What is Oxygen Elements Max

Oxygen Elements Max is designed to flood your body with oxygen. When you do this, you create an environment in which health is enhanced.. Oxygen Elements Plus is also designed to de-toxifiy the body generally. This is achieved by a chain reaction, which occurs after ingesting this product, which promotes the liberation of oxygen from the water (H2O) in the body.

Oxygen Elements Max was originally called Hydroxygen Plus but the name was changed in 2003 due a complaint from another company selling health food supplements who carried a product with a similar name. In 2007, the name was changed again to Oxygen Elements Max. However we have retained the term Oxygen Elements Plus on this page as so many people still know the product by its old name.

Oxygen Elements Plus is a liquid Oxygen supplement also containing digestive enzymes, metabolic enzymes, 21 amino acids and 77 trace minerals. In some cases people notice a difference almost straight away, but we reccomend it be tried for 2-3 months on a dosage of 7 drops, three times per day (requiring 2-3 bottles) to fully assess its effectiveness. Please also note, for people with serious illnesses often take it in much higher than standard doses, and recieve anecdotal reports on how useful this has been., This product has helped with a vast array of problems and you can read some wonderful reviws by clicking here. There are more recent reviews here.

The following material is taken from the manufacturers web site though we have made some minor alternations.

Oxygen Elements Plus helps your cells to breathe better, and rapid, deep detoxification is promoted by this powerful product! Since the human body completely reconstitutes itself every 11 months, a 3 to 4 times daily addition of Oxygen Elements Plus to your diet may result in an entirely new, more energized and oxygenated body.

Oxygen Elements Plus can mean a better, cleaner, stronger future you!

We need oxygen in our bodies. The medical profession has confirmed that most viruses, parasites, bacteria, fungus and pathogens are anaerobic - they CANNOT live in an oxygen rich environment. If we are not getting enough oxygen - our bodies become fertile breeding ground for disease.

Oxygen Elements Plus should be the cornerstone of your nutritional foundation - The Crown Jewel of your health programme.

Important Points about Oxygen Elements Plus

Oxygen Elements Plus helps to generate more oxygen. It actually assists your body in achieving optimum health & LONGEVITY!
Oxygen Elements Plus super energized minerals are in the highest bioavailable form known to exist today.
Oxygen Elements Plus helps to metabolically increase the effectiveness of vitamins, herbs, and nutrients four to five times.
Oxygen Elements Plus may reduce infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites!
Oxygen Elements Plus has no side effects, is non-toxic and can be taken by children and adults.

Add 3 drops of Oxygen Elements Plus per pint to purify uncertain water and remove the bad taste. In earthquake areas, Oxygen Elements Plus should be kept available to assure water that has been stored for several months can be purified.

(Note: It is suggested that Oxygen Elements Plus not be added until ready to use).

Ed McCabe, "Mr. Oxygen," reports that darkfield microscope studies of people taking Oxygen Elements Plus show that within 15 minutes of ingestion, most of the patient's blood cells appeared cleaner and more free flowing.

Oxygen Elements Plus's Top Benefits

1) Oxygen Elements Plus is a free radical scavenger.

2) Oxygen Elements Plus is designed to enhance nutrient absorption. The users absorb more nutrient value from the foods and supplements they consume, because the trace mineral activated enzymes (both digestive and metabolic enzymes) help the body work more efficiently. The strong catalytic activity of Oxygen Elements Plus promotes greater nutrient absorption and availability of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutrient factors.

3) Oxygen Elements Plus is an energy booster. With the increased energy reserves the Oxygen Elements Plus imparts, there is a gradual but significant detoxification of cellular wastes, allowing the body to function cleanly and efficiently, further increasing energy level over time. The trace element support of the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems functions may contribute to overall increased energy, relief from allergies, and decreased sleep requirements.

4) Oxygen Elements Plus is a detoxifier. When Oxygen Elements Plus is taken and the energy potential in the body is increased, the natural mechanism in most people's bodies is to increase metabolism of waste material out of the body. This can result in detoxification symptoms -- such as headaches, achiness, skin eruptions, recurrence of past symptoms -- if it is done too rapidly, and especially if the eliminative channels of the body are congested.

5) Oxygen Elements Plus may help to balance the body's metabolism. Oxygen Elements Plus is highly charged electrostatically, and its dibase solution has a bipolar valence, creating a dualistic healing approach to tissue imbalances. Meaning that whether there is an anabolic or catabolic imbalance, Oxygen Elements Plus can help to bring about an appropriate balance and activate the body's rapid healing response.

6) Oxygen Elements Plus is a wound healer. It acts as a free electron donor, repairing tissue on contact at the cellular level. People using Oxygen Elements Plus topically report very satisfactory results with warts, moles, other skin anomalies, athlete's foot, fingernail and toenail fungus.

7) Oxygen Elements Plus is a fabulous water treatment. The powerful bacteriostatic and flocculating effects of Oxygen Elements Plus can be witnessed by adding two drops of Oxygen Elements Plus to a gallon of water and setting the mixture aside for four to eight hours. The result is potable water.

8) Oxygen Elements Plus is great for plants, cut flowers, and pets flourish with Oxygen Elements Plus. Try it on your house plants or some cut flowers. Your plants will flourish with it. Put it in your pet's water and see what happens (approximately 1 drop for every 7 kg of bodyweight is suggested).

9) Oxygen Elements Plus is absolutely stable. It becomes more potent with age. Sunlight charges it's energy potential. Airport x-ray machines and other electromagnetic influences do not affect Oxygen Elements Plus .

10) Oxygen Elements Plus is extraordinary. The secret of the effectiveness of Oxygen Elements Plus is the physics involved in capturing, combining, and concentrating these elements into one easy-to-take drop in a glass of water. Because the elements in Oxygen Elements Plus are in a special ionic form in colloidal suspension, Oxygen Elements Plus is designed to replenish proper blood levels of these nutrients and enhance the metabolic benefit of other supplements and nutrients, as well as assist in the elimination of toxins and toxic waste materials from the body.

11) Oxygen Elements Plus is cost effective.

As we have far more to say about this product than we can articulate on one page, please visit the links below for more detailed information:-

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