased to announce that in Sevenlac, the canola oil has been replaced with sunflower oil, we suspect in part as a result of our pressure / nagging / pestering. Although this change won’t make any difference whatsoever to the probiotic's effectiveness, we are very pleased that they have replaced canola oil with what we believe to be a better oil in terms of general health.

The second thing that's different is that Sevenlac does not contain yeast. There is a genuine purpose for the yeast in Threelac and Fivelac, and the claim that all yeast must be completely avoided by candida sufferers is at best over simplistic. It's discussed in detail on the FAQ page. Nonetheless in Sevenlac this has been replaced with Cornstarch and Inulin as food sources for the probiotic ingredients as it seems to confuse many customers inThreeLac, and Fivelac

New Patented Probiotic Ingredient

Recently developed by Global Health Trax’s team, the new probiotic strain of Lactobacillus johnsonii is showing exciting possibilities, among which are positive effects on the immune system. This bacterium is not available in any other probiotic that we know of, and is being studied for its potential benefits in food supplementation and health.

How Probiotics Contribute To A Health Gut Microbiome

Probiotics secrete hydrogen peroxide which kill unhealthy bacteria in the gut. They are also involved with absorption of a number of nutrients, and even the production of some vitamins, such as menaquinones (vitamin K2). This is important because in the case, for example of K2, there are very few food sources of Vitamin K2, and the conversion from vitamin K1 is often rather inefficient. In the case of Sevenlac, the Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecalis have become famous as the cornerstone of Threelac, as they are especially helpful where it comes to fighting candida. 

SevenLac Active Ingredients

Bacillus coagulans: A probiotic organism that may help control occasional digestion and stomach problems.

Bacillus subtilis: A probiotic organism that may help crowd out “bad” flora in the intestines.

Enterococcus faecalis: Enterococci constitute a major genus within the lactic acid bacteria group that exists naturally in the human digestive tract. This effective probiotic bacteria is the result of formulation under strict laboratory conditions.

Lactobacillus acidophilus: These friendly bacteria inhabit the intestinal tract. The breakdown of nutrients by L. acidophilus produces lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other by-products to enhance optimal intestinal flora.

Bifidobacterium longum: B. longum may help keep the digestive system running smoothly.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus: Has proven useful in the prevention and treatment of various types of diarrhea, as well as acute gastroenteritis.

Lactobacillus johnsonii: Able to positively influence both the intestinal and systemic immune systems, L. johnsonii is showing many benefits, one of which may be a role in inhibiting gastrin production (gastrin is a hormone that tends to produce a highly acidic condition). Another potential plus is a powerful growth-inhibitory effect on pathogenic (harmful) bacteria.

Comparing Threelac, Fivelac and Sevenlac

Ingredient Threelac Fivelac Sevenalac
Bacillus coagulans Y Y Y
Bacillus subtillis Y Y Y
Enterococcus Faecalis* Y Y Y
Bifidobacterium longum - Y Y
Lactobcillus acidophilus - Y Y
Lactobacillus rhamnosus - - Y
Lactobacillus johnsonii - - Y

How many live bacteria does Sevenlac contain? 

Global Health Trax will only tell us that it is a proprietary formula, so they're not telling anyone. If you think this isn't an amazing answer, we agree with you. If the customer asks the question, they expect an answer. We will continue to make it clear that some customers will point blank refuse to buy the product until they provide the requested information. They claim that they also do not divulge this because the number of live bacteria is not the be all and end all. Although we think they should be willing to answer the question, in fairness we 100% agree with this point. In fact we would go further. We give you our promise based on experience, that the CFU count isn't the most important factor, no matter what you will read on some web sites. Low CFU (colony forming units) probiotics often get perfectly good results, and inside the gastrointestinal tract their life cycle is so fast that they multiply incredibly quickly (within hours). What is far more relevent is whether whether the strains they contain are useful for the consumer purchasing the product.

Anyway....this is the number of live bacteria we think it contains...

We know that Threelac contains a minimum of 500 million of each of the three strains it contains, and Fivelac contains a minimum of 500 million of each of the five strains it contains. These are the guaranteed minimum numbers at the end of the shelf life. The number when fresh out of the factory we would assume are higher. The only reason we know this is because this is what they told us in the days when they did divulge this information to us. Although we can't give a caste-iron promise, we think it's reasonable to assume that Sevenlac also contains 500 million of each of the seven live bacteria that it contains. For this reason we think it's a minimum of 3.5 billion per sachet. Back in the 1990's even a one billion strength probiotic was considered to be a high CFU content product and more than adequate. Times have changed and now this figure is considered to be low, but as stated above, we do agree with the manufacturers that the number of live bacteria is nowhere near as important as claimed by some people. We can only hope that the manufactures, if they read this page will understand that we are not trying to denigrate them. We know from 25 years experience that in the UK at least, this question will be posed, and we have to provide an answer. 

FAQ's on Sevenlac

We haven't written an frequently asked questions page for Sevenlac, but most of the questions you are likely to ask are the same as the ones you'll find on our Threelac FAQ page. However we will address the single most common question here...

Does Sevenlac require refrigeration?


Suggested Usage

Adults and children take one to two packets a day to start. Empty the packet contents into your mouth and follow with a few ounces of water, and add powder to a few ounces of water and drink. If additional support is desired, you may gradually build to a higher numbe of packets. Amount needed may vary from person to person. Packets may be taken any time of day, with or without meals. 

Store in cool, dry location. Once packets are opened they should be used immediately. 

Ingredients Label (Click on image to expand)
Ingredients Label

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